VirusHunter - identifying new potentially pathogen viruses

Principal investigator
Identifying new viral pathogens is indispensable for health and national security of every state, including Croatia. Even though this seems to be an easy task due to the availability of many different technological solutions and high throughput methods, currently there is a lack of adequate fast and sensitive approach that would allow for identifying unknown potentially pathogenic viruses. The main goal of this project is to check out if the VirusHunter method, a method for identifying unknown, potentially pathogenic viruses, is technologically feasible and whether its concept is innovative. VirusHunter should be able to discriminate potentially pathogenic viruses from those that are only present in the sample and allow for their identification. A key aspect for proving the feasibility of the VirusHunter is determining the sensitivity of the concept, i. e determining the amount of viral particles that can be identified in certain sample. For testing innovative concept of the VirusHunter we will use adenovirus. Following successful confirmation of the technological feasibility of the VirusHunter on the model of adenovirus, we anticipate that the same approach will be possible for other pathogenic viruses. Based on the literature we presume that VirusHunter approach is feasible, but currently we have no proofs for that. Therefore we need to assess whether the VirusHunter is experimentally feasible and determine its sensitivity. Except for verifying the technical feasibility of the proposed method, expected results of this project will be the verification of intellectual property as well as creating a new intellectual property that might lead to the commercialization of VirusHunter.