9th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry

Dan elektrokemije dio je višegodišnje tradicije susreta elektrokemičara koji je posljednji put održan 2014. godine. Umjesto susreta elektrokemičara svake godine od tada, uspješno se održava ISE Regional Student Meeting on Electrochemistry pod pokroviteljstvom društva International Society of Electrochemistry.
Ove godine također pod pokroviteljstvom ISEa održati će se po deveti puta ISE Regional Student Meeting on Electrochemistry, na IRB-u 14.06.2019.
PhD students and master students are invited to submit abstracts on research and findings relevant to the field of electrochemistry. Abstracts should be forwarded to the symposium organizers at Sarah.Matesa@irb.hr, kristijan.vidovic@ki.si and primoz.jovanovic@ki.si
Deadline for abstract is June 1st, 2019.
Submitted abstracts must be written in either English or Croatian language. Selected contributions will be presented in the form of oral presentations. Student participants are waived of registration fee. We look forward to seeing you in Zagreb.