Study of metal nanoparticles in water of Zagreb streams and the Mura River: implementation and optimization of single particle (SP)-ICP-MS (Agilent 7900) method and increase of recognizability of the research team in metal nanoparticle analyses in natural waters

The Štefanovec Stream nearby Clinical hospital Dubrava
Principal investigator
With an aim to gain experience and achieve reliable results in metal nanoparticle determination in natural waters, as well as increase of recognizability of the research group in that research area, we have planned a project for comparative measurement of dissolved and nanoparticulate metals in selected Zagreb streams and in the Mura River. Since several metala are used for medicinal purposes in the form of nanoparticles (e.g., Ag, Ce, Cu, Fe), we will select six streams that flow nearby hospitals in Zagreb, four streams in the vicinity of which there is no medicinal objects, and two reference streams on east and west slopes of the Medvednica mountain. The study will be carried out during low water-level (prolonged dry period) and during increased water-level (rainy period) to establish the influence of dilution and/or potential additional input through soil washout on dissolved metal concentrations and the content of selected metal nanoparticles in the water of the Zagreb streams. Moreover, we will conduct single study on five locations on the Mura River, to gather preliminary data and recognize nanoparticles which are relevant in the area influenced by agriculture, coal mining and pharmaceutical industry.
Beside the principal investigator, several researchers will be included in this study:
~ postdoctoral fellow, dr. Tomislav Kralj (DMER, RBI)
~ PhD student, Zoran Kiralj, mag. biol. exp. (DMER, RBI)
~ professional associate, Karla Bogdan, mag. chem. (DMER, RBI)
~ associate professor, dr. Mirela Sertić Perić (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb)
~ as a part of Laboratory professional training, two undergraduate students of Environmental Sciences (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb), Katina Narančić and Ana Gotovac