Embedded Computer Engineering Learning Platform - E2LP

Principal investigator
Embedded systems are the invisible electronics and corresponding software that bring intelligence to objects, processes and devices. The main challenge in engineering education for embedded systems at university level is a complex and multidisciplinary approach which includes understanding of various systems based on different technologies and system solution optimizations. The main idea behind the project is to provide a unified platform which will cover a complete process for embedded systems learning. A modular approach is considered for skills practice through supporting individualization in learning.
This platform shall facilitate a novel development of universal approach in creative learning environment and knowledge management that encourage use of ICT. New learning model is challenging the education of engineers in embedded systems design through real-time experiments that stimulate curiosity with ultimate goal to support students to understand and construct their personal conceptual knowledge based on experiments. In addition to the technological approach, the use of cognitive theories on how people learn will help students to achieve a stronger and smarter adaptation of the subject. Applied methodology will be evaluated from the scientific point of view in parallel with the implementation in order to feed back results to the R&D.
As a result, the proposed Embedded Computer Engineering Learning Platform will ensure a sufficient number of educated future engineers in Europe, capable of designing complex systems and maintaining a leadership in the area of embedded systems, thereby ensuring that our strongholds in automotive, avionics, industrial automation, mobile communications, telecoms and medical systems are able to develop. In such a manner, the E2LP intends to increase European competitiveness in the learning process of embedded computer engineering, ensuring further technological and methodological development of the educational approach in this field.
FP7 project link: ICT FP7 - Collaborative Project: Embedded Computer Engineering Learning Platform E2LP