The RBI is regarded as Croatia’s leading scientific institute in the natural and biomedical sciences as well as marine and environmental research, owing to its size, scientific productivity, international reputation in research, quality of its scientific personnel and research facilities. Multidisciplinary research is organised in 11 divisions and 4 centres gathering a scientific staff of more than 700 researchers and scientists.
Division of Physical Chemistry
Group for Computational Life Sciences
Theoretical Chemistry Group
Laboratory for biocolloids and surface chemistry
Laboratory for electron spin spectroscopy
Laboratory for chemical and biological crystallography
Laboratory for Magnetic Resonances
Laboratory for Applied and Sustainable Chemistry
Laboratory for solid-state synthesis and catalysis
Laboratory for mass spectrometry and functional proteomics
Division of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Head of Division:
Ivo Piantanida
, dr. sc.
Laboratory for Protein Biochemistry and Molecular Modelling
Laboratory for Biomolecular Interactions and Spectroscopy
Laboratory for physical-organic chemistry
Laboratory for Engineering of Biomembranes
Laboratory for Chiral Technologies (LKT)
Laboratory for the Computational Design and Synthesis of Functional Materials
Synthetic Methodologies in Organic Chemistry
Laboratory of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Laboratory for stereoselective synthesis and biocatalysis
Division of Molecular Biology
Ivica Rubelj
, dr. sc.
Laboratory of Cell Biophysics
Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics
Laboratory for Chemical Biology
Laboratory for Molecular Plant Biology and Biotechnology
Laboratory for Molecular Genetics
Laboratory for Molecular and Cellular Biology
Laboratory for Molecular Microbiology
Laboratory of non-coding DNA
Laboratory for Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology
Laboratory for Cell Biology and Signalling
Laboratory of cell dynamics
Division of Molecular Medicine
Laboratory for Bioanalytics
Laboratory of Experimental Therapy
Laboratory for Epigenomics
Laboratory for Neurodegenerative Disease Research
Laboratory for membrane transport and signaling
Laboratory for Metabolism and Aging
Laboratory of Molecular Neuropsychiatry
Laboratory of molecular virology and bacteriology
Laboratory for advanced genomics
Laboratory for Hereditary Cancer
Laboratory for Oxidative Stress
Laboratory for Personalized Medicine
Laboratory for protein dynamics
Facility for laboratory animals
Division for Marine and Environmental Research
Tvrtko Smital
, dr. sc.
Laboratory for Aquaculture and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms
Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry and Biogeochemistry of Organic Compounds
Laboratory for inorganic environmental geochemistry and chemodynamics of nanoparticles
Laboratory for marine and atmospheric biogeochemistry
Laboratory for Biological Effects of Metals
Laboratory for biological diversity
Laboratory for physical chemistry of traces
Laboratory for physical oceanography and chemistry of aquatic systems
Laboratory for Informatics and Environmental Modelling
Laboratory for molecular ecotoxicology
Laboratorij za okolišnu mikrobiologiju i biotehnologiju
Laboratory for Radioecology