DARIAH-HR round table

The round table was organized with the intention of introducing Croatian Arts&Humanities scientists with DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities), as well as to establish important steps to be taken towards further systematizion of DARIAH-HR consortium. The round table brought together interested humanists from various research institutes and several Croatian universities and computer scientists who are working on development of scientific research infrastructure who gave presentations on the topic of the development of digital infrastructure for Arts& Humanities research. Prof.dr.sc Karolj Skala gave a presentation about the evolution of DARIAH and RBI's role in this process, from participating in the „Preparing DARIAH“ project (2008.) to becoming an ERIC, as well as about the activities directed towards establishing Croatia as a full member of the DARIAH-ERIC consortium. Dr. sc. Davor Davidović i Eva Cetinić presented current European scientific research infrastructure projects in which RBI is participating as a representative of the DARIAH community: EGI-Engage DARIAH Competence Centre and INDIGO-DataCloud.