Dr. Davor Davidović
- 09/2008 - today: Postgraduate study, Computer science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
- 09/2003 - 04/2008: Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, M.Sc.
- 09/1999 - 05/2003: High Grammar School, Križanićeva, Zagreb
- "Scalable high-performance algorithms for future heterogeneous distributed computer systems" funded by Croatian Science Foundation, PI, 2021-2026
- Croatian-German bilateral project "Optimization of Materials Science algorithms on hybrid HPC platforms" 2019-2020, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Faculty of Mechanics and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb and Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany
Awards and Achievements
- The best paper award, event 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia. Paper title: “Cloudflow - A Framework for MapReduce Pipeline Development in Biomedical Research”. Authors: Lukas Forer, Enis Afgan, Hansi Weißensteiner, Davor Davidovic, Gunter Specht, Florian Kronenberg, Sebastian Schonherr
- Silver Plaque „Josip Loncar“ for an outstanding doctoral dissertation awarded by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, 2014
- University College Algebra, an assistant at the "Data Analytics in cloud computing"
Featured Publications
- Alonso-Jordá, Pedro; Davidović, Davor; Sapunar, Marin; Herrero, José R.; Quintana- Ortí, Enrique S.Efficient update of determinants for many- electron wave function overlaps. Computer physics communications, 258 (2021), 107521, 14 doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107521
- Sapunar, Marin; Piteša, Tomislav; Davidović, Davor; Došlić, Nađa: Highly Efficient Algorithms for CIS Type Excited State Wave Function Overlaps. Journal of chemical theory and computation, 15 (2019), 6; 3461-3469 doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00235
- Davidović, Davor; Fabregat-Traver, Diego; Höhnerbach, Markus; Di Napoli, Edoardo: Accelerating the computation of FLAPW methods on heterogeneous architectures. Concurrency and computation-practice & experience, 30 (2018), 24; e4905, 14 doi:10.1002/cpe.4905
- Aliaga, José I.; Alonso, Pedro; Badía, José M.; Chacón, Pablo; Davidović, Davor; López-Blanco, José R.; Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S.: Fast band-Krylov eigensolver for macromolecular functional motion simulation on multicore architectures and graphics processors. Journal of computational physics, 309 (2016), pp. 314-323
- Aliaga, Jose I.; Badia. José M.; Castillo, Maribel; Davidović, Davor; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.: Out-of-Core Macromolecular Simulations on Multithreaded Architectures. Concurrency and Computation, 27 (2015), 6; 1540-1550
- Aliaga, José Ignacio; Bientinesi, Paolo; Davidović, Davor; Di Napoli, Eduardo; Igual Peña, Francisco D.; Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S.: Solving Dense Generalized Eigenproblems on Multi-threaded Architectures. // Applied mathematics and computation. 218 (2012) , 22; 11279-11289
- Singer, Sanja; Singer, Saša; Novaković, Vedran; Davidović, Davor; Bokulić, Krešimir; Ušćumlić, Aleksandar.: Three-Level Parallel J-Jacobi Algorithms for Hermitian Matrices. // Applied Mathematics and Computation. 218 (2012); 5704-5725
Complete list of publications on bib.irb.hr.
Publications - Conference journals
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Davidović, Davor ; Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S. | Structure-Aware Calculation of Many-Electron Wave Function Overlaps on Multicore Processors // Lecture notes in computer science, 2020. str. 13-24. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-43229-4_2
doilink.springer.comdoi.org -
Fabregat-Traver, Diego ; Davidović, Davor ; Höhnerbach, Markus ; Di Napoli, Edoardo | Hybrid CPU-GPU generation of the Hamiltonian and Overlap matrices in FLAPW methods // Lecture notes in computer science, 2017. str. 200-211
Publications - Graded papers
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Davidović, Davor | Ubrzanje jednostranog Jacobijevog algoritma za nalaženje svojstvenih vrijednosti matrica korištenjem sortiranja / Singer, Sanja (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
Doktorski rad
Davidović, Davor | Solving Large Dense Symmetric Eigenproblem on Hybrid Architectures / Jakobović, Domagoj ; Skala, Karolj (mentor). | Zagreb, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 2014
Other Publications
Popularni rad
Davidović, Davor ; Belušić, Danijel ; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja | Feature - Forecasting weather on the grid // ISGTW international science grid this week, 2010
Membership in professional associations / societies
- Croatian Society for Information, Communication and Electronic Technology - MIPRO, member since 2019
Workshops, visits, seminars:
- 1-28.04.2019. - Research visit to Barcelona Supercomputing centre (HPC-Europa3 program): design and implementation of look-ahead partial-pivoting LU factorization using OmpSs programming model,
- 24.01-8.02.2015. - Research visit to University Jaume I, Spain, COST Action IC1305 (Short-Term Scientific Missions program)
- 21.09-16.10.2012. - Research visit to University Jaume I, Spain, COST Action IC0805 (Short-Term Scientific Missions program)
- 02.-06. July 2012 - SCI-BUS, SHIWA, EDGI joint Summer School on Workflows and Gateways for Grids and Clouds, Budapest, Hungary
- 02/2011 - 07/2011 - Universitat Jaume I, Spain: development of the algorithms for solving eigenvalue problems on the GPU architectures, out-of-core algorithms for solving large dense symmetric problems on the GPU
- 08/2009 - ETH Zurich, short visit: Implementing algorithm for the reduction on the Hessenberg form on the graphic processors (CUDA)
- 09.-13.02.2009. Athens, Greece: "PRACE Petascale Winter School" - workshop - new technologies in the fields of the distributed and parallel computing