HPC for SME Collaboration in Macedonia
As part of the international HORIZON 2020 project “SESAME Net – Supercomputing Expertise for Small and Medium Enterprises” a workshop for possible HPC applications SMEs in Macedonia will take place on 9th of May 2017 at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Macedonia.
The FCSE, UKIM hosts the national HPC resource and is authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science to coordinate HPC and Grid related project in Macedonia. The FCSE currently participates in several such projects: VI-SEEM, EDISON, etc.
The workshop will be targeted toward the small and medium enterprises, explaining the possibilities of HPC usage to increase their productivity and competitiveness.
Venue: Amphitheatre of FCSE, UKIM, Rudjer Boskovic 16, 1000 Skopje
Date: 09.05.2017, 10:00 – 14:00
- Welcome by the Dean of the FCSE
- SESAME NET – Karolj Skala, Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb, Croatia
- EU strategy, Pan European network of Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) – K. Skala
- FCSE and regional HPC infrastructure, VI-SEEM project – Anastas Mishev, FCSE
- HPC short introduction – Bojana Koteska, FCSE
- Industrial case studies
- Discussion
Important sites: SESAME Net project web: https://sesamenet.eu/