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SPECTROstar Nano

The SPECTROstar Nano is equipped with BMG LABTECH’s ultra-fast UV/vis spectrometer, which allows users to measure full-spectrum absorbance (220 – 1000 nm) in less than 1 second per well. It is the ideal instrument to read all absorbance assays in a microplate or cuvette – with many common assay protocols predefined and available at the click of the mouse.


LVis Plate

BMG LABTECH’s proprietary LVis Plate is a low-volume microplate that incorporates a cuvette slot and optional performance testing features.

With sixteen micro-drop wells, the LVis Plate is ideal for quick and easy low-volume concentration measurements of DNA, RNA, protein samples, or spectral scanning. Its left- and right-handed physical support for an 8 channel pipette makes pipetting multiple samples simple and easy. Furthermore, the surface is easy to clean, so you can quickly prepare for further measurements.

The horizontal cuvette position allows measurement of standard rectangular cuvettes for rapid, full spectrum analysis of individual samples for kinetic studies or for quick experiments.

The LVis Plate can also be equipped with NIST-traceable optical density (OD) and holmium oxide filters for quality control checks of all spectrometer-based instruments.

Opći podaci o instrumentu

Skraćeni naziv instrumenta
UV/vis Spektrofotometar
sitna (< 26.544,56 EUR / 200.000 kn)
Datum nabave
Tijelo koje je financiralo nabavku opreme
Hrvatska zaklada za znanost
Vanjski link za kapitalnu opremu


SPECTROstar Nano
BMG Labtech
Detaljne tehničke karakteristike
High-speed absorbance measurements
Measurements in up to 1536-well plates
Integrated cuvette port
LVis Plate compatibility
Incubation up to 45 °C
Multiple shaking options
Well scanning with up to 900 data points per well
Easily integrated into automated systems
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