Laboratory for Radioecology
Laboratory for Radioecology provides contribution to the knowledge and to better understanding of biogeochemical behaviour of natural and artificial radionuclides in the environment. Its work is based on development and advancement of methods and procedures for alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity measurements where nuclear instruments and methods are applied.

We work on the research of translocation, redistribution and accumulation of natural and artificial radionuclides as well as of some trace elements in environmental systems, which are governed with a wide variety of complex physical, geological, chemical and biological processes that occur in soils, waters, sediments and biota. We also monitor radioactivity levels of particular environmental regions of the Republic of Croatia with emphasis on Sava and Danube rivers and coastal waters of Adriatic Sea. We research and develop chromatographic techniques for separation of alpha and beta emitters from complex samples along with detection systems for determination of low activities using scintillation counters and alpha spectrometry.
Accreditation of the Laboratory, well trained professional staff and appropriate instrumental equipment ensure adequate and reliable determination of alpha, beta and gamma radionuclide activity concentrations in a broad range of samples.
Our mission is:
- Contribution to the knowledge and to better understanding of biogeochemical behaviour of natural and artificial radionuclides in the environment
- Development and advancement of methods and procedures for alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity measurements
- Introduction and application of nuclear and analytical methods and techniques in environmental research
In our scientific research we colaborate with:
- Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb -
- Croatian Geological Survey -
- Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia -
- Ministery for Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management -
- Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb -
- Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb -
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb -