Dr. Nadica Ivošević DeNardis
POB 180, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
- 1997, Ph. D. in chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. Thesis: "Wetting and spreading of organic droplets at a charged, conductive interface"
- 1995, M. Sc. in oceanography, Graduate Study in Oceanography, University of Zagreb. Thesis: "Organic particles in seawater: Interaction with the mercury electrode"
- 1993, B. Sc. in chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. Thesis: "Interaction of droplets of organic liquids at a charged, conductive interface"
International Visegrad Fund, 2022-2024., Research network V4-Croatia for the development of novel drug carriers from algae (project coordinator: N. Ivošević DeNardis, Ruđer Bošković Institute). Partners: Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Trebon, Czech Republic (O. Prasil), Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bratislava, Slovakia (M. Klacsova), Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary (T. Pali), Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland (J. Zemla).
Croatia-France Program Cogito Partners Hubert Curien, 2021-20222., Evaluation of the biophysical and physiological effects of salinity stress on algal cells and its consequences for cell aggregation (project leaders: N. Ivošević DeNardis, Cecile Formosa Dague, Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, France)
Croatian science foundation, 2018-2022., From algal cell surface properties to stress markers for aquatic ecosystems, PI N. Ivošević DeNardis
International Visegrad Fund, 2017-2018., Algal cell biophysical properties as markers for environmental stress in aquatic systems (project coordinator: N. Ivošević DeNardis, partneri: Czech Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic; Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary; Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Trnava, Slovakia)
Croatia-France Program Cogito Partners Hubert Curien, 2013-2014: Electrotransfer of plasmid DNA in vesicles and cells by application of atomic force microscopy, electrochemical methods and mathematical modeling (project leaders N. Ivošević DeNardis, Marie-Pierre Rols,Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, Toulouse, France)
Croatia-Montenegro bilateral cooperation in science, technology, 2013-2014: Impact assesment and determination of organic pollutants in the waters of the Boka Kotorska (project leaders: N. Ivošević DeNardis, Zoran Kljaić, Institute of Marine Biology, Kotor, Montenegro)
Croatia-Slovenia Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2010-2011: Adhesion of liposomes at electrode (project leaders: N. Ivošević DeNardis, P. Ziherl, Institute of Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Awards and Achievements
2021. Ruđer Bošković Institute Annual Award for the publication of research paper in the international peer-reviewed journal (Q1)
1999. Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship, University of Connecticut, CT, USA
Featured Publications
M. Levak Zorinc, I. Demir-Yilmaz, C. Formosa-Dague, I. Vrana, B. Gašparović, L. Horvat, A. Butorac, R. Frkanec, N. Ivošević DeNardis, Reconstructed membrane vesicles from the microalga Dunaliella as a potential drug delivery system, Bioelectrochemistry 150 (2023) 108360.
N. Novosel, T. Mišić Radić, M. Levak Zorinc, J. Zemla, M. Lekka, I. Vrana, B. Gašparović, L. Horvat, D. Kasum, T. Legović, P. Žutinić, M. Gligora Udovič, N. Ivošević DeNardis, Salinity-induced chemical, mechanical, and behavioral changes in marine microalgae, Journal of applied phycology, 34 (2022) 1293-1309.
N. Novosel, T. Mišić Radić, J. Zemla, M. Lekka, A. Čačković, D. Kasum, T. Legović, P. Žutinić, M. Gligora Udovič, N. Ivošević DeNardis, Temperature-induced response in algal cell surface properties and behavior, Journal of applied phycology 34 (2021) 243-259.
N. Novosel, N. Ivošević DeNardis, Structural Features of the Algal Cell Determine Adhesion Behavior at a Charged Interface. Electroanalysis, 33 (2021) 1436-1443.
N. Novosel, D. Kasum, P. Žutinić, T. Legović, N. Ivošević DeNardis. Short-term effect of cadmium on the motility of three flagellated algal species. Journal of applied phycology 32 (2020) 4057-4067.
N. Ivošević DeNardis, G. Pletikapić, R. Frkanec, L. Horvat, P.T. Vernier. From algal cells to autofluorescent ghost plasma membrane vesicles. Bioelectrochemistry 134 (2020) 105724, 1-8.
N. Ivošević DeNardis, J. Pečar Ilić, I. Ružić, N. Novosel, T. Mišić Radić, A. Weber, D. Kasum, Z. Pavlinska, R.K. Balogh, H. Balint, A. Marček Chorvátová, B. Gyurcsik. Algal cell response to laboratory-induced cadmium stress: a multimethod approach. European biophysics journal 48 (2019) 124-142.
F. Pillet, E. Dague, J. Pečar Ilić, I. Ružić, M-P. Rols, N. Ivošević DeNardis, Changes in nanomechanical properties and adhesion dynamics of algal cells during their growth. Bioelectrochemistry 127 (2019) 154-162.
G. Pletikapić, N. Ivošević DeNardis, Application of surface analytical methods for hazardous situation in the Adriatic Sea: monitoring of organic dynamics and oil polution. Natural hazards and earth system sciences. 17 (2017) 31-44.
Z. A. Levine, N. Ivošević DeNardis, P. Thomas Vernier, Phospholipid and Hydrocarbon Interactions with a Charged Electrode Interface. Langmuir 32 (2016) 2808–281.
N. Ivošević DeNardis, J. Pečar Ilić, I. Ružić, G. Pletikapić, Cell Adhesion and Spreading at a Charged Interface: Insight into the Mechanism using Surface Techniques and Mathematical Modelling. Electrochim. Acta176, (2015) 743-754.
N. Ivošević DeNardis, S. Šegota, V. Svetličić, G. Pletikapić, Z. Kljajić, Persistence of dispersed diesel fuel in water column in the Boka Kotorska bay: Case study. Studia Marina 27 (2014).43-64.
N. Ivošević DeNardis, S. Šegota, V. Svetličić, A. Castelli, Z. K ljajić, Characterization of marine organic matter in the bay of the Boka Kotorska by electrochemical and atomic force microscopy imaging. Studia Marina 26 (2013) 5-22.
N. Ivošević DeNardis, I. Ružić, J. Pečar-Ilić, S. El Shawish, P. Ziherl, Reaction kinetics and mechanical models of liposome adhesion at charged interface. Bioelectrochemistry 88 (2012) 48–56.
N. IvoševićDe Nardis, V. Žutić, V. Svetličić, R. Frkanec, Adhesion signals of phospholipid vesicles at an electrified interface. J. Membrane Biol. 245 (2012) 573-582.
V. Svetličić, N. Ivošević, S. Kovač, V. Žutić, Charge displacement by adhesion and spreading of a cell: Amperometric signals of living cells. Langmuir, 16 (2000) 8217-8220.
F. Baldi, N. Ivošević, A. Minacci, M. Pepi, R. Fani, V. Svetličić, V. Žutić, Adhesion of Acinetobacter venetianus to diesel fuel droplets studied by in situ electrochemical and molecular probes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65 (1999) 2041-2048.
N. Ivošević, V. Žutić, Spreading and detachment of organic droplets at an electrified interface. Langmuir 14 (1998) 231-234.
Publications - editorial books
Zbornik radova s konferencije
Book of abstracts The 3rd COST-sponsored ARBRE-MOBIEU plenary meeting, Molecular Biophysics: ABC of the puzzle of Life / Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica ; Campos-Olivas, Ramon ; Miele, Adriana E. et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko biofizičko društvo, 2019
Proceedings of the 2nd Adriatic School on nanoscience (ASON-2) / Ivanda, Mile ; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica ; Đerek, Vedran (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2012
Zbornik sažetaka s konferencije
10th Regional Biophysics Conference & 15th International Summer School of Biophysics : Book of abstracts / Dolanski Babić, Sanja; Dutour Sikirić, Maja; Stepanić, Višnja et al. (ur.). Split: Hrvatsko Biofizičko Društvo, 2024
Publications - Conference journals
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Levine, Zachary A. ; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica ; Vernier, P.Thomas | Molecular Dynamics Interactions between Silicon Electrodes and Phospholipids // Biophysical journal, 2013. str. 334a-334a
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica ; Novosel, Nives ; Mišić Radić, Tea ; Levak Zorinc, Maja ; Zemla, Joanna ; Lekka, Malgorzata ; Vrana, Ivna ; Gašparović, Blaženka ; Horvat, Lucija ; Kasum, Damir et al. | Adaptation response of microalgae to stressors in aquatic ecosystems and potential application // Ocean4Biotech conference | Rim, Italija, 23.05.2023-25.05.2023
Smokrović, Kristina; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica; Matić, Zrinka; Pleslić, Sanda; Maltar Strmečki, Nadica | EPR spin trapping, advantages and disadvantages of products with high antioxidant capacity // FunTomP General Assembly 23' | Valencia, Španjolska, 09.11.2023-10.11.2023
funtomp.com Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica ; Novosel, Nives ; Mišić Radić, Tea ; Levak Zorinc, Maja ; Zemla, Joanna ; Lekka, Malgorzata ; Vrana, Ivna ; Gašparović, Blaženka ; Horvat, Lucija ; Kasum, Damir et al. | Adaptation response of microalgae to stressors in aquatic ecosystems and potential application // Ocean4Biotech conference | Rim, Italija, 23.05.2023-25.05.2023
Novosel, Nives; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica | How to Utilize Structural Features of the Algal Cells for Electrochemical Differentiation at the Liquid-Liquid Interfaces? // 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, | Republika Koreja, 29.08.2021-03.09.2021
www.ise-online.org Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica; Svetličić, Vesna; Šegota, Suzana; Pletikapić, Galja; Kljajić, Zoran | Surface techniques for rapid analysis of organic particles in the seawater // TEN ECOPORT 1st International conference | Tirana, Albanija, 03.04.2014-03.04.2014
Publications - Graded papers
Doktorski rad
Novosel, Nives | Ponašanje i površinska svojstva mikroalga kao pokazatelji stresa u vodenim ekosustavima / Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2022
urn.nsk.hr Ivošević, Nadica | Kvašenje i širenje organskih kapljica na nabijenoj, vodljivoj međupovršini / Žutić, Vera (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1997
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Ojdanić, Karlo | Nanomorfološka karakterizacija stanica mikroalga i rekonstruiranih membranskih vezikula / Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2023
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hr -
Balen, Tomo | Priprema i karakterizacija vezikula plazmatske membrane iz stanica alga / Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2022
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hr -
Novosel, Nives | Adhezijska svojstva fitoplanktonske vrste Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher u stresnim uvjetima / Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica (mentor); Gligora Udovič, Marija (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2018
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hrurn.nsk.hr -
Grubeša, Ivana | Adhezija stanica fitoplanktona na nabijenoj međupovršini elektroda/vodena otopina elektrolita / Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica ; Močibob, Marko (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2016
Other Publications
Novosel, Nives ; Mišić Radić, Tea ; Zemla, Joanna ; Lekka, Malgorzata ; Čačković, Andrea ; Kasum, Damir ; Legović, Tarzan ; Žutinić, Petar ; Gligora Udovič, Marija ; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica | Algal cell adaptation responses under influence of single stressor, 2021
Novosel, Nives ; Kasum, Damir ; Žutinić, Petar ; Legović, Tarzan ; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica | Algal cell motility under stress // Toulouse Institute of Biotechnoogy, Toulouse, Francuska, 2021
Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica | Electrochemical characterization of marine particles // Web adresa instituta, 2013
www.ibmk.org -
Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica | Adhesion of lipid vesicles at an electrified interface // Institute de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, Toulouse, Francuska, 2013
http -
Geček, Sunčana ; Svetličić, Vesna ; Ivošević, Nadica ; Žutić, Vera | Laboratoratory for ecological modeling // www.irb.hr, 2003
www.irb.hr Ivošević, Nadica | An electrochemical approach to aggregation of organic matter in seawater // University of Connecticut, 1999
Membership in professional associations / societies
COST Action TD1104, 2011/2016, European network for development of electroporation-based technologies and treatments (EP4Bio2Med), substitute MC member
International Society for Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments
International Society of Electrochemistry
Croatian biophysical society
Croatian chemical society
Research abroad
2002, Fellowship, Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Chemistry of Macromolecules, University of Trieste, Italy
1999-2000, Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Marine Science, University of Connecticut, CT, USA
1996, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, USA