The Night Under the Stars at the "Ruđer"
The Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI) invites you to attend the night under the stars at the "Ruđer" event, which will be held on Friday, May 14 2010, starting at 6:00 pm, at the RBI, Bijenička cesta 54, Zagreb. The event is organized within the activities to mark the 60th Anniversary of the RBI.
The program starts at 6:00 p.m. with a telescope exhibition and children's workshops. At 7:00pm you will be able to attend a lecture by Dr. Dario Hrupec on "Astroparticle physics - a unique view into the world of big and small". The lecture will discuss the information emanating from the universe not only as visible light particles - photons, but also various other types of particles called astroparticles. Part of the astroparticles are elementary particles, the tiniest particles of matter from which we ourselves are built.
The program will continue with a debate entitled "The excessive artificial lighting is the Croatian problem as well" in which experts in the field of astronomy, biology, technology, lighting and legislation will meet the audience with a necessity of preserving the dark skies. The lighting of the public areas inevitably leads to a threathnes not only of visibility of the sky, but also of the disturbance of the biological cycle in nature and human health problems. The preservation of the dark sky is a little known problem to the general public. The dark sky is an extreme value that Croatia still has at some locations, and its value can be measured with value of a clean air, water and bio-world. The tribune starts at 8:00 pm, and will be moderated by Slobodan Bosanac, PhD.
The sky watching with telescopes is planned from 9:00 pm until midnight.
The night under the stars at the "Ruđer", is organized in cooperation with the Croatian Astronomical Society, Zagreb Observatory, Astronomical-astronautical Society Zagreb, Astronomical Society Remetinec, Astronomical Society Beskraj and Profile International Company.