Institut “Ruđer Bošković“ 20. i 21 travnja 2023. domaćin je radnog sastanka u sklopu COST Akcije CA20121 BenBedPhar: "Bench to bedside transition for pharmacological regulation of NRF2 in noncommunicable diseases". Skup će se održati u hotelu Academia, Tkalčićeva 88, Zagreb.

COST Akcija okuplja znanstvenike koji proučavaju antioksidacijski transkripcijski faktor NRF2 i njegovu ulogu u raznim patološkim procesima karakteriziranih kroničnom upalom, metaboličkim promjenama i poremećajima u redoks signalnim putevima. Patološka stanja u kojima je NRF2 moguće promijenjen uključuju autoimune, kardiovaskularne, metaboličke i neurodegenerativne bolesti te rak.
Tijekom skupa "4th BenBedPhar meeting: From physiology to pathology" okupit će se vodeći europski predavači, eksperti u području istraživanja NRF2, a izlagat će i mladi znanstvenici na početku karijere. Organizatori sastanka su Ana Čipak Gašparović te Lidija Milković, a organizacijski odbor čine Dubravka Švob Štrac, Mihaela Matovina te Monika Mlinarić.
- 9:30 - 10:00 Registration.
- 10:00 - 13:00. Management Meeting. Only for MC members.
- 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch / Registration.
- 14.00 - 16:00. Session I. Chair: Ana Čipak Gašparović
- 14:00 - 14:40 Invited speaker Koraljka Gall-Trošelj
- 14:40 -15:00 Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova: NRF2 depletion in the context of KEAP1 loss-of-function leads to impaired mitochondrial respiration and mitolysosome accumulation
- 15:00-15:20 Ioannis Trougakos: Autophagy activation can partially rescue proteasome dysfunction-mediated cardiac toxicity
- 15:20 - 15:40 Andrey Abramov: NRF2 on the balance between redox biology and energy production
- 15:40 -16:00 Kattri-Liis Eskla: Reductive stress and hypothermia
- 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break.
- 16.30 -18:30. Session II. Chair: Antonio Cuadrado
- 16:30 - 16:50 Marlene Elisabete Moreira Santos: The NRF2 Signaling in Depression and Antidepressants response
- 16:50 - 17:10 Ángela María Martínez Valverde: Hypothalamic JNK1-liver axis by Olanzapine intraperitoneal treatment prevents hepatic steatosis: Beneficial effect of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibition against hypothalamic oxidative stress and inflammation
- 17:10-17:30 Vita Dolzan: Genetic variability of NRF2 as important regulators of neurodegeneration
- 17:30-17.50 Katja Kanninen: NRF2 in Alzheimer’s disease patients olfactory mucosa
- 17:50 - 18:10 Isabel Lastres-Becker: Repositioning dimethyl fumarate for the treatment of TDP-43-dependent frontotemporal dementia
- 18:10-18:30 Paul Shields: NRF2 and the ‘diseasome of ageing’
- Evening, starting at 18:30: Joint WG meetings
- 9:30 – 11:00 Session III. Chair: Dr Christina Morgenstern
- 9:30 - 9:50 Gerasimos Sykiotis: Screening natural compounds for effects on NRF2 on the thyroid
- 9:50 - 10:10 Srđan Bjedov: Synthesis of new electrophilic NRF2 activators
- 10:10-10:30 Ana Sofia Falcão: Testing stimulatory NRF2 compounds that can reduce lipofuscin accumulation in RPE cell models
- 10:30-11:00 Silvia Giordani: Carbon Nanoparticles as novel drug carriers
- 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break.
- 11:30 – 13:30 Session IV. Chair: Irina Milisav
- 11:30 - 11:50 Antonio Cuadrado: NRF2 in protection against liver disease
- 11:50 - 12:10 Nesrin Kartal Özer: Molecular mechanism of lipid accumulation in Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease: New targets for the clinic
- 12:10-12:30 Santiago Cuevas: ND-13, a DJ-1 derived peptide, as a novel pharmacological approach to regulate NRF2 in the prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
- 12:30-12:50 Jelizaveta Sokolovska: Promoter DNA methylation of genes of proteasomal system, KEAP1 and HIF1 in patients with type 1 diabetes and different severity of diabetic retinopathy
- 12:50 - 13:10 Juan Antonio Moreno: Klotho- NRF2 interaction ameliorates acute kidney injury and long-term outcomes associated with rhabdomyolysis.
- 13:10-13:30 Virginijus Tunaitis: Regulation of cellular inflammatory processes by extracellular vesicles
- 13:30 – 14:30 Lunch.
- 14:30 – 16:00 Session V. Chair: Lidija Milković
- 14:00 - 14:20 Silvia Silva: Role of NRF2 signaling in the crosstalk between Trx1 and GSNOR-redox regulators in liver cancer cells
- 14:20 - 14:40 Anna-Liisa Levonen: Protein-protein interactions in the regulation of NRF2 signaling
- 14:40 -15:00 Aleksandra Buha Djordjevic: The role of NRF2 signaling in the toxicity of toxic metals
- 15:00-15:20 Aleksandra Piechota-Polanczyk: The lack of transcriptionally active NRF2 triggers colon dysfunction in female mice - The role of estrogens
- 15:20 - 15:40 Michel Edwar Mickael: Regulating NRF2 pathways to Harness Th17/Treg differentiation in colorectal cancer
- 15:40 -16:00 Andreas Daiber: Activation of NRF2 by environmental stressors provides an opportunity for fast screening reporter assays for evaluation of biological toxicity
- 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break.
- 16: 30 – 17:30 Poster session
- 17:30 – 18:00 Miscellaneous/Concluding remarks.
- 20:30 Gala Dinner.
- Iveta Bernatova - Centre of Experimental Medicine, Slovakia
- Elena Milanesi - Victor Babes National Institute of Pathology, Romania
- Vicente Lopes Miguel - Nova Medical School / Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
- Miriam Sanchez Ortega - Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), Spain
- Monika Mlinarić - Rudjer Boskovic Institute
- Ivan Lučić - Rudjer Boskovic Institute