EuroCC - National Competence Centres in the Framework of EuroHPC

The aim of the National Competence Centers in the Framework of EuroHPC (EuroCC) project is to establish national HPC competence centers and contribute to the construction of the European HPC ecosystem. This will strengthen existing and develop new competencies in the field of high performance computing (HPC). At the same time, preconditions will be created for synergistic action on policy building, financing and resource management in three areas: HPC, analysis of large data sets on HPC resources (High Performance Data Analytics, HPDA) and artificial intelligence technology (Artificial Intelligence, AI). ).
The EuroCC project will bring together the necessary expertise to establish a network of national Competence Centers for High Performance Computing in 33 Member States of the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) to provide users with a portfolio of services tailored to the relevant national needs of industry, academia and the public. administration. The High Performance Computing Competence Centers will be central hubs for coordinating national initiatives, making it easier for national users to access European HPC competencies and opportunities in different industrial sectors and industries. By establishing a network of national centers of competence for HPC, the project will contribute to the construction of the European HPC ecosystem and the implementation of the HPC initiative of the European Commission.