Predavanje prof. Geralda Pollacka
Pozivamo vas na predavanje The Secret Life of Water: E = H2O koje će održati eminentni znanstvenik prof. Gerald Pollack (University of Washington) u petak 8. lipnja, dvorana III. krila, u 12 sati.
Gerald Pollack stekao je doktorat u području biomedicinskog inženjerstva na Sveučilištu u Pennsylvaniji 1968. godine. Nakon doktorata pridružio se Sveučilištu u Washingtonu gdje je danas profesor bioinženjeringa.
Njegovi interesi protežu se, u širokom rasponu, od bioloških pokreta i stanične biologije do interakcija bioloških površina s vodenim otopinama.
Dvije njegove knjige dobile su nagrade od strane Društva za tehničku komunikaciju (Society for Technical Communication). Knjiga Muscles and Molecules: Uncovering the Principles of Biological Motion (1990) dobila je Excellence Award, a knjiga Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life (2001) dobila je Distinguished Award.
Prof. Pollack primio je počasni doktorat Sveučilišta Ural State (Rusija) 2002. godine, a iste je godine dobio i nagradu Biomedical Engineering Society’s Distinguished Lecturer. Imenovan je počasnim profesorom Ruske akademije znanosti, a 2008. godine odabran je za primitak najvišeg pojedinačnog priznanja Sveučilišta u Washingtonu - the Annual Faculty Lecturer Award.
Jedan je od osnivača American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering i član je American Heart Association i Biomedical Engineering Society. Također, osnivač je i glavni urednik časopisa WATER i dobitnik NIH Transformative R01 Award za projekt Unexpectedly Profound Role of Water in Biology and Medicine.
Sažetak predavanja
School children learn that water has three phases: solid, liquid and vapor. But we have recently uncovered what appears to be a fourth phase. This phase occurs next to water-loving (hydrophilic) surfaces. It is surprisingly extensive, projecting out from the surface by up to millions of molecular layers.
Of particular significance is the observation that this fourth phase is charged; and, the water just beyond is oppositely charged, creating a battery that can produce current. We found that light recharges this battery. Thus, water can receive and process electromagnetic energy drawn from the environment — much like plants. The absorbed light energy can then be exploited for performing work, including electrical and mechanical work. Recent experiments confirm the reality of such energy conversion.
The energy-conversion framework implied above seems rich with implication. Not only does it provide an understanding of how water processes solar and other energies, but also it may provide a foundation for simpler understanding natural phenomena ranging from weather and green energy all the way to biological issues such as the origin of life, transport, and osmosis.
The lecture will present evidence for the presence of this novel phase of water, and will consider the potentially broad implications of this phase for physics, chemistry and biology, as well as some practical applications for engineering.