Equipment & Techniques
- Lab space 126 m2;
- Instruments: Tecan spectrophotometer/fluorometer (Infinite M200), PCR (Biometra), Biospec Nano (Shimadzu), Bioanalyzator 2100 (Agilent), ultracentrifuge (Sorval RC28S)
- Cell culture equipment (laminar flows, wet and dry incubators, cca. 30 cell lines, microscopes), basic and advanced cell culture techniques;
- Isolation and work with primary fish (rainbow trout) hepatocytes;
- Equipment for basic molecular biology methods (PCR, qRT-PCR, Nanodrop, cloning, stable and transient transfection)
- Immunochemical determinations: Western blot and ELISA
- Enzymatic analysis (activity of the phase I and phase II detoxification enzymes)
- In vitro and in vivo determinations of protein transport activities (fluorescent or radio labeled substrates, ATPase assay)
- Cytotoxicity determinations, chronic toxicity test (AlgalTox), genotoxicity tests (Ames test), estrogenicity (YES assay)
Small scale zebrafish facility: a room with PP-module (Aquaschwartz) for breeding and experiments with zebrafish adults and embryos (capacity 1200 adults, various sizes of fish aquaria); separate tanks for basic fish stocks (2 independent systems for two certified (AB and WIK) zebrafish strains; capacity 200 adults each); separate nursing tank for embryos with; spawning tanks. Equipment for microinjection of zebrafish embryos: Eppendorf FemtoJet programmable microinjector, external compressor; WPI M3301 manual micromanipulator, Motic SMZ-171-TLED stereo microscope with digital camera (5 MP) and adapter for fluorescent determinations, incubator (2x) for zebrafish embryos;