Laboratory of Molecular Neuropsychiatry
Laboratory of Molecular Neuropsychiatry investigates the role of endocrine and neurotransmitters systems and their corresponding genes in the etiology and treatment of neuropsychiatric and stress related disorders.

Since the etiological and psychobiological basis of neuropsychiatric disorders is still unclear, but should be the consequence of interaction between genetic and environmental factors and specific proteins, the role of serotonergic, catecholaminergic, immunological, neurotrophic and neuroendocrine systems in psychiatric (depression, schizophrenia, posttraumatic stress disorders, alcoholism, suicidal and aggressive behaviour) and neurological (Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy) disorders are the main topics of intensive research in the Laboratory of Molecular Neuropsychiatry.
The aims of the research are to determine the neurobiological variables and polymorphism of genes that are coding for proteins of serotonergic, catecholaminergic, immunological, neurotrophic and neuroendocrine systems in neuropsychiatric disorders and are specifically focused on the search of biomarkers for the best pharmacotherapy according to biochemical and/or molecular characteristics of patients.
D Muck-Šeler (2005. year) and N Pivac (2009. year) obtained National Science Award for the results in the research of biochemical and molecular markers of psychiatric and stress related disorders.
Between years 2002 -2011 the results were published in 64 scientific articles in journal cited in Current Contents base.