ADRIREEF – Innovative exploitation of Adriatic Reefs in order to strengthen blue economy

Principal investigator
Program: Program prekogranične suradnje INTERREG V-A Italija – Hrvatska 2014.-2020.
Nositelj projekta: Municipality of Ravenna
ADRIREEF project aims to examine the potentiality of reefs in the Adriatic Sea in order to strengthen the Blue Economy. In the Adriatic Sea there is a large number of marine ecosystems ready to be exploited for Blue Economy purposes. The Blue Innovation concept focuses on enhancing the attractiveness of existing marine resources in order to promote economic development.
Therefore, the recognition of less known and appreciated natural areas together with the implementation of artificial reefs, which could become suitable sub-strata for new sustainable ecosystems (platforms, wrecks, posing of cementitious structures), can be a successful way to increase Blue Growth.
The expected outputs reflect a specific need of the territorial development: the transfer of knowledge from research to business. Through an in-depth analysis of the Adriatic reefs and a specific monitoring phase, it will be possibile to define joint Guidelines for Stakeholders, including a Code of conduct. A White paper on the expoitation of Adriatic reef will complete the outputs of ADRIREEF, where potentiality of Adriatic reefs is emphasise and a specific plan for future funding projects in the forthcoming programming period 2021-2028.
In order to achive these results, the ADRIREEF partnership (composed of local authorities, regional agencies for environmental preservation and for territorial development, private and public research’s centers, opportunely balanced between the two Countries) has long term experiance in developing EU projects, but in particular all PPs are involved in pursue Blue Economy sectors.