Laboratory for functional materials
The idea of establishing the Glass Laboratory began to develop 10 years ago when the research of specific electrical properties of transition metal glasses have started. Glass Laboratory was established in 2009. Nowdays, the Laboratory deals with preparation and characterization of glasses, ceramics and bioactive materials. Staff of Laboratory are engaged in research of mutal dependence between the composition-structure-electrical properties of materials. Special research interest is the chemical and thermal stability of iron phosphate glasses as a potencial candidate for the storage of special nuclear waste. Part of the research is related to the mechanism of crystallization of amorphous systems (phosphate, silicate, bioactive glasses), determination of phase occurred, changes in the structure, particle size and volume fraction of crystal phases and their influence on the electrical conductivity and dielectrical permittivity. Part of the research is focused on the study of surface activity of bioactive materials using the method of electrical polarization.

- Impedance spectroscopy (IS) - Impedance analyzer (Novocontrol-Alpha AN) with high-temperature sample cell: frequency range: 1 mHz – 4 MHz, temperature range: -100oC– 1100oC
- Experimental setup for measuring thermally stimulated polarization/depolarization current (TSPC/TSDC)