Dr. Darija Domazet Jurašin
Date: 2004 - 2010
Place: Zagreb
Institution: University of Zagreb/Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Chemistry
Title of qualification awarded: Ph. D. in chemistry
Date: 1996 - 2004
Place: Zagreb
Institution: University of Zagreb/Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Chemistry
Title of qualification awarded: B. Sc. in chemistry
Project Leader:
- 2020 - 2022 - Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project: Quantittative analysis of lipid peroxidation in model polyunsaturated lipid membranes in the presence of flavonoids using MS and FTIR spectroscopies
- 2011 - Characterization of biopolymeric scaffolds interaction with cells. Project was funded by Unity through Knowledge Fund (UKF), Gaining Experience Grant.
- 2022. – Europe Horizon project Surface transfer of pathogens (STOP), project leader: Ph.D. Maja Dutour Sikirić
- 2018 – 2023; Mechanisms of calcium phosphates formation on inorganic nanomaterials. A biomimetic synthetic route for multifunctional nanocomposites for hard tissue regeneration (CaPBiomimNanocomp), project leader: Ph.D. Maja Dutour Sikirić. Project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation.
- 2017 – 2022; Protective mechanisms and effects of nano-delivered flavonoids in model cell membranes and neurons (NanoFlavNeuroProtect), project leader: Ph.D. Suzana Šegota. Project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation.
- 2016 – 2017; Biocompatible nanoparticles with enhanced therapeutic efficacy of flavonoids in food, project leader: Ph.D. Suzana Šegota. Project was funded by Business Innovation Croatian Agency (BICRO), Proof of Concept.
- 2016 – 2017; Croatian-Serbian bilateral project Biodegradable nanoparticles with increased flavonoid therapeutic efficacy, project leader: Ph.D. Suzana Šegota. Project was funded by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport.
- 2014 - 2017; Bioinspired materials – Formation Mechanisms and Interaction, project leader: Ph.D. Damir Kralj. Project was funded by Croatian Science Foundation.
- 2014 – 2016; Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project Development of calcium phosphate bioceramics for hard tissue regeneration based on biomineralization, project leader: Ph.D. Maja Dutour Sikirić. Project was funded by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport.
- 2012 - 2013; Multifunctional composite coating for bone implants, project leader: Ph.D. Maja Dutour Sikirić. Project was funded by Business Innovation Croatian Agency (BICRO), Proof of Concept.
- 2007 – 2014; Surfactants, Processes in Solutions and at Interfaces, project leader: Ph.D. Nada Filipović-Vinceković (2007 – 2010) and Ph.D. Maja Dutour Sikirić (2010 - 2014). Project was funded by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport.
- 2010 - 2011; Croatian-Serbian bilateral project Synthesis of amorphous calcium phosphate by ultrasonic sprey pyrolysis, project leader: Ph.D. Maja Dutour Sikirić. Project was funded by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport.
- 2007 - 2009; FP6 SSA INCOMAT Creating international cooperation teams of excellence in the field of emerging biomaterial surface research, project leader: prof. Klaus Leifeith. Project was funded by EU.
- 2002 - 2006; Surfactants, Processes in Solutions and at Interfaces, project leader: Ph.D. Nada Filipović-Vinceković. Project was funded by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport.
Featured Publications
- M. Rubčić, M. Herak, L. Zagorec, D. Domazet Jurašin*, Transition Metal-Based Dimeric Metallosurfactants: From Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Structures and Low-Dimensional Magnets to Metallomicelles, Inorganic chemistry 63 (2024) 12218-12230.
- A. Selmani, J. Lützenkirchen, K. Kučanda, D. Dabić, E. Redel, I. Delač Marion, D. Kralj, D. Domazet Jurašin*, M. Dutour Sikirić, Tailoring the stability/aggregation of one-dimensional TiO2(B)/titanate nanowires using surfactants, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10 (2019) 1024-1037.
- D. Domazet Jurašin, M. Ćurlin, I. Capjak, T. Crnković, M. Lovrić, M. Babič, D. Horak, I. Vinković Vrček, S. Gajović, Surface coating affects behavior of metallic nanoparticles in a biological environment, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 7 (2016) 246-262.
- S. Novak, S. Morasi Piperčić, S. Makarić, I, Primožič, M. Ćurlin, Z. Štefanić, D. Domazet Jurašin*, Interplay of Noncovalent Interactions in Ionic Liquid/Sodium Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate Mixtures: From Lamellar to Bicontinuous Cubic Liquid Crystalline Phase, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (2016) 12557-12567.
- M. Skočibušić, R. Odžak, Z. Štefanić, I. Križić, L. Krišto, O. Jović, T. Hrenar, I. Primožič, D. Jurašin*, Structure-property relationship of quinuclidinium surfactants-Towards multifunctional biologically active molecules, Colloids and Surfaces B - Biointerfaces 140 (2016) 548-559.
- D. Jurašin*, A. Pustak, I. Habuš, I. Šmit, N. Filipović-Vinceković, Polymorphism and Mesomorphism of Oligomeric Surfactants: Effect of the Degree of Oligomerization, Langmuir 27 (2011) 14118-14130.
- D. Jurašin*, I. Habuš, N. Filipović−Vinceković, Role of the alkyl chain number and head groups location on surfactants self−assembly in aqueous solutions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 368 (2010) 119−128.
- D. Jurašin*, M. Vinceković, A. Pustak, I. Šmit, M. Bujan, N. Filipović-Vinceković, Lamellar to Hexagonal Columnar Liquid Crystalline Phase Transition in a Catanionic Surfactant Mixture: Dodecylammonium Chloride/Sodium Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate, Soft Matter 9 (2013) 3349-3360.
Publications - book chapters
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Šegota, Suzana ; Čadež, Vida ; Selmani, Atiđa ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Recent Advances in Catanionic Mixtures // Application and Characterization of Surfactants. | Rijeka: IntechOpen, 2017. str. 33-73
www.intechopen.com -
Jurašin, Darija ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Higher oligomeric surfactants – from fundamentals to applications // Oligomerization of chemical and biological compounds. | Rijeka: IntechOpen, 2014. str. 133-172
Publications - journal articles
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Rubčić, Mirta; Herak, Mirta; Ivančić, Ana; Topić, Edi; Beriša, Emma; Tartaro Bujak, Ivana; Domazet Jurašin, Darija | Tuning the Properties of Dodecylpyridinium Metallosurfactants: The Role of Iron-Based Counterions // International journal of molecular sciences, 26 (2025), 06; 2540-1-2540-21. doi: 10.3390/ijms26062540
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Mandura Jarić, Ana; Petrović, Predrag; Domazet Jurašin, Darija; Vrsaljko, Domagoj; Nižić Nodilo, Laura; Kuzmić, Sunčica; Kovačević, Monika; Logarušić, Marijan; Slivac, Igor; Komes, Draženka | Electrospun pullulan/hemp protein nanohybrids for sustained release of phenylethanoid glycosides // Food and Bioprocess Technology, 18 (2025), 2; 1325, 1345. doi: 10.1007/s11947-024-03520-y
doilink.springer.comdx.doi.org -
Mišković, Marija Zora; Wojtyś, Marta; Winiewska-Szajewska, Maria; Wielgus-Kutrowska, Beata; Matković, Marija; Domazet Jurašin, Darija; Štefanić, Zoran; Bzowska, Agnieszka; Leščić Ašler, Ivana | Location Is Everything: Influence of His-Tag Fusion Site on Properties of Adenylosuccinate Synthetase from Helicobacter pylori // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 14; 7613, 20. doi: 10.3390/ijms25147613
doi -
Rubčić, Mirta; Herak, Mirta; Zagorec, Leona; Domazet Jurašin, Darija | Transition metal-based dimeric metallosurfactants: from organic–inorganic hybrid structures and low-dimensional magnets to metallomicellesb // Inorganic chemistry, 63 (2024), 26; 12218-12230. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c01550
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Milić, Marija ; Ilić, Krunoslav ; Erceg, Ina ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Maltar-Strmečki, Nadica ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Impact of TiO2 nanomaterials with different morphologies and their calcium phosphate composites on hemostasis and immunocompatibility // Bulletin of materials science, 46 (2023), 4; 187, 16. doi: 10.1007/s12034-023-03021-2
doilink.springer.com -
Inkret, Suzana ; Erceg, Ina ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Kalčec, Nikolina ; Peranić, Nikolina ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Comparison of bovine serum albumin and chitosan effects on calcium phosphate formation in the presence of silver nanoparticles // RSC Advances, 13 (2023), 17384-17397. doi: 10.1039/D3RA02115G
doipubs.rsc.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Inkret, Suzana ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Smokrović, Kristina ; Kalčec, Nikolina ; Peranić, Nikolina ; Maltar-Strmečki, Nadica ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Can Differently Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Modify Calcium Phosphate Precipitation? // Materials, 16 (2023), 5; 1764, 23. doi: 10.3390/ma16051764
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Pašalić, Lea ; Pem, Barbara ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Vazdar, Mario ; Bakarić, Danijela | Interaction of guanidinium and ammonium cations with phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine lipid bilayers – Calorimetric, spectroscopic and molecular dynamics simulations study // Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes, 1865 (2023), 4; 184122, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2023.184122
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Vukosav, Petra ; Pašalić, Lea ; Bakarić, Danijela ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Mišić Radić, Tea | Interaction of Silica Nanoparticles with Microalgal Extracellular Polymers // Water, 15 (2023), 3; 159-159. doi: 10.3390/w15030519
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Burić, Petra ; Čarapar, Ivana ; Pavičić-Hamer, Dijana ; Kovačić, Ines ; Jurković, Lara ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Mikac, Nevenka ; Bačić, Niko ; Lyons, Daniel Mark | Particle Size Modulates Silver Nanoparticle Toxicity during Embryogenesis of Urchins Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus // International journal of molecular sciences, 24 (2023), 1; 745, 21. doi: 10.3390/ijms24010745
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Maleš, Petra ; Pem, Barbara ; Petrov, Dražen ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Bakarić, Danijela | Deciphering the origin of the melting profile of unilamellar phosphatidylcholine liposomes by measuring the turbidity of its suspensions // Soft matter, 18 (2022), 6703-6715. doi: 10.1039/D2SM00878E
doipubs.rsc.orgdoi.org -
Mišić Radić, Tea ; Vukosav, Petra ; Komazec, Bruno ; Formosa-Dague, Cécile ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Peharec Štefanić, Petra ; Čačković, Andrea ; Juraić, Krunoslav ; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica | Nanoplastic-Induced Nanostructural, Nanomechanical, and Antioxidant Response of Marine Diatom Cylindrotheca closterium // Water, 14 (2022), 14; 2163, 22. doi: 10.3390/w14142163
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Maleš, Petra ; Brkljača, Zlatko ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Bakarić, Danijela | New spirit of an old technique: Characterization of lipid phase transitions via UV/Vis spectroscopy // Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, 272 (2022), 121013, 7. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2022.121013
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Erceg, Ina ; Kontrec, Jasminka ; Strasser, Vida ; Selmani, Atiđa ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Njegić Džakula, Branka ; Matijaković Mlinarić, Nives ; Šegota, Suzana ; Lyons, Daniel M. et al. | Precipitation of Calcium Phosphates and Calcium Carbonates in the Presence of Differently Charged Liposomes // Minerals, 12 (2022), 2; 208-227. doi: 10.3390/min12020208
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Erceg, Ina ; Maltar-Strmečki, Nadica ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Strasser, Vida ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Lyons, Daniel Mark ; Radatović, Borna ; Matijaković Mlinarić, Nives ; Kralj, Damir ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Comparison of the effect of the amino acids on spontaneous formation and transformation of calcium phosphates // Crystals, 11 (2021), 7; 792, 16. doi: 10.3390/cryst11070792
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Pem, Barbara ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Vrček, Valerije ; Barbir, Rinea ; Micek, Vedran ; Fratila, Raluca M. ; de la Fuente, Jesus M. ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Fate and transformation of silver nanoparticles in different biological conditions // Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 12 (2021), 665-679. doi: 10.3762/bjnano.12.53
doiwww.beilstein-journals.orgwww.beilstein-journals.orgdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Barbir, Rinea ; Ramírez Jiménez, Rafael ; Martín-Rapún, Rafael ; Strasser, Vida ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Dabelić, Sanja ; de la Fuente, Jesus M. ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Interaction of Differently Sized, Shaped, and Functionalized Silver and Gold Nanoparticles with Glycosylated versus Nonglycosylated Transferrin // ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (2021), 23; 27533-27547. doi: 10.1021/acsami.1c04063
doipubs.acs.orgdoi.org -
Barbir, Rinea ; Capjak, Ivona ; Crnković, Tea ; Debeljak, Željko ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Šinko, Goran ; Weitner, Tin ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Interaction of silver nanoparticles with plasma transport proteins: A systematic study on impacts of particle size, shape and surface functionalization // Chemico-biological interactions, 335 (2021), 109364, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2020.109364
doi -
Pem, Barbara ; Pongrac, Igor M. ; Ulm, Lea ; Pavičić, Ivan ; Vrček, Valerije ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Krivohlavek, Adela ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Toxicity and safety study of silver and gold nanoparticles functionalized with cysteine and glutathione // Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 10 (2019), 1802-1817. doi: 10.3762/bjnano.10.175
doiwww.beilstein-journals.orgdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Šegota, Suzana ; Baranović, Goran ; Mustapić, Mislav ; Strasser, Vida ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Md Shahriar, Al Hossain ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; | The role of spin-phonon coupling in enhanced desorption kinetics of antioxidant flavonols from magnetic nanoparticles aggregates // Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 490 (2019), 125-130. doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.165530
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Barbir, Rinea ; Goessler, Walter ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Micek, Vedran ; Milić, Mirta ; Vuković, Barbara ; Milić, Marija ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Protein Corona Modulates Distribution and Toxicological Effects of Silver Nanoparticles In Vivo // Particle & particle systems characterization, 37 (2019), 1900174, 12. doi: 10.1002/ppsc.201900174
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Mandić, Lucija ; Sadžak, Anja ; Strasser, Vida ; Baranović, Goran ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Šegota, Suzana | Enhanced Protection of Biological Membranes during Lipid Peroxidation: Study of the Interactions between Flavonoid Loaded Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles and Model Cell Membranes // International journal of molecular sciences, 20 (2019), 2709-2731. doi: 10.3390/ijms20112709
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.comdoi.org -
Selmani, Atiđa ; Lützenkirchen, Johannes ; Kučanda, Kristina ; Dabić, Dario ; Redel, Engelbert ; Delač Marion, Ida ; Kralj, Damir ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Tailoring the stability/aggregation of one-dimensional TiO2(B)/titanate nanowires using surfactants // Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 10 (2019), 1024-1037. doi: 10.3762/bjnano.10.103
doidx.doi.orgwww.beilstein-journals.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Vinković, Tomislav ; Štolfa Čamagajevac, Ivna ; Tkalec, Monika ; Goessler, Walter ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Does plant growing condition affects biodistribution and biological effects of silver nanoparticles? // Spanish journal of agricultural research, 16 (2018), 4; e0803, 6. doi: 10.5424/sjar/2018164-13580
doirevistas.inia.esfulir.irb.hr -
Capjak, Ivona ; Zebić Avdičević, Maja ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Amela Hozić, Amela ; Pajić, Damir ; Dobrović, Slaven ; Goessler, Walter ; Vinkovic Vrcek, Ivana | Behavior of silver nanoparticles in wastewater: systematic investigation on the combined effects of surfactants and electrolytes in the model systems // Environmental science. Water research & technology, 4 (2018), 2146-2159. doi: 10.1039/C8EW00317C
doipubs.rsc.orgpubs.rsc.org -
Čadež, Vida ; Erceg, Ina ; Selmani, Atiđa ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Šegota, Suzana ; Lyons, Daniel ; Kralj, Damir ; Sikirić, Maja | Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Formation and Aggregation Process Revealed by Light Scattering Techniques // Crystals, 8 (2018), 6; 254, 14. doi: 10.3390/cryst8060254
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Pongrac, Igor M. ; Brkić Ahmed, Lada ; Mlinarić, Hrvoje ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Pavičic, Ivan ; Marjanović Čermak, Ana Marija ; Milić, Mirta ; Gajović, Srećko ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Surface coating affects uptake of silver nanoparticles in neural stem cells // Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 50 (2018), 684-692. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2017.12.003
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Buljan Meić, Iva ; Kontrec, Jasminka ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Selmani, Atiđa ; Njegić Džakula, Branka ; Maltar-Strmečki, Nadica ; Lyons, Daniel Mark ; Plodinec, Milivoj ; Čeh, Miran ; Gajović, Andreja et al. | How similar are amorphous calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate? A comparative study of amorphous phases formation conditions // Crystengcomm, 20 (2018), 1; 35-50. doi: 10.1039/C7CE01693J
doipubs.rsc.org -
Levak, Maja ; Burić, Petra ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Mikac, Nevenka ; Bačić, Niko ; Drexel, Roland ; Meier, Florian ; Jakšić, Željko ; Lyons, Daniel Mark | Effect of protein corona on silver nanoparticle stabilization and ion release kinetics in artificial seawater // Environmental science & technology, 51 (2017), 3; 1259-1266. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03161
doipubs.acs.org -
Vinković, Tomislav ; Novák, Ondrej ; Strnad, Miroslav ; Goessler, Walter ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Parađiković, Nada ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Cytokinin response in pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) exposed to silver nanoparticles // Environmental research, 156 (2017), 10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.03.015
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Buljan Meić, Iva ; Kontrec, Jasminka ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Njegić Džakula, Branka ; Štajner, Lara ; Lyons, Daniel Mark ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Kralj, Damir | Comparative study of calcium carbonates and calcium phosphates precipitation in model systems mimicking the inorganic environment for biomineralization // Crystal growth & design, 17 (2017), 3; 1103-1117. doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01501
doipubs.acs.org -
Novak, Sanja ; Morasi Piperčić, Sara ; Makarić, Sandro ; Primožič, Ines ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija | Interplay of Noncovalent Interactions in Ionic Liquid/Sodium Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate Mixtures : From Lamellar to Bicontinuous Cubic Liquid Crystalline Phase // The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical, 120 (2016), 49; 12557-12567. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b10515
doipubs.acs.orgdoi.org -
Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Capjak, Ivona ; Crnković, Tea ; Lovrić, Marija ; Babič, Michal ; Horák, Daniel ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana ; Gajović, Srećko | Surface coating affects behavior of metallic nanoparticles in a biological environment // Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, (2016), 7; 246-262. doi: 10.3762/bjnano.7.23
doiwww.beilstein-journals.orgwww.beilstein-journals.org -
Skočibušić, Mirjana ; Odžak, Renata ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Križić, Ivana ; Krišto, Lucija ; Jović, Ozren ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Primožič, Ines ; Jurašin, Darija | Structure-Property Relationship of Quinuclidinium Surfactants – Towards Multifunctional Biologically Active Molecules // Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 140 (2016), 548-559. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.11.023
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Selmani, Atiđa ; Coha, Ivana ; Magdić, Katja ; Čolović, Božana ; Jokanović, Vukoman ; Šegota, Suzana ; Gajović, Srećko ; Gajović, Andreja ; Jurašin, Darija ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Multiscale study of the cationic surfactants influence on amorphous calcium phosphate precipitation // Crystengcomm, 17 (2015), 8529-8548. doi: 10.1039/c5ce01516b
doipubs.rsc.org -
Ulm, Lea ; Krivohlavek, Adela ; Jurašin, Darija ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Šinko, Goran ; Crnković, Tea ; Žuntar, Irena ; Šikić, Sandra ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Response of biochemical biomarkers in the aquatic crustacean Daphnia magna exposed to silver nanoparticles // Environmental science and pollution research, 22 (2015), 24; 19990-19999. doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-5201-4
doilink.springer.com -
Vinković Vrček, Ivana ; Pavičić, Ivan ; Crnković, Tea ; Jurašin, Darija ; Babić, Michal ; Horak, Daniel ; Lovrić, Marija ; Ferhatović, Lejla ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Gajović, Srećko | Does surface coating of metallic nanoparticles modulate their interferences with in vitro assays? // RSC Advances, 5 (2015), 70787-70807. doi: 10.1039/c5ra14100a
doipubs.rsc.org -
António, Diana C. ; Cascio, Claudia ; Jakšić, Željko ; Jurašin, Darija ; Lyons, Daniel Mark ; Nogueira, Antonio J. A. ; Rossi, Francois ; Calzolai, Luigi | Assessing silver nanoparticles behaviour in artificial seawater by mean of AF4 and spICP-MS // Marine environmental research, 111 (2015), 162-169. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2015.05.006
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Burić, Petra ; Jakšić, Željko ; Štajner, Lara ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Jurašin, Darija ; Cascio, Claudia ; Calzolai, Luigi ; Lyons, Daniel Mark | Effect of silver nanoparticles on Mediterranean sea urchin embryonal development is species specific and depends on moment of first exposure // Marine environmental research, 111 (2015), 50-59. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2015.06.015
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Bura-Nakić, Elvira ; Marguš, Marija ; Jurašin, Darija ; Milanović, Ivana ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Chronoamperometric study of elemental sulphur (S) nanoparticles (NPs) in NaCl water solution : new methodology for S NPs sizing and detection // Geochemical transactions, 16 (2015), 1-1-1-9. doi: 10.1186/s12932-015-0016-2
doigeochemicaltransactions.springeropen.comfulir.irb.hr -
Podlipec, Rok ; Gorgieva, Selestina ; Jurašin, Darija ; Urbančič, Iztok ; Kokol, Vanja ; Štrancar, Janez | Molecular mobility of scaffolds’ biopolymers influences cell growth // ACS applied materials & interfaces, 6 (2014), 18; 15980-15990. doi: 10.1021/am5037719
doipubs.acs.org -
Vinceković, Marko ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Jurašin, Darija | Impact of the Cationic Surfactant on the Self-Assembly of Sodium Caseinate // Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 62 (2014), 34; 8543-8554. doi: 10.1021/jf5016472
doipubs.acs.org -
Bura-Nakić, Elvira ; Marguš, Marija ; Milanović, Ivana ; Jurašin, Darija ; Ciglenečki-Jušić, Irena | The development of electrochemical methods for determining nanoparticles in the environment. Part II : chronoamperometric study of FeS in sodium chloride solutions // Environmental chemistry, 11 (2013), 2; 187-195. doi: 10.1071/EN13090
doiwww.publish.csiro.audx.doi.org -
Jurašin, Darija ; Vinceković, Marko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Bujan, Marija ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Lamellar to Hexagonal Columnar Liquid Crystalline Phase Transition in a Catanionic Surfactant Mixture : Dodecylammonium Chloride/Sodium Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate // Soft matter, 9 (2013), 12; 3349-3360. doi: 10.1039/C3SM27665A
doipubs.rsc.orgpubs.rsc.org -
Jurašin, Darija ; Pustak, Anđela ; Habuš, Ivan ; Šmit, Ivan ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Polymorphism and Mesomorphism of Oligomeric Surfactants: Effect of the Degree of Oligomerization // Langmuir, 27 (2011), 23; 14118-14130. doi: 10.1021/la203777c
doipubs.acs.orgpubs.acs.org -
Jurašin, Darija ; Habuš, Ivan ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Role of the Alkyl Chain Number and Head Groups Location on Surfactant Self-assembly in Aqueous Solutions // Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects, 368 (2010), 1-3; 119-128. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2010.07.025
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org Jurašin, Darija ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | Primjena površinski aktivnih tvari u terapijskim sustavima // Medicinski vjesnik (Osijek), 42 (2010), 3-4; 181-212
Brgles, Marija ; Jurašin, Darija ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Frkanec, Ruža ; Tomašić, Jelka | Entrapment of ovalbumin into liposomes - factors affecting entrapment efficiency, liposome size, and zeta potential // Journal of liposome research, 18 (2008), 3; 235-248. doi: 10.1080/08982100802312762
doiwww.tandfonline.com -
Jurašin, Darija ; Weber, Igor ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Phase Behavior in Mixtures of Cationic Dimeric and Anionic Monomeric Surfactants // Journal of dispersion science and technology, 30 (2009), 5; 622-633. doi: 10.1080/01932690802598481
doiwww.tandfonline.comdoi.org -
Krznarić, Damir ; Helz, George R. ; Bura-Nakić, Elvira ; Jurašin, Darija | Accumulation mechanism for metal chalcogenide nanoparticles at Hg electrodes: Cu sulfide example // Analytical chemistry, 80 (2008), 3; 742-749. doi: 10.1021/ac071180z
doipubs.acs.orgdoi.org -
Gavella, Mirjana ; Kveder, Marina ; Lipovac, Vaskresenija ; Jurašin, Darija ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Antioxidant properties of ganglioside micelles // Free radical research, 41 (2007), 10; 1143-1150. doi: 10.1080/10715760701618245
doiwww.tandfonline.com -
Bura-Nakić, Elvira ; Krznarić, Damir ; Jurašin, Darija ; Helz, George, R. ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Voltammetric characterization of metal sulfide particles and nanoparticles in model solutions and natural waters // Analytica chimica acta, 594 (2007), 1; 44-51
www.sciencedirect.com Vinceković, Marko ; Jurašin, Darija ; Tomašić, Vlasta ; Bujan, Marija ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Interactions in Aqueous Mixtures of Alkylammonium Chlorides and Sodium Cholate // Journal of dispersion science and technology, 27 (2006), 8; 1099-1111
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Capjak, Ivona ; Šupraha Goreta, Sandra ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | How protein coronas determine the fate of engineered nanoparticles in biological environment // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 68 (2017), 4; 245-253. doi: 10.1515/aiht-2017-68-3054
Publications - Conference journals
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Milić, Mirta ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Micek, Vedran ; Jurašin, Darija ; Pavičić, Ivan ; Gajović, Srećko ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana | Assessment of primary DNA damage in organs of Wistar rats after acute exposure to different silver nanoparticles // Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 2015. str. 26-26
Pavičić, Ivan ; Milić, Mirta ; Pongrac, Igor ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Jurašin, Darija ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana ; Gajović, Srećko | Biocompatibility of silver nanoparticles as function of surface functionalization: a neural stem cell model // Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 2015. str. 29-29
Pavičić, Ivan ; Milić, Mirta ; Pongrac, Igor ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Jurašin, Darija ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana ; Gajović, Srećko | Biocompatibility of silver nanoparticles as function of surface functionalization: a neural stem cell model // Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 2015. str. 29-29
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Čadež, Vida ; Domazet Jurašin Darija ; Bosnar Sanja ; Stojaković, Elizabeta ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Baranović, Goran ; Popović, Jasminka ; Šegota, Suzana | Biocompatible nanoparticles with flavonoids in food products mission // Nanoinnovation 2018, Conference & Exhibition | Rim, Italija, 11.09.2018-14.09.2018
Levak, Maja; Burić, Petra; Domazet Jurašin, Darija; Dutour Sikirić, Maja; Calzolai, Luigi; Lyons, Daniel Mark | Evaluation of AF4 for the fractionation of protein-coated silver nanoparticles in artificial seawater // 4th International Workshop on Field-Flow Fractionation - Mass Spectrometry (FFF-MS) | Beč, Austrija, 29.09.2016-30.09.2016
Podlipec, Rok ; Jurašin, Darija ; Gorgieva, Selestina ; Kokol, Vanja ; Štrancar, Janez | Cell-scaffold contact: how can we understand more? // Gordon Research Conference, Biointerface Science | Les Diablerets, Švicarska, 20.05.2012-25.05.2012
Selmani, Atiđa ; Jurašin, Darija ; Filipović-Vinceković, N. ; Dutour Sikirić, M. | Comparison of monomeric and dimeric surfactants effects on amorphous calcium phosphate transformation // 17. Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog mikroskopijskog društva | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 11.12.2009-11.12.2009
Selmani, Atiđa ; Jurašin, Darija ; Filipović Vinceković, Nada ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja | The comparison of the influence of monomeric and dimeric surfactants on the transformation of amorphous calcium phosphate // Radionica „ Projekt INCOMAT povezivanja stručnjaka za biomaterijale“ , Zagreb 19.12.2008 | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 19.12.2008-19.12.2008
Publications - Graded papers
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Koščević, Nina | Sinteza metalnih nanočestica iz površinski aktivnih tvari s prijelaznim metalima / Macan, Jelena (mentor); Domazet Jurašin, Darija (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2024
repozitorij.fkit.unizg.hr Novak, Sanja | Međudjelovanja u smjesama natrijevog bis(2-etilheksil)sulfosukcinata i 1-dodecil-3-metilimidazolijevog bromida / Jurašin, Darija ; Preočanin, Tajana (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2015
Nakić, Natali | Stabilnost titanatnih nanožica u vodenom mediju / Dutour Sikirić, Maja (mentor); Jurašin, Darija (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2015
Zadravec, Mateja | Utjecaj elektrolita na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva monomerne i dimerne površinski aktivne tvari / Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Mrvoš-Sermek, Draginja (mentor); Jurašin, Darija ; Tašner, Marina (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2012
Bosak, Ines | Taloženje kalcijevih fosfata u prisutnosti titanatnih nanocjevčica / Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Mrvoš-Sermek, Draginja (mentor); Jurašin, Darija ; Tašner, Marina (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2012
Jurašin, Darija | Priprava i karakterizacija živinih(II) soli s piridin-2, 5-dikarboksilnom kiselinom / Popović, Zora (mentor); Rubčić, MIrta (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2004
Doktorski rad
Jurašin, Darija | Odnos strukture i svojstava kationskih oligomernih površinski aktivnih tvari i katanionskih smjesa / Filipović-Vinceković, Nada (mentor); Filipović-Vinceković, Nada (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2010
Završni rad (sveučilišni)
Beriša, Emma | Površinski aktivne tvari koje u svojoj strukturi sadrže željezo / Macan, Jelena (mentor); Domazet Jurašin, Darija (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2024
Katalinić Paić, Iva | Katanionske smjese strukturno različitih površinski aktivnih tvari / Macan, Jelena ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija (mentor). | Zagreb, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2020
Završni rad (stručni)
Zagorec, Leona | Dimerne površinski aktivne tvari s dvovalentnim prijelaznim metalima / Macan, Jelena (mentor); Domazet Jurašin, Darija (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2023
Membership in professional associations / societies
European Colloid & Interface Society (ECIS) |
Croatian microscopy society |