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Dr. Mario Stipčević

voditelj laboratorija znanstveni savjetnik u trajnom izboru
+385 1 457 1261
Internal phone number
Bijenička 54
HR-10002 Zagreb
Curriculum vitae


1. 2011-2012 Visiting Specialization in Experimental quantum information at University of California Santa Barbara, USA.

2. 2010/2011 Fulbright scholarship in experimental quantum information at University of California Santa Barbara, host Prof. Dirk Bouwmeester.

3. 1994 PhD degree, title: “A Study of a Hadronic Liquid  Argon Calorimeter Prototype for an LHC Experiment: Testing in the Beam and Optimization of Energy Resolution by Means of a Weighting Method”, at L'Universite de Savoie, Chambery, France.

4. 1991 BS degree in theoretical nuclear physics at the Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics of the University of Zagreb.

Research Areas

Specific research interests


  1. Head of the "Photonics and Quantum Optics Research Unit" at Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Sensing Devices, RBI, Contract No. 533-19-15-0022, 2014-present.
  2. "Experiments in Quantum Communication and Quantum Information" (A basic research project financed by the Croatian Ministry of Science Eucation and Sports, No. 098-0352851-2873, 2007-2014.
  3. "Photon detector", financed by the Croatian Institute of Technology, contract  date  13.11.2007., 2007-2010.
  4. "Experiments in quantum communication and quantum information", DAAD project with Max-Planck Institute, LMU Muenchen, 2007-2008.
  5. "Quantum Random Bit Generator", financed by World Bank Technology Assistance Program TAL-2; 2004-2005.
  6. "System for secure transfer of data over the Internet using random numbers and CGI technology", Information technology project CARNet contract No. 650-103/03, 2003-2004.
  7. "Secure web server with individualized access to a database", grant by Ministry of science and technology of  Republic of Croatia  contract No. 942-11-11-2003, 2003-2004.
  8. "Remote control of processes and measurements via cellular telephony and the Internet", grant by Ministry of science and technology of Republic of Croatia, contract No. 353-01-10-2002, 2002.
  9. "Building of a first scientific cluster computer in Croatia", funded by Ruđer Bošković Institute, 1999.
  10. "Research of neutrino oscillations at CERN", Young investigator award funded  by  the  Ministry of science and technology of Republic of Croatia, contract number. 098479, 1998-2000.

Awards and Achievements

  1. Fulbright scholarship for academic year 2010-2011 at University of California Santa Barbara, USA
  2. Golden medal "ARCA 2005" of the Third international innovation exhibition of new ideas, products and technologies of the Zagreb International Autumn Fair 2005, for the innovation "Quantum Random Number Generator".
  3. Golden medal of the Salon international de inventions Geneve 2005, for the innovation "Quantum Random Number Generator".
  4. Young investigator award funded  by  the  Ministry of science and technology of Republic of Croatia, contract number. 098479, 1998.

Publications - book chapters


  • Stipčević, Mario ; Kaya Koç, Çetin | True Random Number Generators // Open Problems in Mathematics and Computational Science. | Springer, 2014. str. 275-315

Stručni rad

Publications - journal articles

Izvorni znanstveni rad

Stručni rad

  • Stipčević, Mario | Battery tester // Svijet elektronike : revija za elektroniku, automatiku, računalstvo i telekomunikacije, 28 (2001), 21-22-x


Pregledni rad (znanstveni)

Publications - conference proceedings

Izvorni znanstveni rad

Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Publications - Conference journals

Izvorni znanstveni rad

  • Candela, A. ; Carrara, E. ; D'Incecco, M. ; Di Giovanni, A. ; Dusini, S. ; Gustavino, C. ; Lindozzi, A. ; Longhin, A. ; Mićanović, S. ; Orlandi, D. et al. | Resistive plate chambers in the OPERA experiment // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 2007

Publications - Conference unpublished

Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Publications - Graded papers

Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)

Other Publications


Ostali članci/prilozi

Membership in professional associations / societies

  1. Optical society of America (OSA), since 2011
  2. IEEE Photonics Society (IEEE), since 2014
  3. Croatian Physical Society  (HFD), since 1995
  4. Croatian Nuclear Society   (HND), since 1991
  5. CERN, since 1991

Member of Editorial Board of Nature's Scientific Reports since May 2017. (

A reviewer for the following scientific journals:

  1. Nature Communications(Nature Publishing Group)
  2. Light: Science & Applications(Nature Publishing Group)
  3. Optics Letters(Optical Society of America, OSA)
  4. Optics Express(Optical Society of America, OSA)
  5. Optics Communications(Elsevier)
  6. Journal of Modern Optics(Taylor & Francis)
  7. Entropy(MDPI)
  8. Journal of Lightwave Technology(IEEE)
  9. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters(IEEE)
  10. Optical Engineering(IEEE)
  11. Mod. Phys. Lett. B(World Scientific)
  12. Review of Scientific Instruments(American Institute of Physics, AIP)
  13. Applied Physics Letters(American Institute of Physics, AIP)
  14. Chinese Optics Letters(Zhongguo Kexue Zazhishe/Science in China Press)
  15. British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science(SCIENCEDOMAIN international).

Selected conference talks:

  1. M. Stipčević, B. G. Christensen, P. G. Kwiat, and D. J. Gauthier, "Advanced active quenching circuits for single-photon avalanche photodiodes", Invited lecture, SPIE  Defense and Commercial Sensing 2016, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, April 17-21, 2016.
  2. D. J. Gauthier, C. F. Wildfeuer, H. Guilbert, M. Stipčević, B. Christensen, D. Kumor, P. G. Kwiat, T. Brougham, S. M. Barnet, "Quantum Key Distribution Using Hyperentangled Time-Bin States", Invited lecture, Proc. CQO X and QIM 2 2013, 17-20 June 2013, Rochester, NY, USA.
  3. M. Stipčević, D. J. Gauthier, "Precise Monte Carlo Simulation of Single-Photon Detectors",Oral presentation, to appear in Proc. SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, 29 April - 3 May 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  4. M. Stipčević, "Quantum random number generators and their applications in cryptography", Invited Oral presentation, Proc. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 23-27 April 2012 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  5. M. Stipčević, "How secure is quatum cryptography ?", Oral presentation, Proc. 35-thIEEE sponsored International conference MIPRO 2012, section Information Systems Security, May 21 - 25, 2012, Opatija, Croatia
  6. M. Stipčević (for the NOMAD collaboration), "Results from NOMAD", Oral presentation, Triangle Symposium on Particle Physics, 17-19 June 1999, Zagreb, Croatia

Married since 1997. Father of two sons and one daughter.

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