dr. sc. Vilko Smrečki
Centar za NMR
Bijenička cesta 54
10000 Zagreb
Zvanje: doktor prirodnih znanosti, znanstveno polje: kemija
Ustanova:Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Datum: 7. srpnja 1998.
Zvanje: magistar prirodnih znanosti iz područja kemije
Ustanova: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Datum: 20. prosinca 1994.
Zvanje: diplomirani inženjer kemije
Ustanova: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Datum: 3. srpnja 1990.
2022.-2025.: voditelj projekta za IRB (Horizon Europe - HORIZON-INFRA; 101058595): Remote NMR: Moving NMR infrastructures to remote access capabilities - R-NMR
2018.-2023.: suradnik na projektu (HrZZ 5475): Višekromoforne probe za prepoznavanje pojedinih struktura DNA, RNA i proteina (voditelj: I. Piantanida)
2014.-2018.: suradnik na projektu (HrZZ 1477): Višenamjensko očitavanje DNA/RNA sekundarne strukture molekularnim kemijskim senzorima (voditelj: I. Piantanida)
2010.-2011.: suradnik na bilateralnom projektu sa Slovenijom (MZOŠ/MOZS): NMR Study of the Interactions of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (voditeljica: M. Vinković)
2008.-2009.: voditelj bilateralnog projekta s Austrijom (MZOŠ/ÖAD): Multi-Field Experimental High Resolution NMR Studies with Applications to Bioactive Compounds
2007.-2013.: suradnik na projektu (MZOŠ 098-0982929-2917): Spektroskopija NMR i modeliranje bioaktivnih molekula (voditelj: D. Plavšić)
2006.-2007.: suradnik na bilateralnom projektu s Austrijom (MZOŠ/ÖAD): NMR Methods for Structural Analysis of Peptidoconjugates (voditelj: D. Vikić-Topić)
2004.-2005.: voditelj bilateralnog projekta s Austrijom (MZOŠ/ÖAD): Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Study of Models for Biomolecular Interactions
2003.-2004.: suradnik na IT projektu (MZOŠ): Web server s individualiziranim pristupom bazi podataka, odvojenom internom mrežom i primjenom na servis NMR (voditelj: M. Stipčević)
2003.: voditelj bilateralnog projekta s Austrijom (MZOŠ/ÖAD): Multi-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Biomolecules
2002.-2006.: suradnik na projektu (MZOŠ 0098059): Nuklearna magnetska rezonancija i proračuni bioorganskih molekula (voditelj: D. Vikić-Topić)
2002.-2003.: voditelj projekta u okviru Meitner programa Austrijske znanstvene fondacije (FWF M 677): Structural Dependence of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shift Anisotropy in Proteins by Quantum Chemical Simulations
1998.: voditelj poticajnog projekta za mlade znanstvenike (MZT-098403): Spektroskopski studij donorsko-akceptorsko supstituiranih stilbena
1997.-1998.: suradnik na bilateralnom projektu sa SAD (MZT/NSF JF-124): Vibrational Analysis of Stilbene and Its Derivatives in Relation to Their Photophysics and Photochemistry
(voditelj: G. Baranović)
1996.-2000.: suradnik na bilateralnom projektu s Mađarskom (HAZU 10): Investigation of Molecular Structure and Dynamics using Spectroscopic and Quantum-Chemical Methods (voditelj: Z. Meić)
1996.-2000.: suradnik na projektu (MZT 00980802): Izotopno obilježavanje i molekulske spektroskopije (voditelj: Z. Meić)
1991.-1995.: suradnik na bilateralnom projektu s Mađarskom (HAZU 10): Investigation of Chemical Structure using Spectroscopic and Theoretical Methods (voditelj: Z. Meić)
1991.-1995.: suradnik na projektu (MZT 1-07-139): Utjecaj izotopa na molekulsku strukturu i dinamiku (voditelj: Z. Meić)
Nagrade i priznanja
2020.: Nagrada Instituta R. Bošković za najbolje znanstvene radove objavljene u 2019. godini
2009.-danas: Doktorski studij kemije, analitička kemija (Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) Suvremene metode strukturnog NMR-a (izborni kolegij, predavač suradnik)
2017.-danas: Doktorski studij Kemija mediteranskog okoliša (Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu) Primjena spektroskopije NMR u analizi strukture prirodnih spojeva (izborni kolegij, nositelj)
2012.-2013.: Integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski studij - FIZIKA (Fizički i Kemijski odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) Biofizika stanice (izborni kolegij, voditelj vježbi)
2012.-2013.: Sveučilišni preddiplomski studij Molekularna biologija (Kemijski odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) Organska kemija (obavezni kolegij, voditelj vježbi)
2013.-2015.: Sveučilišni diplomski studij kemije (Kemijski odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) Viši praktikum organske kemije (obavezni kolegij, voditelj vježbi)
1992.-1995.: Sveučilišni diplomski studij kemije (Kemijski odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) Praktikum iz opće kemije (obavezni kolegij, asistent)
Istaknute publikacije
- V. Smrečki, N. Müller, D. Vikić-Topić, P. Vujanić and Z. Meić: "Isotope Effects in 13C NMR Spectra of Monodeuteriated trans-N-Benzylideneaniline", J. Mol. Struct., 348 (1995) 69-72.
- V. Smrečki, P. Novak, D. Vikić‑Topić, T. Hrenar, and Z. Meić: "Deuterium Isotope Effects in 13C NMR Spectra of trans‑N‑Salicylideneaniline Isotopomers", Croat. Chem. Acta, 75 (2002) 41-49.
- V. Sychrovský, N. Müller, B. Schneider, V. Smrečki, V. Špirko, J. Šponer, and L. Trantírek: "Sugar Pucker Modulates the Cross-Correlated Relaxation Rates Across the Glycosidic Bond in DNA", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127 (2005) 14663-14667.
- W. Schoefberger, V. Smrečki, D. Vikić-Topić, and N. Müller: "Homonuclear Long-Range Correlation Spectra from HMBC-Experiments by Covariance Processing", Magn. Reson. Chem., 45 (2007) 583-589.
- J. Mastelić, I. Jerković, I. Blažević, M. Poljak-Blaži, S. Borović, I. Ivančić-Bace, V. Smrečki, N. Žarković, K. Brčić-Kostić, D. Vikić-Topić, and N. Müller: "A Comparative Study on the Antioxidant and Biological Activities of Carvacrol, Thymol and Eugenol Derivatives", J. Agric. Food Chem., 56 (2008) 3989-3996.
- M. Nausner, J. Schlagnitweit, V. Smrečki, X. Yang, A. Jerschow, and N. Müller: "Nonlinearity and frequency shifts of nuclear magnetic spin-noise", J. Magn. Reson., 198 (2009) 73-79.
- I. Kopriva, I. Jerić, and V. Smrečki: "Extraction of multiple pure component 1H and 13C NMR spectra from two mixtures: novel solution obtained by sparse component analysis-based blind decomposition", Anal. Chim. Acta, 653 (2009) 143-153.
- C. Kosanović, K. Havancsák, B. Subotić, V. Svetličić, T. Mišić Radić, Á. Cziráki, G. Huhn, I. Buljan, and V. Smrečki: "Study of the mechanism of formation of nano-crystalline zeolite X in heterogeneous system",Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 142 (2011) 139-146.
- A. Maršavelski, V. Smrečki, R. Vianello, M. Žinić, A. Moguš-Milanković, and A. Šantić: "Supramolecular Ionic-Liquid Gels with High Ionic Conductivity", Chem. Eur. J., 21 (2015) 12121-12128.
- S. Bosnar, T. Antonić Jelić, J. Bronić, M. Dutour Sikirić, S. Šegota, V. Čadež, V. Smrečki, A. Palčić and B. Subotić: „Deep Insights into the Processes Occurring during Early Stages of the Formation and Room‑Temperature Evolution of the Core (Amorphous SiO2)@Shell (Organocations) Nanoparticles“, J. Phys. Chem. C, 122 (2018) 9441−9454.
- K. Vlahoviček-Kahlina, M. Vazdar, A. Jakas, V. Smrečki and I. Jerić: „Synthesis of Glycomimetics by Diastereoselective Passerini reaction“, J. Org. Chem., 83 (2018) 13146-13156.
- S. Bosnar, M. Dutour Sikirić, V. Smrečki, J. Bronić, S. Šegota, V. Strasser, T. Antonić Jelić, A. Palčić and B. Subotić: „Controlled aggregation of the core(amorphous silica)@shell(TPA+-polysilicates) nanoparticles at room temperature by selective removal of TPA+ ions from the nanoparticle shell“, Inorg. Chem. Front., 6 (2019) 1639-1653.
- D. Jakšić, M. Šegvić Klarić, I. Crnolatac, N. Šijaković Vujičić, V. Smrečki, M. Górecki, G. Pescitelli and I. Piantanida: "Unique Aggregation of Sterigmatocystin in Water Yields Strong and Specific Circular Dichroism Response Allowing Highly Sensitive and Selective Monitoring of Bio-Relevant Interactions”, Mar. Drugs, 17 (2019) 629-645.
- S. Opačak, D. Babić, B. Perić, Ž. Marinić, V. Smrečki, B. Pem, I. Vinković Vrček and S. I. Kirin: „A ferrocene-based pseudopeptide chiroptical switch“, Dalton Trans., 50 (2021) 4504-4511.
- D. Raljević, J. Parlov Vuković, V. Smrečki, Lj. Marinić Pajc, P. Novak, T. Hrenar, T. Jednačak, L. Konjević, B. Pinević, T. Gašparac: „Machine learning approach for predicting crude oil stability based on NMR spectroscopy“, Fuel, 305 (2021) 121561(1-7).
Publikacije - Uredničke knjige
Zbornik radova s konferencije
The 25th International Course & Conference MATH/CHEM/COMP 2010 : book of abstracts / Graovac, Ante ; Pokrić, Biserka ; Smrečki, Vilko (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hum naklada, 2010
mcc.irb.hr -
The 24th International Course & Conference MATH/CHEM/COMP 2009 : book of abstracts / Graovac, Ante ; Pokrić, Biserka ; Smrečki, Vilko (ur.). Zagreb: Hum naklada, 2009
Publikacije - prilozi u knjigama
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Novak, Predrag ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Meić, Zlatko | Isotope effects in NMR spectra as a structural tool for organic molecules // New advances in analytical chemistry. | Amsterdam: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU), 2000. str. 135-168-x
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Pavlović Saftić, Dijana; Smrečki, Vilko; Colasson, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia; Piantanida, Ivo; Višnjevac, Aleksandar | Transition Metals Coordination by Bis-imidazole-calix[4]arene Ligands with and Without Pyrene Units Grafted at the Large Rim // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 20; 11314, 20. doi: 10.3390/ijms252011314
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Raljević, Dubravka ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Marinić Pajc, Ljiljana ; Novak, Predrag ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Konjević, Lucija ; Pinević, Bruno ; Gašparac, Tonka | Machine learning approach for predicting crude oil stability based on NMR spectroscopy // Fuel (Guildford), 305 (2021), 121561, 7. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121561
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Opačak, Saša ; Babić, Darko ; Perić, Berislav ; Marinić, Željko ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Pem, Barbara ; Vinković Vrček, Ivana ; Kirin, Srećko I. | A ferrocene-based pseudopeptide chiroptical switch // Dalton transactions, 13 (2021), 4504-4511. doi: 10.1039/D1DT00508A
doipubs.rsc.orgdoi.org -
Jakšić, Daniela ; Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Górecki, Marcin ; Pescitelli, Gennaro ; Piantanida, Ivo | Unique Aggregation of Sterigmatocystin in Water Yields Strong and Specific Circular Dichroism Response Allowing Highly Sensitive and Selective Monitoring of Bio-Relevant Interactions // Marine drugs, 17 (2019), 11; 629, 17. doi: 10.3390/md17110629
doidoi.orgwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Bosnar, Sanja ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Bronić, Josip ; Šegota, Suzana ; Strasser, Vida ; Antonić Jelić, Tatjana ; Palčić, Ana ; Subotić, Boris | Controlled aggregation of the core(amorphous silica)@shell(TPA+ - polysilicates) nanoparticles at room temperature by selective removal of TPA+ ions from the nanoparticle shell // Inorganic chemistry frontiers, 6 (2019), 7; 1639-1653. doi: 10.1039/c9qi00200f
doipubs.rsc.orgdoi.org -
Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Kveštak, Martina ; Kovačević, Davor ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Djetelić Ibrahimpašić, Mateja ; Glanzer, Simon ; Zangger, Klaus | Magnetic field influence on asphaltene aggregation monitored by diffusion NMR spectroscopy: Is aggregation reversible at high magnetic fields? // Journal of dispersion science and technology, 41 (2020), 2; 179-187. doi: 10.1080/01932691.2018.1561302
doiwww.tandfonline.comdoi.org -
Vlahoviček-Kahlina, Kristina ; Vazdar, Mario ; Jakas, Andreja ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Jerić, Ivanka | Synthesis of Glycomimetics by Diastereoselective Passerini Reaction // Journal of organic chemistry, 83 (2018), 21; 13146-13156. doi: 10.1021/acs.joc.8b01874
doipubs.acs.org -
Bosnar, Sanja ; Antonić Jelić, Tatjana ; Bronić, Josip ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Šegota, Suzana ; Čadež, Vida ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Palčić, Ana ; Subotić, Boris | Deep Insights into the Processes Occurring during Early Stages of the Formation and Room-Temperature Evolution of the Core (Amorphous SiO2)@Shell (Organocations) Nanoparticles // Journal of physical chemistry. C, 122 (2018), 17; 9441-9454. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b00024
doipubs.acs.orgdoi.org -
Maršavelski, Aleksandra ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Vianello, Robert ; Žinić, Mladen ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Supramolecular Ionic-Liquid Gels with High Ionic Conductivity // Chemistry : a European journal, 21 (2015), 34; 12121-12128. doi: 10.1002/chem.201500887
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comonlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Djaković, Senka ; Kodrin, Ivan ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Mihalić, Zlatko ; Žiher, Dinko ; Lapić, Jasmina ; Rapić, Vladimir | 1'-Acetylferrocene Amino Acid Esters and Amides. A simple model for parallel beta-helical peptides // Tetrahedron, 70 (2014), 14; 2330-2342. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2014.02.047
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Veljković, Jelena ; Antol, Ivana ; Basarić, Nikola ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Molčanov, Krešimir ; Müller, Norbert ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Atropisomerism in 1-(2-Adamantyl)naphthalene Derivatives // Journal of molecular structure, 1046 (2013), 101-109. doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2013.04.027
doiauthors.elsevier.comdx.doi.org -
Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Škugor, Marko ; Tomić, Sanja ; Grabar, Marina ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Dudek, Łukasz ; Grolik, Jarosław ; Eilmes, Julita ; Piantanida, Ivo | Dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene – adenine conjugate recognizes complementary poly dT among ss-DNA / ss-RNA sequences // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 11 (2013), 24; 4077-4085. doi: 10.1039/c3ob40519b
doipubs.rsc.org -
Reith, Lorenz M. ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Knoer, Guenther ; Mueller, Norbert ; Schoefberger, Wolfgang | Determination of 3J(1H3′-31P) couplings in a DNA oligomer with enhanced sensitivity employing a constant-time TOCSY difference experiment // Magnetic resonance in chemistry, 49 (2011), 3; 125-128. doi: 10.1002/mrc.2729
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Kosanović, Cleo ; Havenscak, Karoly ; Subotić, Boris ; Svetličić, Vesna ; Mišić Radić, Tea ; Cziraki, Agnes ; Huhn, Gabriella ; Buljan, Iva ; Smrečki, Vilko | Study of the mechanism of formation of nano-crystalline zeolite X in heterogeneous system // Microporous and mesoporous materials, 142 (2011), 1; 139-146. doi: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2010.11.027
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Biljan, Ivana ; Cvjetojević, Gorana ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Mali, Gregor ; Plavec, Janez ; Babić, Darko ; Mihalić, Zlatko ; Vančik, Hrvoj | Nitrosobenzene Cross-dimerization: Structural Selectivity in Solution and in Solid State // Journal of molecular structure, 979 (2010), 1-3; 22-26. doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2010.05.034
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Yang, Xu ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Müller, Norbert | Nonlinearity and frequency shifts of nuclear magnetic spin-noise // Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif.), 198 (2009), 1; 73-79. doi: 10.1016/j.jmr.2009.01.019
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Novak, Predrag ; Pičuljan, Katarina ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Smrečki, Vilko | Structure and Hydrogen Bonding Interactions in Methoxysalicylaldehyde Thiosemicarbazone Derivatives in Solution by NMR and DFT Methods // Croatica chemica acta, 82 (2009), 2; 477-483
hrcak.srce.hr -
Halasz, Ivan ; Biljan, Ivana ; Novak, Predrag ; Meštrović, Ernest ; Plavec, Janez ; Mali, Gregor ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Vančik, Hrvoj | Cross-dimerization of nitrosobenzenes in solution and in solid state // Journal of molecular structure, 918 (2009), 1-3; 19-25. doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2008.07.035
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Kopriva, Ivica ; Jerić, Ivanka ; Smrečki, Vilko | Extraction of multiple pure component 1H and 13C NMR spectra from two mixtures: novel solution obtained by sparse component analysis-based blind decomposition // Analytica chimica acta, 653 (2009), 2; 143-153. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2009.09.019
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Mastelić, Josip ; Jerković, Igor ; Blažević, Ivica ; Poljak-Blaži, Marija ; Borović, Suzana ; Ivančić-Baće, Ivana ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Žarković, Neven ; Brčić-Kostić, Krunoslav ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen et al. | A comparative study on the antioxidant and biological activities of carvacrol, thymol and eugenol derivatives // Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 56 (2008), 11; 3989-3996. doi: 10.1021/jf073272v
doipubs.acs.org -
Jakas, Andreja ; Vinković, Marijana ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Šporec, Maja ; Horvat, Štefica | Fructose induced N-terminal glycation of enkephalins and related peptides // Journal of peptide science, 14 (2008), 8; 936-945. doi: 10.1002/psc.1029
doi -
Schoefberger, Wolfgang ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Vikić- Topić, Dražen ; Müller, Norbert | Homonuclear long-range correlation spectra from HMBC experiments by covariance processing // Magnetic resonance in chemistry, 45 (2007), 7; 583-589. doi: 10.1002/mrc.2013
doi -
Sychrovsky, Vladimir ; Mueller, Norbert ; Schneider, Bohdan ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Špirko, Vladimir ; Šponer, Jiri ; Trantirek, Lukaš | Sugar Pucker Modulates the Cross-Correlated Relaxation Rates across the Glycosidic Bond in DNA // Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127 (2005), 42; 14663-14667-x
pubs.acs.org Steindl, Christian ; Schäffer, Christina ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Messner, Paul ; Müller Norbert | The secondary cell wall polymer of Geobacillus tepidamans GS5-97(T): structure of different glycoforms // Carbohydrate research, 340 (2005), 14; 2290-2296-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Meić, Zlatko | Deuterium isotope effects in C-13 NMR spectra of trans-N-salicylideneaniline isotopomers // Croatica chemica acta, 75 (2002), 1; 41-49
fulir.irb.hrhrcak.srce.hr Stepanić, Višnja ; Baranović, Goran ; Smrečki, Vilko | Structure and vibrational spectra of conjugated acids of trans- and cis-azobenzene // Journal of molecular structure, 569 (2001), 89-109-x
Novak, Predrag ; Meić, Zlatko ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Plavec, Janez | Structural dependence of isotope effects in H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra of the trans-N-benzylideneaniline imino group // Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, 54 (1998), 2; 327-333. doi: 10.1016/S1386-1425(97)00241-2
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Meić, Zlatko ; Novak, Predrag ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Smrečki, Vilko | Deuterium Isotope Effects on C-13 Chemical Shifts in cis-Stilbene // Magnetic resonance in chemistry, 34 (1996), 1; 36-41. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-458X(199601)34:1<36::AID-OMR833>3.0.CO;2-9
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Smrečki, Vilko ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Meić, Zlatko ; Novak, Predrag | Deuterium Isotope Effects and Their Nonadditivity in C-13 NMR Spectra of Polydeuteriated trans-N-Benzylideneaniline Isotopomers // Croatica chemica acta, 69 (1996), 4; 1501-1509
hrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Novak, Predrag ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Meić, Zlatko | Deuterium Isotope Effects in C-13 NMR Spectra of trans-Azobenzene // Journal of molecular structure, 410 (1997), 5-7-x. doi: 10.1016/S0022-2860(96)09665-2
doiwww.sciencedirect.com Smrečki, Vilko ; Baranović, Goran ; Keresztury, Gabor ; Meić, Zlatko | Near-Infrared Fourier Transform Raman Spectra of Protonated and Deuterated trans-Azobenzene Isotopomers // Journal of molecular structure, 408 (1997), 405-408
Meić, Zlatko ; Baranović, Goran ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Keresztury, Gabor ; Holly, Sandor | Vibrational Coupling in Trans-Azobenzene and Its Isotopomers // Journal of molecular structure, 408 (1997), 399-403
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Haeubl, Martin ; Nausner, Martin ; Trantírek, Lukas ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Müller, Norbert ; Schoefberger, Wolfgang | NMR Investigations and Supporting ab initio Calculations on Oligonucleotide-Porphyrin Complexes // 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Development. | Beč: Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2007. str. 43-52-x
Meić, Zlatko ; Baranović, Goran ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Keresztury, Gabor | Vibrational Analysis of the Protonated Azo Group. Raman Spectra and Normal Coordinates of Protonated trans-Azobenzene and Its Isotopomers // XV International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. | Chichester : New York (NY) : Brisbane : Toronto : Singapur: John Wiley & Sons, 1996. str. 234-235-x
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Čikoš, Ana; Smrečki, Vilko; Wirmer-Bartoschek, Julia; Morelli, Francesca; Rosato, Antonio; Redfield, Christina; Lesage, Anne; Piantacudo, Guido; Batta, Gyula; Spyroulias, Georgious et al. | Remote NMR (R-NMR) - moving NMR infrastructures to remote access capabilities // Central European NMR Symposium & Bruker Users’ Meeting Book of Abstracts / Namjesnik, Danijel; Novak, Predrag; Parlov Vuković, Jelena (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2024. str. 29-29
ceum2024.hkd.hr -
Jurković, Marta ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Piantanida, Ivo | High selectivity of fluorescent (triazole)coumarin peptides to metal cations – fluorimetric and NMR approach // 28HSKIKI : 28th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 6th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2023. str. 82-82
28hskiki.orgwww.hdki.hr -
Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Kovačević, Davor ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Djetelić Ibrahimpašić, Mateja ; Zangger, Klaus ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena | Magnetic Field Influence on Asphaltene Aggregation Observed by DOSY NMR // 2019 ISMAR EUROMAR, Joint Conference. | Berlin: GDCh, 2019. str. 650-650
conference.euroismar2019.org -
Smrečki, Vilko | DOSY NMR Technique in Studies of Ionic-Liquid Gels and Aggregation of Asphaltenes // Math/Chem/Comp 2016 and 28th MC2 Conference : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2016. str. 3-3
www.pmf.unizg.hrwww.pmf.unizg.hr -
Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Meić, Zlatko | Deuterium Isotope Effects in 13C NMR Spectra of Mono- and Binuclear Aromatic Compounds // Adriatic NMR Conference 2018 : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb, 2018. str. 25-25
adriatic-nmr-conference.chem.pmf.hr -
Vlahoviček-Kahlina, Kristina ; Vazdar, Mario ; Jakas, Andreja ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Jerić, Ivanka | DFT and NMR Rationalization of Diastereoselectivity in Glycomimetic Synthesis by Modified Passerini Reaction // Computational Chemistry Day : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2018. str. 34-34
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Mikulandra, Ivana ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Djetelić Ibrahimpašić, Mateja ; Zangger, Klaus ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag | Concentration dependence of asphaltene aggregation monitored by DOSY NMR // Adriatic NMR Conference 2018 : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb, 2018. str. 57-57
adriatic-nmr-conference.chem.pmf.hr -
Jednačak, Tomislav ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Kveštak, Martina ; Zangger, Klaus ; Glanzer, Simon ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Kovačević, Davor ; Novak, Predrag | DOSY NMR spectroscopy in the analysis of complex oil mixtures // Adriatic NMR conference 2017 : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Kemijski odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2017. str. 28-28
adriatic-nmr-conference.chem.pmf.hr Kousik, Chandra ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Nausner, Martin ; Wohlschlager, Christian ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Müller, Norbert | Indirect Detection through Transverse Nuclear Spin Noise // 54th Experimental NMR Conference. | Santa Fe (NM): ENC Coference, 2013
Müller, Norbert ; Kousik, Chandra ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Nausner, Martin ; Smrečki, Vilko | 2D FT Spin Noise NMR // 28th NMR Valtice, Central European NMR Meeting. | Brno: Stuare, s.r.o., 2013. str. C-18-C-18
Müller, Norbert ; Kousik, Chandra ; Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrecki, Vilko ; Wohlschlager, Christian | Spin noise NMR: Two dimensional spectra and non-linear effects // EUROMAR 2013 Magnetic Resonance Conference. | Hersonissos: EUROMAR 2013 Magnetic Resonance Conference, 2013. str. 450MO-450MO
euromar2013.org Müller, Norbert ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Horničáková, Michaela ; Nausner, Martin ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Bendet-Taicher, Eli ; Desvaux, Hervé ; Morgan, Steven W. ; Smrečki, Vilko | Decoupling, Tuning, Matching and Cable Length Effects on NMR Noise Spectra // The Third Annual East-NMR User Meeting. Programme and Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Slovenian NMR Cenre, National Institute of Chemistry, 2012. str. 76-76
Müller, Norbert ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Horničáková, Michaela ; Nausner, Martin ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Bendet-Taicher, Eli ; Desvaux, Hervé ; Morgan, Steven W. ; Smrečki, Vilko | The Influence of Tuning, Matching and Cable Lengths on NMR Noise Spectra // 26th NMR Valtice, Central European NMR Meeting. | Brno: Stuare, s.r.o., 2011. str. C-13-C-13
Müller, Norbert ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Nausner, Martin ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Bendet-Taicher, Eli ; Desvaux, Hervé ; Morgan, Steven ; Smrečki, Vilko | NMR Noise Spectroscopy: The Influence of Matching and Cable Lengths // 52nd Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. | Santa Fe (NM): ENC Conference, 2011. str. 29-29
www.enc-conference.org Müller, Norbert ; Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Jerschow, Alexej | NMR Noise // Central European NMR Meeting, 25th NMR Valtice. | Brno: Stuare, s.r.o., 2010. str. C-40-C-40
Müller, Norbert ; Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko | NMR Noise Spectroscopy // Bio-NMR and EAST-NMR Annual User Meeting. | Brno: Masaryk University, 2011. str. 43-43
www.ncbr.muni.cz -
Pičuljan, Katarina ; Novak, Predrag ; Matković-Čalogović, Dubravka ; Petrina, Antonija ; Šket, Primož ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Plavec, Janez | Multinuclear NMR and X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Some Thiosemicarbazone Derivatives // WWMR2010, Joint EUROMAR 2010 and 17th ISMAR Conference, Book of Abstracts. | Firenza : München, 2010. str. 395-395
www.cerm.unifi.it Biljan, Ivana ; Novak, Predrag ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Vančik, Hrvoj | Cross-Dimerization of Nitrosobenzenes // Book of Abstracts. | 2007
Müller, Norbert ; Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Jerschow, Alexej | Nuclear Magnetic Spin Noise in Imaging and Spectroscopy // XXI. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, Knjiga sažetaka, Book of Abstracts. | Trogir: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2009. str. 8-8
Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Yang, Xu ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Müller, Norbert | Nuclear Magnetic Spin-Noise: Non-linearity, Frequency Shifts, and the Spin Noise Tuning Optimum (SNTO) // 50th ENC Long Abstracts. | Santa Fe (NM): ENC Conference, 2009. str. 108-108
Müller, Norbert ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Nausner, Martin ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Schlagnitweit, Judith | Spin noise: Non-linear effects // Central European NMR Meeting, 24th NMR Valtice. | Brno: Stuare, s.r.o., 2009. str. C-9-C-9
Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Müller, Norbert | Spin Noise in NMR // 7th Biennial Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance (ANZMAG Conference). | South Stradbroke, 2008. str. 56-56
Mueller, Norbert ; Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Jarschow, Alexej ; Smrečki, Vilko | Non-linearity, frequency shifts and other surprises with nuclear spin noise // EUROMAR 2009, Magnetic Resonance Conference, Programme and Abstract Book. | Gothenburg, 2009. str. 89-90
Pičuljan, Katarina ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Rubčić, Mirta ; Cindrić, Marina ; Novak, Predrag | Investigation of solution state structure of thiosemicarbazone derivatives by NMR and DFT methods // EUROMAR 2009, Magnetic Resonance Conference, Programme and Abstract Book. | Gothenburg, 2009. str. 98-98
Lapić, Jasmina ; Žiher, Dinko ; Novak, Predrag ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Mihalić, Zlatko ; Kodrin, Ivan ; Rapić, Vladimir | Konformacijska analiza estera i amida 1'-acetilferocenoil-aminokiselina // 21. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera - knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2009. str. 84-84
www.hdki.hr Smrečki, Vilko | Izotopni učinci u spektrima NMR aromatskih spojeva obilježenih deuterijem u fenilnom prstenu // XXI. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, Knjiga sažetaka, Book of Abstracts. | Trogir: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2009. str. 33-33
Pičuljan, Katarina ; Petrina, Antonija ; Novak, Predrag ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Matković Čalogović, Dubravka | Solution structure and deuterium isotope effects in 2-methoxybenzaldehyde-4-phenylthiosemicarbazone // XXI. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, Knjiga sažetaka, Book of Abstracts. | Trogir: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2009. str. 173-173
Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Müller, Norbert | Spin Noise in NMR // Magnetic Moments in Central Europe, Program and Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Slovenian NMR Cenre, National Institute of Chemistry, 2009. str. 91-91
Nausner, Martin ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Müller, Norbert | Nuclear Magnetic Spin Noise in Resonant Circuits // CEUM 2008 Book of Abstracts: The 10th Central European NMR Symposium & The 10th Central European Bruker NMR Users Meeting. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2008. str. 4-4
cecm.irb.hr -
Biljan, Ivana ; Cvjetojević, Gorana ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Plavec, Janez ; Mali, Gregor ; Vančik Hrvoj | Solution and Solid State NMR Studies of Cross-Dimerization of Nitrosobenzenes // CEUM 2008 Book of Abstracts: The 10th Central European NMR Symposium & The 10th Central European Bruker NMR Users Meeting. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2008. str. 12-12
cecm.irb.hr Haeubl, Martin ; Richter, Christian ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Müller, Norbert ; Schoefberger, Wolfgang | Comparison of 1H-31P constant-time NOESY with the 1H-31P constant-time COSY experiments for the elucidation of 1H-31P dipolar couplings in DNA-oligonucleotides and DNA-oligonucleotide/Porphyrin Complexes // The Second Annual Meeting of (I3) EU-NMR and (CA) NMR-LIFE. | Frankfurt: J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt Main at the KTC Königstein, 2008. str. 46-46
Pičuljan, Katarina ; Novak, Predrag ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Cindrić, Marina ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Smrečki, Vilko | Hydrogen Bonding and Deuterium Isotope Effects in 13C NMR Spectra of Phenylene Enaminones Derived from Dehydroacetic Acid // EUCMOS 2008, XXIX European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Book of Abstracts. | Opatija, 2008. str. 83-83
Novak, Predrag ; Pičuljan, Katarina ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Rubčić, Mirta ; Cindrić, Marina ; Smrečki, Vilko | Solution State Structure of Methoxysalicylaldehyde Thiosemicarbazone Derivatives by NMR and DFT Methods // EUCMOS 2008, XXIX European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Book of Abstracts. | Opatija, 2008. str. 78-78
Biljan, Ivana ; Cvjetojević, Gorana ; Novak, Predrag ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Babić, Darko ; Vančik, Hrvoj | Selectivity of Nitrosobenzene Heterodimerization Reaction // Book of Abstracts. | Santiago de Compostela, 2008. str. 213-213
Nausner, Martin ; Schlagnitweit, Judith ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Jerschow, Alexej ; Müller, Norbert | Nuclear Magnetic Spin Noise Spectra // 49th ENC Long Abstracts. | Santa Fe (NM): ENC Conference, 2008. str. M-T F087-F087
www.enc-conference.org -
Smrečki, Vilko ; Shen, Liang ; Ji, Hong-Fang ; Sivanandam, Veeramuthu N. ; Müller, Norbert | Conformation and Hydrogen Bonding Influence on the CSA Tensor of Models for Peptide Backbone Atoms // 47th ENC : Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference : Long Abstracts ; Th P 069. | Santa Fe: ENC Conference, 2006. str. 119-119
www.enc-conference.org Haeubl, Martin ; Nausner, Martin ; Trantirek, Lukas ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert ; Schoefberger, Wolfgang | NMR Investigations on Oligonucleotide-Porphyrin Complexes // Central European NMR Discussion Groups, 22nd NMR Valtice. | Brno: Stuare, s.r.o., 2007. str. C-4-x
Liang, Shen ; Hong-Fang, Ji ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | Hydrogen Bond Influence on CSA in Model Peptide // Central European NMR Discussion Groups, 21st NMR Valtice. | Brno: Stuare, s.r.o., 2006. str. C-5-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Shen, Liang ; Ji, Hong-Fang ; Sivanandam, Veeramuthu N. ; Müller, Norbert | CSA Tensor of Peptide Backbone Atoms. Dependence on Conformation and Hydrogen Bonding // DU NMR 2006, The Fifth International DU NMR Course and Conference, Program and Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2006. str. 14-14-x
Sychrovsky, Vladimir ; Müller, Norbert ; Schneider, Bohdan ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Spirko, Vladimir ; Sponer, Jiri ; Trantirek, Lukas | Sugar Pucker Modulates the Cross-Correlated Relaxation Rates Across the Glycosidic Bond in DNA // Book of Abstracts. | Brno: Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, 2005. str. 32-32-x
Pintacuda, Guido ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Hohenthanner, Karin ; Otting, Gotfried ; Müller, Norbert | Cross Correlated Curie Spin Relaxation and Molecular Structure // DU NMR 2003, Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2003. str. 40-41-x
Biljan, Tomislav ; Meić, Zlatko ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag | Deuterium Isotope Effects in 13C NMR Spectra of the Phenyl Group // The 2nd International DU NMR Course and Conference: Program & Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2003. str. 35-36-x
Pintacuda, Guido ; Hohenthanner, Karin ; Otting, Gottfried ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Müller, Norbert | Can Cross Correlated Curie Spin Relaxation in Paramagnetic Proteins Help in 3D Structure Determination? // The 2nd International DU NMR Course and Conference: Program & Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2003. str. 8-9-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | DFT Calculations of CSA Tensors in Model Peptides. Dependence on Secondary Structure // Programme and Abstract Book. | Veldhoven: EUROMAR, 2005. str. 96-x
Schoefberger, Wolfgang ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller Norbert | Software Implementation for Covariance NMR Spectroscopic Investigations // MATH/CHEM/COMP 2005, Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2005. str. 66-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | Theoretical Simulation of Conformational Influence on NMR Chemical Shielding Anisotropy // Book of Abstracts. | Nova Gorica: Nova Gorica Polytechnic, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 2005. str. --x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | Predicting CSAxDD Cross-Correlation Rates Using Fully Asymmetric CSA Tensors from DFT Calculations // Abstracts of the VIth Central European NMR Symposium. | Linz: Institut fuer Organische Chemie der Johannes Kepler Universitaet, Linz, Austria, 2004. str. 27-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | DFT Calculation of NMR CSA Tensors // MATH/CHEM/COMP 2004, Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2004. str. 72-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | Anisotropy of Chemical Shielding and its Relation to Secondary Structure Elements in Model Peptides // DU NMR 2003, Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2003. str. 40-41-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | Secondary Structure Dependence of Chemical Shift Anisotropy in Model Peptides by Quantum Chemical Simulations // Summer School on Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. Advances in NMR and Computational Methods. | Ljubljana: NMR Center, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2003. str. 33-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | A Density Functional Theory Study of Chemical Shielding Anisotropy Dependence on Secondary Structure in Model Peptides // 44th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. | Santa Fe: ENC, 2003. str. 241-x
Pintacuda, Guido ; Hohenthanner, Karin ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Otting, Gottfried ; Müller, Norbert | Angular dependence of dipole-dipole-Curie-spin cross-correlation effects in high-spin and low-spin paramagnetic myoglobin // 10th Chianti Workshop on Magnetic Resonance. Nuvclear and Electron Relaxation. | Pisa: S.T.A.R. Pisa, 2003. str. 92-x
Hohenthanner, Karin ; Pintacuda, Guido ; Smrecki, Vilko ; Müller, Norbert | NMR paramagnetischer Proteine: Quantifizierung von Kreuzkorrelationseffekten zur Strukturermittlung // 10. Oesterreichische Chemietage, Wissenschaftliche Beitraege. | Linz: Gesellschaft Oesterreichischer Chemiker, 2002. str. MS-14-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | Multinuclear Chemical Shielding Anisotropy Calculations in Model Peptides // Book of Abstracts (http://www.chemi.muni.cz/nmr/radek/nmrvaltice/abstr_2003.pdf). | Brno: Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, 2003. str. 10-x
www.chemi.muni.czwww.chemi.muni.cz Biljan, Tomislav ; Meić, Z. ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Vikić-Topić, D. ; Novak, P. | DEUTERIUM ISOTOPE EFFECTS IN 13C NMR SPECTRA OF THE PHENYL GROUP // 4th Central European NMR Symposium. | Budimpešta, 2002. str. 17-x
Hrenar, Tomica ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Meić, Zlatko | The Influence of Solvent on Molecular Properties of trans-N-Salicylideneaniline // MATH/CHEM/COMP 2001, Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2001. str. 37-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Mueller, Norbert | A Density Functional Theory Study of N-15 Chemical Shielding Anisotropy Tensors in Peptides // Book of Abstracts (http://www.chemi.muni.cz/nmr/radek/nmrvaltice/abstr_2002.pdf). | Brno: Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, 2002. str. 34-x
www.chemi.muni.czwww.chemi.muni.cz Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Lukić, Igor ; Meić, Zlatko | SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF trans-9-(4-CYANOSTYRYL)-2,3,6,7-TETRAHYDRO-1H,5H-PYRIDO[3,2,1-i,j]-QUINOLINE AND ITS DEUTERIUM LABELLED ISOTOPOMERS // Book of Abstracts. | Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra, 2000. str. 281-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Meić, Zlatko | Deuterium Isotope Effects in 13C NMR Spectra of trans-N-Salicylideneaniline Isotopomers // Book of Abstracts of the Third International Dubrovnik NMR Course and Conference. | Dubrovnik: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2000. str. 39-40
Smrečki, Vilko | Concentrational Dependence of the Imino Proton (H-a) in 1H NMR Spectra of Protonated Model Imines // DU'99 NMR Book of Abstracts. | Dubrovnik: Interuniverzitetski centar Dubrovnik (IUC), 1999. str. 25-25-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Meić, Zlatko | Isotope Effects in NMR Spectra as Indication of Conformational Change upon Protonation of Imino and Azo Group in Model Compounds // 40th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. | Santa Fe (NM): Experimental NMR Conference, 1999. str. 195-195-x
Meić, Zlatko ; Mitrić, Roland ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Baranović, Goran | Proračun vibracijskog spektra salicilidenanilina metodom AM1 // XVI. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera - Sažeci = XVI. Meeting of Croatian Chemists and Chemical Engineers - Abstracts. | Split: Hrvatsko kem. društvo, Hrvatsko društvo kem. inž. i tehnologa, 1999. str. 161-161-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Meić, Zlatko ; Baranović, Goran | Raman spectra of protonated and deuterated trans-N-benzylideneaniline and trans-azobenzene derivatives // Book of abstracts. | Prag: ICT Press, 1998. str. 356-356-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Meić, Zlatko | H-1 and C-13 NMR Spectroscopic evidence of the protonation of imino and azo group in aromatic compounds // Abstract Book. | Ljubljana: Planprint d.o.o., 1998. str. 140-140-x
Novak, Predrag ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Meić, Zlatko | Isotope Effects in NMR Spectra as a Conformational Probe // Book of Abstracts (http://ocwww.chemie.uni-linz.ac.at/posters.html). | Linz: Johannes Kepler University Linz, 1997
Smrečki, Vilko ; Kovaček, Damir ; Baranović, Goran ; Meić, Zlatko ; Keresztury, Gabor | The Assignment of Several Key Vibrations in Raman Spectra of Protonated and Deuterated trans-Azobenzene Isotopomers // Math/Chem/Comp '97: Book of Abstracts. | Dubrovnik: Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, 1997
Smrečki, Vilko ; Keresztury, Gabor ; Baranović, Goran ; Meić, Zlatko | Raman Spectra of Protonated trans-N-Salicylideneaniline // XV. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera SAŽECI/ABSTRACTS. | Zagreb: X-press, 1997. str. 139-140-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Novak, Predrag ; Meić, Zlatko | Intrinsic Deuterium Induced Isotope Effects in C-13 NMR Spectra of Protonated Benzylideneaniline and Azobenzene Isotopomers // Book of Abstracts (http://ocwww.chemie.uni-linz.ac.at/posters.html). | Linz: Johannes Kepler University Linz, 1997
Meić, Zlatko ; Baranović, Goran ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Keresztury, Gabor ; Holly, Sandor | Vibrational Coupling in trans-Azobenzene and Its Isotopomers // Book of Abstracts. | Budimpešta: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), 1996. str. 45-x
Meić, Zlatko ; Baranović, Goran ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Sawatzki, J. ; Zachmann, G. | FT Infrared and NIR FT Raman Spectra of Salicylideneaniline Melt // Book of Abstracts. | Budimpešta: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), 1996. str. 249-249-x
Vikić-Topić, Dražen ; Novak, Predrag ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Meić, Zlatko | Deuterium Isotope Effects on C-13 NMR Chemical Shifts in Unprotonated and Protonated trans-Azobenzene // Book of Abstracts. | Budimpešta: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), 1996. str. 80-80-x
Smrečki, Vilko ; Baranović, Goran ; Meić, Zlatko ; Keresztury, Gabor | Raman Spectra of Protonated and Deuterated Azobenzene // Book of Abstracts. | Budimpešta: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), 1996. str. 250-250-x
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Jakšić, Daniela, Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Pescitelli, Gennaro ; Piantanida, Ivo | Sterigmatocystin – an extraordinary mycotoxin // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2022. str. A25-A25
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Parlov Vuković,Jelena; Novak,Predrag; Jednačak,Tomislav; Smrečki,Vilko; Hrenar,Tomica | Application of nmr spectroscopy and statistical analysis in characterization of crude oil samples // EUROMAR 2023 | Glasgow, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 09.07.2023-13.07.2023
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Biljan, Tomislav | PRIPRAVA I SPEKTRALNE KARAKTERISTIKE DEUTERIRANIH IZOTOPOMERA TRANS-CIMETNE KISELINE / Meić, Zlatko (mentor); Smrečki, Vilko (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2001
Cindrić, Mario | Sinteza i spektralne karakteristike deutrijski obilježenih izotopomera cis- i trans-stilbena / Meić, Zlatko (mentor); Smrečki, Vilko (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1998
Tepeš, Predrag | Deuterijski izotopni efekti u spektrima C-13 NMR benzonitrila / Novak, Predrag (mentor); Smrečki, Vilko (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1998
Lukić, Igor | Sinteza i spektroskopska analiza trans-9-(4-cijanostiril)-2,3,6,7-tetrahidro-1H,5H-pirido(3,2,1-i,j)-kinolina i njegovih deuteriranih izotopomera / Meić, Zlatko (mentor); Smrečki, Vilko (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1999
Boroša, Barica | Izotopni efekti u C-13 NMR spektrima anilina i azobenzena / Meić, Zlatko (mentor); Smrečki, Vilko (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1996
Doktorski rad
Raljević, Dubravka | Utjecaj aromatičnosti na oksidacijsku stabilnost nafte / Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Smrečki, Vilko (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2023
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hrurn.nsk.hr Smrečki, Vilko | Spektri i struktura protoniranih imina i azo-spojeva / Meić, Zlatko (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1998
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo (od 1987.)
American Chemical Society (od 2009.)