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Effective modulation of ZnO band gap and the modulation mechanism study (ZnO band gap study)

Tip projekta
The New International Fellowship Mobility Programme for Experienced Researchers in Croatia
Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i mladih Republike Hrvatske
Datum početka
Datum završetka
Iznos financiranja
75316 EUR
Više informacija

With a wide band gap of 3.37eV and a large exciton binding energy of 60meV at roomtemperature, ZnO has been considered as a promising material for optoelectronic devices.Torealize ZnO-based devices, band gap engineering is necessary to controlling or altering theband gap of ZnO, which can be achieved by alloying with MgO, CdO or BeO. In the proposal, wewould like to realize the effective doping of Mg, Cd and Be in ZnO films and nanowires bymagnetron sputtering and chemical vapour deposition (CVD), optimizing the growth parametersof AxZn1-xO materials and controlling the stress and phase separation of AxZn1-xO materials,which results in the effective modulation of ZnO band gap. Besides, we will study andunderstand the modulation mechanism of ZnO band gap to establish scientific basis andtechnical support for the designs of ZnO-based devices.

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