Dr. Vesna Musani
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb
2008; PhD of Molecular Biology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Sciences, Croatia,
1999; B Sc of Molecular Biology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Sciences, Croatia
assistant in 3 graduate and 2 postgraduate courses led by Sonja Levanat PhD and Sanja Kapitanović PhD
Publications - authored books
Levanat, Sonja ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Car, Diana ; Osmak, Maja ; Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Slade, Neda ; Stojanović | Periodicum Biologorum HDIR-2 ''From Bench to Clinic''Second Meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer research with International Participation. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2012
Publications - book chapters
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Molecular biology of breast cancer // Breast cancer. | Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2019. str. 34-45
www.medicinskanaklada.hr -
Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Molekularna biologija karcinoma dojke // Karcinom dojke. | Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2018. str. 34-45
www.medicinskanaklada.hr Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Molekularna biologija raka dojke // Multidisciplinarno liječenje bolesnica s rakom dojke. | Zagreb: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2016. str. 23-31
Publications - journal articles
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Kurtović, Matea; Piteša, Nikolina; Čonkaš, Josipa; Hajpek, Helena; Vučić, Majda; Musani, Vesna; Ozretić, Petar; Sabol, Maja | GLI transcriptional targets S100A7 and KRT16 show upregulated expression patterns in epidermis overlying the tumor mass in melanoma samples // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 11; 6084, 19. doi: 10.3390/ijms25116084
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Mumlek, Ivan; Ozretić, Petar; Sabol, Maja; Leović, Matko; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica; Leović, Dinko; Musani, Vesna | BIRC5 gene polymorphisms are associated with higher stage of local and regional disease in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas // International journal of molecular sciences, 24 (2023), 24; 17490, 11. doi: 10.3390/ijms242417490
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Mlinarić, Monika ; Lučić, Ivan ; Milković, Lidija ; da Silva, Inês V. ; Tartaro Bujak, Ivana ; Musani, Vesna ; Soveral, Graça ; Čipak Gašparović, Ana | AQP3-Dependent PI3K/Akt Modulation in Breast Cancer Cells // International journal of molecular sciences, 24 (2023), 9; 8133, 14. doi: 10.3390/ijms24098133
doifulir.irb.hr -
Piteša, Nikolina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Gkotsi, Danai S ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Petrić, Tina ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Riobo-Del Galdo, Natalia ; Sabol, Maja | Signaling switching from Hedgehog-GLI to MAPK signaling potentially serves as a compensatory mechanism in melanoma cell lines resistant to GANT-61 // Biomedicines, 11 (2023), 1353, 19. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines11051353
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Kurtović, Matea ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Petrić, Tina ; King, Cecile ; Sabol, Maja | RNA-seq and ChIP-seq Identification of Unique and Overlapping Targets of GLI Transcription Factors in Melanoma Cell Lines // Cancers, 14 (2022), 18; 4540, 20. doi: 10.3390/cancers14184540
doiwww.mdpi.comwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.govfulir.irb.hr -
Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Tomić, Sanja ; Štefanac, Ivan ; Mrčela, Milanka ; Musani, Vesna ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Petrić, Tina ; Levanat, Sonja et al. | SHH-N non-canonically sustains androgen receptor activity in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells // Scientific reports, 11 (2021), 1; 14880, 11. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93971-6
doiwww.nature.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Zubčić, Vedran ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja ; Leović, Dinko ; Sabol, Maja | GANT61 and Lithium Chloride Inhibit the Growth of Head and Neck Cancer Cell Lines Through the Regulation of GLI3 Processing by GSK3beta // International journal of molecular sciences, 21 (2020), 6410, 13. doi: 10.3390/ijms21176410
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Ozretić, Petar ; Hanžić, Nikolina ; Proust, Bastien ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Radić, Martina ; Musani, Vesna ; Ciribilli, Yari ; Milas, Ivan ; Puljiz, Zvonimir et al. | Expression profiles of p53/p73, NME and GLI families in metastatic melanoma tissue and cell lines // Scientific reports, 9 (2019), 1; 12470, 13. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48882-y
doiwww.nature.comwww.nature.comfulir.irb.hr -
Sušac, Ilona ; Ozretić, Petar ; Gregorić, Maja ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Sabol, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja ; Trnski, Diana ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Seiwerth, Sven ; Aralica, Gorana et al. | Polymorphisms in survivin (BIRC5 gene) are associated with age of onset in breast cancer patients // Journal of oncology, 2019 (2019), 3483192, 10. doi: 10.1155/2019/3483192
doifulir.irb.hrwww.hindawi.comdoi.org -
Trnski, Diana ; Gregorić, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Majić Vidaković, Tajana ; kalafatić, Držislav ; Maurac, Ivana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Sabol, Maja et al. | Regulation of Survivin Isoform Expression by GLI Proteins in Ovarian Cancer // Cells, 8 (2019), 2; 128, 13. doi: 10.3390/cells8020128
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Čačev, Tamara ; Zapletal, Emilija ; Musani, Vesna ; Rako, Ivana ; Lončar, Božo ; Aralica, Gorana ; Kapitanović, Sanja | Analysis of MSH2 Loss of Heterozygosity, Expression, and IVS10+12G>A Polymorphism in Sporadic Colon Cancer // Anticancer Research, 38 (2018), 5; 2841-2848. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.12529
doiar.iiarjournals.org -
Ozretić, Petar ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Maurac, Ivana ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Orešković, Slavko ; Levanat, Sonja ; Sabol, Maja | Non-canonical Hedgehog signaling activation in ovarian borderline tumors and ovarian carcinomas // International journal of oncology, 51 (2017), 6; 1869-1877. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2017.4156
doidoi.orgwww.spandidos-publications.com -
Levanat, Sonja ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Trnski, Diana | Hedgehog Signaling Pathway as Genetic and Epigenetic Target in Ovarian Tumors // Current pharmaceutical design, 23 (2017), 1; 73-94. doi: 10.2174/1381612822666161006154705
doidx.doi.orgbenthamscience.com -
Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Gojević, Ante ; Martinić, Marina ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Ramić, Snježana ; Levanat, Sonja | GSK3β and Gli3 play a role in activation of Hedgehog-Gli pathway in human colon cancer — Targeting GSK3β downregulates the signaling pathway and reduces cell proliferation // Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease, 1852 (2015), 12; 2574-2584. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2015.09.005
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Ozretić, Petar ; Bisio, Alessandra ; Musani, Vesna ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja ; Inga, Alberto | Regulation of human PTCH1b expression by different 5' untranslated region cis-regulatory elements // RNA Biology, 12 (2015), 3; 290-304. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2015.1008929
doiwww.tandfonline.com -
Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Užarević, Zvonimir ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Rafaj, Maja ; Cindrić, Mario ; Levanat, Sonja | Combination of cyclopamine and tamoxifen promotes survival and migration of MCF-7 breast cancer cells – interaction of Hedgehog-Gli and Estrogen receptor signaling pathways // PLoS One, 9 (2014), 12; e114510-1-e114510-23. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114510
doijournals.plos.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Lo Muzio, L. ; Pastorino, L. ; Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Šitum, Mirna ; Ponti, G. ; Bianchi, Scarra, G. | Clinical utility gene card for:Gorlin syndrome - update 2013 // European journal of human genetics, 21 (2013), e1-e3. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2012.299
doiwww.nature.com -
Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Maurac, Ivana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Levanat, Sonja | PTCH1 gene polymorphisms in ovarian tumors: Potential protective role of c.3944T allele // Gene, 517 (2013), 1; 55-59. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2012.12.089
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | The Hedgehog signaling pathway in ovarian teratoma is stimulated by Sonic Hedgehog which induces internalization of Patched // International journal of oncology, 41 (2012), 4; 1411-1418. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2012.1554
doiwww.spandidos-publications.comfulir.irb.hr -
Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Sušac, Ilona ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Car, Diana ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Eljuga, Ljerka ; Eljuga, Damir | Three novel BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations in breast/ovarian cancer families in Croatia // Gene, 498 (2012), 2; 169-176. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2012.02.010
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Maurac, Ivana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Orešković, Slavko ; Babić, Damir ; Levanat, Sonja | A low grade ovarian carcinoma case with coincident LOH of PTCH1 and BRCA1, and a mutation in BRCA1 // International journal of gynecological pathology, 31 (2012), 3; 264-271. doi: 10.1097/PGP.0b013e31823b6f0f
doijournals.lww.com -
Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Leović, Dinko ; Levanat, Sonja | LOH of PTCH1 region in BCC and ovarian carcinoma: microsatellite vs. HRM analysis // Frontiers in bioscience (Elite ed.), 4 (2012), 3; 1049-1057. doi: 10.2741/E440
doifulir.irb.hrwww.imrpress.com -
Lo Muzio, Lorenzo ; Pastorino, Lorenza ; Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Šitum, Mirna ; Bianchi Scarra, Giovanna | Clinical utility gene card for : Gorlin syndrome // European journal of human genetics, 19 (2011), 8; npg-npg. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2011.9
doiwww.nature.comwww.nature.com -
Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja | In silico analysis of potential structural and functional significance of human breast cancer gene BRCA2 sequence variants found in 5' untranslated region // Periodicum biologorum, 112 (2010), 4; 469-474
hrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Leović, Dinko ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Car, Diana ; Marjanović, Ksenija ; Zubčić, Vedran ; Sabol, Ivan ; Sikora, Miroslav ; Grce, Magdalena et al. | Hh-Gli signaling pathway activity in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma // Head and neck-journal for the sciences and specialties of the head and neck, 34 (2012), 1; 104-112. doi: 10.1002/hed.21696
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Pećina-Šlaus, Nives ; Nikuševa Martić, Tamara ; Deak, Adam Jakov ; Zeljko, Martina ; Hrašćan, Reno ; Tomas, Davor ; Musani, Vesna | Genetic and protein changes of E-cadherin in meningiomas // Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 136 (2010), 5; 695-702. doi: 10.1007/s00432-009-0708-z
doilink.springer.com -
Sansović, Ivona ; Knežević, Jelena ; Musani, Vesna ; Seeman, Pavel ; Barišić, Ingeborg ; Pavelić, Jasminka | GJB2 mutations in patients with non-syndromic hearing loss from Croatia // Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, 13 (2009), 5; 693-699. doi: 10.1089/gtmb.2009.0073
doiwww.liebertonline.com -
Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Šitum, Mirna ; Basta-Juzbašić, Aleksandra ; Levanat, Sonja | Gorlin Syndrome Patient with Large Deletion in 9q22.32-q22.33 Detected by Quantitative Multiplex Fluorescent PCR // Dermatology (Basel), 219 (2009), 2; 111-118. doi: 10.1159/000219247
doiwww.karger.com -
Čretnik, Maja ; Poje, Gorazd ; Musani, Vesna ; Krušlin, Božo ; Ozretić, Petar ; Tomas, Davor ; Šitum, Mirna ; Levanat, Sonja | Involvement of p16 and PTCH in pathogenesis of melanoma and basal cell carcinoma // International journal of oncology, 34 (2009), 4; 1045-1050. doi: 10.3892/ijo_00000230
doiwww.spandidos-publications.comdoi.org -
Willems, Petra ; Magri, V. ; Čretnik, Maja ; Fasano, Mauro ; Jakubowska, Ania ; Levanat, Sonja ; Lubinski, J. ; Marras, E. ; Musani, Vesna ; Thierens, Hubert et al. | Characterization of the c.190T>C missense mutation in BRCA1 codon 64 (Cys64Arg) // International journal of oncology, 34 (2009), 4; 1005-1015. doi: 10.3892/ijo_00000226
doiwww.spandidos-publications.comfulir.irb.hr -
Pećina-Šlaus, Nives ; Majić, Željka ; Musani, Vesna ; Zeljko, Martina ; Čupić, Hrvoje | Report on mutation in exon 15 of the APC gene in a case of brain metastasis // Journal of neuro-oncology, 97 (2010), 1; 143-148. doi: 10.1007/s11060-009-0001-7
doiwww.springerlink.comdoi.org -
Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | New sequence variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes detected by high-resolution melting analysis in an elderly healthy female population in Croatia // Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 46 (2008), 10; 1376-1383. doi: 10.1515/CCLM.2008.307
doiwww.degruyter.comfulir.irb.hr -
Bura, Miljenko ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Botica, Iva ; Levanat, Sonja | Hedgehog-Patched pathway aberrations in a malignant triton tumor case study // Oncology reports, 20 (2008), 2; 347-352. doi: 10.3892/or_00000013
doiwww.spandidos-publications.comfulir.irb.hr -
Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Orešković, Slavko ; Leović, Dinko ; Levanat, Sonja | The Patched gene is epigenetically regulated in ovarian dermoids and fibromas, but not in basocellular carcinomas // International journal of molecular medicine, 19 (2007), 6; 875-883. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.19.6.875
doiwww.spandidos-publications.comfulir.irb.hr -
Musani, Vesna ; Gorry, Philippe ; Basta-Juzbašić, Aleksandra ; Stipić, Tonči ; Miklić, Pavao ; Levanat, Sonja | Mutation in exon 7 of PTCH deregulates SHH/PTCH/SMO signaling : Possible linkage to WNT // International journal of molecular medicine, 17 (2006), 5; 755-759. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.17.5.755
doiwww.spandidos-publications.com -
Levanat, Sonja ; Kappler, Roland ; Hemmerlein, Bernhard ; Doring, Patrick ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Pavelić, Božidar ; Hahn, Heidi | Analysis of alterations of the PTCH1 signaling pathway in ovarian dermoids // International journal of molecular medicine, 14 (2004), 5; 793-799. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.14.5.793
doiwww.spandidos-publications.com -
Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Orešković, Slavko | Role of the Hedgehog/Patched signaling pathway in oncogenesis. A new polymorphism in the PTCH gene in ovarian fibroma // Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1030 (2004), 1; 134-143. doi: 10.1196/annals.1329.017
doinyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Levanat, Sonja ; Šitum, Mirna ; Crnić, Ivana ; Marasović, Dujomir ; Puizina-Ivić, Neira ; Pokupčić, Nikola ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Kubat, Milovan ; Furač, Ivana et al. | Alterations in CDKN2A Locus as Potential Indicator of Melanoma Predisposition in Relatives of Non-Familial Melanoma Cases // Croatian medical journal, 44 (2003), 4; 418-424
www.cmj.hr -
Balog, Tihomir ; Marotti, Tanja ; Musani, Vesna ; Sobočanec, Sandra ; Šverko, Višnja | The effect of methionine enkephalin on nitric oxide release in mice is age and gender related // Pharmacological research, 44 (2001), 4; 287-292. doi: 10.1006/phrs.2001.0866
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Role of GLI Transcription Factors in Pathogenesis and Their Potential as New Therapeutic Targets // International journal of molecular sciences, 19 (2018), 9; 2562, 37. doi: 10.3390/ijms19092562
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Epigenetic regulation of the Hedgehog-Gli signaling pathway in cancer // Periodicum biologorum, 112 (2010), 4; 419-423
hrcak.srce.hr -
Levanat, Sonja ; Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna | Hh-Gli Signaling Pathway Functions and its Therapeutic Potential in Cancer // Croatica chemica acta, 81 (2008), 1; 1-5
hrcak.srce.hr Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana | The Hedgehog/Patched signaling pathway (SHH/PTCH/SMO) in cancer and development // Periodicum biologorum, 106 (2004), 3; 23-27-x
Kratko priopćenje
Kafka, Anja ; Musani, Vesna ; Pećina-Šlaus, Nives | Optimal amplification conditions for D16S3399 polymorphic STS Axin-1 gene marker. // Periodicum biologorum, 116 (2014), 2; 197-199
Prikaz, osvrt, kritika
Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Poduje, Sanja ; Tošić, Mateja ; Šitum, Mirna ; Levanat, Sonja | Potential hot spot for de novo mutations in PTCH1 gene in Gorlin syndrome patients: a case report of twins from Croatia // Croatian medical journal, 59 (2018), 1; 20-24. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2018.59.20
doiwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.govwww.cmj.hr -
Musani, Vesna ; Sušac, Ilona ; Ozretić, Petar ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Levanat, Sonja | The first case report of a large deletion of the BRCA1 gene in Croatia : A case report // Medicine, 96 (2017), 48; e8667, 3. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008667
Publications - conference proceedings
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Pastva, Nikolina; Sabol, Maja; Ozretić, Petar; Musani, Vesna | Potential New Target Genes of GLI3 Transcription Factor in Human Head and Neck Cancer // HDIR-7: Advances in Cancer Research and Treatment: Book of Abstracts / Ozretić, Petar (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2024. str. 49-49
stari.hdir.hr Kurtović, Matea ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Sabol, Maja | Unique and overlapping transcriptional targets of GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 in melanoma cell lines. | 2023. str. 66-66
Piteša, Nikolina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Gkotsi, Danai S, Čonkaš, Josipa ; Petrić, Tina ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Riobo-Del Galdo, Natalia A ; Sabol, Maja | First Insights into the Characterization of GANT61 - Resistant Melanoma Cell Lines // Hedgehog signaling: From molecular structure to dveelopmental biology and diseases : Abstract book. | 2023. str. 76-76
meetings.embo.org -
Čonkaš, Josipa ; Josić, Janja ; Kranjčević, Jacqueline-Katrin ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Vugrinec, Ozren ; Mumlek, Ivan ; Kvolik Pavić, Ana et al. | Correlation between the sex hormone receptors expression and demographic parameters in HNSCC patients // 7th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2023. str. 88-88
drive.google.com -
Kurtović, Matea ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Petrić, Tina ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Sabol, Maja | Unique and overlapping transcriptional targets of GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 in melanoma cell lines // “HDIR-6: Targeting Cancer” The 6th Meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with International Participation / Ozretić, Petar - Zagreb : Croatian Association for Cancer Research, 2022. | 2022. str. 25-25
stari.hdir.hr -
Petrić, Tina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | 3D culture of prostate cancer as a model to study hedgehog-gli signaling pathway // “HDIR-6: Targeting Cancer” The 6th Meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2022. str. 44-44
stari.hdir.hr -
Petrić, Tina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | Hedgehog-GLI signaling pathway in 3D model of prostate cancer // From Science to Knowledge. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2022. str. 117-117
congress2022.hdbmb.hr -
Piteša, Nikolina ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Kurtović, Matea ; Petrić, Tina ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | Signaling Switch from Hedgehog-GLI to MAPK Potentially Drives Primary Cilia Loss in NRAS Mutated GANT61-Resistant Melanoma Cell Line // “HDIR-6: Targeting Cancer” - The 6th Meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2022. str. 45-45
stari.hdir.hr -
Čonkaš, Josipa ; Josić, Janja ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Petrić, Tina ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Vugrinec, Ozren ; Leović, Dinko ; Ozretić, Petar | Membrane androgen receptor OXER1 indicates a potential role in metastasis of head and neck tumors // “HDIR-6: Targeting Cancer” - The 6th Meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2022. str. 36-36
stari.hdir.hr -
Piteša, Nikolina ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Kurtović, Matea ; Petrić, Tina ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | Primary cilia - a potential link between hedgehog- GLI and MAPK signaling in GANT61 -resistant melanoma cell lines // Book of Abstracts of the Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology HDBMB22: From Science to Knowledge. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2022. str. 119-119
congress2022.hdbmb.hr -
Kurtović, Matea ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Petrić, Tina ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Sabol, Maja | RNA sequencing reveals unique and overlapping transcriptional targets of GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 in melanoma cell lines // EACR 2022 Congress Abstracts. | 2022, P1-235, 1
www.eacr.org Piteša, N ; Kurtović, M ; Bartoniček, N ; Petrić, T ; Čonkaš, J ; Musani, V ; Ozretić, P ; Sabol, M | Hedgehog-GLI and MAPK signalling pathway activity in GANT61-resistant melanoma cells // Online abstracts. | 2022, EACR22-0296, 1
Čonkaš, Josipa ; Josić, Janja ; Piteša, Nikolina ; Kurtović, Matea ; Petrić, Tina ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Vugrinec, Ozren ; Leović, Dinko ; Ozretić, Petar | The role of androgen and androgen receptors in metastasis of head and neck tumors // 6. simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = 6th Faculty of Science PhD student symposium : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2022. str. 192-193
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Piteša, Nikolina ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Kurtović, Matea ; Musani, Vesna ; Trnski, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | Genes for competing endogenous RNAs as targets of transcription factors GLI in melanoma cell lines // Serbian Association for Cancer Research-5th Congress of SDIR: Translational Potential of Cancer Research in Serbia (Abstract book). | Beograd: Srpsko društvo istraživača raka, 2021. str. 9-9
www.sdir.ac.rs -
Kurtović, Matea ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knockout of GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 genes in melanoma cell lines // 45th FEBS Congress Abstracts. | 2021, 38528, 1
2021.febscongress.org -
Kurtović, Matea ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knockout of GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 genes in melanoma cell lines. | 2021, 38528, 1
2021.febscongress.org Kurtović, Matea ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; , Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | Generation of GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 knock-out melanoma cell lines via CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. | 2021, EACR21v 0165, 1
Božićević, Lara ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Maurac, Ivana ; Hackl, Hubert ; Zeillinger, Robert ; Levanat, Sonja ; Ozretić, Petar | The Role of ceRNAs in the regulation of BCL2 gene expression in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. | 2021
Ozretić, Petar ; Radić, Martina ; Hanžić, Nikolina ; Proust, Bastien ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Jazvinšćak Jembrek, Maja ; Ciribilli, Yari ; Milas, Ivan et al. | Functional interplay between p53 and p53/p73, NME and GLI protein families in human melanoma // HDBMB2019 Crossroads in Life Sciences. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2019. str. 43-43
Ozretić, Petar ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Bodetić, Dejan ; Plattner, Christina ; Hackl, Hubert ; Zeilinger, Robert et al. | Downregulation of Hedgehog-GLI signaling pathway genes by miRNA molecules in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma // PROGRAM AND ABSTRACTS - The Eleventh ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine. | Zagreb: International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS), 2019. str. 150-150
Rinčić, Nikolina ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Gregorić, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | Uloga proteina GLI u karcinogenezi jajnika // Simpozij „Prvih 10 godina HDIR-a“ – knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2019. str. 17-17
hdir.hr Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Štefanac, Ivan ; Mrčela, Milanka ; Levanat, Sonja | Hedgehog signaling in prostate cancer androgen (in)dependence // HDBMB2019 Crossroads in Life Sciences. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2019. str. 131-131
Križanac, Marinela ; Leović, Matko ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja ; Zubčić, Vedran ; Leović, Dinko ; Sabol, Maja | Hedgehog-GLI signaling controls proliferation and invasiveness of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma // HDBMB2019 Crossroads in Life Sciences. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2019. str. 115-115
Gregorić, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Leović, Dinko ; Čonda, Martina ; Levanat, Sonja | Uloga polimorfizama gena BIRC5 u karcinomima pločastog epitela usne šupljine i orofarinksa // Zbornik sažetaka 1. Hrvatskog simpozija biologa u zdravstvu s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. | Zagreb, 2015. str. 32-32
Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretic, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Horvat, Lucija ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | Imaging the Hh-Gli signalling network in various tumor types // 3rd Croatian Microscopy Congress with international participation. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2015. str. 30-31
Trnski, Diana; Sabol, Maja; Užarevic, Zvonimir; Ozretić, Petar; Musani, Vesna; Levanat, Sonja | Cross-talk between Estrogen receptor alpha and Hh-Gli signaling pathways in breast cancer cells // Knjiga sažetaka Kongresa Hrvatskog društva za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju, "Međuigra biomolekula", HDBMB 2014 / Katalinić, Maja ; Kovarik, Zrinka (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2014. str. 108-108
Ozretić, Petar ; Bisio, Alessandra ; Musani, Vesna ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja ; Alberto, Inga | Functional Analysis of Cis-Regulatory Elements from 5' Untranslated Region of PTCH1b Gene // Book of Abstracts of of the Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology „The Interplay of Biomolecules“, HDBMB2014. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2014. str. 65-65
Levanat, Sonja ; Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretic, Petar, Gojevic, Ante ; Oreskovic, Slavko | Hedgehog signaling in cancer and therapeutic potential // Kancerološka sekcija SLD i sekcija sestara u onkologiji UMSTBS. | Beograd: Kancerološka sekcija SLD, 2012. str. 25-25
Ozretić, Petar ; Bisio, Alessandra ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja ; Inga, Alberto | Regulation of PTCH1b Tumor Suppressor Gene Expression by 5' Untranslated Region // 1. regionalni kongres Edukacija i znanost u onkologiji : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Zaklada Onkologija, 2013. str. 79-80
Levanat, Sonja ; Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretic, Petar ; Gojević, Ante ; Oresković, Slavko | The Hedgehog-Gli signaling in tumors and implications for therapy // FEBS 3+ Meeting : From molecules to life and back : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2012. str. 74-74
Eljuga, Ljerka ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Sušac, Ilona ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja ; Eljuga, Damir ; Levanat, Sonja | Genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline mutations in Croatia. The value of testing unaffected members in families with breast/ovarian cancer // 5. KONGRES HRVATSKOG SENOLOŠKOG DRUŠTVA s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Šibenik. | Zagreb: Hrvatski liječnički zbor, 2012. str. 10-11
Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Interaction of Gli1, SuFu and GSK3beta in centrosomes of HEK293 cells // From molecules to life and back FEBS3+ Meeting Book of Abstracts. | Rijeka: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2012. str. 201-201
Ozretić, Petar ; Bisio, Alessandra ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Ciribilli, Yari ; Car, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja ; Inga, Alberto | Functional Analyses of PTCH1 Gene 5’-UTR: The Impact of CGG Triplet Repeat Sequence Variants // mRNA FATE 2012 - Life and Death of mRNA in the Cytoplasm Book of Abstracts. | Trident: Events, Magazines and Internal Communication Office, University of Trento, 2012. str. 111-111
Musani, Vesna ; Levacic Cvok, Mirela ; Susac , Ilona ; Ozretic , Petar ; Sabol , Maja ; Car , Diana ; Eljuga , Domagoj ; Eljuga , Ljerka ; Levanat , Sonja | Genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in women with hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer in Croatia. | 2011. str. 906-906
www.ichg2011.org Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants detected with Quantitative Multiplex PCR (QMP) // HDIR-1 „From Bench to Clinic“ : book of abstracts of the First meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with international participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2010. str. 29-29
Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Sušac, Ilona ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Eljuga, Ljerka ; Levanat, Sonja | BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline mutations in women in Croatia with hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer // Final Program and Abstracts of The 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine. | Zagreb: International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS), 2011. str. 256-256
Levanat, Sonja ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretic, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Kalafatic, Drzislav ; Maurac, Ivana ; Oreskovic, Slavko | Hh-Gli signaling in ovarian carcinoma // Hh-Gli Signalling in Development, Regeneration and Cancer. | Accelopment AG, 2011. str. 45-45
Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretic, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Localization and interaction dynamics of Gli1, SuFu and GSK3beta in HEK293 cells // Hh-Gli Signalling in Development, Regeneration and Cancer. | Accelopment AG, 2011. str. 31-31
Užarević, Zvonimir ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Bogut, Irella ; Levanat, Sonja | Hh-Gli signaling pathway activity in ER-positive (MCF-7) and ER-negative (Sk-Br-3) breast cancer cell lines treated with tamoxifen // Book of Abstracts of the First meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with international participation HDIR-1 „From Bench to Clinic“. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2010. str. 35-35
Pećina-Šlaus, Nives ; Nikuševa Martić, Tamara Zeljko, Martina ; Deak, Adam Jakov ; Hrašćan, Reno ; Tomas Davor ; Musani, Vesna | E-cadherin in the central nervous system tumors meningiomas // HDIR-1 From Bench to clinic. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2010. str. 47-47
Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja | In silico analysis of potential structural and functional significance of human breast cancer gene BRCA2 sequence variants found in 5' untranslated region // HDIR-1 „From Bench to Clinic“ : book of abstracts of the First meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with international participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2010. str. 30-30
Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Levanat, Sonja | Curcumin and cyclopamine affect viability and proliferation of ovarian teratomas and ovarian carcinomas // Book of Abstracts of the 10th Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with international participation "The secret life of biomolecules" (HDBMB2010). | Rijeka: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2010. str. 97-97
Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Levanat, Sonja | Effect of cyclopamine and curcumin on proliferation and viability of ovarian teratomas and carcinomas // Cellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine, Program & Abstract Book. | 2010. str. 98-98
Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja | Computational Analysis of Sequence Variants Found In 5' And 3' Untranslated Regions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genes // Book of Abstracts of the 10th Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with international participation "The secret life of biomolecules" (HDBMB2010). | Rijeka: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2010. str. 137-137
Užarević, Zvonimir ; Čretnik, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Levanat, Sonja | Hh-Gli signaling pathway activity in breast cancer cell lines // Proceedings of Abstracts of 10th Croatian Biological Congress. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2009. str. 96-97
Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Orešković, Slavko ; Leović, Dinko ; Levanat, Sonja | Detection of Loss of Heterozygosity in the Patched Gene by High-resolution Melting Approach // 10th International Summer School on Biophysics : Supramolecular Structure and Function : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2009. str. 94-94
www.fens.org Pećina-Šlaus, Nives ; Majić, Željka ; Musani, Vesna ; Zeljko, Martina ; Čupić, Hrvoje | Report on mutation in exon 15 of the APC gene in a case of brain metastasis // The third Croatian congress of neuroscience : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za neuroznanost, 2009. str. 57-57
Musani, Vesna ; Poje, Gorazd ; Čretnik, Maja ; Šitum, Mirna ; Levanat, Sonja | Melanomas and basal cell carcinomas of the skin use Hh-gli signaling for cell cycle regulation // EMBO Meeting Cellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine. | Split: European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), 2008. str. 168-169
Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Nasljedni rak dojke-molekularna genetička analiza // 2. godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog društva za internističku onkologiju HLZ-a i 3. radni sastanak radne grupe za onkološku farmaciju bolničke sekcije HFD-a : Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatski liječnički zbor, 2008. str. 44-44
Musani, Vesna ; Basta-Juzbašić, Aleksandra ; Gorry, Philippe ; Levanat, Sonja | Velike delecije u regiji 9q22.21-q22.33 u tri pacijenta s Gorlinovim sindromom // Zbornik sažetaka znanstvenog simpozija "50 godina molekularne biologije u Hrvatskoj". | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2008. str. 98-98
Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Nove nukleotidne promjene gena BRCA1 i BRCA2 u zdravih žena u Hrvatskoj // Zbornik sažetaka znanstvenog simpozija "50 godina molekularne biologije u Hrvatskoj". | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2009. str. 99-99
Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | Mechanisms of activation of Hh-Gli signaling pathway in ovarian dermoid primary cell lines // Book of Abstracts of the HDBMB2008. | Osijek: Grafika Osijek, 2008. str. 114-114
Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | Računalna analiza mogućih funkcionalnih efekata novih neklasificiranih nukleotidnih promjena gena BRCA1 i BRCA2 pronađenih u zdravih žena u Hrvatskoj // Zbornik sažetaka znanstvenog simpozija "50 godina molekularne biologije u Hrvatskoj". | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2008. str. 100-100
Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | In Silico Prediction of Potential Functional and Structural Effects of Novel BRCA1 and BRCA2 Unclassified Sequence Variants Found in Healthy Females in Croatia // Book of Abstracts of the HDBMB2008. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2008. str. 118-118
Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Cretnik, Maja ; Oresković, Slavko | HH-GLI interactions in different tumors and therapeutic potential // EMBO Workshop on Hedgehog-Gli Signaling in Cancer and Stem Cells. | Rim: European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), 2006. str. 1-3-x
Marković, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | Mutation in SMO might not be responsible for impaired signal transduction in human BCC // 9th International Summer School on Biophysics: Supramolecular Structure and Function - Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2006. str. 147-147
Marković, Maja ; Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Levanat, Sonja | Mutations in SMO in human BCC might contribute to impaired signal transduction // FEBS Special Meeting Cellular Signaling : Program and Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2006. str. 99-100
Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Orešković, Slavko ; Levanat, Sonja | Methylation status of PTCH promoter in tumors with alterations in Hh-Gli signaling pathway // Book of Abstracts of the HDBMB 2006. | Zagreb, 2006. str. 80-80
Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | Polymorphisms of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in normal population // Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology on the occasion of the 30th anniversary with international participation : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2006. str. 82-82
Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Orešković, Slavko | Signal transduction in tumors: HH-GLI interactions and therapeutic potential // International Journal of Molecular Medicine. | Atena: Lychnia, 2006. str. S13-x
Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Čretnik, Maja | Molecular signaling in breast cancer // Book of abstracts : XIV S.I.S. World congress on breast diseases. | Zagreb: Medimond International Proceedings, 2006. str. 7-12
Bura, Miljenko ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Žižić-Mitrečić, Marica ; Botica, Iva ; Levanat, Sonja | Neki od molekularno genetičkih aspekata malignog švanoma // IV. kongres Hrvatskog društva za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata : zbornik sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za otorinolaringologiju i cervikofacijalnu kirurgiju, 2005, -, 1
Musani, Vesna ; Basta-Juzbašić, Aleksandra ; Stipišić, Antun ; Gorry, Philippe ; Levanat, Sonja | New Croatian PTCH Mutation in Gorlin Syndrome Family Linked To Craniopharyngioma // European Journal of Human Genetics. | London : Delhi: Nature publishing group, 2005. str. 196-196
Gorry, Philippe ; Brellier, F. ; Musani, Vesna ; Avril, M. ; Levanat, Sonja ; Spatz, A. ; Magnaldo, T. | Human genetic and skin in vitro studies in Gorlin syndrome // European Journal of Human Genetics. | 2005. str. 211-x
Levanat, Sonja ; Crnić, Ivana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Babić, Darko | Patched in developmental malformations and cancer. Alterations of patched in ovarian fibromas and non-inflammatory cysts // Zbornik sažetaka postera znanstvenih novaka izlaganih u inozemstvu 2002., 2003. i 2004. godine / Prvi kongres hrvatskih znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva. | Zagreb: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (HATZ), 2004. str. 673-673-x
Levanat, Sonja ; Šitum, Mirna ; Crnić, Ivana ; Marasović, Dujomir ; Puizina-Ivić, Neira ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Kubat, Milovan | Potential indicators of melanoma predisposition in relatives of non-familial cases:alterations in CDKN2A locus in cutaneous melanoma // Zbornik sažetaka postera znanstvenih novaka izlaganih u inozemstvu 2002., 2003. i 2004. godine / Prvi kongres hrvatskih znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva. | Zagreb: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (HATZ), 2004. str. 672-672-x
Levanat, Sonja ; Komar, Arijana ; Musani, Vesna | The role of the SHH/PTCH/SMO pathway in oncogenesis // Zbornik sažetaka postera znanstvenih novaka izlaganih u inozemstvu 2002., 2003. i 2004. godine / Prvi kongres hrvatskih znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva. | Zagreb: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (HATZ), 2004. str. 671-671-x
Levanat, Sonja ; Komar, Arijana ; Musani, Vesna | The role of the SHH/PTCH/SMO pathway in oncogenesis // Signal Transduction 2004 Proceedings. | Luxembourg: Fondation de Recherche Cancer et Sang, 2004. str. 188-188-x
Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Levanat, Sonja | Hedgehog/patched signaling pathway in tumorigenesis.Somatic mutations and deletions of PTCH gene in ovarian fibromas // Molekularna biologija-zbornik sažetaka. | Zagreb: Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu, 2002. str. 183-183-x
Musani, Vesna ; Crnić, Ivana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Levanat, Sonja | Somatic mutations and deletions of PTCH gene in ovarian fibromas // European Journal of Human Genetics. | Beč: EHGC, 2001. str. 123-123-x
Levanat, Sonja ; Šitum, Mirna ; Marasović, Dujomir ; Puizina-Ivić, Neira ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Kubat, Milovan | Potential indicators of melanoma predisposition in relatives of non-familial cases: alterations in CDKN2A locus in cutaneous melanoma // European Conference: Perspectives in melanoma management, book of abstracts. | Amsterdam: Imedex, 2003. str. 89-89-x
Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Orešković, Slavko | Involvement of PTCH and entire signaling pathway Hedgehog/Patched in pathogenesis of ovarian tumors and malformations // Proceedings of 18th EACR Meeting. | Innsbruck: EACR, 2004. str. 61-61-x
Musani, Vesna ; Levanat, Sonja | The role of the SHH/PTH/SMO pathway in oncogenesis // Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2004. str. 109-109
Levanat, Sonja ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Orešković, Slavko | Alterations of PTCH are atributed to Hedgehog/Patched pathway activation in ovarian fibromas and dermoids // FEBS Lecture course on cellular signaling and 4th Dubrovnik signaling conference. | Zagreb, 2004. str. 163-164-x
Rešetić, Josip ; Vrkljan, Milan ; Vizner, Branka ; Komar, Arijana ; Musani, Vesna ; Dučić, Nataša ; Rižnar, Vesna ; Krpan, Ružica ; Krpan, Iva ; Petek, Iva et al. | Promjena ekspresije alfa mRNA glukokortikoidnog receptora u limfocitima normalnih ispitanika, te pacijenata s Cushingovom bolesti i posttraumatskim stresom // 3. hrvatski endokrinološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem : Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Studio Hrg, 2003. str. 22-22
Levanat, Sonja ; Crnić, Ivana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Musani, Vesna ; Komar, Arijana ; Babić, Darko | Patched in development malformations and cancer. Alterations of Patched in ovarian fibromas and non inflammatory cysts // Abstracts of the 17th meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research : u: Revista de Oncología 44 (2202) (1). | Madrid: FESEO ; INCAN, 2002. str. 46-46
Prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Ozretić, Petar ; Hackl, Hubert ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Musani, Vesna ; Levanat, Sonja | Looking for new markers:could microRNA molecules help for earlier diagnosis and better therapies? How (dys)regulation of Hedgehog-Gli signaling pathway contribute to ovarian cancer // Seed and Soil: In vivo Models of metastasis. | 2017. str. 70-70
Publications - Conference journals
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Čonkaš, Josipa; Josić, Janja; Kranjčević, Jacqueline-Katrin; Milutin Gašperov, Nina; Piteša, Nikolina; Kurtović, Matea; Musani, Vesna; Sabol, Maja; Vugrinec, Ozren; Mumlek, Ivan et al. | Expression Profile of Sex Hormone Receptors in Head and Neck Cancer: Unraveling Gender Disparities // Oncology insights, 1, 1, 2023. str. 88-89
www.sdir.ac.rs -
Štefanac, Ivan ; Mrčela, Milanka ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Expression profile and cellular localisation of GLI3 and PTCH1 proteins inhealthy and tumor prostate tissue // Virchows archiv, 2019, PS-MD-01-007, 1. doi: 10.1007/s00428-019-02631-8
doilink.springer.comwww.esp-congress.org -
Gregorić, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Musani, Vesna | Survivin isoform expresion in GLI1-3 knock-out ovarian carcinoma cell lines // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 2018. str. 65-65
hrcak.srce.hr -
Levanat, Sonja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Hackl, Hubert ; Plattner, Christina ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Musani, Vesna | Therapeutic Evaluation Hedgehog-Gli Signaling Pathway through miRNA and mRNA Profiling of Ovarian Carcinoma // ESMO Open, 2018. str. A287-A287. doi: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-EACR25.677
doiwww.esmoopen.com -
Rinčić, Nikolina ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Responsiveness to GANT-61 inhibitor of GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 knock-out ovarian cancer cell lines // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 2018. str. 81-81
hrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Štefanac, Ivan ; Mrčela, Milanka ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Expression of GLI3 and PTCH1 Proteins in Prostate Cancer // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 2018. str. 86-86
hrcak.srce.hr -
Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja ; Hackl, Hubert ; Plattner, Christina ; Trnski, Diana ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Musani, Vesna ; Zeilinger, Robert ; Levanat, Sonja | Interaction of microRNA Molecules and Hedgehog-GLI Signaling Pathway Genes in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 2018. str. 67-67
hrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Sušac, Ilona ; Ozretić, Petar ; Gregorić, Maja ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Seiwerth, Sven ; Aralica, Gorana ; Stanec, Mladen et al. | Association of BIRC5 polymorphisms and survivin expression with clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer patients // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 2018. str. 87-87
hrcak.srce.hr -
Sabol, Maja ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Generation of the GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 knock-out ovarian cancer cell lines using the CRISPR/Cas9 // ESMO Open, 2018. str. A300-A300. doi: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-EACR25.707
doiwww.eacr25.org -
Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja | The association of BIRC5 gene polymorphism and Survivin expression in different tumors types // Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Medicinske znanosti, 2017. str. 131-132
info.hazu.hrhrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Ozretić, Petar ; Hackl, Hubert ; Belužić, Robert ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Maurac, Ivana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Levanat, Sonja | Epigenetic (dys)regulation of Hedgehog-GLI signaling pathway in ovarian cancer by microRNA molecules // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 44, 2016. str. 46-46
hrcak.srce.hr -
Ozretić, Petar ; Bisio, Alessandra ; Musani, Vesna ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja ; Inga, Alberto | Expression of PTCH1b tumor suppressor gene is controlled by different 5'-untranslated region cis-regulatory elements // European journal of cancer (1990), 2016. str. S164-S164. doi: 10.1016/S0959-8049(16)61578-2
doiwww.ejcancer.com Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Ozretić, Petar ; Čonda, Martina ; Leović, Dinko ; Gregorić, Maja ; Majić, Tajana ; Levanat, Sonja | The Role of BIRC5 Polymorphisms in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck // Periodicum biologorum, 116, S1, 2014. str. 53-53
Ozretić, Petar ; Bisio, Alessandra ; Musani, Vesna ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja ; Inga, Alberto | Various 5' Untranslated Region cis-Regulatory Elements Regulate the Expression of Human PTCH1b Gene // Periodicum biologorum, 116, S1, 2014. str. 55-55
Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Ozretić, Petar ; Čonda, Martina ; Leović, Dinko ; Levanat, Sonja | The role of BIRC5 polymorphisms in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma // European journal of human genetics, 2, S1, 2014. str. 238-238
www.eshg.org Levanat, Sonja; Trnski, Diana; Užarević, Zvonimir; Ozretić, Petar; Musani, Vesna; Sabol, Maja | Interactions of Hedgehog-Gli and estrogen receptor signaling pathways in breast cancer cells // European journal of cancer (1990), 50, S5, 2014. str. 118-118
Ozretić, Petar ; Bisio, Alessandra ; Musani, Vesna ; Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja ; Inga, Alberto | Dissecting the 5' Untranslated Region of the PTCH1b Tumor Suppressor Gene // European journal of cancer (1990), 2014. str. S114-S114
Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Gojević, Ante ; Martinić, Martina ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Levanat, Sonja | Gli3 and GSK3β play a major role in colon cancer // Periodicum biologorum, 114, S1, 2012. str. 44-44
Čačev, Tamara ; Musani, Vesna ; Kapitanović, Sanja | Microsatellite instability analysis in sporadic colon cancer patients in Croatia // European journal of human genetics, 2014. str. 463-463
Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Šitum, Mirna ; Levanat, Sonja | Different types of PTCH1 gene mutations in Gorlin syndrome in Croatia // Periodicum biologorum, 114, S1, 2012. str. 56-56
Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Eljuga, Ljerka ; Sušac, Ilona ; Eljuga, Damir ; Levanat, Sonja | Novel BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic mutations in families with hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer in Croatia // Periodicum biologorum, 114, S1, 2012. str. 34-34
Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Sušac, Ilona ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Car, Diana ; Eljuga, Damir ; Levanat, Sonja | Germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Croatian families with breast/ovarian cancer predisposition: Identification of three novel mutations // European journal of human genetics, 2012. str. 162-162
www.eshg.org -
Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Sušac, Ilona ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Car, Diana ; Eljuga, Damir ; Levanat, Sonja | Germline BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations in breast/ovarian cancer families in Croatia : Identification of three novel mutations // European journal of cancer. Supplement (1990), 48, 5, 2012. str. S274-S275. doi: 10.1016/S0959-8049(12)71739-2
doiwww.ejcancer.comdoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com Car, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Gojević, Ante ; Martinić, Marina ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Levanat, Sonja | Gli3 and GSK3beta play a major role in colon cancer // Periodicum biologorum, 112, 2012. str. 44-44
Ozretić, Petar ; Bisio, Alessandra ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Ciribilli, Yari ; Car, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja ; Inga, Alberto | The Role of 5’ untranslated region in the regulation of PTCH1b gene expression // Periodicum biologorum, 114, S1, 2012. str. 66-66
Car, D ; Sabol, M ; Musani, V ; Ozretić, P ; Levanat, S | Interaction of Gli1, SuFu and GSK3b in centrosomes of HEK293 cells // European journal of cancer (1990), 2012. str. S150-S150
Crncec, Ilija ; Musani, Vesna ; Marusic Vrsalovic, Maruška ; Livun, Ana ; Pejsa, Vlatko ; Jaksic, Ozren ; Haris, Višnja ; Ajdukovic, Radmila ; Štoos Veić, Tajana ; Kušec, Rajko Stoos Veic T, Kusec R. | NPM1 mutations in AML detected by fragment analysis and Sanger sequencing (PP04) // Liječnički vjesnik : glasilo Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora. Suplement, 2011
Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja | In silico methods for assessing potential functional impact of human breast cancer gene BRCA2 sequence variants found in 5' untranslated region // International journal of molecular medicine, 2011. str. S33-S33
Levanat, Sonja ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Leović, Dinko | Hh-Gli signaling pathway activity in oral squamous cell carcinoma // The FEBS journal, 2011. str. 241-241
febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Car, Diana ; Leović, Dinko ; Levacic Cvok, Mirela ; Levanat, Sonja | Simultaneous loss of heterozygosity and point mutation detection with high resolution melting // European journal of human genetics, 2011. str. 438-438
Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja | Homology Modeling of Smoothened Protein and Structural Analysis of Its Activating Mutations // The FEBS journal, 2011. str. 124-124
febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretic, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Investigation of PTCH1 promoter mutations and polymorphisms // European journal of human genetics, 2010. str. 190-191
Ozretić, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja | Computational Analysis of Novel BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genes Unclassified Sequence Variants Found in Healthy Females in Croatia // The FEBS journal, 2010. str. 18-18
febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com Levanat, Sonja ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar | Sequence variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes detected by high-resolution melting analysis as a tool in molecular genetic analysis of inherited breast cancers // European journal of cancer. Supplement (1990), 2009. str. 315-315
Levanat, Sonja ; Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko | Hedgehog-Gli signaling pathway interactions and therapeutic potential in proliferative tumors of the ovary // International journal of molecular medicine, 2009. str. S9-S9
Levanat, Sonja ; Cretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Oreskovic, Slavko | Interactions and therapeutic potential of Hedgehog-Gli signaling pathway genes in ovarian tumors // The FEBS journal, 2009. str. 68-68
febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | Computational analysis of 5' and 3' untranslated regions of breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 // The FEBS journal, 2009. str. 116-116
febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Ozretić, Petar ; Šitum, Mirna ; Leović, Dinko ; Levanat Sonja | Mutations of Hh-Gli Signaling Pathway Genes in Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCCs) // European journal of human genetics, 2009. str. 167-167
www.eshg.org -
Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | BRCA1 and BRCA2 sequence variants in healthy women in Croatia // European journal of human genetics, 2008. str. 367-368
www.eshg.org -
Musani, Vesna ; Gorry, Philippe ; Basta-Juzbašić, Aleksandra ; Levanat, Sonja | Large deletions in 9q22.21-9q22.33 region of Gorlin syndrome patients // European journal of human genetics, 2008. str. 315-315
www.eshg.org Musani, Vesna ; Gorry, Philippe ; Basta-Juzbašić, Aleksandra ; Levanat, Sonja | Application of semi-quantitative fluorescent multiplex PCR for detection of large deletions in French and Croatian Gorlin syndrome patients // International journal of molecular medicine, 2007. str. 42-42
Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | High-Resolution Melting Analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Sequence Variants in Healthy Women in Croatia and Computational Analysis of New Variants of Unknown Clinical Significance // Paediatria Croatica. Supplement, 2009. str. 12-12
Levanat, Sonja ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar | Molecular diagnostics of inherited breast cancers // Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 2008, A241, 1
Levanat, Sonja ; Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Orešković, Slavko | Interactions and therapeutic potential of Hh-Gli pathway genes in different tumors // International journal of molecular medicine, 2007. str. 42-42
Ozretić, Petar ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | In Silico Analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Sequence Variants of Unknown Clinical Significance: Application to Variants Found in Healthy Women in Croatia // European journal of human genetics, 2008. str. 206-207
Willems, P. ; Levanat, Sonja ; Magri, V. ; Jakubowska, A. ; Vandersickel, V. ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Marras, E. ; Perletti, G. ; Vral, A. | Molecular and genetic characterization of the T309C missense transversion in BRCA1 codon 64 (C64R) // International journal of molecular medicine, 2008. str. S23-S23
Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Godan, Ana ; Marković, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | BRCA1 and BRCA2 sequence variability in normal population in Croatia // European journal of human genetics, 2007, P0505, 1
www.eshg.org -
Musani, Vesna ; Basta-Juzbašić, Aleksandra ; Gorry, Philippe ; Levanat, Sonja | Detection of large deletion of 4.5 Mb in PTCH region in a Croatian Gorlin syndrome sace by semi-quantitative fluorescent multiplex PCR // European journal of human genetics, 2007. str. 273-274
www.eshg.org Ozretić, Petar ; Konjevoda, Paško ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | Statistical evaluation of experimental data based on the high-resolution melting approach - application to BRCA1 polymorphisms // Paediatria Croatica, 2007. str. 164-164
Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Leović, Dinko ; Levanat, Sonja | Hedgehog signaling pathway and basal cell carcinomas (BCC) // Paediatria Croatica, 2007. str. 163-163
Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | BRCA1 and BRCA2 polymorphism screening in healthy women in Croatia // Paediatria Croatica, 2007. str. 163-163
Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Orešković, Slavko ; Levanat, Sonja | Genetic and epigenetic regulation of Hh-Gli signaling pathway in ovarian tumors // Paediatria Croatica, 2007. str. 162-162
Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | BRCA1 and BRCA2 polymorphisms in Croatia-frequencies in healthy population // International journal of molecular medicine, 2007. str. 42-42
Čretnik, Maja ; Musani, Vesna ; Levanat, Sonja | Methylation status of PTCH promoter in tumors with alterations in HH-GLI signaling pathway // International journal of molecular medicine, 2006, S14, 1
Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Čretnik, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja | Physiological significance of polymorphisms in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Difference in melting profile reflecting polymorphic or mutational variability // International journal of molecular medicine, 2006, S13, 1
Prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Piteša, Nikolina; Kurtović, Matea; Čonkaš, Josipa; Musani, Vesna; Ozretić, Petar; Sabol, Maja | The role of Hedgehog signaling pathway in plasticity, stemness and resistance of melanoma // Oncology insights, 1, 1, 2023. str. 47-48
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Piteša, Nikolina ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Kurtović, Matea ; Petrić, Tina ; Čonkaš, Josipa ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | Characterization of GANT61 Resistant Cell Lines reveals new insights of Hedgehog-GLI and RAS/RAF/MAPK interplay in melanoma // EACR-Boehringer Ingelheim Drugging and Regulating the MAP Kinase Pathway | online event, 21.02.2023-22.02.2023
Petrić, Tina ; Trnski, Diana ; Kurtović, Matea ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | Hedgehog-GLI signaling pathway in 3D model of prostate cancer // Goodbye Flat Biology: Next Generation Cancer Models | Virtual event, 05.10.2021-06.10.2021
Rinčić, Nikolina ; Bartoniček, Nenad ; Kurtović, Matea ; Musani, Vesna ; Trnski, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja | Specific and overlapping GLI transcription targets in melanoma // EACR 2021 : : Innovative Cancer Science | online, 09.06.2021-12.06.2021
Rinčić, Nikolina ; Nenad, Bartoniček ; Matea, Kurtović ; Vesna, Musani ; Diana, Trnski ; Petar, Ozretić ; Maja, Sabol | GLI transcription targets in melanoma cell lines // 45th FEBS Virtual Congress “Molecules of Life: Towards New Horizons“ | online, 03.07.2021-08.07.2021
Trnski, Diana ; Gregorić, Maja ; Levanat, Sonja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Rinčić, Nikolina ; Majić Vidaković, Tajana ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Maurac, Ivana ; Orešković, Slavko ; Sabol, Maja et al. | Utjecaj proteina GLI na regulaciju ekspresije izoformi survivina u karcinomu jajnika // 6. Simpozij – Apoptoza i novotvorine | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 26.03.2019-26.03.2019
Ozretić, Petar ; Sabol, Maja ; Hackl, Hubert ; Plattner, Christina ; Trnski, Diana ; Kalafatić, Držislav ; Musani, Vesna ; Zeilinger, Robert ; Levanat, Sonja | Interaction of microRNA Molecules and Hedgehog-GLI Signaling Pathway Genes in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer // Godišnja skupština Hrvatskog društva za istraživanje raka (HDIR) | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 12.12.2018-12.12.2018
Sušac, Ilona ; Ozretić, Petar ; Mikulandra, Martina ; Gregorić, Maja ; Sabol, Maja ; Trnski, Diana ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Seiwerth, Sven ; Aralica, Gorana ; Stanec, Mladen et al. | Correlation of BIRC5 polymorphisms and survivin expression with clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer patients from Croatia // 14th Central European Oncology Congress | Opatija, Hrvatska, 01.01.2018-01.01.2018
Musani, Vesna ; Levačić Cvok, Mirela ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Trnski, Diana ; Levanat, Sonja | Dijagnostika nasljednog raka dojke i jajnika u Hrvatskoj // 2. dani humane genetike – prof. dr. sc. Ljiljana Zergollern Čupak | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 14.11.2014-15.11.2014
Musani, Vesna ; Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja | Raznolikost mutacija gena PTCH1 u Gorlinovom sindromu na primjeru tri slučaja u Hrvatskoj // 2. Hrvatski Simpozij o rijetkim Bolestima | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 24.02.2012-24.02.2012
Levanat, Sonja ; Čretnik, Maja ; Poje, Gorazd ; Musani, Vesna ; Orešković, Slavko | Different tumors require Hh-Gli signaling through cell cycle regulation // Hedgehog signaling in development and disease | Palo Alto (CA), Sjedinjene Američke Države; Stanford (CA), Sjedinjene Američke Države, 20.06.2008-22.06.2008
Publications - Graded papers
Doktorski rad
repozitorij.unios.hr Musani, Vesna | Mehanizmi regulacije signalnog puta Hedgehog/Patched/Gli u tumorima i nasljednim oboljenjima / Levanat, Sonja (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Šimatović, Domagoj | Uloga ekspresije p16 u karcinomima glave i vrata / Musani, Vesna ; Đikić, Domagoj (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2021
urn.nsk.hr -
Vincetić, Magdalena | Polimorfizmi gena BIRC5 i ekspresija izoformi proteina survivina u karcinomu dojke / Musani, Vesna (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2020
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hr -
Majić, Tajana | Uloga polimorfizama gena BIRC5 (survivin) u različitim tipovima tumora jajnika / Musani, Vesna (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2015
Other Publications
Popularni rad
Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar | Je li rak nasljedna bolest? // Priroda 01-02/2016, 2016
www.hdbmb.hr Musani, Vesna | Analiza mutacija u kodirajućim i nekodirajućim regijama PTCH lokusa // seminar, 2005
Membership in professional associations / societies
- European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
- Croatian Association for Cancer Research
- Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Croatian Society of Human Genetics
- European Society of Human Genetics
Invited speaker:
- The 11th World Congress on Advances in Oncology, and 9th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, 12-14.10.2006, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece – Musani V, Levačić Cvok M, Čretnik M, Levanat S: Physiological significance of polymorphisms in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Difference in melting profile reflecting polymorphic or mutational variability.
- 12th World Congress on Advances in Oncology, 10th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, 11-13.10.2007, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece - Musani V, Gorry P, Basta-Juzbašić A, Levanat S: Application of semi-quantitative fluorescent multiplex PCR for detection of large deletions in French and Croatian Gorlyn syndrome patients.
Organization of scientific meetings:
- 3rd International Conference on Signal Transduction (ICST), 17-23.05.2002, Cavtat, Croatia
- III. Hrvatski kongres humane genetike s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 03-04.09.2003, Zagreb, Croatia
- FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on Cellular Signaling & ISCT, 4th Dubrovnik Signaling Conference, 21-27.05.2004, Cavtat, Croatia
- HDIR-1 'From Bench to Clinic' (First meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research, 11.11.2010, Zagreb, Croatia