ERDF project: "CEMS (Support for Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Sensing Devices cutting-edge research)"

Principal investigator
Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Sensing Devices (CEMS) is the largest national center of excellence in the field of natural sciences with a dominant orientation on experimental research. The primary and shared objective of the Center is the synthesis of advanced materials and structures, particularly those that can be applied in other domains of basic and applied science, thus catalyzing innovation, transfer of technologies and enhancing capabilities in instrumentation and human resources. The scientists conduct research in four key research units: ion beam physics and technology, new functional materials, graphene and related 2D structures and photonics and quantum optics. In order to strengthen the capacities for the development of experimental research in the field of material physics and beyond, the project plans a significant modernization of equipment and the expansion of the expertise of new generations of scientists.