EU-LIFE welcomes the Francis Crick Institute and the Ruđer Bošković Institute into the alliance
The Francis Crick Institute in London (the Crick, UK) and the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb (RBI, Croatia) officially joined EU-LIFE in January 2025. This new membership is part of a process of expansion that broadens the representativeness of EU-LIFE and builds on the open and collaborative spirit that drives the alliance.
From the sea to the sky - how do corals under stress affect the planet?
Dr. sc. Sanja Frka Milosavljević participates in the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program’s Cooling and Shading field campaign on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia to study coral stress impacts on the sea surface microlayer properties and its linkage to cloud formation and climate.
AI4Health.Cro Spearheads Innovation Competition to Combat Breast Cancer Using AI Technology
In an ambitious drive to harness cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI), the European Digital Innovation Hub for Health and Medical AI Applications (AI4Health.Cro) has launched an innovation competition aimed at enhancing mammographic diagnostics and advancing breast cancer treatment. The competition seeks to galvanize IT and healthcare professionals to tackle one of today’s pivotal medical diagnostics challenges: improving the accuracy of breast cancer diagnosis with AI.
From Rivers to the Adriatic Sea: New Project Aims to Tackle Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution has emerged as a major environmental challenge for aquatic ecosystems, including the Adriatic Sea and freshwater bodies such as rivers and lakes.
Decoding Nations: Launch of Europe's Largest Genomic Project
Europe has stepped into a new era of genetics with the rollout of the continent's largest whole genome sequencing project, "Genome of Europe" (GoE).
Celebrating a Decade of Scientific Excellence at CERIC: RBI’s Role in Advancing European Research
On Friday, December 6th, the Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI), representing Croatia in the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC-ERIC), marked the 10th anniversary of CERIC with a special event, celebrating the Consortium’s achievements and its transformative impact on European research.
Five Years of Croatia in CERN: A Path Towards Full Membership
Croatia celebrates five years of Associate Membership in CERN, showcasing remarkable progress in science, education, and industry. This milestone coincides with CERN’s 70th anniversary, highlighting the importance of international scientific collaboration and Croatia’s readiness to advance to full membership in the world’s most prestigious research institution.
Scientists Discover Method to Control Errors in Cancer Cell Division
Tim znanstvenika predvođen prof. dr. sc. Ivom Tolić, voditeljicom Laboratorija za biofiziku stanice na Institutu Ruđer Bošković (IRB), otkrio je mehanizam kako vratiti sklad u ovaj "orkestar" diobe stanica i time otvorio nove mogućnosti da se taj proces iskoristi za ciljanu eliminaciju specifičnih tumorskih stanica.
New Sensor Material Opens Path to Safer and More Efficient Hydrogen Detection
Detekcija vodika ključna je za sigurnost u industrijskim i energetskim postrojenjima, posebice u svijetu koji se sve više okreće čistim energetskim rješenjima. Za takvim rješenjima traga i tim istraživača s Instituta Ruđer Bošković (IRB) i Centra izvrsnosti za napredne materijale i senzore (CEMS).