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Jan 30th 2025

December 2024

PhD and postdoctoral students Saranda Bakija Alempijević, Robert Horn, Borna Branimir Vuković, dr. sc. Andrea Milinković and dr. sc. Maja Levak Zorinc participated in the 2nd Meeting of Young Scientists of the Department of Marine and Environmental Research of the Ruđer Bošković Institute with oral presentations (9 December 2024, Zagreb). For the lecture given, PhD student Borna Branimir Vuković won 1st prize.

November 2024

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in the 24th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC24) with a poster presentation entitled "Effects of nitrated monoaromatic hydrocarbons from biomass burning aerosols on chemical composition of the marine microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta" (26 – 29 November 2024, Alicante, Spain).

October 2024

Robert Horn joined the LBMA as a HRZZ PhD student on the EMBO installation grant project and will investigate the role of the different stages of the coccolithophorid life cycle in the process of carbon sequestration in the oceans under the supervision of dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan and dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović.

September 2024

Dr. sc. Sanja Frka participated at the European Aerosol Conference EAC 2024, Tampere, Finland (25 – 30 September 2024):

Oral presentation (dr. sc. S. Frka):

"Sources and processes affecting aerosol levels, chemical composition and deposition fluxes over the central Adriatic area and biogeochemical implications", Milinković, A.; Penezić, A.; Cvitešić Kušan, A.; Gluščić, V.; Žužul, S.; Vidič, S.; Džaja Grgičin, V.; Godec, R.; Skejić, S.; Šantić, D.; Jakovljević, I.; Smoljo, I.; Mendaš, G.; Šala, M.; Ogrizek, M.; Bešlić, I.; Pehnec, G.; Gregorič, A.; Frka, S.

Oral presentation (dr. sc. S. Strmečki Kos)

"The impact of pollen, biomass burning, and Saharan dust aerosols on Cu organic complexation in the oligotrophic Adriatic coastal area", Strmečki Kos, S.; Dešpoja, I.; Penezić, A.; Milinković, A.; Bakija Alempijević, S.; Kiss, G.; Hoffer, A.; Mitić, B.; Hruševar, D.; Frka, S.

Poster presentation:

"Comparative study of black carbon and other carbonaceous aerosols in four South-Eastern European hotspots", Gregorič, A.; Rigler, M.; Ivančič, M.; Alfoldy, B.; Ježek Brecelj, I.; Glojek, K.; Močnik, G.; Cvitešić Kušan, A.; Frka, S.; Đuričić-Milanković, J.; Miljković, S.; Đorđević, D.; Bijedić, A.; Omerčić, E.; Krečinić, E.; Smajić, D.; Ahmović, I.; Prévȏt, A.; Bauer, M.; Khare, P.; Folghera, L.; Vaupotič, J.; Mašić, A.; Džepina, K.

As part of the project KP2-2024 "Establishment of a new facility to study photoinduced changes in the physico-chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols", led by dr. sc. Sanja Frka, a new solar simulator (LS0306, Quantum Design, GmbH, Germany) was acquired, which will be used for the establishment of a unique photo-electrochemical reactor for testing the properties and mechanisms of the transformation of atmospheric aerosol particles.

Postdoc dr. sc. Andrea Milinković was elected as a representative of assistants and senior assistants of the Division for Marine and Environmental Research in the Scientific Council of the profession "Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences" (marine, environmental and radiation sciences).

August 2024

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated as a regional representative in the International Society of Electrochemistry at the 75th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (18 – 23 August 2024, Montreal, Canada) at the Regional Representative meeting, the Division meeting and the ISE General Assembly. She had a flash talk presentation titled "Microalgae's Behavior and Surface Properties Highlight Environmental Changes" and a poster.

Dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović gave an interview for HRT4, Studio 4: Science, held on August 27, 2024. TV viewers were introduced to the problems of ocean warming and pollution.

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis, dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić, postdoc dr. sc. Maja Levak Zorinc and PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated at the 10th Regional Biophysical Congress & 15th International Summer School of Biophysics (26 – 30 August 2024, University of Split, School of Medicine). Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis (member of the Organizing Committee) gave a presentation entitled "Biocompatible reconstructed marine based vesicles as an alternative drug delivery system". Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić gave a presentation entitled "Nanoplastics and microalgae: nanostructural, nanomechanical and antioxidant response of marine diatom Cylindrotheca closterium". Dr. sc. Maja Levak Zorinc and Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated at the conference with the poster presentations entitled "From marine lipids to marine vesicles: A preliminary study" and "Copper-nitroctechol interactions govern their toxic effects to microalgae".

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis, dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić and postdoc dr. sc. Maja Levak Zorinc participated in the STED microscopy and AFM microscopy workshops. PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in workshops "Microplate readers and different modes (ABS, FLUO, LUMI) – what, where, why and how", "DLS/ELS hands-on", "Bruker BIOAFM workshop" and "All-in-one microscope" also organized within the 15th International Summer School of Biophysics (26 – 30 August 2024, University of Split, School of Medicine).

July 2024

As part of the MZ3-2024 project "Introduction of a new methodology for testing the impact of atmospheric particles on human health", led by dr. sc. Ana Cvitešić Kušan, an ALI (air-liquid interface) system (VITROCELL® Cloud Alpha 6) was acquired, which represents the latest technology for studying the impact of air pollution and aerosol particle toxicity on human health under physiologically relevant conditions. This system is specifically designed for dose-controlled and spatially uniform deposition of liquid aerosols on cells cultured at the air/liquid interface. Training on the ALI system was conducted on 12 July 2024, in the presence of dr. sc. A. Cvitešić Kušan, dr. sc. S. Strmečki Kos, PhD student S. Bakija Alempijević, and dr. sc. A. Milinković.

Prof. Branka Miljević (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia) visited the Laboratory of Marine and Atmospheric Biogeochemistry, DMER, RBI from 02 June to 07 July 2024 as a part of the approved project MZ2-24 Strengthening international collaboration in the area of atmospheric chemistry through incoming mobility of prof. Miljević, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, lead by dr. sc. Sanja Frka.

During her stay at the RBI, prof. Miljević visited laboratories and met researchers at LMAB and DMER. She also visited the Martinska marine station (06 – 07 June, 2024), where dr. sc. Frka introduced her to the techniques of sampling the sea surface microlayer and processing of collected samples.

On 17 June 2024 prof. Miljević participated in field work in the Brijuni National Park, where studies on air quality and atmospheric deposition processes are being conducted as a part of the Brijuni National Park project led by dr. sc. Frka.

Prof. Miljević also visited the urban station DHMZ Zagreb 2 (Ravnice, Zagreb), where from December 2023 to August 2024 a campaign to study the properties and factors influencing the concentration and size distribution of ultrafine aerosol particles (diameter < 100 nm) in the city of Zagreb was conducted for the first time, under the leadership of dr. sc. Frka. Among other instrumentation, the newly acquired (O-ZIP) Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) was used during the campaign, a complex instrument that enabled the determination of the distribution and concentration of airborne aerosol particles in the size range from 7 to 300 nm in real time.

During the visit, prof. Miljević and dr. sc. Frka also discussed details of the collaboration related to the implementation of the campaign on Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) as part of the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program, in which dr. sc. Frka will participate from October to November 2024.

June 2024

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in the workshop entitled "Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism in biological, biomedical and environmental research" (5 June 2024, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Medicine, Zagreb).

Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić, postdoc dr. sc. Maja Levak Zorinc and PhD student Borna Branimir Vuković participated at the workshop Biostatistics in R, organized by Chemical codes d.o.o. at BICRO BIOCENTAR d.o.o. (06 – 12 June 2024, Zagreb).

On June 12, 2024 at 11 a.m. prof. Branka Miljević (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia) gave a lecture entitled: "Southern Ocean aerosols: where we are and where we are going to" as a guest of dr. sc. Sanja Frka within the MZ2-24 project.

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in the OCB2024 (Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry) Summer Science Workshop (10 – 13 June 2024, Woods Hole, MA, USA, online).

Postdoc dr. sc. Andrea Milinković participated at the workshop Processing of Continuous Measurements in Biological Oceanography, organized by prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić, prof. dr. sc. Zoran Pasarić, and Antonija Matek, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., within HRZZ ISLAND project (14 June 2024, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science).

On June 19, 2024 student Robert Horn defended his diploma thesis entitled: "Investigation of the properties and factors affecting concentrations and size distribution of ultrafine aerosol particles during winter in the city of Zagreb", under the mentorship of dr. sc. Sanja Frka, at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.

Dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović attended the kick-off meeting of the Brigantine project (19 June 2024, Udine, Italy).

Postdoc dr. sc. Andrea Milinković participated at the workshop Marine Data 4 Coastal Monitoring, organized by Copernicus, the Copernicus Marine Service, and Mercator Ocean International (20 – 21 June 2024, online).

May 2024

Dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović was invited as a guest scientist to participate in the Siyuan Ocean Conference 2024 (10 – 12 May 2024, Shanghai, China).

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated as a member of the local organizing committee at the 36th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (26 – 29 May 2024, Šibenik)  and gave  the lecture "Microalgae's Behaviour and Surface Properties Reveal Changes in the Environment".

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević was a member of the local organizing committee of the 36th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry with the topic "Marine and environmental electrochemistry in the era of new technologies" (26 – 29 May 2024, Šibenik), where she also presented the results of the BiREADI project with a poster presentation entitled "Voltammetry of Copper-Nitrocatechol Interactions Explains Their Binary Toxic Effects to Microalgae".

Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić  participated at the meeting "Microplastics for Breakfast with Andreja Palatinus - First Meeting of Nano and Microplastics Researchers of Croatia" (29 May 2024, Zagreb, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health).

April 2024

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in the 8th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium with an oral presentation entitled  "The impact of nitrated monoaromatic hydrocarbons from atmospheric aerosols on different levels of biological organisation in aquatic systems" (26 – 27 April 2024, Zagreb, Croatia).

Dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević participated at the 4th International Conference WATERS IN SENSITIVE AND PROTECTED AREAS, Pula, Croatia, where she gave an oral presentation entitled "Sources and processes affecting levels and composition of atmospheric deposition to the area of Brijuni National Park", Croatia, and presented the results obtained within the project funded by Brijuni National Park.

Dr. sc. Slađana Strmečki Kos was appointed a member of the IRB Ethics Commission.

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis was appointed a member of the Parent Board for the field of natural sciences, the field of interdisciplinary natural sciences

Annual awards of the Ruđer Bošković Institute for the research papers in 2022.: 

  1. Novosel, N., i sur. (2022). Salinity-induced chemical, mechanical and behavioral changes in marine microalgae. Journal of applied phycology 34, 1293–1309.
  2. Flanjak, L., i sur. (2022). The effects of high temperatures and nitrogen availability on the growth and composition of the marine diatom Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73, 4250-4265.
  3. Milinković, A., i sur. (2022). Variabilities of biochemical properties of the sea surface microlayer: Insights to the atmospheric deposition impacts. Science of The Total Environment, 838(3), 156440.
  4. Frka, S., i sur. (2022). Seasonal variability of nitroaromatic compounds in ambient aerosols: Mass size distribution, possible sources and contribution to water-soluble brown carbon light absorption. Chemosphere, 299, 13438.
  5. Godrijan, J., i sur. (2022). Osmotrophy of dissolved organic carbon by coccolithophores in darkness. New Phytologist, 233, 781–794.

March 2024

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan participated in a workshop jointly organized by the European Organization for Molecular Biology and the Japanese Agency for Science and Technology in Tokyo with the aim of encouraging cooperation in biological sciences between Europe and Japan.

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated as MC member in the last meeting of the COST Action CA1238 Ocean4Biotech (04 – 08 March 2024, Riga, Latvia).

Final project workshop within the "Research network V4-Croatia for the development of novel drug carriers from algae" financed by the International Visegrad Fund (VP: Nadica Ivošević DeNardis) held at the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prague, Centre Algatech, Trebon, Czech Republic (dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić, dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis). Press-release article was published in the local newspaper Svět, Trebon 04/2024 ( 

Dr. sc. Ana Cvitešić Kušan has completed her postdoctoral visit at the Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, Slovenia. During her one-year postdoctoral stay, Ana worked under the supervision of research assistant Prof. dr. Ana Kroflič and was involved in the fundamental atmospheric research on secondary organic aerosol transformations.

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in a workshop entitled "Vještine prezentiranja" held by dr. sc. Matija Gredičak  (7 March 2024, Zagreb). 

February 2024

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan took part in the TV show Climate Future, in which the situation in the Adriatic due to global warming was discussed:

January 2024

Borna Branimir Vuković has joined LBMA as a doctoral student. He will work on the life cycle of coccolithophorids under the mentorship of Jelena Godrijan.

December 2023

PhD and postdoctoral students Saranda Bakija Alempijević, dr. sc. Maja Levak Zorinc, dr. sc. Tanja Vojvoda Zeljko i dr. sc. Frédéric Chaux participated in 1. meeting of young scientists from the Division of Marine and Environmental Research, Ruđer Bošković Institute  with oral presentations (December 11, 2023, Zagreb). Postdoctoral students dr. sc. Tanja Vojvoda Zeljko and dr. sc. Maja Levak Zorinc were awarded 1st and 2nd prizes for their presentations.

Dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević and dr. sc. Ana Cvitešić Kušan participated in the WeBIOPATR 2023 The Ninth International WEBIOPATR Workshop & Conference Particulate Matter: Research and Management, Belgrade, Srbija. Sanja Frka Milosavljević gave two oral presentations: "Photochemistry of marine organics at the air-water interface as a source of volatile organic compounds influencing new particle formation" (BiREADI IP-2018-01-3105 project, EUROCHAMP-2020 Infrastructure Activity GA No 730997 i COGITO project) and "Sources and processes affecting levels and composition of atmospheric deposition to the Adriatic coastal areas and biogeochemical implications" (BiREADI IP-2018-01-3105 project, Brijuni National Park funding). Ana Cvitešić Kušan gave an oral presentation entitled "The size distribution of SARS-COV-2 genetic material in airborne particles sampled in hospital and home care environments occupied by COVID-19 positive subjects" (Foundation of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, BiREADI IP-2018-01-3105 project, AIRQ).

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan held an invited lecture organized by the Science Union at the IRB: "How to write (and get) a project?".

November 2023

Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić delivered invited lecture on 4. Znanstvena školi o okolišu 2023: Nekonvencionalni pristupi konvencionalnim izazovima  (27 – 29 November 2023, Zagreb, online): "Primjena mikroskopije atomskih sila (AFM-a) u istraživanju mora". 

Dr. sc. Sanja Frka deliverd a keynote talk: "Size distribution of airborne particles: sources, chemical characteristics and impacts on human health and aquatic ecosystem functioning" on The 13th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2023), Sanya, China (online).

Titouan LE PERRUN joined the lab in the period from 01.11.2023 to 02.02.2024 as part of the EMBO project Installation Grant project "Decoding the influence of coccolithophore life cycle on the oceanic carbon cycle" under the direct supervision of dr. sc. Frédéric Chaux.

Student Sara Vignjević successfully defended her Master's thesis entitled "Chemical composition and deposition processes of atmospheric particulate matter in the area of the Brijuni National Park" at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Zagreb. Supervisor: Prof. dr. Željka Zgorelec, co-supervisor: Dr. sc. Ana Cvitešić Kušan.

October 2023

On 23.10.2023, student Andrea Milinković successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "Biological and chemical responses of sea surface layer to atmospheric deposition" at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, under the mentorship of Sanja Frka Milosavljević and within BiREADI IP-2018-01-3105 project.

September 2023

Dr. sc. Tanja Vojvoda Zeljko joined the laboratory as a postdoctoral student on the EMBO IG project.

Dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević participated in the International conference and 13th Croatian scientific and professional meeting Air Protection 2023, Dubrovnik, Croatia, where she presented the results obtained in the BiREADI IP-2018-01-3105 and Brijuni National Park projects entitled "Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Central Adriatic area and biogeochemical implications". Through another poster presentation entitled "Photochemistry of marine lipids at the air-water interface: Abiotic production of volatile organic compounds and new particle formation", she also presented the results of the BiREADI IP-2018-01-3105 project, EUROCHAMP-2020 Infrastructure Activity GA No 730997 and COGITO project.

Dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević participated in the 1st International Scientific Symposium Interdisciplinary Approach to the Scientific Research of the Adriatic Sea InspireAdriatic 2023, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia. In her oral presentation entitled "Evaluation of source-depended atmospheric deposition inputs on the planktonic population and the change in the chemical properties of sea surface layer" she presented the results of the BiREADI IP-2018-01-3105 project.

Dr. sc. Tanja Matijević Glavan and dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić participated in "Peptide Chemistry Day" (20. September 2023., University of Zagreb, Zagreb) with poster presentation: "The cytotoxicity of reconstructed membrane vesicles as potential drug delivery system".

Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić and dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis visited the Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University of Bratislava, Bratislva, Slovakia, as a part of the project "Research network V4-Croatia for the development of novel drug carriers from algae" financed by the International Visegrad Fund (VP: Nadica Ivošević DeNardis). Dr. sc. N. Ivošević DeNardis gave an invited talk "From algal cells to vesicles as a potential drug delivery system" for Master and PhD students.

Karlo Ojdanić defended his Master's thesis "Nanomorphological characterization of microalgal cells and reconstructed membrane vesicles" Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (supervisors: dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis, prof. dr. Iva Juranović Cindrić).

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević published Summary from the meeting in collaboration with her colleague Angela Kapitanović from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (Zagreb) in the journal Chemistry in Industry (KUI-9-10/23) entitled "12th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry".

Dr. sc. Slađana Strmečki Kos and PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated as members of the working group in "Advanced school on aqua ions and hydrolysis-related equilibria" within the framework of COST ACTION 18202 "Network for Equilibria and Chemical Thermodynamics Advanced Research" (29 September 2023, Zagreb).

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan organized and attended the hybrid workshop Advances in Coccolithophore Research, held in Bergen (Norway, 12-14th September: Advances in Coccolithophore Research 2023 Frédéric Chaux attended online and give a flash talk of his work.

August 2023

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan and dr. sc. Frédéric Chaux attended 8th European Phycological Congress in Brest (France, 20-26th August 2023: 8th European Phycological Congress - They presented their work on the photosynthesis in distinct strains of the coccolithophore Calcidiscus leptoporus, representing the two distinct phases of its enigmatic life cycle, during poster session. Dr. sc. Frédéric Chaux also gave a short talk during the "100 Diatom Genomes Project" workshop, based on his previous work on long-read sequencing (Chaux et al., Genome Research 2023; Chaux et al., Plos one 2024).

July 2023

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in a webinar entitled "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Defense Against Environmental Aggressors", Bruker (11 July 2023).

June 2023

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević was a member of the  Organizing Committee of the gathering of young electrochemists called 12th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry (30 June 2023, Zagreb) where she presented the results of the BiREADI project with an oral lecture called "Voltammetry of atmospherically important Cu(II)-catechol complexes in aqueous phase". The aim of this one-day meeting is to provide an opportunity to graduate and PhD students to share their work and research in the different fields of electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering.

Popularization of science: Dr. sc. Slađana Strmečki Kos and PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in a science-popular event called Frizbijada, representing the Division for Marine and Environmental Research. The aforementioned event was a joint open day of the Ruđer Bošković Institute and the Institute of Physics (2 June 2023, Zagreb).

The project funded by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Foundation entitled "Evaluation of airborne SARS-CoV-2 transmission and size-distribution in the primary respiratory-intensive care centre for the treatment of COVID-19 positive patients," led by dr. sc. Ana Cvitešić Kušan, was successfully completed with the publication of research results in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

May 2023

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan gave an interview for magazine. You can read the details at:

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated on the COST Action CA1238 Ocean4Biotech (24 – 26 May 2023, Rome, Italy) MC meeting and conference with the oral presentation "Adaptation response of microalgae to stressors in aquatic ecosystems and potential application".

April 2023

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan gave an interview for the magazine Slobodna Dalmacija:

PhD student Andrea Milinković participated in the EGU23 General Assembly (April 23 – 28, 2023, Vienna) with a talk "Insights to the short-term atmospheric deposition impacts on the biology and chemistry of the sea surface microlayer in the Adriatic Sea coastal region".

March 2023

Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić is nominated as a member of the Capital Equipment Commission of the RBI.

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan held a lecture at the online information day "Mentoring in MSCA Postdoctoral Scholarship Projects" organized by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programs with the aim of informing and motivating future mentors.

Student Ivona Mikić successfully defended her Master's thesis entitled "Variability of aerosol black carbon concentration in the area of the Brijuni National Park" at the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science at the University of Zagreb. Supervisor: dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević, assistant mentor: dr. sc. Ana Cvitešić Kušan.

January 2023

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan received a prestigious project of the European Organization for Molecular Biology EMBO:

December 2022

Within the Croatian-French program Cogito Partners Hubert Curien "Evaluation of the biophysical and physiological effects of salinity stress on algal cells and its consequences for cell aggregation" (PIs: N. Ivošević DeNardis, C. Formosa Dague), dr. sc. Nives Novosel Vlašić visited the Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, France, and got acquainted with the work on the BIO-AFM device.

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis held an invited lecture entitled: "Marine-Bioinspired Self-assembled Vesicles as Potential Drug Carriers", at the V. Supramolecular Chemistry, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

November 2022

Dr. sc. Frédéric Chaux started his post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (Horizon Europe), under the supervision of Jelena Godrijan. Cocco-Next: Physiological adaptations to ecological niches in coccolithophore haplodiplontic life cycle

The postdoctoral student Dr. sc. Ana Cvitešić Kušan, who was a guest at the University of Cassino and South Latin, Cassino, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. G. Buonanno, gained experience in the application of mathematical models for the airborne transmission of virus particles and carried out the analysis and processing of the research results as part of the HAZU project "Evaluation of airborne SARS-CoV-2 transmission and size-distribution in the primary respiratory-intensive care centre for the treatment of COVID-19 positive patients."

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in the Znanstvena škola o okolišu 2022: A multidisciplinary approach to the study of micro- and nano- particles in the environment (November 22 – 25, 2022, Zagreb, online) with an oral presentation "Kvantifikacija i ekotoksikologija nitro-monoaromatskih ugljikovodika u atmosferskim lebdećim česticama PM10 izgaranja biomase".

Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić is nominated as editor of the CroRIS database (equipment module).

October 2022

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan gave a talk at TedxZagreb "Ignite the Spark" event - titled: "Tiny solutions for burning climate crisis".

Kick-off meeting within the project "Research network V4-Croatia for the development of novel drug carriers from algae" financed by the International Visegrad Fund (PI: Nadica Ivošević DeNardis).

September 2022

PhD student Andrea Milinković participated in the 8th hybrid SOLAS Open Science Conference (September 25 – 29, 2022, Cape Town, online) with a talk "Variabilities of biochemical properties of the sea surface microlayer: insights to the atmospheric deposition impacts" and a poster presentation "Impacts of biomass burning versus anthropogenic aerosol deposition on the surface layers in the central Adriatic Sea: A mesocosm study".

Nives Novosel defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Behavior and surface properties of microalgae as stress markers for aquatic ecosystems" at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, on September 20, 2022, under the supervision of dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis.

The final meeting of the CELLSTRESS project (PI: Nadica Ivošević DeNardis) financed by the Croatian Science Foundation was held on September 13, 2022.

August 2022

The new Ruđer Bošković Institute capital equipment, Atomic force microscope (AFM) coupled to inverted fluorescence microscope (BIO-AFM) (JPK NanoWizard 4 XP coupled to Olympus IX73, Bruker) ( acquired through the EU Project 'Open scientific infrastructure platforms for innovative applications in the economy and society' (O-ZIP) was installed.

April 2022

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in the PhD student symposium at the Faculty of Science (April 23 – 24, 2022, Zagreb) with a poster presentation "Exploring ecotoxicological effects of nitromonoaromatic compounds by in vitro and in vivo bioassays".

PhD student Nives Novosel participated in the PhD student symposium at the Faculty of Science (April 23 – 24, 2022, Zagreb) with an oral presentation "Algal cell surface properties and behaviour as stress markers for aquatic ecosystems".

As part of the CELLSTRESS project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation, PhD student Nives Novosel and dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated in the XXVII International symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics BES2022 (April 03 – 07, 2022, Antwerp) with a poster presentation "Electrochemical adhesion-based differentiation of algal cells" and a talk "Tailoring Algae-Based Vesicles for Drug Delivery", respectively.

As part of the Croatian-French Program Cogito Partners Hubert Curien "Evaluation of the biophysical and physiological effects of salinity stress on algal cells and its consequences for cell aggregation" (leaders: N. Ivošević DeNardis, C. Formosa Dague), dr. sc. Cecile Formosa Dague gave lecture "New insights into flocculation mechanisms in microalgae revealed by AFM".

March 2022

PhD students Andrea Milinković and Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated in an online workshop entitled "ACS on Campus – Croatia: 10 Tips for Scholarly Publishing", held by dr. Pamela Tadross, Associate Editor, Organic Process Research & Development (March 16, 2022).

February  2022

Tomo Balen defended his Master's thesis „Preparation and characterization of algal plasma membrane vesicles“ Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (supervisors: dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis, prof. dr. Iva Juranović Cindrić)

December 2021

Annual award of the Ruđer Bošković Institute for the best scientific paper: Novosel, N., Kasum, D., Žutinić, P., Legović, T., & Ivošević DeNardis, N. (2020). Short-term effect of cadmium on the motility of three flagellated algal species. Journal of Applied Phycology32(6), 4057–4067.

As part of the Croatian-French Program Cogito Partners Hubert Curien "Evaluation of the biophysical and physiological effects of salinity stress on algal cells and its consequences for cell aggregation" (leaders: N. Ivošević DeNardis, C. Formosa Dague) PhD student Nives Novosel and dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis visited Toulouse Biotechnology Institute and gave lectures: "Algal cell motility under stress" and "Algal cell adaptation responses under influence of single stressor".

The results of the BiREADI project were presented at the Environmental Science School 2021: A comprehensive approach to the study of anthropogenic pressures on the environment (December 07 – 10, 2021, Zagreb, online) with an oral: Bakija Alempijević, S.; Mihaljević, I.; Dragojević, J.; Strmečki Kos, S.; Frka, S.; Smital, T.: "Ekotoksični učinci metil-nitrokatehola" and a poster presentation: Milinković, A.; Gregorič, A.; Džaja Grgičin, V.; Vidič, S.; Penezić, A.; Bakija Alempijević, S.; Kasper-Giebl, A.; Frka, S.: "Light-absorption observation and source-oriented modelling for characterization and source apportionment of black carbon aerosol pollution in a typical Mediterranean coastal area".

PhD student Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated at the 21st European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (November 30 – December 03, 2021, Novi Sad, online) with a poster entitled "Ecotoxicological Effects of Methylnitrocatechols".

November 2021

Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić is nominated as administrator of the scientific research instrument database - Šestar (decision no. 01-6941/, November 12, 2021).

Within the Croatian-French program COGITO "Evaluation of the biophysical and physiological effects of salinity on algal cells and its consequences for cell aggregation" (leaders: N. Ivošević DeNardis, C. Formosa Dague), PhD student Irem Demir from Toulouse Institute of Biotechnology, France, held a laboratory seminar.

October 2021

The results of the BiREADI project were presented at the conference 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers (October 05 – 08, 2021, Lošinj) with a poster presentation: Šimić, I.; Mendaš, G.; Pehnec, G.; Milinković, A.; Frka, S.: "Different performances of a bulk collector for the determination of PAHs and PCBs in total deposited matter".

The results of the CELLSTRESS project were presented at the conference 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers (October 05 – 08, 2021, Lošinj) with poster presentations: Novosel, N.; Kasum, D.; Žutinić, P.; Legović, T.; Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "Algal motility as an indicator of environmental stress" and Levak Zorinc, M.; Horvat, L.; Frkanec, R.; Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "Algae-derived plasma membrane carriers".

Dr. sc. Ivna Vrana Špoljarić participated at the 1st international conference Food & Climate Change (October 15 – 16, 2021, Koprivnica) with a poster presentation entitled "The impact of climate change on marine phytoplankton and food quality".

September 2021

The results of the BiREADI project were presented at the conference 12th Croatian Scientific Conference "Air Protection 2021" (September 15 – 17, 2021, Medulin) with an oral presentation: Žužul, S.; Gluščić, V.; Šimić, I.; Penezić, A.; Milinković, A.; Frka, S.: "Heavy metals in deposited matter in the vicinity of Šibenik".

PhD student Andrea Milinković participated in the 16th IGAC Scientific Conference (September 13 – 17, 2021, online) with a poster entitled "Combining light-absorption observation and source-oriented modelling for characterization and source apportionment of black carbon aerosol pollution in a typical Mediterranean coastal area".

As part of the CELLSTRESS project, a microcosm experiment was conducted in partly natural conditions at the Ruđer Bošković Institute.

August 2021

The results of the CELLSTRESS project were presented at the Microscopy conference 2021 (August 22 – 26, 2021, online) with a poster presentation: Mišić Radić T.; Vukosav P.: "Nanoplastics in the marine environment: effect of microalgal extracellular polymers studied by AFM".

The results of the CELLSTRESS project were presented at the conference 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (August 29 – September 03, 2021, online) with a poster presentation: Novosel, N.; Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "How to Utilize Structural Features of the Algal Cells for Electrochemical Differentiation at the Liquid-Liquid Interfaces?".

The results of the BiREADI project were presented at the conference 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (August 29 – September 03, 2021, online) with a poster presentation: Strmečki Kos, S.; Dešpoja, I.; Penezić, A.; Bakija Alempijević, S.; Frka, S.: "Copper Speciation by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry in the Surface Layers of the Oligotrophic Sea Influenced by Atmospheric Deposition".

The results of the CELLSTRESS project were presented at the XII. European conference on natural marine products, Galway, Ireland (August 30 – September 01, 2021, online) with an oral presentation: Levak Zorinc, M.; Horvat, L.; Frkanec, R.; Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "Structural characterization and permeability of plasma membrane vesicles derived from algal cells".

July 2021

The results of the BiREADI project were presented at the conference 10th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry (July 02, 2021, online) with an oral presentation: Dešpoja, I.; Strmečki Kos, S.; Penezić, A.; Bakija Alempijević, S.; Frka, S.: "Electrochemical determination of copper complexing capacity in the surface layer of the coastal central Adriatic Sea".

The results of the CELLSTRESS project were presented at the conference 10th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry (July 02, 2021, online) with an oral presentation: Novosel, N.; Levak, M.; Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "Surface method approach in characterization of plasma membrane vesicles derived from algal cells" (award for the best oral presentation).

June 2021

Lana Flanjak, a master's student at Aalborg University (Denmark), spent 6 months from September 2020 to February 2021 in the Laboratory for Marine and Atmospheric Biogeochemistry, where she completed her Master thesis under the supervision of dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović within the BiREADI project. She defended her thesis at Aalborg University on July 23, 2021, entitled "Cellular response of marine diatom Chaetocerus pseudocurvisetus to warming and nitrogen availability".

The results of the CELLSTRESS project were presented at the ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting Palma de Mallorca, Spain (virtual) with two oral presentations: Novosel, N.; Mišić Radić, T.; Zemla, J.; Lekka, M.; Čačkovic, A.; Kasum, D.; Legović, T.; Žutinić, P.; Gligora Udovič, M.; Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "Temperature alterations cause change in algal cell surface properties and behaviour" and Mišić Radić, T.; Čačković, A.; Novosel, N.; Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "Impact of environmental stress on marine diatoms: insight from AFM study".

April 2021

PhD student Andrea Milinković participated in the 5th Symposium of Doctoral Students of the Faculty of Science (April 24 – 25, 2021, Zagreb) with a poster entitled "Seasonal variabilities of nitrogen and phosphorus atmospheric deposition to the Central Adriatic area and biogeochemical implications".

The results of the CELLSTRESS project were presented at the 7th Conference of the International Society for Applied Phycology (ISAP2020-2021-virtual) with a poster presentation: Novosel, N.; Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "The role of structural features of algal cells on adhesion behavior at the interface".

The results of the BiREADI project were presented at the conference vEGU21: Gather Online (April 19 – 30, 2021, online) with an oral presentation: Strmečki Kos, S.; Dešpoja, I.; Bakija Alempijević, S.: "Impact of specific atmospheric depositions on Cu-organic matter interaction in the sea-surface microlayer of the Middle Adriatic".

February 2021

Student Lana Flanjak from the University of Aalborg, Denmark has completed a master's thesis (September 1, 2020 to February 24, 2021) entitled "Biochemical adaptations of marine diatom to global change stressors" as part of the project "Biochemical responses of the surface layer of the oligotrophic area of the Adriatic Sea to atmospheric deposition (BiREADI)" leader dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević, and under the leadership of dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović.

PhD student Tihana Novak defended PhD Thesis entitled: "Changes in phytoplankton lipid composition as a response to environmental stress" on February 04, 2021, done under the supervision of dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović.

The results of the BiREADI project were presented at the online conference 28th AMOS Annual Conference „Science for Impact“, Australia (February 08 – 11, 2021) with an oral presentation: Penezić, A., Milinković, A., Bakija Alempijević, S., Žužul, S., Frka S.: "Atmospheric Deposition of Biologically Relevant Trace Metals in an Oligotrophic Adriatic Sea Area".

January 2021

New member of the laboratory is postdoctoral student dr. sc. Maja Levak Zorinc.

December 2020

PhD students Andrea Milinković, Saranda Bakija Alempijević, and Nives Novosel participated in an online workshop entitled "Step-by-step Guide on How to Prepare a Successful Paper - Croatia", Springer Nature, AD webinars held by Dr. Nabil Khélifi, Senior Editor, Springer Nature (December 12, 2020).

November 2020

Dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić, dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis and PhD student Nives Novosel participated in the JPK BioAFM online workshop entitled The Open Lab "Cell Mechanics and Cell Adhesion" (25.11.2020).

PhD student Nives Novosel and dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated in the online conference 9th meeting of Electrochemistry in Nanosciences (23-24.11.2020) with a presentation entitled "Electrochemical adhesion based differentiation of algal cell species".

October 2020

Dr. sc. Slađana Strmečki Kos and dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović are nominated as a Guest editors of the Special Issue "Characterization of Organic Matter in Marine and Freshwater Environment" in Water (IF=2.544 (2019)).

Dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović, together with prof. Chris Parrishom, Ocean Sciences Center, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, has been nominated as a guest editor of the Special Issue "Phytoplankton Lipids" in Marine Drugs (IF = 4,073 (2019)).

New members of the laboratory are doctoral student Saranda Bakija Alempijević and postdoctoral student dr. sc. Ana Cvitešić Kušan.

September 2020


PhD student Andrea Milinković and dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević, Croatian radiotelevision, national programme, channel HRT1, "Scientific circles".

PhD student Andrea Milinković participated in the preparation of materials for the "70th anniversary of the Ruđer Bošković Institute"; making video material "How do clouds form?"

Dr. sc. Ivna Vrana Špoljarić has returned from postdoctoral training at Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Environmental Sciences, Group of Organic Biogeochemistry (Ljubljana, Slovenija). During her stay, she worked on the development of an analytical method (HILIC-ESI MS) for the identification of the lipid composition of samples from the environment and phytoplankton (microalgae). Developed method was used to determine lipid profile of two unicellular green algae: Chlorella vulgaris and Dunaliella tertiolecta. Changes in the lipid profile of Dunaliella tertiolecta during the growth at three different salinities (3, 20 and 38‰) and environmental samples from the Krka River area (salinity samples ranging from 0 to 38‰) were also analyzed. The analyzed data will be used for the publication of a scientific paper.

August 2020

A comprehensive interdisciplinary campaign was conducted in the central Adriatic Sea in cooperation with German associates from the University of Oldenburg.

PhD student Nives Novosel and dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated in the 71st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Electrochemistry towards Excellence, Belgrade Online (31.08.-04.09.2020), with poster presentation: "Application of electrochemical approach and motility analysis in algal cells characterization".

July 2020

PhD student Nives Novosel, dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić and dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated in summer school AFM BioMed Summer School Marseille 2020-ONLINE EDITION (20.07.-22.07.2020).

June 2020

PhD student Nives Novosel, dr. sc. Tea Mišić Radić and dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated in the international workshop Bruker online lab-BioAFM, High-Speed AFM and Cell Mechanics (18.06.2020).

May 2020

PhD students Andrea Milinković and Saranda Bakija Alempijević completed training on UV/VIS spectrophotometer, Shimadzu, Zagreb, Croatia.

Popularization of science:
PhD student Andrea Milinković participated in the online Open Day of the Ruđer Bošković Institute, which took place on May 18, 2020 on the website of the Institute of Events and on social networks, Division for Marine and Environmental Research: preparation of the quiz: "How much do I know?"

Participation in conferences:

Dr. Sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević participated in the EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online (Vienna, Austria, 04.-08.05.2020) with a lecture entitled "Biochemical responses of oligotrophic Adriatic Sea surface layers to atmospheric deposition inputs".

March 2020

PhD student Andrea Milinković participated in the workshop "Precambrian Paleoceanography", held by Dr. Alexey Kamishny, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, organized by the Faculty of Science and the University of Zagreb through the Erasmus + KA107 project, Zagreb, Croatia (March 2-6, 2020).

February 2020

Participation in conferences:

PhD student Nives Novosel and dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated in the international conference within the COST Action European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine Biotechnology (CA18238), Piran, Slovenija (04.02.-06.02.2020) with oral presentations: "Application of ICY software to motility analysis in cadmium polluted algal cell cultures" and "Development of a new generation of drug delivery systems: algal ghosts, ibid".

PhD student Andrea Milinković held an oral presentation "Optical properties and sources of atmospheric aerosols at the central Adriatic" at the Symposium of doctoral students of the Faculty of Science in Zagreb (28.02.2020).

PhD student Nives Novosel held a poster presentation "The influence of the green algae morphological characteristics to the process of interfacial adhesion and motility" for which she got the award for best poster presentation at the Symposium of doctoral students of the Faculty of Science in Zagreb (28.02.2020).

The results of the BiREADI project were presented at the conference XIII Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, 2020., Zagreb, Croatia (February 20-21, 2020) with a poster presentation: Jakovljević, I., Sever Štrukil, Z., Pehnec, G., Bešlić, I., Milinković, A., Bakija Alempijević, S., Frka, S. "Comparison of PAH mass concentrations in the coastal area of the central Adriatic and central Croatia".

January 2020

Dr. Sc. Jelena Godrijan has returned from postdoctoral training at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, Maine, USA. During her stay at Bigelow she worked on NASA project "Gulf of Maine North Atlantic Time Series (GNATS): An experimental observatory documenting the Gulf of Maine carbon cycle" and on a National Science Foundation, NSF, project Coccolithophore Mixotrophy. Upon her return she published an article in the renowned journal Limnology and Oceanography (I =3.778 (2019)). The article argues that the growth of coccolithophores in the ocean deep zones could be sustained by uptake of a large array of organic compounds found in seawater.

Godrijan, J., D. Drapeau, W.M. Balch. (2020), Mixotrophic uptake of organic compounds by coccolithophores. Limnology and Oceanography, 20, 1410-1421 doi: 10.1002/lno

October 2019

Participation in conferences:

Dr. Sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević participated in the COST Action CA16109 - Cost Colossal : Working Groups and Management Committee Meeting (Riga, Latvia, 14.-18.10.2019) with a lecture entitled "Optical properties and source apportionment of aerosols from the Middle Adriatic based on multi-wavelength optical absorption measurements".

September 2019

Participation in conferences:

Dr. Sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis participated in the 3rd World Congress of Electroporation in France (02.-06.09.2019) with a lecture entitled "From algal cells to ideally reconstructed, fluorescent vesicles" and as a member of the Scientific and Program Committee and co-leader of the section "Mechanism and Characterization of PEF".

Dr. Sc. Tea Mišić Radić participated in the AFM BioMed Conference (Germany, 02.-06.09.2019) with a poster entitled "Algal cells under environmental stress: physiological and morphological response".

August 2019

Participation in conferences:

PhD student Tihana Novak gave a lecture "Global warming and oligotrophication synergy leads to greater phytoplankton lipid production" at the 7th European Phycological Congress in Zagreb (25-30 August 2019).

PhD student Nives Novosel participated in the 7th European Phycological Congress in Zagreb (25-30 August 2019) with a poster entitled "Changes in motility and adhesive behavior of Dunaliella tertiolecta (Butcher) under the presence of heavy metal cadmium", and as a member of the local technical support to the organization of the congress.

PhD student Andrea Milinković received a financial support from the Ruđer Bošković Institute for financing short-term stays of young researchers in European laboratories. A. Milinković will spend 3 weeks in the Research Division 2: Marine Biogeochemistry, GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel (Dr. Anja Engel), Kiel, Germany, where she will be introduced to new methods of characterizing the marine organic matter. She is also going to perform the analyses of field samples collected within ongoing BiREADI project.

July 2019

Laboratory members held an afternoon gathering inside the Institute.

Lucija Plazibat, a student from Sacramento City College (Sacramento, California, USA) spent two months in LBMA. She was introduced to new environmental research topics and techniques for sampling and analysis of marine and atmospheric samples to study the interactions and effects of atmospheric deposition onto the sea surface ecosystem as part of ongoing CSF project: "Biochemical responses of oligotrophic Adriatic surface ecosystems to atmospheric deposition inputs (BiREADI)", (2018-2022) (PI S. Frka Milosavljević). During her visit, Lucia was involved in BiREADI field campaign at the Martinska research station. With her dedicated work, Lucija contributed to the implementation of the BiREADI project activities.

June 2019

PhD student Andrea Milinković was approved for the STSM Cost Action CA16109 project: “Optical Properties and Source Apportionment of Aerosols from the Middle Adriatic Based on Multi-Wavelength Optical Absorption Measurements”. As part of the project, A. Milinković will spend 3 weeks in Aerosol d.o.o. (Asta Gregorič, PhD), Ljubljana, Slovenia, where she will be introduced to new online techniques for determining black carbon in the air and discuss the results obtained during the BiREADI campaign in the Middle Adriatic.

PhD student Nives Novosel participated in the Symposium for European Freshwater Science (Zagreb, June 30-July 5, 2019) with posters entitled "Motility as an indicator of algal cell stress in modified batch cultures" and "Adhesion behavior of algal cells under stress in laboratory conditions, electrochemical approach”, and as a member of the local technical support to the organization of the congress.

May 2019

Popularization of science:

Ivna Vrana Špoljarić gave a lecture "The Story of the Sea" for visitors under the age of 7 at the “Ruđer Bošković Institute Open Day” (May 18th, 2019). At the same event Ivna Vrana Špoljarić, PhD student Andrea Milinković and associate Saranda Bakija Alempijević participated on the scientific station (moderated by Abra Penezić) "Current research for the future of the sea".

April 2019

Participation in conferences:

PhD student Andrea Milinković held an oral presentation "The influence of atmospheric deposition on the sea surface biochemistry of oligotrophic areas of the Adriatic Sea" at the 2nd Meeting of scientists, experts and students on the topic of environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia (2nd ZORH Meeting) in Split (26-27 April 2019).

January 2019


Dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević, Croatian radiotelevision, national programme, channel HTV1, "Scientific circles"

Dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević, Ruđer Bošković web page press release following the publication of the article: Size-resolved surface active substances of atmospheric aerosol: reconsideration of the impact on cloud droplet formation, Environmental Science & Technology (IF 6.65)

December 2018


Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis, Croatian radiotelevision, national programme, channel HTV1, "Eco radar"

Dr. sc. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis, Croatian radiotelevision, national programme, channel HTV1, "Scientific circles"

Conference organisation:

Tomislav Vuletić, Nadica Ivošević DeNardis, local organizing committee, 3rdCOST-sponsored ARBRE-MOBIEU plenary meeting "Molecular Biophysics-ABC of the puzzle of Life", Zagreb, Croatia, 18.03.-20.3.2019.


November 2018

Student of the Division of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Nives Novosel defended Graduation Thesis entitled: "Adhesion properties of phytoplankton specie Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher under stress conditions" done under the supervision of dr. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis.

Participation in conferences:

Tihana Novak, Snježana Kazazić, Jelena Godrijan, Daniela Marić, Tamara Djakovac, Marina Mlakar, Blaženka Gašparović: "Effects of temperature on lipid synthesis of diatom Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus and the northern Adriatic plankton community". Lipids in the ocean,structure, function, ecological role and applications, Brest, France, 20-22.11.2018.


dr. Sanja Frka Milosavljević appointed as a member of the Management Committee (Croatia) of a new COST Action CA17136 Indoor Air Pollution Network (2018-2022).

October 2018

Student of the Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Andrea Čačković defended Graduation Thesis entitled: "Nanostructural characterization of marine diatom cells exposed to cadmium" done under the supervision of dr. Tea Mišić Radić.

September 2018

Student of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Lora Pereža made a graduate thesis under the title: "Electrochemical analysis of polysaccharide chitosan and BSA protein in seawater" under the supervision of dr. Slađana Strmečki Kos.

August / September 2018

School/workshop organisation:

Nadica Ivošević DeNardis and Tea Mišić Radić, members of the Organizing Committee and AFM Workshop Coordinator / Lecturer 14th International School of Biophysics (, University of Split, Split, Croatia, 23.08.-01.09.2018.


August 2018

Nadica Ivošević DeNardis organized the Final workshop in the frame of Visegrad project: "Algal cell biophysical properties as markers for environmental stress in aquatic systems", Ruđer Bošković Insitute, Zagreb, 20.08.-21.08.2018.


June 2018

Within the EUROCHAMP-2020 TNA project: "Atmospheric deposition impacts on biochemistry and photochemistry of the sea surface layers of oligotrophic systems, Sanja Frka Milosavljević and Abra Penezić spent two weeks at IRCELYON - the Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon (Host Dr. Christian George), Lyon, France.

Tea Mišić Radić appointed as a substitute member of the Management Board - a representative of Croatia in the approved COST Action-CA15126 Between Atom and Cell: Integrating Molecular Biophysics Approaches for Biology and Healthcare (MOBIEU).

Tea Mišić Radić appointed as Coordinator of Capital Equipment – Atomic Force Microscope – Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia.

A new post-doc. dr. Ivna Vrana Špoljarić came to the lab.

May 2018

Student of the Department of Biotechnology, University of Rijeka, Javor Novosel made an experimental part of the thesis entitled "Investigation of the influence of atmospheric floating particles on biochemical responses of the sea diatome Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus" under the supervision of dr. Sanja Frka Milosavljević.


Visegrad project,  "Algal cell biophysical properties as markers for environmental stress in aquatic systems" (Coordinator Nadica Ivošević DeNardis) is the first project originated from the COST ACTION CA15126 presenting good example of networking:

COST Action CA15126 webpage:

“Success story. From ARBRE-MOBIEU networking to regional research cooperation with Visegrad grant“

COST Action CA15126 Newsletter no.10, May 2018.


Participation in conferences:

Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica: "Single cell at the charged interface". 8th Regional Biophysics Conference, Terme Zreče, Slovenia, 16.05.-20.5.2018.

Strmečki Kos Slađana, Trefulka Mojmir, Ostatna Veronika, Paleček Emil: "Electrochemical and immunochemical study of polysaccharide-protein molecular interactions". 5. Dan elektrokemije i 8th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry, Zagreb, Croatia, 25.05.2018.

Pereža Lora, Strmečki Kos Slađana: "Electrochemical detection of aminosugar and protein in seawater". 5. Dan elektrokemije i 8th  ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry, Zagreb, Croatia, 25.05.2018.

Strmečki Kos Slađana, Plavšić Marta, Pereža Lora: "The potential of electrochemical methods in analysis of natural polysaccharides". 3rd International EPNOE Junior Scientists Meeting.
Maribor, Slovenia, 14-15.05.2018.

Novosel Nives, Ivošević DeNardis Nadica: "Behavior of algal cells under stress in the laboratory condition": Electrochemical approach, 5. Dan elektrokemije i 8th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry, Zagreb, 25.05.2018.

Conference organisation:

Slađana Strmečki Kos, Chair of the Organizing Committee of the symposium "5. Dan Elektrokemije & 8th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry", Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, 25.5.2018.

Popularization of science:

Slađana Strmečki Kos was a Coordinator (S. Strmečki, A. Penezić) of the scientific station "The vie w into the seawater droplet" on the Ruđer Bošković Institute Open Day, Zagreb, Croatia, 19.5.2018.


Tea Mišić Radić led a workshop "Marine microworld - phytoplankton" for high school students as part of the Knowledge Foundation project STEM. Grow. Explore. Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, 18.05.2018.

April-June 2018

Student of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Petra Mlacović made a graduate thesis under the title: „Lipid remodeling in selected marine diatoms as adaptation to limited phosphorus resources“ under the supervision of dr. Blaženka Gašparović.

April 2018

Participation in conferences:

Vlado Cuculić, Neven Cukrov, Željko Kwokal, Slađana Strmečki Kos, Marta Plavšić: "Distribution and speciation of trace metals and organic matter in brackish lakes on karstic island, South Adriatic Sea, Croatia". „European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018“ Vienna, Austria, 08-13.04.2018. 

March 2018

Participation in conferences:

Pillet. F., Dague, E., Pečar Ilić, J., Ružić, I., Rols, M-P., Ivošević DeNardis, N.: "Algal cell nanomechanical properties and adhesion dynamics at the model interface". ARBRE-MOBIEU  Warsaw Plenary Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 19.03.-21.03.2018.

Tea Mišić Radić : "Role of marine gel in scavenging and stabilizing silica nanoparticles in the marine environment". Plenary Meeting of the COST Action CA15126 Between Atom and Cell: Integrating Molecular Biophysics Approaches for Biology and Healthcare (MOBIEU), Warsaw, Poland, 19.-21.03.2018.


February 2018

Nadja Triesch, a student from the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany, spent two weeks in our lab working on a lipid material analysis of marine and atmospheric samples within collaboration with Sanja Frka Milosavljević.

Sanja Frka Milosavljević appointed as a member of the Ethics Committee of the Ruđer Bošković Institute.

Participation in conferences:

Blaženka Gašparović, Abra Penezić, Richard S. Lampitt, Nilusha Sudasinghe, Tanner Schaub: "Phospholipid Characterization as a Component of the Oceanic Phosphorus and Carbon Cycle". 2018. Ocean science meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA,

Marina Mlakar, Vlado Cuculić, Sanja Frka Milosavljević, Blaženka Gašparović: "Copper - Phospholipid Interaction at Cell Membrane Model Hydrophobic Surfaces". 2018. Ocean science meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA,

January-March 2018

Student of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Matea Bertanjoli made a graduate thesis under the title: "Lipid-composition changes of the diatom Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus depending on the phosphate availability" under the supervision of Blaženka Gašparović.

November 2017

Dr. Sanja Frka Milosavljević in collaboration with the colleagues from the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia and Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety, N.C.S.R in Athens, just published research paper Seasonal variability of carbon in humic-like matter of ambient size-segregated water soluble organic aerosols from an urban background environment in journal Atmospheric Environment.

September 2017

During the year, Dr. Blaženka Gašparović gave several interviews:

  1. for the radio show "Scientific Concentrate" of the Third Program of Croatian Radio
  2. for the radio show „From the world of science“ under the heading „Sea-surface microlayed during a night“
  3. for the TV show “Prometej” of the Croatian Radio and Television, under the heading "Stress in Nature".

June 2017

Slađana Strmečki Kos, Emil Paleček: Tensammetry of proteins and Polysaccharides on Mercury Electrode under Conditions of Catalytic Activity, „6th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South_East Europe“ 11-15.06.2017. Balatonkenese, Hungary. 

May 2017

Signed Memorandum of Understanding between East China Normal University, Shanghai, China and the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, which was realized on the basis of cooperation with Dr. Zhouyi Zhu and Dr. Blaženka Gašparović.

April 2017

Laboratory members participated in "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017" in Vienna, Austria with presentations:

Tihana Novak, Blaženka Gašparović, Jelena Godrijan, Daniela Marić, Tamara Djakovac, Marina Mlakar: Effects of temperature on growth and lipid synthesis of diatom Chaetoceros Curvisetus and the Northern Adriatic plankton community. „European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017“, 23.-28.04.2017, Vienna, Austria.

Blaženka Gašparović, Tihana Novak, Jelena Godrijan, Marina Mlakar, Daniela Marić and Tamara Djakovac: Dissolved lipid production in the Northern Adriatic (Mediterranean) in response to sea surface warming. „European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017“, 23.-28.04.2017, Vienna, Austria.

April 2017

Dr. Sanja Frka Milosavljević and dr. Blaženka Gašparović participated in the International Project "MILAN" (Sea-surface microlayer processes during the night) in the period from 31 March to 14 April 2017 in Wilhemshaven, Germany. 

February/March 2017

Student of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Nikola Medić performed laboratory experiment in LBMA for the Rector's Award for the academic year 2016/2017, University of Zagreb, titled: Composition of the liposol newly insulated soybean picoeukariota Picochlorum sp. PMFPPE4 in enriched and phosphorus-limiting media. Nikola Medić reported the same work at the Third Symposium of Life Sciences’ Students.

July 2016

Dr. sc. Blaženka Gašparović and Jelena Godrijan published a paper with colleagues fprm Center for marine research of Ruđer Bošković Institute in Rovinj about the life strategies of marine phytoplankton in prosporus variable environment. The paper was published in the journal Progress in Oceanography (IF:3.512):

Alkaline phosphatase activity related to phosphorus stress of microphytoplankton in different trophic conditions

July 2016 

Dr. sc. Jelena Godrijan published an article about one of the most important marine planktonic diatom families with collaborators from Biology department of University of Zagreb and Center for marine research in the journal Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (IF:2.335):

Dynamics of the marine planktonic diatom family Chaetocerotaceae in a Mediterranean coastal zone

June 2016

Dr. sc. Sanja Frka published an article in the journal Environmental Science and Technology (IF:5.3) with financial support provided from the European Commission and the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports through Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND project NEWFELPRO "Chemical nature of size segregated water soluble organic aerosols and their nitro-aromatic constituents":

Quantum Chemical Calculations Resolved Identification of Methylnitrocatechols in Atmospheric Aerosols

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