Dr. Dušica Ivanković
Division for Marine and Environmental Research
Bijenička cesta 54
P.O.Box 180
10002 Zagreb
1993 - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, DVM
1998 - Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, University of Zagreb, Master of Science in Biology
2006 - Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, University of Zagreb, PhD in Biology
Awards and Achievements
Elsevier 2010: Marine Polluton Bulletin Highly Cited Author Award 2005-2009 for article: Ivanković D, Pavičić J, Erk M, Filipović Marijić V, Raspor R (2005) "Evaluation of the Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. digestive gland metallothionein as a biomarker in a long-term field study: seasonal and spatial variability". 50, 1303-1313.
Featured Publications
Ivanković D, Pavičić J, Beatović V, Sauerborn Klobučar R, Klobučar GIV (2010) Inducibility of metallothionein biosynthesis in the whole soft tissue of zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha exposed to cadmium, copper and pentachlorophenol. Environmental Toxicology. 25: 198-211.
Hamer B, Jakšić Ž, Pavičić-Hamer D, Perić L, Medaković D, Ivanković D, Pavičić J, Zilberberg C, Schroder Heinz C, Muller, Werner E. G., Smodlaka N, Batel R (2008): Effect of hypoosmotic stress by low salinity acclimation of Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis on biological parameters used for pollution assessment. Aquatic Toxicology. 89: 137-151.
Lucu Č, Pavičić J, Ivanković D, Pavičić-Hamer D, Najdek M (2008): Changes in Na/K APase activity, unsaturated fatty acids and metallothionein in gills of the shore crab Carcinus aestuarii after dilute seawater acclimation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 149: 362-371.
Ivanković D, Pavičić J, Erk M, Filipović-Marijić V, Raspor B (2005) Evaluation of the Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. digestive gland metallothionein as a biomarker in a long-term field study: seasonal and spatial variability. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50: 1303-1313.
Ivanković D, Pavičić J, Raspor B, Falnoga I, Tušek-Žnidarič M (2003) Comparison of two SH-based methods for estimation of metallothionein level in the digestive gland of naturally occurring mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis. Int J Env Anal Chem 83:219-231.
Erk M, Ivanković D, Raspor B, Pavičić J (2002) Evaluation of different purification procedures for the electrochemical quantification of mussel metallothioneins. Talanta 57:1211-1218.
Ivanković D, Pavičić J, Kozar S, Raspor B (2002) Multiple forms of metallothionein from the digestive gland of naturally occurring and cadmium exposed mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis. Helg Mar Res 56:95-101.
Publications - journal articles
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Dragun, Zrinka; Kiralj, Zoran; Fiket, Željka; Ivanković, Dušica | Preliminary insight into intracellular behaviour of rare earths and other technology critical elements (TCE) in the northern pike liver: study of TCE-binding biomolecules by size-exclusion HPLC-ICP-MS // Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 27 (2025), 262-276. doi: 10.1039/d4em00674g
doi -
Dragun, Zrinka; Ivanković, Dušica; Tepić, Nataša; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka; Šariri, Sara; Mijošek Pavin, Tatjana; Drk, Sara; Gjurčević, Emil; Matanović, Krešimir; Kužir, Snježana et al. | Metal bioaccumulation in the muscle of the northern pike (Esox lucius) from historically contaminated river and the estimation of the human health risk // Fishes, 9 (2024), 9; 364, 21. doi: 10.3390/fishes9090364
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Bujas, Niko; Lajtner, Jasna; Ivanković, Dušica; Kiralj, Zoran; Trgovčić, Krešimira; Dragun, Zrinka; Uvanović, Hana; Peharda, Melita | Age structure and growth patterns of the endangered freshwater mussel Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788 under different environmental conditions // Aquatic sciences, 86 (2024), 4; 92, 14. doi: 10.1007/s00027-024-01110-w
doilink.springer.com -
Dragun, Zrinka; Kiralj, Zoran; Ivanković, Dušica; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana | Iron-binding biomolecules in the soluble hepatic fraction of the northern pike (Esox lucius): two-dimensional chromatographic separation with mass spectrometry detection // Analytical & bioanalytical chemistry, 416 (2024), 5097-5109. doi: 10.1007/s00216-024-05446-y
doilink.springer.com -
Dragun, Zrinka; Kiralj, Zoran; Pećnjak, Ana; Ivanković, Dušica | The study of acidic/basic nature of metallothioneins and other metal-binding biomolecules in the soluble hepatic fraction of the northern pike (Esox lucius) // International journal of biological macromolecules, 256 (2024), Part 2; 128209, 14. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.128209
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Stipaničev, Draženka; Dragun, Zrinka; Repec, Siniša; Ivanković, Dušica; Barac, Fran; Kiralj, Zoran; Kralj, Tomislav; Valić, Damir | Dynamics of drug contamination of the river-water in the rural, semirural and urban areas of the Mrežnica River in Croatia during COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021) // Environmental science and pollution research, 30 (2023), 41; 93652-93666. doi: 10.1007/s11356-023-28845-7
doilink.springer.comfulir.irb.hr -
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Lajtner, Jasna; Trgovčić, Krešimira; Valić, Damir; Ivanković, Dušica | Accumulation of metal(loid)s in the digestive gland of the mussel Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788: A reliable detection of historical freshwater contamination // Environmental pollution, 334 (2023), 1; 122164, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122164
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Stipaničev, Draženka ; Fiket, Željka ; Lučić, Mavro ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina ; Puljko, Ana ; Repec, Siniša ; Šoštarić Vulić, Zvjezdana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Barac, Fran et al. | Yesterday’s contamination – a problem of today? The case study of discontinued historical contamination of the Mrežnica River (Croatia) // Science of the total environment, 848 (2022), 157775, 16. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157775
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Erk, Marijana | Efficiency of metal bioaccumulation in acanthocephalans, gammarids and fish in relation to metal exposure conditions in a karst freshwater ecosystem // Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 73 (2022), 127037, 9. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2022.127037
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Kiralj, Zoran ; Cvitanović, Marita ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Valić, Damir ; Barac, Fran ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana et al. | Metal-binding biomolecules in the liver of northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758): the first data for the family Esocidae // Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C. Toxicology & pharmacology, 257 (2022), 109327, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2022.109327
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Retzmann, Anika ; Zitek, Andreas ; Prohaska, Thomas ; Bačić, Niko ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Grgić, Ivana ; Krasnići, Nesrete et al. | Application of Calcified Structures in Fish as Indicators of Metal Exposure in Freshwater Ecosystems // Environments, 9 (2022), 2; 14, 16. doi: 10.3390/environments9020014
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Bekavac, Ana; Beck, Ana; Dragičević, Paula; Dragun, Zrinka; Maguire, Ivana; Ivanković, Dušica; Fiket, Željka; Gračan, Romana; Hudina, Sandra | Disturbance in invasion? Idiopathic necrotizing hepatopancreatitis in the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) in Croatia // Journal of fish diseases, 45 (2022), 2; 261-276. doi: 10.1111/jfd.13552
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | First insight in trace element distribution in the intestinal cytosol of two freshwater fish species challenged with moderate environmental contamination // Science of the total environment, 798 (2021), 149274, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149274
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | Intestine of invasive fish Prussian carp as a target organ in metal exposure assessment of the wastewater impacted freshwater ecosystem // Ecological indicators, 122 (2021), 107247, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107247
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Sertić Perić, Mirela ; Vdović, Neda ; Bačić, Niko ; Dautović, Jelena et al. | The assessment of metal contamination in water and sediments of the lowland Ilova River (Croatia) impacted by anthropogenic activities // Environmental science and pollution research, 27 (2020), 25374-25389. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-08926-7
doilink.springer.comdoi.org -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | Comparison of intracellular trace element distributions in the liver and gills of the invasive freshwater fish species, Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) // Science of the total environment, 730 (2020), 138923, 15. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138923
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Veseli, Marina ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Sertić Perić, Mirela et al. | Thallium accumulation in different organisms from karst and lowland rivers of Croatia under wastewater impact // Environmental chemistry, 17 (2020), 2; 201-212. doi: 10.1071/EN19165
doiwww.publish.csiro.au -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Erk, Marijana ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Sertić Perić, Mirela ; Matoničkin Kepčija, Renata | Comparison of electrochemically determined metallothionein concentrations in wild freshwater salmon fish and gammarids and their relation to total and cytosolic metal levels // Ecological indicators, 105 (2019), 188-198. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.05.069
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Erk, Marijana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica | Electrochemical Determination of Metallothioneins by the Modified Brdička Procedure as an Analytical Tool in Biomonitoring Studies // Croatica chemica acta, 91 (2018), 4; 475-480. doi: 10.5562/cca3444
doifulir.irb.hrwww.researchgate.netdoi.orghrcak.srce.hr -
Bourdineaud, Jean-Paul ; Štambuk, Anamaria ; Šrut, Maja ; Radić Brkanac, Sandra ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Lisjak, Damir ; Sauerborn Klobučar, Roberta ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Bačić, Niko ; Klobučar, Goran | Gold and silver nanoparticles effects to the earthworm Eisenia fetida - the importance of tissue over soil concentrations // Drug and chemical toxicology, 44 (2021), 1; 21-29. doi: 10.1080/01480545.2019.1567757
doiwww.tandfonline.comdoi.org -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Evaluation of multi-biomarker response in fish intestine as an initial indication of anthropogenic impact in the aquatic karst environment // Science of the total environment, 660 (2019), 1079-1090. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.045
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Ečimović, Sandra ; Velki, Mirna ; Vuković, Rosemary ; Štolfa Čamagajevac, Ivna ; Petek, Anja ; Bošnjaković, Rebeka ; Grgić, Magdalena ; Engelmann, Péter ; Bodó, Kornélia ; Filipović- Marijić, Vlatka et al. | Acute toxicity of selenate and selenite and their impacts on oxidative status, efflux pump activity, cellular and genetic parameters in earthworm Eisenia Andrei // Chemosphere, 212 (2018), 307-318. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.08.095
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Sertić Perić, Mirela ; Matoničkin Kepčija, Renata ; Miliša, Marko ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Benthos-drift relationships as proxies for the detection of the most suitable bioindicator taxa in flowing waters – a pilot-study within a Mediterranean karst river // Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 163 (2018), 125-135. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.07.068
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Barišić, Josip ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Čož-Rakovac, Rozelinda ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Kružlicová, Dáša ; Erk, Marijana | Evaluation of architectural and histopathological biomarkers in the intestine of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) challenged with environmental pollution // Science of the total environment, 642 (2018), 656-664. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.045
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Župan, Ivan ; Čulin, Jelena ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Puljas, Sanja ; Peharda Uljević, Melita | Changes in the tissue concentrations of trace elements during the reproductive cycle of Noah’s Ark shells (Arca noae Linnaeus, 1758) // Marine pollution bulletin, 133 (2018), 357-366. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.05.054
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Kolar, Nicol ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Cytosolic distributions of highly toxic metals Cd and Tl and several essential elements in the liver of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) analyzed by size exclusion chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry // Chemosphere, 207 (2018), 162-173. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.05.088
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Valić, Damir ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Grgić, Ivana ; Žunić, Jakov ; Kružlicová, Dáša ; Nemeček, Peter et al. | Influence of technological and municipal wastewaters on vulnerable karst riverine system, Krka River in Croatia // Environmental science and pollution research, 25 (2018), 5; 4715-4727. doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-0789-1
doilink.springer.com -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Valić, Damir ; Žunić, Jakov ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Vardić Smrzlić, Irena ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Grgić, Ivana et al. | Total and cytosolic concentrations of twenty metals/metalloids in the liver of brown trout Salmo trutta (Linnaeus, 1758) from the karstic Croatian river Krka // Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 147 (2018), 537-549. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.09.005
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Stojković, Ranko ; Fučić, Aleksandra ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Jukić, Zoran ; Radulović, Petra ; Grah, Josip ; Kovačević, Nenad ; Barišić, Lovro ; Krušlin, Božo | Age and sex differences in genome damage between prepubertal and adult mice after exposure to ionising radiation // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 67 (2016), 4; 297-303. doi: 10.1515/aiht-2016-67-2882
doiwww.degruyter.comhrcak.srce.hr -
Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana ; Župan, Ivan ; Čulin, Jelena ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Bačić, Niko ; Cindrić, Ana-Marija | Trace metals in Noah’s Ark shells (Arca noae Linnaeus, 1758) : impact of tourist season and human health risk // Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology, 71 (2016), 3; 394-404. doi: 10.1007/s00244-016-0298-0
doilink.springer.com -
Stojković, Ranko ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Attias, Leonello ; Mantovani, Alberto ; Fučić, Aleksandra | Testosterone-induced micronuclei and increased nuclear division rate in L929 cell line expressing the androgen receptor // Toxicology in vitro, 29 (2015), 5; 1021-1025. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2015.04.007
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Babić, Sanja ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Sauerborn Klobučar, Roberta ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Bačić, Niko ; Fiket, Željka ; Barišić, Josip ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Strunjak-Perović, Ivančica ; Topić Popović, Natalija et al. | Indication of metal homeostasis disturbance in earthworm Eisenia fetida after exposure to semi- solid depot sludge // Science of the total environment, 526 (2015), 127-135. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.04.056
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Strižak, Željka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pröfrock, Daniel ; Helmholz, Heike ; Cindrić, Ana-Marija ; Erk, Marijana ; Prange, Andreas | Characterization of the cytosolic distribution of priority pollutant metals and metalloids in the digestive gland cytosol of marine mussels: seasonal and spatial variability // Science of the total environment, 470/471 (2014), 159-170. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.09.051
doiwww.sciencedirect.comac.els-cdn.comdx.doi.org -
Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Strižak, Željka | Selection of target mussel tissue for application of cellular energy allocation as a physiological biomarker in native mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) // Journal of shellfish research, 31 (2012), 1; 61-68. doi: 10.2983/035.031.0108
doiwww.bioone.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Strižak, Željka | Cellular energy allocation in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the stratified estuary as a physiological biomarker // Marine pollution bulletin, 62 (2011), 5; 1124-1129. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.02.056
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Žaja, Roko ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | Assessment of low-level metal contamination using the Mediterranean mussel gills as the indicator tissue // Environmental science and pollution research, 17 (2010), 4; 977-986. doi: 10.1007/s11356-009-0270-x
doiwww.springerlink.comfulir.irb.hr -
Mišir, Krpan, Ana ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Krajina, Zdenko ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Stojković, Ranko | Tamoxifen in trimodal therapy with cytotoxic drugs and hyperthermia in vivo significantly enhance therapeutic efficacy against B16-F10 melanoma // Tumori, 98 (2012), 2; 257-263. doi: 10.1700/1088.11939
doiwww.tumorionline.itdoi.org -
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Beatović, Vanja ; Sauerborn Klobučar, Roberta ; Klobučar, Göran Igor Vinko | Inducibility of metallothionein biosynthesis in the whole soft tissue of zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha exposed to cadmium, copper and pentachlorophenol // Environmental toxicology, 25 (2010), 2; 198-211. doi: 10.1002/tox.20489
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Hamer, Bojan ; Jakšić, Željko ; Pavičić-Hamer, Dijana ; Perić, Lorena ; Medaković, Davorin ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Zilberberg, Carla ; Schroder, Heinz C. ; Muller, Werner E. G. et al. | Effect of hypoosmotic stress by low salinity acclimation of Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis on biological parameters used for pollution assessment // Aquatic toxicology, 89 (2008), 3; 137-151. doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2008.06.015
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Lucu, Čedomil ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić-Hamer, Dijana ; Najdek, Mirjana | Changes in Na/K APase activity, unsaturated fatty acids and metallothionein in gills of the shore crab Carcinus aestuarii after dilute seawater acclimation // Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 149 (2008), 4; 362-371
www.sciencedirect.com -
Tomić, Silvia ; Dolanski Babić, Sanja ; Vuletić, Tomislav ; Krča, Sanja ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Griparić, Lorena ; Podgornik, Rudi | Dielectric relaxation of DNA aqueous solutions // Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 75 (2007), 2; 021905, 13. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.75.021905
doijournals.aps.org Tomić, Silvia ; Vuletić, Tomislav ; Dolanski Babić, Sanja ; Krča, Sanja ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Griparić, Lorena ; Podgornik, Rudi | Screening and Fundamental Length Scales in Semidilute Na-DNA Aqueous Solutions // Physical review letters, 97 (2006), 098303-1-098303-4
Dragun, Zrinka ; Raspor, Biserka ; Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka | The influence of the biometric parameters on metallothionein and metal level in the heat-treated cytosol of the whole soft tissue of transplanted mussels // Environmental monitoring and assessment, 114 (2006), 1-3; 49-64-x
springerlink.metapress.comfulir.irb.hr Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Erk, Marijana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | Evaluation of the Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. digestive gland metallothionein as a biomarker in a long-term field study: seasonal and spatial variability // Marine pollution bulletin, 50 (2005), 11; 1303-1313-x
Dragun, Zrinka ; Erk, Marijana ; Raspor, Biserka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka | Metal and metallothionein level in the heat-treated cytosol of gills of transplanted mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. // Environment international, 30 (2004), 8; 1019-1025-x
www.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Raspor, Biserka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka | Is the digestive gland of Mytilus galloprovincialis a tissue of choice for estimating cadmium exposure by means of metallothioneins? // Science of the total environment, 333 (2004), 1-3; 99-108-x. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.05.008
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr Alajbeg, Ivan ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Alajbeg, Z. Iva ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Jurin, Mislav | Antiproliferative effect of non-aromatic oil fractions on squamous cell carcinoma VII: in vitro and preliminary in vivo results // Periodicum biologorum, 104 (2002), 1; 89-94-x
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Kozar, Sonja ; Raspor, Biserka | Multiple forms of metallothionein from the digestive gland of naturally occurring and cadmium exposed mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis // Helgoland marine research, 56 (2002), 95-101-x
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Raspor, Biserka ; Falnoga, Ingrid ; Tušek-Žnidarič, Magda | Comparison of two SH-based methods for estimation of metallothionein level in the digestive gland of naturally occurring mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis // International journal of environmental analytical chemistry, 83 (2003), 3; 219-231-x
Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Raspor, Biserka ; Pavičić, Jasenka | Evaluation of different purification procedures for the electrochemical quantification of mussel metallothioneins // Talanta, 57 (2002), 1211-1218-x
Raspor, Biserka ; Kozar, Sonja ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Jurič, Dušica | Determination of the cadmium and copper content inherent to metallothionein // Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry, 361 (1998), 197-200-x
Prikaz, osvrt, kritika
Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Valić, Damir | Biomolekule koje vežu metale i zdravstveni poremećaji kod slatkovodnih organizama izloženih industrijskom otpadu (METABIOM) // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 71 (2022), 3-4; 251-252
Kratko priopćenje
Lajtner, Jasna; Matanović, Krešimir; Gjurčević, Emil; Ivanković, Dušica; Kiralj, Zoran; Trgovčić, Krešimira; Dragun, Zrinka | The first record of Aspidogaster conchicola (Trematoda: Aspidogastridae) in the freshwater mussel Unio pictorum in Croatia // Natura Croatica, 33 (2024), 1; 167-173. doi: 10.20302/NC.2024.33.13
Publications - conference proceedings
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Ivanković, Dušica | Variability of free amino acid composition in the digestive gland of freshwater mussels exposed to environmental pollution // Book of Abstracts 7th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water Conference. | Budimpešta: HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research, 2025. str. 18-18
Kiralj, Zoran; Ivanković, Dušica; Dragun, Zrinka | Comparison of metal distribution patterns between wild and Cd-exposed mussels: The role of distinct metallothionein isoforms in cadmium sequestration/detoxification // 8th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium: Book of Abstracts / Posarić, Laura; Gmižić, Daria; Ostojić, Tea et al. (ur.). | Zagreb: Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2024. str. 17-17
drive.google.com -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka; Mijošek, Tatjana; Šariri, Sara; Redžović, Zuzana; Ivanković, Dušica; Gavrilović, Ana; Radočaj, Tena; Cukrov, Neven; Valić, Damir; Kralj, Tomislav et al. | Fish Intestine and Muscle as Biondicators of Microplastic Exposure in the Aquatic Environment // Book of Abstracts: 23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry. | Podgorica: Chemical Society of Montenegro, 2023. str. 48-48
emec23.com FIlipović Marijić, Vlatka; Mijošek, Tatjana; Šariri, Sara; Redžović, Zuzana; Ivanković, Dušica; Gavrilović, Ana; Radočaj, Tena; Cukrov, Neven; Valić, Damir; Kralj, Tomislav | Utjecaj zagađenja mikroplastikom od slatkovodnih do morskih ekosustava // Knjiga sažetaka IV. znanstveno-stručnog skupa Prilagodbe na klimatske promjene i očuvanje morskih ekosustava Jadranskog mora s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem / Bakran-Petricioli, Tatjana; Šarić, Tomislav; Arko-Pijevac, Milvana (ur.). | Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru, 2023. str. 60-61
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana; Ivanković, Dušica | Analysis of cytosolic iron-binding biomolecules from digestive glands of freshwater mussels by multidimensional HPLC-ICP-MS and mass spectrometry // Book of Abstracts - 27th International Symposium on Separation Sciences / Coman, Virginia (ur.). | Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2023. str. 179-179
Kiralj, Zoran; Ivanković, Dušica; Dragun, Zrinka; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana | Analysis of Cd, Cu, and Zn-binding cytosolic biomolecules in the digestive gland of the freshwater mussel Unio crassus using size-exclusion and anion-exchange chromatography and mass spectrometry // Book of Abstracts - 27th International Symposium on Separation Sciences / Coman, Virginia (ur.). | Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2023. str. 195-195
Dragun, Zrinka; Kiralj, Zoran; Ivanković, Dušica; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana | Two-dimensional chromatographic separation supplemented by mass spectrometry analysis of Cu- and Zn-binding cytosolic biomolecules from the liver of the northern pike (Esox lucius) // Book of Abstracts - 27th International Symposium on Separation Sciences / Coman, Virginia (ur.). | Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2023. str. 194-194
Dragun, Zrinka; Ivanković, Dušica; Tepić, Nataša; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka; Šariri, Sara; Mijošek, Tatjana; Drk, Sara; Barac, Fran; Kiralj, Zoran; Kralj, Tomislav et al. | Metal/metalloid bioaccumulation in the muscles of the northern pike (Esox lucius) from the historically contaminated Mrežnica River (Croatia): physiological and environmental considerations // Abstract Book 13th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. | Newcastle upon Tyne: Freshwater Biological Association, 2024. str. 285-285
www.sefs13.com -
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Lajtner, Jasna; Trgovčić, Krešimira; Kralj, Tomislav; Valić, Damir; Ivanković, Dušica | Seasonal and spatial variability of molecular biomarker responses in the digestive glands of freshwater mussel Unio crassus exposed to long-term pollution // Abstract Book 13th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. | Newcastle upon Tyne: Freshwater Biological Association, 2024. str. 356-356
www.sefs13.com -
Lajtner, Jasna ; Matanović, Krešimir ; Gjurčević, Emil ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Kiralj, Zoran ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Dragun, Zrinka | The first record of the trematode parasite Aspidogaster conchicola in the freshwater mussel Unio pictorum in Croatia // Book of Abstracts, 4th Symposium on freshwater Biology with the international participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa (HUSEk), 2023. str. 48-48
www.husek.hr -
Kiralj, Zoran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Bušić, Bruno ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Ivanković, Dušica | Cadmium accumulation and biomarker responses in the digestive glands of freshwater mussel Unio crassus following cadmium exposure // 4th Symposium on Freshwater Biology with the international participation : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa (HUSEk), 2023. str. 46-46
www.husek.hr -
Kiralj, Zoran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Pećnjak, Ana ; Ivanković, Dušica | Distribution of selected metals/metalloids among differently negatively charged cytosolic metal-binding biomolecules in the digestive gland of freshwater mussels // 7th Faculty of science PhD student symposium : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2023. str. 92-92
drive.google.com -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Kiralj, Zoran ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Šariri, Sara ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Dragun, Zrinka | Comparative Analysis of Metal Accumulation in Liver and Muscle of Northern Pike from the Mrežnica River: Spatial and Tissue-Specific Differences // 22nd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry : Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, 2022. str. 137-137
www.emec22.comebooks.uni-lj.si -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Vardić Smrzlić, Irena ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Šariri, Sara ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Ivanković, Dušica et al. | Acanthocephalans, fish intestinal parasites, as bioindicators of water quality in the freshwater ecosystem // The International Rotifer Symposium – ROTIFERA XVI : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 6-6
www.rotiferaxvi.biol.pmf.hr -
Vardić Smrzlić, Irena ; Valić, Damir ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Šariri, Sara ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka et al. | Phylogeny and genetic variability of Rotifer’s closest relatives Acanthocephala: an example from Croatia // The International Rotifer Symposium – ROTIFERA XVI : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 56-56
www.rotiferaxvi.biol.pmf.hr Kiralj, Zoran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović-Marijić, Vlatka ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Valić, Damir ; Ivanković, Dušica | Multi-element analysis in cytosolic fractions in selected biological samples using HR ICP-MS // SAAS 22, 1. Simpozij analitičke atomske spektrometrije : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2022. str. 20-20
Šariri, Sara ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka | Electrochemically determined metallothioneins as indicators of wastewater-borne metal exposure in the Krka River // 11th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2022. str. 12-12
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Vardić Smrzlić, Irena ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Šariri, Sara ; Karamatić, Ivana et al. | Infection dynamics and metal accumulation efficiency of endemic acanthocephalan Dentitruncus truttae in the Krka River, Croatia // ICOPA2022 : Book of poster abstracts. | Kopenhagen, 2022. str. 665-665
Šariri, Sara ; Irrgeher, Johanna ; Bandoniene, Donata ; Prohaska, Thomas ; Wagner, Stefan ; Zitek, Andreas ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Karamatić, Ivana et al. | 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio as a natural geochemical marker in the Krka River // 6. simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = 6th Faculty of Science PhD student symposium : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2022. str. 228-229
www.pmf.unizg.hr Šariri, Sara ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Cvetković, Želimira ; Kljaković-Gašpić, Zorana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Ivanković, Dušica et al. | Seasonal and Spatial Water Quality Variations in the Karst Riverine Ecosystem // SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting : Abstract Book. | ociety of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2022. str. 403-404
Kiralj, Zoran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Mijošek Tatjana ; Filipović- Marijić, Vlatka ; Valić, Damir ; Ivanković, Dušica | Analysis of molecular biomarkers in the digestive glands of Unio crassus as a useful tool for assessing pollution of aquatic ecosystems: a study in the Mrežnica River (Croatia). // SETAC Europe 32st Annual Meeting : Abstract Book. | Kopenhagen: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2022. str. 89-90
www.setac.org -
Šariri, Sara ; Fiket, Željka ; Cvetković, Želimira ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Valić, Damir ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica et al. | Comparison of geochemical data of river sediments influenced by industrial and agricultural runoff // Chem2Change, Environmental Chemistry towards Global Change, 2nd Online ACE Seminar on Chemistry and the Environment Led by Early-Career Scientists : Book of Abstracts. | Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 2022. str. 51-51
eshop.upce.cz -
Kiralj, Zoran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Mandić, Antonela ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Valić, Damir ; Ivanković, Dušica | Razlike u unutarstaničnoj raspodjeli toksičnih metala Ag i Cd u probavnim žlijezdama triju vrsta školjkaša iz porodice Unionidae // 6. simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = 6th Faculty of Science PhD student symposium : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2022. str. 66-67
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Kralj, Tomislav ; Stipaničev, Draženka ; Repec, Siniša ; Barac, Fran ; Kiralj, Zoran ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Valić, Damir ; Dragun, Zrinka | Assessment of drug contamination of Mrežnica river water in Croatia during COVID pandemic (2020-2021) // Chem2Change Environmental Chemistry towards Global Change: 2nd Online ACE Seminar on Chemistry and the Environment led by Early-Career Scientists - book of abstracts. | Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 2022. str. 15-15
www.irb.hreshop.upce.cz -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Fiket, Željka ; Kljaković-Gašpić, Zorana ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Valić, Damir ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Šariri, Sara ; Ivanković, Dušica et al. | The impact of industrial effluents on element concentrations in water and sediments of the karst ecosystem, Krka National Park // Chem2Change, Environmental Chemistry towards Global Change, 2nd Online ACE Seminar on Chemistry and the Environment Led by Early-Career Scientists : Book of Abstracts. | Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 2022. str. 48-48
eshop.upce.cz -
Šariri, Sara ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Ređović, Zuzana ; Cvetković, Želimira ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka | Usporedba kakvoće i toksičnog učinka vode rijeke Krke, njezinih pritoka te obližnjih industrijskih i komunalnih otpadnih voda. // Znanstvena škola o okolišu 2021: Sveobuhvatni pristup istraživanju antropogenih pritisaka na okoliš : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 31-31
znanskola2021.com.hr -
Filipović, Goran ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Šariri, Sara ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Cvetković, Želimira ; Mikulec, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Kiralj, Zoran ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka | Procjena toksičnog učinka Cd i njegovog vezanja na mikroplastiku testom akutne toksičnosti (Daphnia magna) // Znanstvena škola o okolišu 2021: Sveobuhvatni pristup istraživanju antropogenih pritisaka na okoliš : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 36-36
znanskola2021.com.hr -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Kiralj, Zoran ; Cvitanović, Marita ; Valić, Damir ; Barac, Fran ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Gjurčević, Emil ; Matanović, Krešimir ; Kužir, Snježana et al. | Multibiomarker Responses in the Liver of the Northern Pike (E. lucius) from the Mrežnica River as an Indication of Water Contamination // EMEC 21 : 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry – book of abstracts. | Beograd: Serbian Chemical Society, 2021. str. 151-151
emec21.rs -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Cvetković, Želimira ; Mikulec, Vlatka et al. | Estimation of the wastewater impact on the Krka River by Daphnid Acute toxicity testing // The International Bioscience Conference and the 8th International PSU, UNS Bioscience Conference Towards the SDG Challenges : Book of abstracts. | Novi Sad: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Novi Sad, 2021. str. 55-56
ibsc2021.pmf.uns.ac.rs -
Kiralj, Zoran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Lučić, Mavro ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović-Marijić, Vlatka ; Valić, Damir ; Fiket, Željka ; Ivanković, Dušica | Assessment of heavy metals contamination in water and biota of the Mrežnica River // Znanstvena škola o okolišu 2021: Sveobuhvatni pristup istraživanju antropogenih pritisaka na okoliš : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2022. str. 32-32
znanskola2021.com.hr -
Kiralj, Zoran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Mandić, Antonela ; Filipović-Marijić, Vlatka ; Valić, Damir ; Ivanković, Dušica | Deeper insight into the metallome of the digestive glands of Unio crassus mussels at different metal exposures: Distribution of metals among cytosolic biomolecules. // 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry : Book of abstracts. | Beograd: Serbian Chemical Society, 2021. str. 153-153
www.europeanace.com -
Redžović, Zuzana ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Kljaković Gašpić, Zorana ; Boucaud, Camille ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka | Assessment of Water Quality and Metal Exposure in the Krka River Watercourse (Croatia) Influenced by the Wastewater Outlets // 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry : Book of Abstracts. | Beograd: Serbian Chemical Society, 2021. str. 75-75
www.europeanace.com -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Lučev, Antonia Jelena ; Brkić, Amalia ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Gavrilović, Ana ; Radočaj, Tena et al. | Differences in metal accumulation and condition of marine fish species potentially impacted by the port of Ploče in the eastern Adriatic Sea // International scientific conference “Marine ecosystems: research and innovations” : Book of abstracts (27-29 October, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine) / Minicheva G.G., Snigirova A.A. (eds.) Odessa- Istanbul, 2021. – 88 pp.. | Odesa, 2021. str. 47-47
www.blacksea-commission.org -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Lučev, Antonia Jelena ; Brkić, Amalia ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Gavrilović, Ana ; Radočaj, Tena et al. | Oxidative stress biomarkers in fish as biological responses to marine pollution and microplastics // International scientific conference “Marine ecosystems: research and innovations” : Book of abstracts (27-29 October, 2021, Odessa, Ukraine) / Minicheva G.G., Snigirova A.A. (eds.) Odessa- Istanbul, 2021. – 88 pp.. | Odesa, 2021. str. 25-25
www.blacksea-commission.org Koutis, Irisz ; Gjurčević, Emil ; Kužir, Snježana ; Benko, Valerija ; Valić, Damir ; Barac, Fran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka et al. | Health assessment of northern pike (Esox lucius) from the Mrežnica River, Croatia // 9th International Congress Veterinary Science and Profession : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 103-103
Kiralj, Zoran ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Mandić, Antonela ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica | Metal accumulation in the digestive gland of mussel Unio crassus as an indicator of metal contamination in freshwater ecosystem: total vs. cytosolic metals // International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals : Abstract book.. | Aachen, 2021. str. 79-79
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Valić, Damir ; Sertić Perić, Mirela ; Erk, Marijana ; Kljaković-Gašpić, Zorana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka | Dugoročni trendovi koncentracija metala i kakvoće vode rijeke Krke u dijelu toka pod utjecajem otpadnih voda // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = PhD student symposium 2021 : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 103-104
www.pmf.unizg.hr Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragičević, Paula ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Erk, Marijana | Intracellular distribution of trace metals and metalloids in the digestive gland of freshwater bivalves from genus Anodonta // The 7th International Symposium on Metallomics - Book of Abstracts. | Varšava, 2019. str. 91-91
Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | Metal bioaccumulation in the gills of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) from the Ilova River as the indicator of waterborne metal exposure // Abstract Book of 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa (HUSEk), 2019. str. 396-396
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Comparison of metal accumulation efficiency in acanthocephalans, gammarids and fish under the impact of municipal and technological wastewaters // Abstract Book of 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa (HUSEk), 2019. str. 395-395
www.freshwatersciences.eu Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | Biological responses of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio, Bloch 1782) to the impact of industrial wastewaters in the Ilova River // SEFS11 Abstract book. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa (HUSEk), 2019. str. 75-75
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | Thallium accumulation in the intestinal tissue, homogenate and cytosol of brown trout and Prussian carp from two Croatian rivers // COST ACTION TD 1407 Final Meeting: Book of Abstracts. | 2019. str. 67-67
Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragičević, Paula ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Lajtner, Jasna, Krasnići, Nesrete ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | Thallium concentrations in lake water and digestive gland of freshwater bivalves – a field study in two karst lakes in Croatia // COST ACTION TD 1407 Final Meeting: Book of Abstracts. | 2019. str. 58-58
www.costnotice.net Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Retzmann, Anika ; Zitek, Andreas ; Prohaska, Thomas ; Bačić, Niko ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Grgić, Ivana ; Krasnići, Nesrete et al. | Evaluation of metal levels in soft and hard tissues of brown trout and fish intestinal parasites as indicators of wastewater impact in the karst Krka River // Book of Abstracts. 3rd Symposium of Freshwater Biology.. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa (HUSEk), 2019. str. 23-23
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | Application of invasive Prussian carp in metal exposure assessment of the Ilova River // Zbornik sažetaka 3. hrvatskog simpozija o invazivnim vrstama s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem = Book of abstracts of the 3rd Croatian Symposium on Invasive Species. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko ekološko društvo, 2018. str. 29-29
www.ekolosko-drustvo.hr Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Application of acanthocephalans as bioindicators of metal exposure in the karst Krka River influenced by industrial and municipal wastewaters // 9th Acanthocephalan Workshop :Book of Abstracts. | 2018. str. 13-13
Redžović, Zuzana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Grgić, Ivana ; Veseli, Marina ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Valić, Damir ; Žunić, Jakov et al. | Procjena antropogenog utjecaja na kakvoću vode rijeke Krke praćenjem bioloških promjena u potočne pastrve (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) // Zbornik sažetaka 13. Hrvatskog biološkog kongresa = Book of Abstracts of the 13th Croatian Biological Congress. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2018. str. 338-339
www.hbd-sbc.hr -
Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragičević, Paula ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Erk, Marijana | Akumulacija i unutarstanična raspodjela odabranih metala i metaloida u probavnoj žlijezdi školjkaša Anodonta exulcerata Porro, 1838 iz Visovačkog jezera // Zbornik sažetaka 13. hrvatskog biološkog kongresa = Book of abstracts of 13th Croatian Biological congress. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2018. str. 327-328
www.hbd-sbc.hr -
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Erk, Marijana | Elektrokemijsko određivanje razine metalotioneina metodom po Brdički u bioti iz rijeke Krke // 5. dan elektrokemije & 8TH ISE Satelite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry : knjiga sažetaka = book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2018. str. 18-18
www.hdki.hr Krasnići, Nesrete ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Kolar, Nicol ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Thallium bioaccumulation and cytosolic distribution among biomolecules of different molecular masses in the liver of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) from the Croatian river Krka // 15th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology. | Cardiff: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018, 297, 2
Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Veseli, Marina ; Erk, Marijana | Thallium bioaccumulation in different bioindicator organisms from the karst Krka River in Croatia // Book of Abstracts of the Workshop on Technology Critical Elements in Ecosystem and Human Health. | Talin: NOTICE-COST action TD1407, 2018. str. 45-45
Krasnići, Nesrete ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Thalium accumulation in the hepatic and gill soluble fractions in brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) from from the Croatian river Krka // Book of Abstracts of the Workshop on Technology Critical Elements in Ecosystem and Human Health. | Talin: NOTICE-COST action TD1407, 2018. str. 41-41
Kolar, Nicol ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Analiza unutarstanične raspodjele odabranih metala i nemetala u jetrima potočne pastrve (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) iz rijeke Krke // Knjiga sažetaka Četvrtog simpozija studenata biološkog usmjerenja (SISB). | Zagreb: Udruga studenata biologije BIUS, 2018. str. 38-39
drive.google.com -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Multibiomarker approach on the gills of brown trout (Salmo trutta) as a tool for the assessment of the Krka River metal pollution // Book of Abstracts of the18th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry - EMEC18: Chemistry Towards an Infinite Environment. | Porto: Association of Chemistry and the Environment, 2017. str. 164-164
www.europeanace.com Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Profiles of trace elements associated to biomolecules in hepatic cytosols of two freshwater fish species // The 6th International Symposium on Metallomics : Book of Abstracts. | Beč, 2017. str. 152-152
Grgić, Ivana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Valić, Damir ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Žunić, Jakov ; Vardić Smrzlić, Irena ; Erk, Marijana et al. | Procjena opasnosti za Nacionalni park Krka u području antropogenih utjecaja uz grad Knin // Knjiga sažetaka Trećeg simpozij studenata bioloških usmjerenja. | Zagreb: Udruga studenata biologije, 2017. str. 28-29
Dragičević, Paula ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Erk, Marijana | Akumulacija metala i biomarkeri izloženosti metalima u probavnoj žlijezdi školjkaša Anodonta spp. iz Brljanskog i Visovačkog jezera // 2.Simpozij o biologiji slatkih voda : Knjiga sažetaka = 2nd Symposium on Freshwater Biology : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa, 2017. str. 39-39
www.husek.hr -
Grgić, Ivana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Valić, Damir ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Žunić, Jakov ; Vardić Smrzlić, Irena ; Erk, Marijana et al. | Evaluation of anthropogenic impact on the Krka River and potential risk to the Krka National Park / Procjena antropogenih utjecaja na rijeku Krku i potencijalne opasnosti za Nacionalni park Krka // 2. Simpozij o biologiji slatkih voda : Knjiga sažetaka = 2nd Symposium on Freshwater Biology : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa, 2017. str. 41-41
www.husek.hr -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Veseli, Marina ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Erk, Marijana | Assessment of the Krka River water quality by evaluation of biological indicators in the brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) / Procjena kakvoće vode rijeke Krke praćenjem bioloških pokazatelja u potočne pastrve (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) // 2.Simpozij o biologiji slatkih voda : Knjiga sažetaka = 2nd Symposium on Freshwater Biology : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa, 2017. str. 11-11
www.husek.hr -
Erk, Marijana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Matoničkin Kepčija, Renata ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Sertić Perić, Mirela ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Miliša, Marko et al. | Projekt AQUAMAPMET – Akumulacija, unutarstanično mapiranje i učinci metala u tragovima u akvatičkih organizama // 2.Simpozij o biologiji slatkih voda : Knjiga sažetaka = 2nd Symposium on Freshwater Biology : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa, 2017. str. 9-10
www.husek.hr -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana ; Valić, Damir ; Žunić, Jakov ; Kapetanović, Damir ; Vardić Smrzlić, Irena | Antropogeni utjecaj na akumulaciju odabranih metala i metaloida u citosolu jetre potočne pastrve (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) iz krške rijeke Krke u Hrvatskoj // 2. Simpozij o biologiji slatkih voda : Knjiga sažetaka = 2nd Symposium on Freshwater Biology : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa, 2017. str. 40-40
www.husek.hr -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka; Kapetanović, Damir; Dragun, Zrinka; Valić, Damir; Krasnići, Nesrete; Ivanković, Dušica; Vardić Smrzlić, Irena; Redžović, Zuzana; Grgić, Ivana; Erk, Marijana | Water quality and metal exposure assessment in the Krka river, karstic phenomenon and national park in Croatia // Abstract Book of the 18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, 12 to 15 September 2016, Ghent, Belgium. | Ghent: University of Ghent, 2016. str. 299.-300
openjournals.ugent.be -
Strižak, Željka ; Pröfrock, Daniel ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Helmholz, Heike ; Erk, Marijana | Application of hyphenated analytical techniques for the assessment of the environmental metal exposure // 13th International Chromatography School. | Zagreb: Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2012. str. 45-45
www.fkit.unizg.hr Strižak, Željka ; Pröfrock, Daniel ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Helmholz, Heike ; Erk, Marijana ; Prange, Andreas | Cytosolic metal profile from digestive gland of Mediterranean mussels as a potential indicator of metal exposure. | 2012
Helmholz, Heike ; Erk, Marijana ; Pröfrock, Daniel ; Strižak, Željka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Prange, Andreas | Metal exposure and associated effects in mussels: an integrated approach - hyphenated analytical techniques and biomarkers // Abstract book, 6th SETAC World Congress/SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting. | Bruxelles: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2012. str. 361-361
berlin.setac.eu Pavičić, Jasenka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović-Marijić, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | Primjena biomarkera u procjeni onečišćenja metalima: povišena razina metalotioneina dagnji u donjem dijelu estuarija rijeke Krke // Knjiga sažetaka simpozija rijeka Krka i nacionalni park "Krka". | Šibenik: Nacionalni park Krka, 2005. str. 49-50-x
Hamer, Bojan ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Perić, Lorena ; Pavičić-Hamer, Dijana ; Jakšić, Željko | Effect of environmental conditions variation on biological stress indicators in mussel M. galloprovincialis // PROCEEDING OF ABSTRACTS OF THE 9th CROATIAN BIOLOGICAL CONGRESS. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2006. str. 343-345-x
Vuletić, Tomislav ; Tomić, Silvia ; Dolanski Babić, Sanja ; Krča, Sanja ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Griparić, Lorena | Dielectric spectroscopy of genomic DNA solutions // The 5th International Conference on Biological Physics. | Gothenburg: Goeteborgs Universitet, 2004
Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Erk, Marijana ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Raspor, Biserka | Crowat project: Comparison of biomarkers between field-collected and caged mussels // Biomarkers, risk and environmental assessment. | 2005. str. 45-45-x
Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Raspor, Biserka | Crowat project: Field-collected mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (L.) - Variability of metallothionein content between organs and sampling sites // Biomarkers, risk and environmental assessment. | 2005. str. 17-17-x
Dragun, Zrinka ; Erk, Marijana ; Raspor, Biserka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Žaja, Roko ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka | Crowat project: Assessment of metallothioneins in gills of field-collected mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis as a biomarker of metal exposure // Biomarkers, risk and environmental assessment. | 2005. str. 19-19-x
Raspor, Biserka ; Erk, Marijana ; Filipović, Vlatka ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Jurič, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Britvić, Smilja ; Krča, Sanja ; Pivčević, Branka ; Smital, Tvrtko et al. | An integrated environmental monitoring system for Croatian freshwater, estuarine and coastal marine areas : the CROWAT project // Abstracts of the SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting on Environmental Science Solutions : A Pan-European Perspective. | Prag: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2004. str. 244-244
Raspor, Biserka ; Erk, Marijana ; Filipović, Vlatka ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Jurič, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Britvić, Smilja ; Krča, Sanja ; Pivčević, Branka ; Smital, Tvrtko et al. | CROWAT projekt : sustav monitoringa okoliša za kopnene vode, estuarije i more u Hrvatskoj // 8. hrvatski biološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem : Zbornik sažetaka = 8th Croatian Biological Congress with International Participation : Proceeding of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2003. str. 347-348
Dolanski Babić, Sanja ; Vuletić, Tomislav ; Vurnek, Damir ; Tomić, Silvia ; Krča, Sanja ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Griparić, Lorena | Dielectric response of genomic DNA solutions: preparation, spectrophotometry and dielectric spectroscopy measurements // From Solid State to BioPhysics II. | Lausanne: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2004
Tomić, Silvia ; Vuletić, Tomislav ; Dolanski Babić, Sanja ; Vurnek, Damir ; Krča, Sanja ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Griparić, Lorena | Dielectric spectroscopy of genomic DNA solutions // From Solid State To BioPhysics II. | Lausanne: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2004
Tomić, Silvia ; Vuletić, Tomislav ; Dolanski Babić, Sanja ; Krča, Sanja ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Griparić, Lorena ; Zanchi, Dražen ; Vernhet, A. ; Poncet-Legrand, C. | Dielektrična spektroskopija biomaterijala // Knjiga sažetaka, Znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo, 2003. str. 47-x
Ivanković, Dušica ; Žaja, Roko ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Raspor, Biserka | Evaluation of the Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. gill and digestive gland metallothionein as a biomarker of metal exposure in a field study // Environmental Science Solutions: A Pan-European Perspective. | Bruxelles: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Europe Office, 2004. str. 177-177-x
Ivanković, Dušica ; Žaja, Roko ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Raspor, Biserka | Metallothioneins in a natural population of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis sampled at different coastal locations as a biomarker of metal exposure / Metalotioneini u prirodnoj populaciji dagnji Mytilus galloprovincialis uzorkovanih na različitim priobalnim lokalitetima kao biomarker izloženosti metalima // Zbornik sažetaka 8. hrvatskog biološkog kongresa. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2003. str. 356-357-x
Raspor, Biserka ; Erk, Marijana ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Jurič, Dušica ; Kwokal, Željko ; Odžak, Nikša | Metallothionein as biomarker of mussel exposure to heavy metals // International Symposium on Marine Pollution Extended Synopses. | Monte Carlo: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1998. str. 134-136-x
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragičević, Paula ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Erk, Marijana | Koncentracije metala u vodi i školjkašima Brljanskog i Visovačkog jezera // 7. hrvatska konferencija o vodama s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem "Hrvatske vode u zaštiti okolisa i prirode" : zbornik radova. | Zagreb: Hrvatske vode, 2019. str. 351-359
www.voda.hrwww.voda.hr Pavičić, Jasenka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | Primjena biomarkera u procjeni onečišćenja metalima: povišena razina metalotioneina dagnji u donjem dijelu estuarija rijeke krke // Simpozij rijeka Krka i Nacionalni park Krka: prirodna i kulturna baština, zaštita i održivi razvitak. | Šibenik, 2007. str. 871-884
Dragun, Zrinka ; Raspor, Biserka ; Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka | The influence of the biometric parameters on metal and metallothionein content in the cytosol of the whole soft tissue of transplanted mussels // Rapport du 37e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2004. str. 189-x
Roko, Žaja ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Raspor, Biserka | Primjenjivost metalotioneina dviju vrsta školjkaša kao biomarkera izloženosti metalima u biomonitoringu slanih i slatkih voda // 3. Hrvatska konferencija o vodama "Hrvatske vode u 21. stoljeću". | Osijek: Hrvatske vode, 2003. str. 519-525-x
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Erk, Marijana ; Filipović, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | Određivanje razine metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnje Mytilus galloprovincialis kao biomarkera izloženosti organizma metalima u priobalnom moru // Hrvatske vode u 21. stoljeću. | Zagreb: Hrvatske vode, 2003. str. 281-289-x
Erk, Marijana ; Jurič, Dušica ; Kozar, Sonja ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Raspor, Biserka | Physico-chemical study of cadmium-metallothionein complexes isolated from cadmium exposed mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) // Rapport du 36e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2001. str. 122-122-x
Erk, Marijana ; Jurič, Dušica ; Raspor, Biserka ; Pavičić, Jasenka | Odrađivanje metalotioneina izoliranih iz dagnji Brdičkinom reakcijom // Zbornik radova 2. hrvatskog simpozija o elektrokemiji. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2001. str. 33-36-x
Falnoga, Ingrid ; Tušek-Žnidarič, Majda ; Jeran, Zvonka ; Jaćimović, Radojko ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Ščančar, Janez | Water soluble metalloproteins in Hypogymnia phaisodes // Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution (with emphasis on trace elements)-BioMAP II. | Beč: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2003. str. 339-343-x
Pavičić, Jasenka ; Erk, Marijana ; Jurič, Dušica ; Kozar, Sonja ; Odžak, Nikša ; Kwokal, Željko ; Raspor, Biserka | Primjena metalotioneina u svrhu biomonitoringa metala u priobalnom moru // 2. Hrvatska konferencija o vodama- od Jadrana do Dunava. | Zagreb: Hrvatske vode, 1999. str. 357-363-x
Raspor, Biserka ; Erk, Marijana ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Jurič, Dušica ; Kwokal, Željko ; Odžak, Nikša | Metallothionein as Biomarker of Mussel Exposure to Heavy Metals // Marine pollution. | Beč: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1999. str. 151-156-x
Kratko priopćenje
Karamatić, Ivana ; Cvetković, Želimira ; Mikulec, Vlatka ; Brkić, Amalija ; Šariri, Sara ; Valić, Damir ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Redžović, Zuzana ; Ivanković, Dušica et al. | Assessment of the wastewater toxicity in the karst area using algal growth inhibition test // Book of abstracts of the 14th Croatian biological congress with International Participation / Zbornik sažetaka 14. hrvatskog biološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem / Caput Mihalić, Katarina ; Mičetić Stanković, Vlatka ; Urlić, Inga et al. (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2022. str. 230-231
Publications - Conference journals
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Ivanković, Dušica ; Mandić, Antonela ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Lajtner, Jasna ; Trgovčić, Krešimira ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Dragun, Zrinka | Comparison of metal accumulation, intracellular metal distribution and metal-binding biomolecules in the digestive gland of two freshwater bivalve species from the Mrežnica River // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2021. str. 73-73
hrcak.srce.hr -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Fiket, Željka ; Stipaničev, Draženka ; Repec, Siniša ; Šoštarić Vulić, Zvjezdana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Barac, Fran et al. | Characterization of the water and sediment quality of the lower course of the Mrežnica River: the effect of long-term historical contamination // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2021. str. 70-70
hrcak.srce.hr -
Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Valić, Damir ; Barac, Fran ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Fiket, Željka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Matanović, Krešimir ; Kužir, Snježana et al. | Bioaccumulation and intracellular distribution of trace elements in the liver of northern pike (Esox lucius L., 1758) from the Mrežnica River: the METABIOM project // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2021. str. 70-70
hrcak.srce.hr -
Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana | Application of acanthocephalans as bioindicators of metal exposure in the karst Krka River influenced by industrial and municipal wastewaters // Helminthologia, 2018. str. 362-362. doi: 10.2478/helm-2018-0023
doicontent.sciendo.comdoi.org -
Vujčić, Valerija ; Radić Brkanac, Sandra ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Žilić, Irena ; Tolić, Sonja ; Krivohlavek, Adela ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Stojković, Ranko ; Hrenović, Jasna et al. | Biological activity of isolated compounds from Centaurea ragusina L. // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2016. str. 42-42
hrcak.srce.hr -
Erk, Marijana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Krasnići, Nesrete ; Vuković, Marijana ; Raspor, Biserka | Metals as contaminants in aquatic environment and their effects on aquatic organisms // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2016. str. 21-21
hrcak.srce.hr -
Ivanković, Dušica ; Šegregur, Domagoj ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Đermić, Damir ; Erk, Marijana | Impact of water pollution on cytosolic metals and biomarker responses in pike (Esox lucius) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2012. str. 28-28
hrcak.srce.hr Erk, Marijana ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka | Combined effects of abiotic and biotic variables on the energy metabolism and metallothionein level of Mytilus galloprovincialis // Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 2008. str. S25-S26
Dragun, Zrinka ; Erk, Marijana ; Raspor, Biserka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka | Impact of the seasonal changes of the mussel digestive gland mass on the cytosolic metal and metallothionein concentrations // Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 2008. str. S25-x
Pavičić, Jasenka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Lucu, Čedomil ; Hamer, Bojan ; Erk, Marijana ; Tušek-Žnidarič, Magda ; Falnoga, Ingrid | Ecotoxicological evaluation of metallothionein level in selected tissues of estuarine invertebrates // Toxicology letters, 2006. str. 163-163
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Ivanković, Dušica | Distribution of selected technology-critical elements among cytosolic biomolecules in the northern pike liver analysed by hyphenated system of size exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SEC-HPL // 34th International Symposium on Chromatography | Liverpool, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 06.10.2024-10.10.2024
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Šoštarić Vulić, Zvjezdana; Kralj, Tomislav; Ivanković, Dušica; Valić, Damir | Utjecaj antropogenih aktivnosti i hidroloških uvjeta na koncentraciju otopljenih metala (Co, Fe, Mn, Ag i Pb) u površinskoj vodi rijeke Mure // 4. Znanstvena škola o okolišu "Nekonvencionalni pristupi konvencionalnim izazovima" | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 27.11.2023-29.11.2023
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Ivanković, Dušica | Analiza citosolskih biomolekula koje vežu željezo u jetri štuke (Esox lucius) i probavnoj žlijezdi školjkaša Unio crassus pomoću dvodimenzionalnog kromatografskog razdvajanja i spektrometrije masa // 1. skup mladih znanstvenika ZIMO-a | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 11.12.2023-11.12.2023
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Ivanković, Dušica; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana | Mass spectrometry analysis of Fe-binding cytosolic biomolecules from the liver of the northern pike (Esox lucius) after two-dimensional chromatographic separation // 15th Mass Spectrometry School in Biotechnology and Medicine | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 02.07.2023-08.07.2023
fulir.irb.hr Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Pećnjak, Ana; Ivanković, Dušica | Cytosolic Cd-, Cs-, Pb-, and Tl-binding metalloproteins of the digestive gland of the bivalve Unio crassus analysed by anion-/cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry // 51st International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques | Düsseldorf, Njemačka, 18.06.2023-22.06.2023
Publications - Graded papers
Magistarski rad (znanstveni)
Jurič, Dušica | Kadmijem pobuđena sinteza izoformi metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnje Mytilus galloprovincialis / Pavičić, Jasenka (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1998
Doktorski rad
Ivanković, Dušica | Ekotoksikološko značenje metalotioneina i stabilnosti lizosomskih membrana dagnje Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. / Pavičić, Jasenka (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2006
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Omrčen, Ema | Biomarkerski odgovori i akumulacija metala u mišićima štuke (Esox lucius) iz rijeke Mrežnice kao pokazatelji onečišćenja vode / Ivanković, Dušica ; Lajtner, Jasna (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2022
urn.nsk.hr -
Dragičević, Paula | Razine molekularnih biomarkera i akumulacija metala u probavnoj žlijezdi školjkaša Anodonta exulcerata Porro, 1838 iz Visovačkog jezera / Ivanković, Dušica ; Lajtner, Jasna (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2018
dabar.srce.hr Mandić, Antonela | Akumulacija i unutarstanična raspodjela metala u probavnim žlijezdama dviju vrsta slatkovodnih školjkaša iz rijeke Mrežnice / Ivanković, Dušica ; Lajtner, Jasna (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2021
Dragičević, Paula | Razine molekularnih biomarkera i akumulacija metala u probavnoj žlijezdi školjkaša Anodonta exulcerata Porro, 1838 iz Visovačkog jezera / Ivanković, Dušica (mentor); Lajtner, Jasna (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2018
Horvat, Filip | Bioakumulacija i utjecaj srebrnih nanočestica na unutarstaničnu raspodjelu metala i metalotioneine u gujavice Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) / Ivanković, Dušica (mentor); Štambuk, Anamarija (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2016
Blažina, Lidija | Metalotioneini u tkivu gujavica vrsta Eisenia fetida i Aporrectodea spp. Kao biomarker izloženosti metalima / Ivanković, Dušica (mentor); Klobučar, Goran Igor Vinko (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
Other Publications
Ivanković, Dušica ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Erk, Marijana ; Filipović, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | 1.5. Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja : "vruće točke", Biomarkeri zagađenja, 1.5.1.Sustavno određivanje metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnji // Izvještaj projekta Jadran, 2004
Ivanković, Dušica ; Erk, Marijana ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Strižak, Željka ; Raspor, Biserka | Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja-"vruće točke" Biomarkeri zagađenja, Sustavno određivanje metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnji // Izvještaj projekta Jadran, 2010
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Erk, Marijana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | 1.5. Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja-"vruće točke" Biomarkeri zagađenja 1.5.1.Sustavno određivanje metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnji // Izvještaj projekta Jadran za 2008. godinu, 2009
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Erk, Marijana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | 1.5. Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja-"vruće točke" Biomarkeri zagađenja 1.5.1.Sustavno određivanje metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnji-prošireno izvješće za razdoblje prosinac 1998.-studeni 2007. // Izvještaj projekta Jadran za razdoblje 1998-2007-prošireno izvjesce, 2008
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Erk, Marijana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | 1.5. Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja-"vruće točke" Biomarkeri zagađenja 1.5.1.Sustavno određivanje metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnji-kratko izvješće za razdoblje prosinac 1998.-studeni 2007. // Izvještaj projekta Jadran za razdoblje 1998-2007-kratko izvjesce, 2008
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Erk, Marijana ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Raspor, Biserka | 1.5. Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja-"vruće točke" Biomarkeri zagađenja 1.5.1.Sustavno određivanje metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnji // Izvještaj projekta Jadran za 2006. godinu, 2007
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Erk, Marijana ; Raspor, Biserka | 1.5. Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja -"vruće točke" - Biomarkeri zagađenja : 1.5.1.Sustavno određivanje metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnji // Izvještaj Ministarstvu znanosti, obrazovanja i športa RH o projektu Jadran za 2005. godinu, 2006
Ivanković, Dušica ; Pavičić, Jasenka ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Erk, Marijana ; Raspor, Biserka | 1.5. Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja- "vruće točke" Biomarkeri zagađenja 1.5.1.Sustavno određivanje metalotioneina u probavnoj žlijezdi dagnji // Izvještaj projekta Jadran za 2004. godinu, 2005
Valić, Damir ; Dragun, Zrinka ; Filipović Marijić, Vlatka ; Ivanković, Dušica ; Mijošek, Tatjana ; Kralj, Tomislav ; Šoštarić Vulić, Zvjezdana ; Karamatić, Ivana ; Drk, Sara | Provođenje Programa praćenja stanja ribljeg fonda u slatkovodnom ribarstvu u 2022. godini, Grupa C - Ribolovno područje Kupa // Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2022