dr. sc. Igor Weber
HR-10000 Zagreb
1995 München, Technische Universität München, Physik Department, Biofizika, Dr. sc. fizike
1992 Zagreb, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Sveučilišni poslijediplomski studij biofizike, Mr. sc. fizike
1988 Zagreb, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Dipl. inž. fizike
Croatian Science Foundation & Swiss National Science Foundation, Croatian-Swiss Research Program (CSRP 2017–2023), Swiss-Croatian project: Phagocytosis and Macropinocytosis: a mechanistic view (with Pierre Cosson, University of Geneva)
Croatian Science Foundation /European Social Fund, Young researchers’ career development project – training of doctoral students
- Citoskelet i stanična gibanja, diplomski studij Biologije, PMF Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
- Stanična biofizika, poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biofizike, Sveučilište u Splitu
- Svjetlosna mikroskopija, poslijediplomski doktorski studij Biofizike, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Istaknute publikacije
- Filić, V., Mijanović, L., Putar, D., Talajić, A., Ćetković, H., and Weber, I. (2021). Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton via Rho GTPase Signalling in Dictyostelium and Mammalian Cells: A Parallel Slalom. Cells 10: 1592.
- Marinović, M., Mijanović, L., Šoštar, M., Vizovišek, M., Junemann, A., Fonović, M., Turk, B, Weber, I., Faix, J., Filić, V. (2019). IQGAP-related protein IqgC suppresses Ras signaling during large-scale endocytosis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116(4):1289-1298.
- Filić, V., Marinović, M., Šoštar, M., Weber, I. (2018). Modulation of small GTPase activity by NME proteins. Lab. Investig. 98: 589.
- Marinović, M., Xiong, H., Rivero, F., Weber, I. (2018). Assaying Rho GTPase–dependent processes in Dictyostelium discoideum. Methods Mol. Biol. 1821: 371.
- Junemann, A., Filić, V., Winterhoff, M., Nordholz, B., Litschko, C., Schwellenbach, H., Stephan, T., Weber, I., Faix, J. (2016). A Diaphanous-related formin links Ras signaling directly to actin assembly in macropinocytosis and phagocytosis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113: E7464.
- Ramalingam, N., Franke, C., Jaschinski, E., Winterhoff, M., Lu, Y., Brühmann, S., Junemann, A., Meier, H., Noegel, A.A., Weber, I., Zhao, H., Merkel, R., Schleicher, M., Faix, J. (2015). A resilient formin-derived cortical actin meshwork in the rear drives actomyosin-based motility in 2D-confinement. Nat. Commun. 6: 8496.
- Filić, V., Marinović, M., Faix, J., Weber, I. (2014). The IQGAP-related protein DGAP1 mediates signaling to the actin cytoskeleton as an effector and a sequestrator of Rac1 GTPases. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 71: 2775.
- Faix, J., Weber, I. (2013). A dual role model for active Rac1 in cell migration. Small GTPases 4: 110.
- Filić, V., Marinović, M., Faix, J., Weber, I. (2012). A dual role for Rac1 GTPases in the regulation of cell motility. J. Cell Sci. 125: 387.
Publikacije - Uredničke knjige
Zbornik radova s konferencije
13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy: book of abstracts / Gajović, Andreja ; Weber, Igor ; Kovačević, Goran et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2017
mcm2017.irb.hr -
17th International European Light Microscopy Initiative Meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia: Program and abstract book / Weber, Igor ; Tolić, Iva ; Kovačević, Goran et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2017
www.elmi2017.eu -
3rd Croatian Microscopy Congress with International Participation: proceedings / Ambriović Ristov, Andreja ; Gajović, Andreja ; Weber, Igor et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2015
Zbornik sažetaka s konferencije
Dicty 2023 Annual International Dictyostelium Conference : Book of Abstracts / Weber, Igor; Filić, Vedrana (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023
Publikacije - prilozi u knjigama
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Marinović, Maja ; Xiong, Huajiang ; Rivero, Francisco ; Weber, Igor | Assaying Rho GTPase–dependent processes in Dictyostelium discoideum // Rho GTPases. | New York (NY): Humana Press, 2018. str. 371-392 . doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8612-5_25
doilink.springer.com -
Weber, Igor | Interference Reflection Microscopy // Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). | Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. str. 1-6 . doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002636.pub2
doiwww.els.netonlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org Weber, Igor | Dynamic organization of the actin cytoskeleton in Dictyostelium // Recent Research Developments in Molecular Cellular Biology. | Lahti: Research Signpost, 2003. str. 273-295-x
Albrecht, R. ; Weber, Igor | Interference reflection microscopy // Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. | London : Delhi: Nature Publishing Group, 2002. str. Vol. 10, 369-371-x
Weber, Igor ; Gerisch, G. | Cortexillins // Wiley Encyclopedia of Molecular Medicine. | New York (NY): John Wiley & Sons, 2002. str. Vol. 1, 914-916-x
Dunn, G. ; Weber, Igor ; Zicha, D. | Protrusion, retraction and the efficiency of cell locomotion // Dynamics of Cell and Tissue Motion. | Basel: Birkhäuser, 1997. str. 215-223-x
Stručni rad
Weber, Igor | Konfokalna mikroskopija // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb, 2007. str. 745-751
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Mijanović, Lucija; Putar, Darija; Mimica, Lucija; Klajn, Sabina; Filić, Vedrana; Weber, Igor | The IQGAP-related RasGAP IqgC regulates cell–substratum adhesion in Dictyostelium discoideum // Cellular & molecular biology letters, 30 (2025), 4, 27. doi: 10.1186/s11658-024-00678-3
doicmbl.biomedcentral.comfulir.irb.hr -
Šoštar, Marko; Marinović, Maja; Filić, Vedrana; Pavin, Nenad; Weber, Igor | Oscillatory dynamics of Rac1 activity in Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae // Plos computational biology, 20 (2024), 12; e1012025, 42. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012025
doijournals.plos.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Putar, Darija; Čizmar, Anja; Chao, Xiaoting; Šimić, Marija; Šoštar, Marko; Ćutić, Tamara; Mijanović, Lucija; Smolko, Ana; Tu, Hui; Cosson, Pierre et al. | IqgC is a potent regulator of macropinocytosis in the presence of NF1 and its loading to macropinosomes is dependent on RasG // Open Biology, 14 (2024), 1; 230372, 17. doi: 10.1098/rsob.230372
doiroyalsocietypublishing.org -
Jagić, Mateja ; Vuk, Tamara ; Škiljaica, Andreja ; Markulin, Lucija ; Vičić Bočkor, Vedrana ; Tokić, Mirta ; Miškec, Karlo ; Razdorov, Genadij ; Habazin, Siniša ; Šoštar, Marko et al. | BPM1 regulates RdDM-mediated DNA methylation via a cullin 3 independent mechanism // Plant cell reports, 41 (2022), 2139-2157. doi: 10.1007/s00299-022-02911-9
doilink.springer.comrdcu.be -
Šafranko, Silvija ; Stanković, Anamarija ; Hajra, Sugato ; Kim, Hoe Joon ; Strelec, Ivica ; Dutour-Sikirić, Maja ; Weber, Igor ; Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Grbčić, Petra ; Kraljević Pavelić, Sandra et al. | Preparation of multifunctional N-doped carbon quantum dots from citrus clementina peel: investigating targeted pharmacological activities and the potential application for Fe3+ sensing // Pharmaceuticals, 14 (2021), 9; 857, 18. doi: 10.3390/ph14090857
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Bodinier, Romain ; Sabra, Ayman ; Leiba, Jade ; Marchetti, Anna ; Lamrabet, Otmane ; Ayadi, Imen ; Filić, Vedrana ; Kawata, Takefumi ; Weber, Igor ; Cosson, Pierre | Role of LrrkA in the Control of Phagocytosis and Cell Motility in Dictyostelium discoideum // Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9 (2021), 629200, 11. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.629200
doiwww.frontiersin.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Radić, Martina ; Šoštar, Marko ; Weber, Igor ; Ćetković, Helena ; Slade, Neda ; Herak Bosnar, Maja | The Subcellular Localization and Oligomerization Preferences of NME1/NME2 upon Radiation-Induced DNA Damage // International journal of molecular sciences, 21 (2020), 7; 2363, 19. doi: 10.3390/ijms21072363
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Paradžik, Mladen ; Humphries, Jonathan D. ; Stojanović, Nikolina ; Nestić, Davor ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Dekanić, Ana ; Samaržija, Ivana ; Sedda, Delphine ; Weber, Igor ; Humphries, Martin J. et al. | KANK2 links αVβ5 focal adhesions to microtubules and regulates sensitivity to microtubule poisons and cell migration // Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8 (2020), 125, 17. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00125
doidoi.orgwww.frontiersin.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Buljubašić, Maja ; Hlevnjak, Ana ; Repar, Jelena ; Đermić, Damir ; Filić, Vedrana ; Weber, Igor ; Zahradka, Ksenija ; Zahradka, Davor | RecBCD- RecFOR-independent pathway of homologous recombination in Escherichia coli // DNA repair, 83 (2019), 102670, 16. doi: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2019.102670
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Marinović, Maja ; Mijanović, Lucija ; Šoštar, Marko ; Vizovišek, Matej ; Junemann, Alexander ; Fonović, Marko ; Turk, Boris ; Weber, Igor ; Faix, Jan ; Filić, Vedrana | IQGAP-related protein IqgC suppresses Ras signaling during large-scale endocytosis // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (2019), 4; 1289-1298. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1810268116
doidoi.orgwww.pnas.org -
Benčić, Patricia ; Mandić, Leo ; Džeba, Iva ; Tartaro Bujak, Ivana ; Biczók, László ; Mihaljević, Branka ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Weber, Igor ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Basarić, Nikola | Application of 4-amino-N-adamantylphthalimide solvatochromic dye for fluorescence microscopy in selective visualization of lipid droplets and mitochondria // Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, 286 (2019), x; 52-61. doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2019.01.102
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Šoštar, Marko ; Weber, Igor | Modulation of small GTPase activity by NME proteins // Laboratory investigation, 98 (2018), 5; 589-601. doi: 10.1038/s41374-018-0023-x
doiwww.nature.com -
Junemann, A. ; Filić, Vedrana ; Winterhoff, M. ; Nordholz, B. ; Litschko, C. ; Schwellenbach, H. ; Stephan, T. ; Weber, Igor ; Faix, J. | A Diaphanous-related formin links Ras signaling directly to actin assembly in macropinocytosis and phagocytosis // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (2016), 47; E7464-E7473. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1611024113
doiwww.pnas.org -
Marinović, Maja ; Šoštar, Marko ; Filić, Vedrana ; Antolović, Vlatka ; Weber, Igor | Quantitative imaging of Rac1 activity in Dictyostelium cells with a fluorescently labelled GTPase-binding domain from DPAKa kinase // Histochemistry and cell biology, 146 (2016), 3; 267-279. doi: 10.1007/s00418-016-1440-9
doilink.springer.com -
Ramalingam, N ; Franke, C ; Jaschinski, E ; Winterhoff, M ; Lu, Y ; Brühmann, S ; Junemann, A ; Meier, H ; Noegel, AA ; Weber, Igor et al. | A resilient formin-derived cortical actin meshwork in the rear drives actomyosin-based motility in 2D confinement // Nature communications, 6 (2015), 8496-8496. doi: 10.1038/ncomms9496
doiwww.nature.com -
Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | The IQGAP-related protein DGAP1 mediates signaling to the actin cytoskeleton as an effector and a sequestrator of Rac1 GTPases // Cellular and molecular life sciences, 71 (2014), 15; 2775-2785. doi: 10.1007/s00018-014-1606-3
doilink.springer.com -
Antolović, Vlatka ; Marinović, Maja ; Filić, Vedrana ; Weber, Igor | A simple optical configuration for cell tracking by dark-field microscopy // Journal of microbiological methods, 104 (2014), 9-11. doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2014.06.006
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Weber, Igor ; Faix, Jan | A dual role model for active Rac1 in cell migration // Small GTPases, 4 (2013), 2; 110-115. doi: 10.4161/sgtp.23476
doiwww.landesbioscience.com -
Njegić-Džakula, Branka ; Reggi, Michela ; Falini, Giuseppe ; Weber, Igor ; Brečević, Ljerka ; Kralj, Damir | The Influence of a Protein Fragment Extracted from Abalone Shell Green Layer on the Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate Polymorphs in Aqueous Media // Croatica chemica acta, 86 (2013), 1; 39-47. doi: 10.5562/cca2197
doihrcak.srce.hr -
Sabol, Maja ; Car, Diana ; Musani, Vesna ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | The Hedgehog signaling pathway in ovarian teratoma is stimulated by Sonic Hedgehog which induces internalization of Patched // International journal of oncology, 41 (2012), 4; 1411-1418. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2012.1554
doiwww.spandidos-publications.comfulir.irb.hr -
Annesley, Sarah J. ; Bago, Ružica ; Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor ; Mehta, Anil ; Fisher, Paul R. | Dictyostelim discoideum nucleoside diphosphate kinase C plays a negative regulatory role in phagocytosis, macropinocytosis and exocytosis // PLoS One, 6 (2011), 10; e26024, 11. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026024
doiwww.plosone.orgwww.plosone.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | A dual role for Rac1 GTPases in the regulation of cell motility // Journal of cell science, 125 (2012), 2; 387-398. doi: 10.1242/jcs.089680
doijcs.biologists.org -
Jurašin, Darija ; Weber, Igor ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Phase Behavior in Mixtures of Cationic Dimeric and Anionic Monomeric Surfactants // Journal of dispersion science and technology, 30 (2009), 5; 622-633. doi: 10.1080/01932690802598481
doiwww.tandfonline.comdoi.org -
Gerisch, G. ; Weber, Igor | Toward the Structure of Dynamic Membrane- Anchored Actin Networks: An Approach Using Cryo-Electron Tomography // Cell Adhesion & Migration, 1 (2007), 3; 145-148. doi: 10.4161/cam.1.3.4662
doiwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov -
Medalia, Ohad ; Beck, Martin ; Ecke, Mary ; Weber, Igor ; Neujahr, R. ; Baumeister, W ; Gerisch, G. | Organization of actin networks in intact filopodia // Current biology, 17 (2007), 1; 79-84. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2006.11.022
doiwww.sciencedirect.com Weber, Igor | Is there a pilot in a pseudopod? // European journal of cell biology, 85 (2006), 915-924-x
Weber, Igor | Cryoelectron Tomography: Implications for Actin Cytoskeleton Research // Croatica chemica acta, 78 (2005), 325-331-x
Weber, Igor | Receptor Occupancy on an Ellipsoidal Cell in the Presence of a Point Source of a Chemoattractant // Journal of chemical information and modeling, 45 (2005), 6; 1647 -1651-x
Htun van der Horst, E. ; Weber, Igor ; Ulrich, A. | Tyrosine phosphorylation of PYK2 mediates Heregulin-induced glioma invasion: Novel Heregulin/HER3-stimulated signaling pathway in glioma // International journal of cancer, 113 (2005), 689-698-x
Barišić, Karmela ; Weber, Igor | Dictyostelium discoideum: a model organism on the eve of the genome sequencing completion // Periodicum biologorum, 106 (2004), 103-114-x
Gerisch, G. ; Benjak, A. ; Köhler, J. ; Weber, Igor ; Schneider, N. | GFP-golvesin constructs to study Golgi tubulation and post-Golgi vesicle dynamics in phagocytosis // European journal of cell biology, 83 (2004), 297-303-x
Herak Bosnar, Maja ; de Gunzburg, Jean ; Bago, Ružica ; Brečević, Lukrecija ; Weber, Igor ; Pavelić, Jasminka | Subcellular localization of A and B Nm23/NDPK subunits // Experimental cell research, 298 (2004), 1; 275-284-x
www.sciencedirect.com Schneider, N. ; Weber, Igor ; Faix, J. ; Prassler, J. ; Müller-Taubenberger, A. ; Köhler, J. ; Burghardt, E. ; Gerisch, G. ; Marriott, G. | A Lim protein involved in the progression of cytokinesis and regulation of the mitotic spindle // Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 56 (2003), 130-139-x
Weber, Igor | Confocal fluorescence microscopy of the plant cytoskeleton // Periodicum biologorum, 105 (2003), 3; 237-249
Bretschneider, T. ; Jonkman, J. ; Köhler, J. ; Medalia, O. ; Barišić, Karmela ; Weber, Igor ; Stelzer, E.H.K. ; Baumeister, W. ; Gerisch, G. | Dynamic organization of the actin system in the motile cells of Dictyostelium // Journal of muscle research and cell motility, 23 (2002), 639-649-x
Müller-Taubenberger, Annette ; Bretschneider, Till ; Faix, Jan ; Konzok, Angelika ; Simmeth, Evelyn ; Weber, Igor | Differential localization of the Dictyostelium PAKa kinase during cytokinesis and cell migration // Journal of muscle research and cell motility, 23 (2002), 7-8; 751-763-x
www.springerlink.com -
Weber, Igor | Reflection interference contrast microscopy // Methods in enzymology, 361 (2003), 34-47. doi: 10.1016/S0076-6879(03)61004-9
doi -
Medalia, Ohad ; Weber, Igor ; Frangakis, Achilleas S. ; Nicastro, Daniela ; Gerisch, nther ; Baumeister, Wolfgang | Macromolecular Architecture in Eukaryotic Cells Visualized by Cryoelectron Microscopy // Science, 298 (2002), 5596; 1209-1213. doi: 10.1126/science.1076184
doiwww.science.org Weber, Igor ; Niewöhner, J. ; Du, A. ; Röhrig, U. ; Gerisch, G. | A talin fragment as an actin trap visualizing actin flow in chemotaxis, endocytosis, and cytokinesis // Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 53 (2002), 136-149-x
Weber, Igor | On the mechanism of cleavage furrow ingression in Dictyostelium // Cell structure and function, 26 (2001), 6; 577-584-x
Insall, R. ; Müller-Taubenberger, A. ; Machesky, L. ; Köhler, J. ; Simmeth, E. ; Atkinson, S.J. ; Weber, Igor ; Gerisch, G. | Dynamics of the Dictyostelium Arp2/3 complex in endocytosis, cytokinesis, and chemotaxis // Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, 50 (2001), 3; 115-128-x
Faix, J. ; Weber, Igor ; Mintert, U. ; Köhler J. ; Lottspeich ; F. ; Marriott, G. | Recruitment of cortexillin into the cleavage furrow is controlled by Rac1 and IQGAP-related proteins // EMBO journal, 20 (2001), 14; 3705-3715-x
Tuxworth, R.I. ; Weber, Igor ; Wessels, D. ; Addicks, G.C. ; Soll, D.R. ; Gerisch, G. ; Titus, M.A. | A role for myosin VII in dynamic cell adhesion // Current biology, 11 (2001), 5; 318-329-x
Weber, Igor ; Neujahr, R. ; Du, A. ; Köhler, J. ; Faix, J. ; Gerisch, G. | Two-step positioning of a cleavage furrow by cortexillin and myosin II // Current biology, 10 (2000), 9; 501-506-x
Stock, A. ; Steinmetz, M.O. ; Janmey, P.A. ; Aebi, U. ; Gerisch, G. ; Kammerer, R.A. ; Weber, Igor ; Faix, J. | Domain analysis of cortexillin I: actin bundling, PIP2-binding and the rescue of cytokinesis // EMBO journal, 18 (1999), 19; 5274-5284-x
Weber, Igor | Computer-assisted morphometry of cell-substratum contacts // Croatian medical journal, 40 (1999), 334-339-x
Konzok, A. ; Weber, Igor ; Simmeth, E. ; Hacker, U. ; Maniak, M. ; Müller-Taubenberger, A. | Dictyostelium DAip1, a homologue of the yeast actin-interacting protein 1, is involved in endocytosis, cytokinesis and motility // The Journal of cell biology, 146 (1999), 2; 453-464-x
Weber, Igor ; Gerisch, G. ; Heizer, C. ; Murphy, J. ; Badelt, K. ; Stock, A. ; Schwartz, J.-M. ; Faix, J. | Cytokinesis mediated through the recruitment of cortexillins into the cleavage furrow // EMBO journal, 18 (1999), 586-594-x
Weber, Igor ; Niewöhner, J. ; Faix, J. | Cytoskeletal protein mutations and cell motility in Dictyostelium // Biochemical Society Symposia, 65 (1999), 245-265-x
Neujahr, R. ; Heizer, C. ; Albrecht, R. ; Ecke, M. ; Schwartz, J.-M. ; Weber, Igor ; Gerisch, G. | Three-dimensional patterns and redistribution of myosin II and actin in mitotic Dictyostelium cells // The Journal of cell biology, 139 (1997), 1793-1804-x
Niewöhner, J. ; Weber, Igor ; Maniak, M. ; Müller-Taubenberger, A. ; Gerisch, G. | Talin-null cells of Dictyostelium are strongly defective in adhesion to particle and substrate surfaces and slightly impaired in cytokinesis // The Journal of cell biology, 138 (1997), 349-361-x
Weber, Igor ; Albrecht, R. | Image processing for combined bright-field and reflection interference contrast video microscopy // Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 53 (1997), 2; 113-118-x
Gimond, C. ; Mercier, I. ; Weber, Igor ; Aumailley, M. | Adhesion complexes formed by OVCAR-4 cells on laminin 1 differ from those observed on fibronectin // Cell communication and adhesion, 3 (1996), 527-539-x
Weber, Igor ; Wallraff, E. ; Albrecht, R. ; Gerisch, G. | Motility and substratum adhesion of Dictyostelium wild- type and cytoskeletal mutant cells: a study by RICM/bright-field double-view image analysis // Journal of cell science, 108 (1995), 1519-1530
Weber, Igor ; Kirin, Davor | Low-frequency vibrational spectra of cytosine monohydrate single crystals // Journal of molecular structure, 267 (1992), 67-72. doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(92)87011-J
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Filić, Vedrana; Weber, Igor | A young researcher’s guide to three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy of living cells // Periodicum biologorum, 125 (2023), 1-2; 133-137. doi: 10.18054/pb.v125i1-2.25140
doihrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Mijanović, Lucija ; Weber, Igor | Adhesion of Dictyostelium Amoebae to Surfaces: A Brief History of Attachments // Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 10 (2022), 910736, 9. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.910736
doiwww.frontiersin.orgdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Filić, Vedrana ; Mijanović, Lucija ; Putar, Darija ; Talajić, Antea ; Ćetković, Helena ; Weber, Igor | Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton via Rho GTPase Signalling in Dictyostelium and Mammalian Cells: A Parallel Slalom // Cells, 10 (2021), 7; 1592, 39. doi: 10.3390/cells10071592
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr Gerisch, G. ; Weber, Igor | Cytokinesis without myosin II // Current opinion in cell biology, 12 (2000), 1; 126-132-x
Weber, Igor | Od mikrografije do nanoskopije: 350 godina razvoja svjetlosne mikroskopije // Priroda (Zagreb), 3 (2015), 42-45
www.hpd.hr Weber, Igor | Mehanika staničnog skeleta // Matematičko fizički list, 216 (2004), 4; 260-267-x
Weber, Igor ; Milat, Ognjen | Microscopy in the Arena // Imaging and Microscopy, 3 (2003), 12-13-x
Pismo (znanstveno)
Antica, Mariastefania ; Dubravčić, Klara ; Weber, Igor ; Rajić, Ljubica ; Labar, Boris ; Batinić, Drago | A search for a mutation of the Aiolos phosphorylation domain in lymphocytes from patients with leukemia // Haematologica, 92 (2007), 2; 260-261
Prikaz, osvrt, kritika
Weber, Igor | Nobelova nagrada za kemiju za 2014. godinu // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 64 (2015), 1-2; 82-84
Pregledni rad (stručni)
Ahel, Marijan ; Antičić, Tome ; Balog, Tihomir ; Bilić, Nevenko ; Guberina, Branko ; Katušić Hećimović, Silva ; Jerić, Ivanka ; Klanjšček, Tin ; Legović, Tarzan ; Musić, Svetozar et al. | The Ruder Boskovic Institute – Today and Tomorrow // Periodicum biologorum, 112 (2010), 4; 369-374
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Putar, Darija; Čizmar, Anja; Chao, Xiaoting; Šimić, Marija; Šoštar, Marko; Ćutić, Tamara; Mijanović, Lucija; Smolko, Ana; Tu, Hui; Cosson, Pierre et al. | IqgC negatively regulates macropinocytosis by deactivating RasG, but RasG is required for its recruitment to macropinocytic cups // Book of Abstracts of the FEBS3+ Meeting: Exploring Molecular Frontiers / Dulić, Morana; Sinčić, Nino; Stuparević, Igor (ur.). | Pula: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju, 2024. str. 64-65
Privara, Anja; Putar, Darija; Weber, Igor; Filić, Vedrana | The emerging role of Dictyostelium discoideum IQGAP-related protein IqgD in large-scale endocytosis // Dicty 2023 Annual International Dictyostelium Conference : Book of Abstracts / Weber, Igor; Filić, Vedrana (ur.). | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023, P2, 1
api.fourwaves.com -
Radić, Martina ; Šoštar, Marko ; Weber, Igor ; Ćetković, Helena ; Slade, Neda ; Herak Bosnar, Maja | The subcellular localization and oligomerization preferences of NME1/NME2 upon radiation-induced DNA damage // 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress with Internatial Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo ; Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2022. str. 8-8
microscopy2022.irb.hr -
Privara, Anja ; Putar, Darija ; Weber, Igor ; Filić, Vedrana | Dictyostelium discoideum IqgD regulates actin cytoskeleton in large-scale endocytosis // Book of Abstracts of the Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology "HDBMB22: From Science to Knowledge". | Zagreb, 2022. str. 123-123
congress2022.hdbmb.hr -
Mijanović, Lucija ; Putar, Darija ; Filić, Vedrana ; Weber, Igor | The RasGAP protein IqgC regulates cell-substratum adhesion in ameboid cells // Book of Abstracts of the Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology "HDBMB22: From Science to Knowledge. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2022. str. 108-108
congress2022.hdbmb.hr -
Putar, Darija ; Ćutić, Tamara ; Mijanović, Lucija ; Weber, Igor ; Filić, Vedrana | IqgC protein interacts with RasG and Rab5A GTPases during macropinocytosis in amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum // Book of Abstracts of the Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology "HDBMB22: From Science to Knowledge". | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2022. str. 125-125
congress2022.hdbmb.hr -
Šafranko, Silvija ; Strelec, Ivica ; Dutour- Sikirić, Maja ; Weber, Igor ; Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Grbčić, Petra ; Kraljević Pavelić, Sandra ; Széchenyi, Aleksandar ; Janđel, Kristina ; Kovačević, Monika et al. | Preparation of Amino Acid-Functionalized Carbon Quantum Dots Using Clementine Peel – Potential Application in Biomedical Analysis and as Fluorescent Probe for Fe3+ Detection // HDBMB22 “From Science to Knowledge” - Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2022. str. 140-140
www.ptfos.unios.hrcongress2022.hdbmb.hrwww.ptfos.unios.hr Privara, Anja ; Putar, Darija ; Weber, Igor ; Filić, Vedrana | Dictyostelium IqgD is a Rho-regulated IQGAP involved in large-scale endocytosis // 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress with International Participation: Book of Abstracts. | Poreč: Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo ; Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2022. str. 80-80
Putar, Darija ; Ćutić, Tamara ; Weber, Igor ; Filić, Vedrana | Small GTPases interacting with IqgC on Dictyostelium macropinosomes // 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress with International Participation: Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo ; Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2022. str. 81-82
Mijanović, Lucija ; Putar, Darija ; Filić, Vedrana ; Weber, Igor | IqgC at the crossroads of RasGAP and IQGAP protein families // 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo ; Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2022. str. 76-77
Putar, Darija; Mijanović, Lucija; Weber, Igor; Filić, Vedrana | Requirements for IqgC protein recruitment to macropinosomes in amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum // Microscopy conference 2021, Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy. | 2021. str. 376-376
Mijanović, Lucija; Putar, Darija; Filić, Vedrana; Weber, Igor | A novel function of the RasGAP protein IqgC in cell adhesion // Microscopy conference 2021, Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy. | 2021. str. 373-374
Mijanović, Lucija ; Putar, Darija ; Filić, Vedrana ; Weber, Igor | Uloga proteina IqgC porodice RasGAP u staničnoj adheziji // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = PhD student symposium 2021 : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 219-220
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Putar, Darija ; Mijanović, Lucija ; Weber, Igor ; Filić, Vedrana | Recruitment mechanisms of RasGAP protein IqgC to macropinosomes in amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = PhD student symposium 2021 : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 235-236
www.pmf.unizg.hr Marinović, Maja ; Mijanović, Lucija ; Šoštar, Marko ; Vizovišek, Matej ; Junemann, Alexander ; Fonović, Marko ; Turk, Boris ; Weber, Igor ; Faix, Jan ; Filić, Vedrana | IQGAP-related protein IqgC terminates Ras signalling during macropinocytosis and phagocytosis // Book of Abstracts of the Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology “Crossroads in Life Sciences”, HDBMB2019. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2019. str. 44-44
Paradžik, Mladen ; Dekanić, Ana ; Humphries, Jonathan ; Stojanović, Nikolina ; Samaržija, Ivana ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Nestić, Davor ; Weber, Igor ; Humphries, Martin ; Ambriović Ristov, Andreja | Određivanje sastava adhesoma integrina u istraživanju migracije i invazije stanica tumora i njihove osjetljivosti na kemoterapiju // Knjiga sažetaka simpozija "Prvih 10 godina HDIR-a". | 2019. str. 15-15
hdir.hr Marinović, Maja ; Mijanović, Lucija ; Šoštar, Marko ; Putar, Darija ; Filić, Vedrana ; Weber, Igor | Dictyostelium IQGAP-related proteins negatively regulate roles of small GTPases in promoting actin protrusions // Book of Abstracts of the Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology “Crossroads in Life Sciences”, HDBMB2019. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2019. str. 102-102
Weber, Igor | Microscoping the amoeboid cell motility // Proceedings from the 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 15–20, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. | Beograd: University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, National Institute of Republic of Serbia ; Serbian Society for Microscopy, Serbia, 2019. str. 30-30
www.sdm.edu.rs Weber, Igor ; Šoštar, Marko ; Marinović, Maja ; Filić, Vedrana ; Pavin, Nenad | Intracellular Rac1 Dynamics: From Imaging to Models // 19th International European Light Microscopy Initiative Meeting Abstract Book. | Brno: ELMI 2019, 2019. str. 93-94
Mijanović, Lucija ; Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Šoštar, Marko ; Weber, Igor | A pipeline for testing interaction partners of small GTPases in Dictyostelium // Molecular Biophysics - ABC of the puzzle of Life. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko biofizičko društvo, 2019. str. 108-109
arbre-mobieu.eu -
Marinović, Maja ; Šoštar, Marko ; Filić Mileta, Vedrana ; Antolović, Vlatka ; Weber, Igor | Visualization and analysis of small GTPases dynamics in highly motile cells // 17th International European Light Microscopy Initiative Meeting (ELMI) : Program and Abstract book. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2017. str. 152-152
www.elmi2017.eu Šoštar, Marko ; Marinović, Maja ; Filić, Vedrana ; Pavin, Nenad ; Weber, Igor | Image processing for the analysis of Rac1 dynamics in Dictyostelium amoebae // NEUBIAS Bioimage analysis symposium : Booklet. | 2018. str. 137-137
Šoštar, Marko ; Marinović, Maja ; Filić, Vedrana ; Pavin, Nenad ; Weber, Igor | Oscillatory dynamics of Rac1 GTPases in Dictyostelium // Abstract book of the EMBO/EMBL Symposium Biological Oscillators: Design, Mechanism, Function. | 2018. str. 99-99
Weber, Igor ; Marinović, Maja ; Šoštar, Marko ; Filić, Vedrana | Monitoring Rac Dynamics in Highly Motile Cells // FEBS3+ Conference: From Molecules to Living Systems : Final Programme & Book of Abstracts. | Veszprém, 2018. str. 80-80
Paradžik, Mladen ; Humphries ; Jonathan D., Nestić, Davor ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Dekanić, Ana ; Stojanović, Nikolina ; Sedda, Delphine ; Weber, Igor ; Humphries, Martin J. ; Ambriović-Ristov, Andreja | Characterisation of the integrin αV-dependent adhesome in MDA-MB-435S melanoma cells // A COST Action CA15214 WG1-WG2-WG3-WG4 Networking Meeting " Mechanobiology of cells and tissues". | Ljubljana, 2018. str. 8-8
www.eurocellnet.eu Paradžik, Mladen ; Humphries, Jonathan D. ; Nestić, Davor ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Dekanić, Ana ; Stojanović, Nikolina ; Sedda, Delphine ; Samaržija, Ivana ; Weber, Igor ; Humphries, Martin J. et al. | Characterisation of integrin αV-dependent adhesome in melanoma cell line MDA-MB-435S // Signal Transduction in Cancer : Abstract book. | Torino: Associazione di Biologia Cellulare e del Differenziamento, 2018. str. 5-5
Radić, Martina ; Šoštar, Marko ; Ćetković, Helena ; Weber, Igor ; Slade, Neda ; Herak Bosnar, Maja | NDPK A and NDPK B – subcellular dynamics and interactions // 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2017. str. 199-199
mcm2017.irb.hr -
Junemann, Alexander ; Filić, Vedrana ; Winterhoff, Moritz ; Nordholz, Benjamin ; Litschko, Christof ; Schwellenbach, Helena ; Stephan, Till ; Weber, Igor ; Faix, Jan | Ras proteins regulate actin assembly at endocytic structures via Diaphanous-related formin G // 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy: Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2017. str. 175-177
mcm2017.irb.hr Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Šoštar, Marko ; Antolović, Vlatka ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | Rac1 dynamics in Dictyostelium cells // DICTY 2017 : Meeting Booklet. | Zürich: Life Sciences Switzerland, 2017. str. 20-20
Weber, Igor ; Faix, Jan ; Filić, Vedrana | Formins orchestrate the cortical actin cytoskeleton in amoeboid cell migration and large-scale endocytosis // 12th Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Slovenian Biochemical Society, 2017. str. 25-25
bled2017.sbd.si Marinović, Maja; Šoštar, Marko; Filić, Vedrana; Antolović, Vlatka; Weber, Igor | Monitoring the graded Rac1 activity in Dictyostelium cells // Actin in action: from Molecules to Cellular Functions. | Heidelberg, 2016. str. 146.-146
Weber, Igor; Faix, Jan; Filić, Vedrana; Marinović, Maja; Šoštar, Marko | Polarity of the actin cytoskeleton in amoeboid cell migration // 10th International Congress of the NDP Kinase/Nm23/Awd Family (NDPK2016) - Book of Abstracts / Ćetković, Helena; Herak Bosnar, Maja (ur.). | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2016. str. 6.-6
ndpk2016.irb.hr Trnski, Diana ; Sabol, Maja ; Ozretic, Petar ; Musani, Vesna ; Horvat, Lucija ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | Imaging the Hh-Gli signalling network in various tumor types // 3rd Croatian Microscopy Congress with international participation. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2015. str. 30-31
Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor | Imaging of Dictyostelium cells under soft illumination conditions. | 2012
Antolović, Vlatka; Šmuc, Tomisla ; Weber, Igor | Cluster analysis of the cell migration in Dictyostelium // Dicty 2014, Annual International Dictyostelium Conference. | Potsdam: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zellbiologie (DGZ), 2014. str. 64-64
dicty2014.de Antolović, Vlatka ; Šmuc, Tomislav ; Weber, Igor. | Characterizing cell migration in actin cytoskeleton mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum // The 14th International ELMI Meeting. | Oslo, 2014. str. 133-134
Kralj, Damir ; Njegić-Džakula, Branka ; Reggi, Michela ; Falini, Giuseppe ; Weber, Igor ; Brečević, Ljerka | Taloženje polimorfa kalcijeva karbonata uz dodatak fluorescirajućih polipeptida izoliranih iz ljušture morskog puža Haliotis rufescens // 23. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2013. str. 96-96
www.hdki.hr Antolović, Vlatka ; Šmuc, Tomislav ; Weber, Igor | Characterizing the movement of different actin cytoskeleton mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum // Computational Biology and Innovation Symposium. | Dublin, 2013. str. 38-38
Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | A dual role for Rac1 GTPases in the regulation of cell motility // Studying protein-protein interactions by advanced light microscopy and spectroscopy. | Deberecen, 2011. str. 60-60
Marinović, Maja ; Antolović, Vlatka, Filić, Vedrana ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | Role of Rac1 GTPase in the regulation of Dictyostelium cell migration // Novel Biophysical Approaches in the Investigation of the Cytoskeleton ; The 27th European Cytoskeletal Forum Meeting. | Pečuh, 2012. str. 103-103
Marinović, Maja ; Filić, Vedrana ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | A dual role for Rac1 GTPase in the regulation of cell motility // FEBS3+ Meeting From molecules to life and back. | Opatija, 2012. str. 171-171
Marinović, Maja ; Filić, Vedrana ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | A dual role model for Rac1 and DGAP1 in cell migration // Workshop on the Physical Biology of Cancer: Book of Abstracts. | Torino, 2013. str. 34-34
Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor | Rac1 GTPases play a dual role in the regulation of cell motility // Hrvatski mikroskopijski simpozij 2012, Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2012. str. 16-17
Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor | A dual role for Rac1 GTPases in the regulation of cell motility // Regional Biophysics Conference 2012, Book of Abstracts. | Beograd: Društvo biofizičara Srbije, 2012. str. 27-27
Ježek, Davor ; Kozina, Viviana ; Banek, Ljerka ; Weber, Igor ; Karnthaler, Hans-Peter | Reinke's Crystals in testes of infertile men with cryptorchidism // MC 2009. | Graz: Austrian society of electron microscopy, 2009. str. 199-200
Kozina, Viviana ; Banek, Ljerka ; Kubinova, Lucie ; Weber, Igor ; Ježek, Davor | Microscopic investigations on Reinke's crystals in patients with cryptorchidism // MC Graz 2009. | Graz: Austrian Society of Electron Microscopy, 2009. str. 277-278
Weber, Igor ; Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Faix, Jan | A dual role for Rac1 GTPases in the regulation of cell motility in Dictyostelium // 11th International ELMI Meeting on Advanced Light Microscopy. | Solun: Artion, 2011. str. 153-154
Weber, Igor ; Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Faix, Jan | A dual role for Rac1 GTPases in the regulation of cell motility in Dictyostelium // Seeing is Believing - Imaging the Processes of Life. | Heidelberg: Mera Druck GmbH, Sandhausen, 2011. str. 159-159
Antolović, Vlatka ; Weber, Igor | A system for monitoring and analyzing cell motility // Book of Abstracts of the First meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with international participation HDIR-1 „From Bench to Clinic“. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2010. str. 76-76
Marinović, Maja ; Filić, Vedrana ; Faix Jan ; Weber Igor | Dual role of a Rac1A GTPase in the regulation of cell motility // Annual International Dictyostelium Meeting. | Cardiff: University of Cardiff, 2010. str. 74-75
Weber, Igor ; Faix, J. ; Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja | Dual role of a Rac GTPase in the regulation of cell motility // From Physics To Life Sciences. | Lausanne: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2010. str. 15-15
Filić, Vedrana ; Faix, J. ; Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor | Monitoring the dynamics of Rac proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum // Physics of Cells: From the Edge to the Heart. | Primošten: European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), 2009. str. 94-94
Filić, Vedrana ; Faix, J. ; Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor | Localization of a fluorescent probe for activated Rac1A in D. discoideum // European Light Microscopy Initiative. | Glasgow: Royal Microscopical Society, 2009. str. 79-80
Musani, Vesna ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | Mechanisms of activation of Hh-Gli signaling pathway in ovarian dermoid primary cell lines // Book of Abstracts of the HDBMB2008. | Osijek: Grafika Osijek, 2008. str. 114-114
Kozina, Viviana ; Banek, Ljerka ; Weber, Igor ; Ježek, Davor | Reinke´s crystals in biopsies of cryptorchid testes // 20th Ljudevit Jurak International Symposium on Comparative Pathology. | Zagreb: Klinički bolnički centar Sestre milosrdnice, 2009. str. 17-17
Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor | A novel fluorescent probe for activated RacA1 proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum // Regional multidisciplinary biomedical workshop, Abstract Book. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2008. str. 28-28
Filić, Vedrana ; Marinović, Maja ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | Fluorescentna proba za aktivni oblik GTPaze Rac1A je lokalizirana na mjestima polimerizacije aktina u stanicama D. discoideum // 50 godina molekularne biologije u Hrvatskoj, Zbornik sažetaka. | Zagreb, 2008. str. 61-61
Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | Expression and localization of Hedgehog-Gli signalling pathway proteins in ovarian dermoids // MedILS Summer School '08: Hottest topics in protein research. | Split, 2008. str. 31-31
Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | Hh-Gli signaling affects cell cycle progression in ovarian dermoid primary cell lines. // EMBO Meeting: Cellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine. | Split, 2008. str. 153-153
Weber, Igor | Dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton // Proceedings of Advances in widefield and confocal fluorescence microscopy. | Brno: Tribun EU, 2008. str. 5-x
Herak Bosnar, Maja ; de Gunzburg, J. ; Bago, Ružica ; Brečević, Lukrecija ; Weber, Igor ; Pavelić, Jasminka | NM23/NDPK Subunits in Head and Neck Tumor Cells : Where do they go? // Proceedings of Abstracts of the 12th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 10th International Symposium of Molecular Medicine and Cancer Chemoprevention Symposium ; u: International Journal of Molecular Medicine. Supplement 20 (2007) (S). | Heraklion, 2007. str. S44-S44
Herak Bosnar, Maja ; de Gunzburg, Jean ; Bago, Ružica ; Weber, Igor ; Pavelić, Jasminka ; Perina, Dragutin ; Mikoč, Andreja ; Ćetković, Helena | Subcellular localization of NDPKs: How far is a sponge from a human? // 7th International Congress of the NDP Kinase/NM23/Awd Family. | Dundee, 2007
Weber, Igor | Models and sensory limits in chemotaxis of eukaryotic cells // The 2nd Opatija Meeting on Computational Solutions in the Life Sciences, Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institute of Computational Life Sciences (ICLS), 2007. str. 37-x
Filić, Vedrana ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | Visualization of activated GTPase Rac1A in living Dictyostelium cells // Regional Biophysics Conference 2007: Book of Abstracts. | Balatonfuered: Hungarian Biophysical Society, 2007. str. 129-x
Filić, Vedrana ; Faix, Jan ; Weber, Igor | Localization of a PAK1-CRIB Domain in Cell Motility and Endocytosis // Proceedings of the 8th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2007. | Prag: Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2007. str. 551-x
Jurić, Snježana ; Bionda, Tihana ; Hazler-Pilepić, Kroata ; Weber, Igor ; Fulgosi, Hrvoje | The servant or the master: the functional characterization of TROL // Book of abstracts of the FEBS Advanced Course "Origin and Evolution of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts". | München: Zaklada Hanns Seidel, 2005. str. B12-x
Medalia, O. ; Gerisch, G. ; Baumeister, W. ; Weber, Igor | Cryoelectron tomography : zooming into intact cells // Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with International Participation (HDBMB 2004) : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2004. str. 47-47
Weber, Igor ; Niewoehner, J. ; Du, A. ; Gerisch, G. | Entrapment of actin by a Dictyostelium talin fragment visualizes actin flow in chemotaxis, endocytosis and cytokinesis // Proceedings of the 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2003. str. 98-98
Faix, J. ; Weber, Igor ; Schleicher, M. | A novel RacGEF is involved in regulation of cytokinesis, actin organization and cell motility in Dictyostelium. | 2003. str. 64-64-x
Weber, Igor ; Niewöhner, J. ; Du, A. ; Gerisch, G. | A talin fragment entraps actin and visualizes actin flow in chemotaxis, endocytosis and cytokinesis // 2nd Munich Symposium on Cell Dynamics. | München, 2002. str. P33-x
Gerisch, G. ; Bretschneider, T. ; Köhler, J. ; Weber, Igor | Actin dynamics and actin flow in chemotaxis, endocytosis and cytokinesis // 2nd Munich Symposium on Cell Dynamics. | München, 2002. str. T12-x
Faix, J. ; Weber, Igor ; Jacob, J. ; Schleicher, M. | Signaling molecules as regulators of cytokinesis and cell motility // 2nd Munich Symposium on Cell Dynamics. | München, 2002. str. 161-161-x
Prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Paradžik, Mladen ; Humphries, JD ; Dekanić, Ana ; Nestić Davor ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Stojanović , Nikolina ; Sedda, Delphine ; Samaržija, Ivana ; Weber, Igor ; Ambriović Ristov, Andreja | The αv-integrin adhesome affects melanoma cell migration and sensitivity to microtubule poisons // Mechanobiology of Migrating Cells From Basic Science to the Clinic. | 2019. str. 19-19
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Putar, Darija ; Ćutić, Tamara ; Mijanović, Lucija ; Weber, Igor ; Filić, Vedrana | IQGAP-related protein IqgC interacts with RasG and Rab5A on Dictyostelium macropinosomes // FEBS Open Bio, 2022. str. 206-206
doi.org -
Mijanović, Lucija ; Putar, Darija ; Filić, Vedrana ; Weber, Igor | Dissection of the role of IqgC domains in the cell substratum adhesion // FEBS Open Bio, 2022. str. 205-206. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13440
doi -
Mijanović, Lucija ; Putar, Darija ; Filić, Vedrana ; Weber, Igor | IQGAP-related protein IqgC involved in large- scale endocytosis regulates cell-substratum adhesion and migration in Dictyostelium // FEBS Open Bio, 2021. str. 182-182
2021.febscongress.orgfebs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Marinović, Maja ; Mijanović, Lucija ; Šoštar, Marko ; Vizovišek, Matej ; Junemann, Alexander ; Fonović, Marko ; Turk, Boris ; Weber, Igor ; Faix, Jan ; Filić, Vedrana | IQGAP-related protein IqgC suppresses Ras signaling during macropinocytosis // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 2018. str. 62-62
hrcak.srce.hr -
Paradžik, Mladen ; Humphries, Jonathan D. ; Nestić, Davor ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Dekanić, Ana ; Stojanović, Nikolina ; Sedda, Delphine ; Samaržija, Ivana ; Weber, Igor ; Humphries, Martin J. et al. | Characterisation of integrin αV-dependent adhesome in melanoma cell line // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 2018. str. 71-71
hrcak.srce.hr -
Paradžik, Mladen ; Humphries, Jonathan D. ; Nestić, Davor ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Dekanić, Ana ; Stojanović, Nikolina ; Sedda, Delphine ; Weber, Igor ; Humphries, Martin J. ; Ambriović- Ristov, Andreja | Characterisation of the integrin alpha v-dependent adhesome in mda-mb-435s melanoma cells // ESMO Open, 2018. str. A100-A100. doi: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-EACR25.240
doiwww.esmoopen.comdoi.org Levanat, Sonja ; Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Weber, Igor ; Orešković, Slavko | Hh-Gli signaling in tumors ; Hh-Gli activation and effects on cell cycle progression // European journal of cancer. Supplement (1990), 2008. str. 95-95
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Filić, Vedrana; Marinović, Maja; Mijanović, Lucija; Putar, Darija; Čizmar, Anja; Weber, Igor; Faix, Jan; Cai, Huaqing | The IQGAP-related protein IqgC regulates macropinocytosis by inactivating its cognate GTPase RasG // Regulation and Function of Small GTPases | Sjedinjene Američke Države, 23.06.2024-27.06.2024
Filić, Vedrana; Marinović, Maja; Mijanović, Lucija; Putar, Darija; Čizmar, Anja; Weber, Igor; Faix, Jan; Cai, Huaqing | The IQGAP-related protein IqgC regulates macropinocytosis by inactivating its cognate GTPase RasG // Regulation and Function of Small GTPases | Sjedinjene Američke Države, 23.06.2024-27.06.2024
Filić, Vedrana; Marinović, Maja; Mijanović, Lucija; Putar, Darija; Čizmar, Anja; Weber, Igor; Faix, Jan; Cai, Huaqing | The IQGAP-related protein IqgC regulates macropinocytosis by inactivating its cognate GTPase RasG // Regulation and Function of Small GTPases | Sjedinjene Američke Države, 23.06.2024-27.06.2024
Čizmar, Anja; Putar, Darija; Weber, Igor; Filić, Vedrana | Dictyostelium discoideum IqgD regulates the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton via interaction with Rac1 GTPases // Regulation and Function of Small GTPases | Sjedinjene Američke Države, 23.06.2024-27.06.2024
Putar, Darija; Privara, Anja; Chao, Xiaoting; Šoštar, Marko; Ćutić, Tamara; Mijanović, Lucija; Smolko, Ana; Tu, Hui; Cosson, Pierre; Weber, Igor et al. | Small GTPases RasG and Rab5A regulate IqgC localization during macropinocytosis // The International Dictyostelium conference | Opatija, Hrvatska, 27.08.2023-31.08.2023
api.fourwaves.com Ivšić, Blaž ; Vuletić, Tomislav ; Šoštar, Marko ; Weber, Igor | Dependence of cell shape on spatial confinement // 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress (CMC 2022) | Poreč, Hrvatska, 18.05.2022-20.05.2022
Ivšić Blaž ; Šoštar Marko ; Vuletić Tomislav ; Weber Igor | Influence of cell shape on dynamics of Rac1 // 15th Easter Biophysics Workshop | Tainach, Austrija, 19.04.2022-20.04.2022
Marinović, Maja; Šoštar, Marko; Filić, Vedrana; Antolović, Vlatka; Weber, Igor | Monitoring the Rac1-mediated regulation of cell polarity in Dictyostelium discoideum // Cell Polarity Signaling Gordon Research Conference | Mount Snow (VT), Sjedinjene Američke Države, 12.06.2016-17.06.2016
Marinović, Maja; Šoštar, Marko; Filić, Vedrana; Antolović, Vlatka; Weber, Igor | How to track active Rac1 in live Dictyostelium cells? // International Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology | München, Njemačka, 14.03.2016-16.03.2016
Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor | Imaging of Dictyostelium cells under soft illumination conditions // 3rd P-CUBE User Meeting & Workshop on Advanced Protein Engineering Techniques | Heidelberg, Njemačka, 22.10.2012-24.10.2012
Marinović, Maja ; Weber, Igor | Imaging of Dictyostelium cells under soft illumination conditions // 3rd P-CUBE User Meeting & Workshop on Advanced Protein Engineering Techniques | Heidelberg, Njemačka, 22.10.2012-24.10.2012
Čretnik, Maja ; Ozretić, Petar ; Orešković, Slavko ; Weber, Igor ; Levanat, Sonja | Hh-Gli activation in dermoid cells: different effects on cell cycle and protein localization // Hedgehog signaling in development and disease | Palo Alto (CA), Sjedinjene Američke Države; Stanford (CA), Sjedinjene Američke Države, 20.06.2008-22.06.2008
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Katić, Jelena | Utjecaj nedostatka miozina II na ishod fagocitoze u različitih sojeva protista Dictyostelium discoideum / Barišić, Karmela (mentor); Weber, Igor (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, 2012
Šolman, Maja | Domena GBD formina ForH: stanična lokalizacija iodređivanje interakcija s proteinima Rho / Weber, Igor (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011
Illeš, Maja | Uloga miozina II pri fagocitozi u protista Dictyostelium discoideum / Franekić Čolić, Jasna (mentor); Weber, Igor (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet, 2005
Benjak, Aleksander | Lokalizacija golvezina tijekom egzocitoze u vrsti Dictyostelium Discoideum, raper (1935) / Weber, Igor (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2003
Bilić, Josipa | Konstrukcija plazmida za optimalnu ekspresiju fuzijskog proteina YFP-Arp3 u vrsti Dictyostelium discoideum, Raper (1935) / Weber, Igor (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2003
Doktorski rad
Marinović, Maja | Dinamika GTPaza Rac1 i njihova uloga u regulaciji polarnosti stanica Dictyostelium discoideum / Weber, Igor (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2015
Antolović, Vlatka | Istraživanje gibanja stanica u okviru poopćenog Langevinovog modela kod protista Dictyostelium discoideum Raper (1935) / Weber, Igor (mentor). | Osijek, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2014
www.unios.hr Filić Mileta, Vedrana | Uloga proteina Rac1A u regulaciji dinamike citoskeleta protista Dictyostelium discoideum / Weber, Igor (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo
Hrvatsko društvo za teorijsku i matematičku biologiju (2005-2006, predsjednik)
Hrvatsko biofizičko društvo
Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo
Europsko mikroskopijsko društvo (član Upravnog odbora, 2016-2020)
ELMI, European Light Microscopy Initiative, član
EURO-BioImaging, ESFRI (European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructure), član