Division of Experimental Physics
Welcome to the Division of experimental physics (DEP) at the RBI. We are focused on research in experimental and theoretical nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics and quantum information. There are over 60 staff members, including more than 30 Ph.D.s.
Welcome to the Division of experimental physics (DEP) at the RBI. We are focused on research in experimental and theoretical nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, and on quantum information. There are over 60 staff members, including more than 30 Ph.D.s.
We are engaged in numerous experiments and experimental complexes abroad and in Croatia, maintaining strong performance in both basic and applied physics research.
As of January 2012, we have seven of the nine European Commission FP7 projects at the RBI. The DEP consists of nine laboratories and is eager to increase its number of students and senior researchers.