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irb.employee.title.dr_ sc_ Sanja Frka Milosavljević

President of the Expert Scientific Council for Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
Senior scientist
+385 1 456 1185
Internal phone number
Ruđer Bošković Institute, Division for Marine and Environmental Research, Laboratory for marine and atmospheric biogeochemistry, Bijenička c. 54, p.p.180, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Curriculum vitae



07/2008   Ph.D in Oceanology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; 2001-2008 Postgraduate study of Oceanology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia;

11/2000   Dipl. Ing. in Chemistry (M.Sc. equivalent); Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia;

Working positions

04/2018–to date: Senior researcher (2023), Senior research associate (2018), Research Associate (2021) at Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI), Division for marine and environmental research (DMER), Laboratory for marine and atmospheric biogeochemistry (LMAB), Zagreb, Croatia

10/2014–10/2016:  Research associate/postdoctoral student at National Institute of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Ljubljana, Slovenia

12/2012–04/2018:  Research associate at RBI, DMER, Zagreb, Croatia

08/2008–12/2012:  Senior research assistant, RBI, DMER, Zagreb, Croatia

02/2001–07/2008:  Research assistant (PhD student), DMER. RBI, Zagreb, Croatia 

Specialisation/Visits to international research institutes

IRCELYON, Lyon, France, EUROCHAMP TNA, 2 weeks (2018)

The National  Institute of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Ljubljana, Slovenia, NEWFELPRO Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND (2014-2016)

University of Pannonia, Air Chemistry Group, Veszprém, Hungary, bilateral project; 3 weeks (2010, 2011)

Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, Atmospheric processes and modelling group, Aveiro, Portugal, STSM COST project; 1 month (2011)

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Marine chemistry group, Bremerhaven, Germany, DAAD project; 2 months (2008, 2009)

University of Gdansk, Institute of Experimental Physics, Gdansk, Poland, Training work on scaling approach of surface pressure-area isotherms of surface films; 1 week (2009)

Université de la Méditerranée, Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, Marseille, France, Training and work on TLC/FID instrumentation for lipid analysis; 1 week (2007)

University of Leeds, Department of Self-Organising Molecular Systems, Leeds, Great Britain, ALIS project and Royal Society project; 3 months (2003, 2006)

University of Tromsø, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, Norway, Norwegian Research Council project, CPSEE program; 10 days (2002)

Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany, Training and work on reflection spectroscopy and Brewster angle microscopy; 10 days (2002)

Research Areas

Specific research interests


Project leader/PI

2024–2025 Project funded by RBI (Program agreement): "KP2-Establishment of a new facility to study photoinduced changes in the physico-chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols"

2022–2024 Project funded by the National Park Bijuni: "Annual monitoring of air quality and total atmospheric precipitation in the protected area of ​​the Brijuni National Park"

2021–2022 Project funded by the National Park Bijuni: "Insights to the variability of pollutants that reach the area of ​​the Brijuni National Park by atmospheric deposition"

2021–2023 Cogito Hubert Curien project: "Photochemistry of marine phytoplankton surfactant films at the air-water interface: impact to atmospheric particle formation" (co-lead C. George)

2020–2022 DAAD project: "Diurnal dynamics on the sea-atmosphere interface" (co-lead M. Ribas Ribas)

2019–2023 Croatian Science Foundation project: Young researchers' career development project – training of new doctoral students

2018–2023 Croatian Science Foundation IP-2018-01-3105 project: "Biochemical responses of oligotrophic Adriatic surface ecosystems to atmospheric deposition input (BiREADI) "

2018 EUROCHAMP-2020 TNA project: "Atmospheric deposition impacts on biochemistry and photochemistry of the sea surface layers of oligotrophic systems"

2016–2017 Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project: "Estimating the role of marine biogenic organosulfur compunds in the formation and properties of atmospheric organic aerosol" (co-lead A. Krofič)

2014–2017 Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND NEWFELPRO project: "Chemical nature of size segregated water soluble organic aerosols and their nitro-aromatic constituents"

2015–2019 ACTRIS-2 (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network), PI/contact person of Ruđer Bošković Institute, associate partner

2011–2015 ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network), PI/ contact person of Ruđer Bošković Institute, associate partner

2011 Cost Action ES0801 STSM project: "Organic aerosol speciation: learning and implementation to the sea surface microlayer study".


Project collaborator

2024–2027 INTERREG Italy-Croatia Programme 2021–2027 Chemico-physical and multispectral Data fusion for Adriatic sea monitoring by  autonomous vessel BRIGANTINE

2017 INTERREG V-A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme 2014-2020 INNOVAMARE, 2020–2022

2017 MILAN (Sea surface microlayer functioning during night) international experiment, University of Oldenburg, Germany,

2014–2018 Croatian science foundation: IP-2013-11-1205: "SPHERE" (The Sulphur and Carbon Dynamics in the Sea- and Fresh-water Environment)

2014–2018 Croatian science foundation: IP-2013-11-8607: "AMBIOMERES" (Appearance and Interaction of Biologically Important Organic Molecules and Micronutrient Metals in Marine Ecosystem under Environmental Stress)

2014–2015 Croatian-Chinese bilateral project "Secondary organic aerosols and photochemical pollution"

2014–2015 Croatian-Chinese bilateral project "A comparison of organic matter biogeochemistry in oligotrophic and eutrophic estuary: illustrated by lipids and amino acid enantiomers"

2010–2011 EUSAAR (European Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research)

Ministry of science education and sports of the Republic of Croatia:

          2007–2011 "Nature of organic matter, interaction with traces and surfaces in environment"

          2002–2006 "Nature and reactivity of organic matter in the environment"

2009–2010 Croatian-Hungarian bilateral project "Complex investigation of organic aerosols in rural, urban and marine environment"

2008–2011 NATO project "Sensors based on biomembranes for the detection of toxins and pollutants"

2008–2009 DAAD project "A complex study of marine organic matter characterization in seas of the European coastal zone"

2005–2006 Royal Society project "Novel physical chemical techniques to characterize the sea surface microlayer"

2002–2003 ALIS project "Electrochemical studies of sea-surface microlayers"

2001–2005 Norwegian Research Council project, CPSEE program

Awards and Achievements


2024 Ruđer Bošković Institute annual awards (2022) for publishing 2 scientific papers in a high IF journals

2022 Ruđer Bošković Institute annual award (2021) for publishing scientific paper in a high IF journal

2019 Ruđer Bošković Institute annual award (2018) for publishing scientific paper in a high IF journal

2016 Second award at the NEWFELPRO (The New International Fellowship Mobility Programme for Experienced Researchers in Croatia) competition for the best project photography

2011 Short term scientific mission (STSM) Cost Action ES0801 project: "Organic aerosol speciation: learning and implementation to the sea surface microlayer study", 1-month stay and work at Atmospheric processes and modelling group, Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, Aveiro, Portugal


Teaching and supervision activities

2021–today Lecturer of "Atmospheric chemistry in the marine environment", Doctoral study of Oceanology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

2014–today Lecturer of "Physical chemistry of the sea and seawater", Doctoral study of Oceanology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

2019–2023 Mentor to a PhD student Andrea Milinković, PhD Thesis title: "Biological and chemical responses of sea surface layer to atmospheric deposition", Doctoral study of Oceanology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

2015–2020 Mentor to a PhD student Ana Cvitešić, PhD Thesis title: "Organic matter and sulfur species in the sea surface microlayer and aerosols of the Rogoznica lake area", Doctoral study of Oceanology. Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

2015–2020 PhD Committee member, Kristijan Vidović, PhD Thesis title: "Formation and aging of nitroaromatic compounds as important components of atmospheric brown carbon", Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia

04/2019 Master work Evaluation Committee member, "Chemical and Optical Characterization of Winter Rural Aerosol", by Gina Annisa Gunarto, University of Pannonia, Hungary

04/2024 Supervisor of graduate student Robert Horn: "Investigation of the properties and factors affecting concentrations and size distribution of ultrafine aerosol particles during winter in the city of Zagreb", Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

02/2023 Supervisor of graduate student Ivona Mikić: "Variability of aerosol black carbon concentration at the Brijuni National Park area", Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

06/2019 Supervisor of graduate student Javor Novosel: "Investigation of atmospheric deposition impacts on the sea surface biochemistry", Department of Biotechnology University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia

09/2014 Supervisor of graduate student Kristijan Vidović: "Seasonal variation of organic matter properties of atmospheric aerosol over Zagreb", Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.

09/2014 Supervisor of graduate student Tin Brlić: "Characterization of surfactants in size-segregated atmospheric aerosols by an electrochemical method", Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.

06/2020 Supervisor of student practice of Tena Murk, Undergraduate study of Ecoengineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

7/2019 Supervisor of student practice of Lucija Plazibat, Sacramento City College, Sacramento, California, USA.

10/2017 Supervisor of student practice of Karla Mamilović, Undergraduate study of food engineering, Faculty of food technology and biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Publications - journal articles

Izvorni znanstveni rad

Pregledni rad (znanstveni)



  • Stolle, C ; Ribas-Ribas, M ; Badewien, T. H. ; Barnes, J. ; Carpenter, L. J. ; Chance, R. ; Damgaard, L. R. ; Durán Quesada, AM. ; Engel, A. ; Frka, Sanja et al. | The MILAN campaign: Studying the Sea Surface Microlayer // Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 11 (2020), 4; 299-304. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0329.A

Publications - conference proceedings

Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Izvorni znanstveni rad

Prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Membership in professional associations / societies

Membership and activities in scientific organization

  • 2023–2026 President of the Regional Council of Interdisciplinary natural sciences, RBI
  • 2021–2023, 2018–2021 Member of the Ethics Committee, RBI
  • 2018–2023 Member of the Scientific board of Division for marine and environmental research, RBI
  • 2011 Member of Committee for creating recommendations for Mentorship regulation, RBI
  • 2009, 2010, 2011 Delegate of Division for marine and environmental research in RBI Council of Young Scientists
  • Project evaluator: NPOO.C3.2.R3-I1.04 Ciljana znanstvena istraživanja (National Recovery and Resilience Plan); Croatian Science Foundation (IP-2020-02), French National Research Agency (AAPG 2021)
  • Management Committee member/participant: COST CA21138 Joint effects of CLimate Extremes and Atmospheric depositioN on European FORESTs (2022–2026), CA17136 Indoor Air Pollution (2019–2023); CA16109 Chemical On-line composition and source apportionment of fine aerosol (2017–2021); CA TD1105-EuNetAir European Network on New Sensing Technologies for Air-Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability (2012–2016); CA 735 What is the sea surface microlayer? Towards a unified physical, chemical and biological definition of the air-ocean interface (2007–2011); CA ES0801 The Ocean Chemistry of bioactive trace elements and paleoclimate proxies (2007–2011)
  • 2013–2016 Full member of Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) working group on Sea surface microlayer
  • Member: Society of Graduate Engineers and Friends of the Chemical Engineering Study Programme of the University of Zagreb, Marie Curie Alumni Association, European Geoscience Union, Croatian Air Pollution Prevention Association, Croatian Chemical Society, The Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, International Electrochemical Society
  • Guest Editor of the Special issues: 2024 Waters: "Biogeochemistry of Aquatic Systems Facing Climate and Anthropogenic Stressors"; 2023 Toxics: "Pollution Levels and Deposition Processes of Airborne Pollutants: Temporal Variabilities and Source Identification"
  • Journal Editorial board member: International Journal of Science, Technology and Society; Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Science
  • Journal reviewer: Environmental Science & Technology, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Environment, Journal of Geophysical Research, Science of the Total Environment, Marine Environmental Research, Frontiers in Marine Science, Progress in Oceanography, Marine Chemistry, Elementa, Kemija u industriji, Journal of Visualized Experiments, Gels, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Waters, etc.

Organisation of scientific meetings

  • Scientific committee member, Interdisciplinary Approach to the Scientific Research of the Adriatic Sea (InspireAdriatic 2023), Zagreb, Croatia
  • Technical Program Committee member, 13th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health 2023 (EPPH 2023), Sanya, China
  • Scientific committee member (reviewer) of the European Aerosol Conference 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Scientific committee member (reviewer) and Session Chairman at the European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Scientific committee member (reviewer) of the 6th International conference Water resources in Mediterranean basin (Watmed 6) 2012, Sousse, Tunisia

Keynote and Invited talks outside conferences

  • Keynote speaker: The 13th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2023), Sanya, China: "Size distribution of airborne particles: sources, chemical characteristics and impacts on human health and aquatic ecosystem functioning", 11/2023
  • Keynote speaker: Science school 2022, Zagreb, Croatia: "Size distribution of aerosol particles: sources, chemical composition and impact on health and environment", 12/2022
  • Keynote speaker: The 12th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2021), Xiamen, China: "On the linkage of the atmosphere and the ocean: biochemical responses of sea surface layers to atmospheric deposition", 11/2021
  • Invited speaker: Science school 2021 Zagreb, Croatia: "A comprehensive approach to the study of anthropogenic environmental pressures", 12/2021
  • Invited speaker: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig, Germany: "On the linkage of the ocean and the atmosphere: the sea surface microlayer and trace organic compounds", 20.10/2016.
  • Invited speaker: The Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW), Warnemünde, Germany: "The sea surface microlayer as a sink and source of marine organic aerosols", 12.09.2016.
  • Celebration of 35 years of Martinska marine station, Šibenik, Croatia: "Surfactants in the sea surface microlayer as well as in the atmospheric aerosols of Šibenik area", 12/2016.
  • Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, FETOPEN project meeting: "Introduction to the analysis of surface active compounds by electrochemical approach", 12/2014.
  • Invited speaker: National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia: "Introduction to AERONAR NEWFELPRO - Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND program", 10.10.2014.
  • Invited speaker: GEOMAR-Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany: "Physico-chemical properties of surfactants in different environmental compartments", 17.06.2013.
  • NATO SfP meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia: "Characterization of the mixed lipid monolayers and their interactions with different pollutants at air-water interface", 17.05.2011.
  • COST Action 735, Plymouth, Great Britain: "Physico-chemical characterization of the sea surface microlayers", 25.01.2011. 
  • University of Leeds, Leeds, Great Britain: "Sea-surface microlayer: definition, importance and investigation", 05.03.2003.
  • University of Leeds, Leeds, Great Britain: "Electrochemical impedance studies of sea-surface microlayer", 25.11.2003.

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