Transnational access
Since 2011 and within the EU FP7 project SPIRIT, RBI accelerator facility became also a Trans National Access (TNA) provider. Within the TNA scheme, scientists from EU and associated states can apply for the beam time at any of the beam lines dedicated to ion beam analysis and materials modification.
We provide about 3000 hours of beam time per year. The international collaboration increased its share in the total beam time from 14% in 2007 to almost 40% in 2017. Currently, access to the facility’s equipment is provided to the foreign researchers in the framework of several projects:
- EURO-LABS project for testing radiation detectors by ion microbeams.
- ReMade@ARI project for giving access to the most developed ion beam techniques for materials analysis and modification for research in the field of Circular Economy.
- RIANA project for giving access to developed ion beam analysis techniques for use in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
- CERIC-ERIC regional infrastructure network
- IAEA Coordiated Research Project: "Facilitating Experiments with Ion Beam Accelerators"