South Eastern European GRid-enabled eInfrastructure Development 2 - SEE GRID 2

SEE-GRID-2 aims to further advance and integrate the existing SEE Grid infrastructure and services, capitalize on the existing SEE-GRID human network to further strengthen scientific collaboration and cooperation among participating SEE communities, and ultimately achieve sustainability for regional and national eInfrastructures that will endure beyond the project’s lifetime.
The sustainability of the SEE eInfrastructure is the highest priority of SEE-GRID-2 and will be primarily pursued by achieving involvement and cooperation at the national government and research/academic level in every SEE country. The sustainability efforts will be supported by the framework of a National Grid Initiative, through the maturing of grid organizational structures and provision of reliable services, including the establishment and operation of Grid Operation Centers and accredited National/Regional Grid Certification Authorities. Furthermore, dissemination conferences and PR events will be utilized to raise awareness at all society levels and attract national & regional political and financial support for materializing the eInfrastructure vision.
In terms of available Grid resources, SEE-GRID-2 will pursue the expansion of the current SEE grid infrastructure to new countries in the region as well as by proliferation of the participating Resource Centers in each SEE country in order to increase the available regional resources (e.g. processing power, storage) thus boosting the performance of the regional infrastructure; furthermore, this will positively impact the diversity and distribution of participating teams per country thus strengthening cooperation and collaboration at national level. The actual usage of the Grid infrastructure will be stimulated by the support of multi-disciplinary grids, involving a range of research and academic institutes and scientific communities in all SEE countries, with emphasis on the deployment and support of a range of Grid applications in order to engage as many user communities as possible and increase the utilization of the available resources.
SEE-GRID-2 will also pursue the strengthening of the human network through extensive national and regional-level training in order to develop both the necessary Grid user-interface familiarization and computing-resources sharing culture among the scientific communities -paving the way for adoption of this policy by the public at large-, as well as hands-on experienced Grid administrators that will spread their accumulated know-how among their countries’ National Grid Initiatives resource centers.
Overall and in the long-term, SEE-GRID-2 aspires to contribute to the regional cooperation and stability, in order to demonstrate the importance of collaborative efforts in science and technology areas like eInfrastructures, and help add one more element in the continuing EU efforts to ease the SEE digital divide and aid the integration of the region with the rest of the continent.
Project Objectives:
• Securing Sustainable Development and Operation;
• Upgrading the SEE Grid infrastructure; and
• Strengthening the regional and national Human Network.