Massic activities of radionuclides and mass fractions of metals in soil in the vicinity of the Plomin thermoelectric power plant and the assessment of exposure to flying ash from the power plan
Principal investigator
The project estimates the influence of coal combustion in the Plomin thermal power plant in Istria on massic activites of radionuclides and massic fractions of metals in soils in the plant surrounding. Coal combustion concentrates trace elements and radionuclides in the ash, forming TENORM (technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material). Flying ash can be transported to atmosphere and subseqently deposited mainly in the area around the plant. Natural massic activities of radionuclides, massic fractions of metals, and radiological doses to which the local inhabitants are exposed are elevated in this manner. U-238, Th-232, and K-40 are of special interest. Radionuclides and metals will be studied up to 10 km distance from the Plomin plant because the surface soil in the surrounding of thermal power plants is the most exposed to the flying ash influence up to 10 km distance approximately.