AMOTS (Multi-head Additive Manufacturing with Optimal HPC Thermal Stabilization)

When using industrial machines for additive manufacturing, heat and its dissipation to individual structural elements of the machine play one of the major roles. One of the aspects of the influence of heat is the heated working space inside the machine itself that is very important because most materials used in different industries require heated work chambers, passively or actively heated. The vision of this project is to establish and predict the impact of this heat on the structure and motion system of the machine using HPC infrastructure.
The experiment is divided into 3 phases. In the first phase, a digital model of a new machine assembly will be constructed. Then, in the second phase, the first series of detailed simulations on HPC infrastructure of the heat influence and dissipation in the new machine will be performed. Finally, in the third phase, the physical machine will be assembled, based on the simulations performed in the previous step. Then, through an iterative process of HPC simulations and machine fine-tuning, the machine will be calibrated and tested. The result that can be obtained with this project allows complete control over the parameters that affect the dimensional stability of 3D printed products.