Prijeđite na glavni sadržaj

dr. sc. Dario Omanović

voditelj laboratorija znanstveni savjetnik u trajnom izboru
+385 1 468 0231
Interni broj

Institut Ruđer Bošković
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb

Područja znanosti


2020-2022:   Partnership between scientists and fisherman - a network of town Ploče: Assessment of the physico-chemical and biological quality status of the fishery zone (Partner)

2020-2022:   Croatian Water Agency: Monitoring of transitional and coastal waters of the Adriatic Sea (Partner)

2020-2022:   ADRION project: SEAVIEWS - Sector Adaptive Virtual Early Warning System for marine pollution (Partner)

2020-2020:    INTERREG CRO-ITA: Protecting the Enclosed Parts of the Sea in Adriatic from pollution (PEPSEA), Testing of pilot location and development of risk models and plans for cases of sudden sea pollution - Kaštela Bay. (Collaborator)

2020-2020:    INTERREG CRO-ITA: Protecting the Enclosed Parts of the Sea in Adriatic from pollution (PEPSEA), Testing of pilot location and development of risk models and plans for cases of sudden sea pollution - Sali, Dugi otok (Collaborator)

2018-2020:   MedPAN project: NaTEF – Nautical Tourism Ecological Footprint in MPAs (PI)

2018-2020:   Chinese/Croatian project: The speciation of trace metals in seawater at phase boundaries - implementation of advanced methodologies (PI)

2017-2019:   HRZZ project: "ReHOHMem - Direct reuse of municipal wastewater for agriculture irrigation with membrane technologies" (Collaborator)

2015-2019:   HRZZ project: “New methodological approach to biogeochemical studies of trace metal speciation in coastal aquatic ecosystems” (PI)

2016-2019:   Croatian Water Agency/IZOR-Split: Monitoring of transitional and coastal waters of the Adriatic Sea (Collaborator)

2016-2017:   Chinese/Croatian project: Comparison study on submarine groundwater discharge and its impacts on the eco-environments between Changjiang and Krka River estuaries - High human activity vs. low human activity (Collaborator)

2014-2015:   Chinese/Croatian bilateral project: Determination of trace metal speciation in coastal waters: towards developing new criteria for water quality control and risk assessment (Collaborator)

2014-2015:   Croatian Water Agency/IZOR-Split: Monitoring of transitional and coastal waters of the Adriatic Sea (Collaborator/Partner)

2014-2015:   COMECOM/MERMEX - Metal contaminants in Mediterranean Coastal Environment (Partner)

2012-2013:   French DGA agency: Study of electrochemical methods for the detection of trace metals in seawater (Partner)

2011-2012:   COGITO (FRA-CRO) project: An impact of antifouling paints as a source of contamination by ecotoxic metals in the coastal marine environment (CRO PI)

2010-2012:   Gold microwire: a new tool for trace metal speciation in natural waters (Royal Society of Chemistry) (CRO PI)

2007-2011:   “Interactions of trace metal species in an aquatic environment”, Croatian governmental project (Collaborator)

2008-2009:   PHC ECONET (France, Croatia, B&H): Direct determination of arsenic species in natural ecosystems by electrochemistry and modelling of it speciation (CRO PI)

2006-2009:   „Marine Science and Coastal Management in the Adriatic, Western Balkan, An Educational and Reserch Network“, Norwegian science foundation, (Collaborator)

2005-2007:   „Ecotoxic trace metals in aquatic organisms of Plitvice Lakes National Park” – NP PL (PI)

2005-2008:   „MONALISA-Matiere Organique Naturelle en Milieu Sale“. Groupement de Recherche. Multipartitna suradnja s Universite de Toulon et du Var, Universite Aix-Marseille III, Universite de Bordeaux I, i IFREMER-a., Universite de Toulon et du Var, Universite Aix-Marseille III, Universite de Bordeaux I, and IFREMER-a, (Collaborator)

2003-2005:   "Environmental sono-electroanalysis: Manganese speciation and determination". Institute "Ruđer Bošković" and Oxford University, Physical and theoretical chemistry laboratory. (Collaborator)

1993-1996:   "Electroanalytical instrumentation development for physico-chemical characterisations of trace metals in the marine environment." EUREKA project EU-493 EUROMAR – ELANI. (Collaborator)

1998-2000:   „Development and application of methods for trace metals speciation“, Croatian governmental project (PI)

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Prilagodi postavke
  • Kolačići koji su nužni za ispravno funkcioniranje stranice. Moguće ih je onemogućiti u postavkama preglednika.