dr. sc. Daniele Dell'Aquila
Institut Ruđer Bošković
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb
- 2018: Ph.D. in Physics, University of Naples “Federico II” and University Paris-Saclay (joint international agreement), summa cum laude. Thesis: Clustering in light nuclear systems: a multi-method approach. Mentors: Dr. Ivano Lombardo (University of Naples “Federico II”), Prof. Mariano Vigilante (University of Naples “Federico II) and Dr. Giuseppe Verde (University Paris-Saclay).
- 2014: Master Degree in Physics, University of Catania, summa cum laude. Thesis: Studio della struttura a cluster di 10Be e 16C tramite break-up indotto su target CH2/CD2 ai LNS. Mentors: Prof. Francesca Rizzo (University of Catania), Dr. Ivano Lombardo (University of Naples “Federico II”) and Giuseppe Cardella (INFN – Catania).
- 2012: Degree in Physics, University of Catania, summa cum laude. Thesis: Studio della Reazione Nucleare 19F(p,α)16O a basse energie incidenti (0.540MeV ≤Ep≤1.034MeV). Mentors: Prof. Francesca Rizzo (University of Catania), Dr. Ivano Lombardo (University of Naples “Federico II”).
- 2009: High school leaving qualification in scientific studies, Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico Statale “Principe Umberto di Savoia” di Catania, highest score.
Nagrade i priznanja
- “Claudio Villi” Prize of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) for the best PhD thesis on nuclear physics subjects defended at Italian universities during the year 2018.
- The paper D. Dell'Aquila et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017) 132501 has been the object of a ViewPoint in Physics: O. Kirsebom, Physics 10 (2017) 103.
- The paper D. Dell'Aquila et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017) 132501 has been selected as Editor’s suggestion in Physical Review Letters.
- “Operosità Scientifica – Giovanni Polvani” Prize of the Società Italiana di Fisica SIF, 26/09/2016.
- “Migliore Comunicazione” Prize (First Classified) for the “101° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica SIF” conference in the Nuclear and Particle Physics session.
- First classified in the Ph.D (XXX Cycle) in Physics at University of Catania (2014) admission examination. Score: 114/120.
- Second classified in the Ph.D (XXX Cycle) in Physics at University of Naples “Federico II” (2014) admission examination. Score: 94.7/100.
- First classified in the national competitive examination for INFN scholarship at LNS for Master degree students 2013/2014. Score: 95.11/100.
- First classified in the competitive examination for tutoring activities in Classical Physics course, 1st degree in Physics, University or Catania.
- The paper I. Lombardo D. Dell'Aquila, L. Campajola, E. Rosato, G. Spadaccini and M. Vigilante, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 40 (2013) 125102, has been selected as 2013 Highlight by the Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics journal board.
- “Giovanni Raciti” Prize for the best Thesis and CV in Physics of the University of Catania in the Academic Year 2011/2012.
- Grant for the master degree thesis given by the ERSU for the academic year 2013/2014.
- Grant for the first degree thesis given by the ERSU for the academic year 2011/2012.
Istaknute publikacije
- D. Dell’Aquila et al., Non-linearity effects on the light-output calibration of light charged particles in CsI(Tl) scintillator crystals, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 929 (2019) 162 (corresponding author). doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.03.065.
- D. Dell'Aquila et al., OSCAR: a new modular device for the identification and correlation of low energy particles, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 877 (2018) 227 (corresponding author).
- D. Dell'Aquila et al., High-precision probe of the fully sequential decay width of the Hoyle state in 12C, Physical Review Letters 119 (2017) 132501 (corresponding author).
- D. Dell'Aquila et al., New experimental investigation of the structure of 10Be and 16C by means of intermediate-energy sequential breakup, Physical Review C 93 (2016) 024611 (corresponding author).
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Dell’Aquila, Daniele; Lombardo, I.; Redigolo, L.; Vigilante, M.; Angelini, F.; Baldesi, L.; Barlini, S.; Best, A.; Camaiani, A.; Casini, G. et al. | Clarifying the radiative decay of the Hoyle state with charged-particle spectroscopy // Scientific reports, 14 (2024), 1; 18958, 7. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-68415-6
doiwww.nature.comfulir.irb.hr -
Jelavić Malenica, Desa; Milin, Matko; Dell'Aquila, Daniele; Di Pietro, A.; Figuera, P.; Gašparić, Igor; Mijatović, Tea; Musumarra, A.; Pellegriti, M. G.; Scuderi, V. et al. | The 13C states populated in 10B+10B reactions at 72 MeV // European physical journal A : hadrons and nuclei, 59 (2023), 10; 228, 10. doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-023-01148-8
doilink.springer.com -
Ovejas, J.D.; Martel, I.; Dell'Aquila, Daniele; Acosta, L.; Aguado, J.L.; de Angelis, G.; Borge, M.J.G.; Briz, JA.; Chbihi, A.; Colucci, G. et al. | Suppression of Coulomb-nuclear interference in the near-barrier elastic scattering of 17Ne from 208Pb // Physics letters. B, 843 (2023), 138007, 6. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138007
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Spitaleri, C. ; Typel, S. ; Bertulani, C.A. ; Mukhamedzhanov, A.M. ; Kajino, T. ; Lattuada, M. ; Cvetinovic, A. ; Messina, S. ; Guardo, G.L. ; Soić, Neven et al. | The 3He+5He→α+α reaction below the Coulomb barrier via the Trojan Horse Method // European physical journal A : hadrons and nuclei, 57 (2021), 20, 15. doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-020-00324-4
doilink.springer.comdoi.org -
Campobello, G. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Russo, M. ; Segreto, A. | Neuro-genetic programming for multigenre classification of music content // Applied soft computing, 94 (2020), 106488, 13. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106488
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Zhu, K. ; Tsang, M.B. ; Dell’Aquila, D. ; Brown, K.W. ; Chajecki, Z. ; Lynch, W.G. ; Sweany, S. ; Teh, F.C.E. ; Tsang, C.Y. ; Anderson, C. et al. | Calibration of large neutron detection arrays using cosmic rays // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 967 (2020), 163826, 8. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2020.163826
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Provatas, Georgios ; Fazinić, Stjepko ; Soić, Neven ; Vukman, Nikola ; Cosic, Donny ; Krmpotić, Matea ; Vukšić, Marin ; Crnjac, Andreo ; Popočovski, Romana ; Palada, Luka et al. | Differential cross section measurements of the 9Be(3He,p)11B reaction for NRA applications // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 472 (2020), 36-45. doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2020.03.039
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Ottanelli, P., Pasquali, G., Bini, M., Barlini, S., Bruno, M., Buccola, A., Camaiani, A., Casini, G., Ciampi, C., Cicerchia, M., Cinausero, M., Dell'Aquila, Daniele, Fabris, D., Francalanza, L., Frosin, C., Gramegna, F., Lombardo, I., Mantovani, G., Marchi, T., Meneghini, S., Morelli, L., Olmi, A., Pastore, G., Poggi, G., Stefanini, A.A., Valdré, S., Verde, G., Vigilante, M. | Particle identification using current maximum obtained from charge // Il Nuovo cimento C, 2019 (2019), 2-3; 65, 2. doi: 10.1393/ncc/i2019-19065-2
doiwww.sif.itdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Campajola, L. ; Rosato, E. ; Spadaccini, G. ; Vigilante, M. | Analysis of the19F(p, α0)16O reaction at low energies and the spectroscopy of20Ne // Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics, 40 (2013), 12; 125102, 10. doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/40/12/125102
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Cardella, G. ; Acosta, L. ; Amorini, F. ; Auditore, L. ; Berceanu, I. ; Castoldi, A. ; De Filippo, E. ; Dell׳Aquila, Daniele ; Francalanza, L. ; Gnoffo, B. et al. | Particle gamma correlations in 12C measured with the CsI(Tl) based detector array CHIMERA // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 799 (2015), 64-69. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.07.054
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Di Leva, A. ; Indelicato, I. ; La Cognata, M. ; La Commara, M. ; Ordine, A. ; Rigato, V. ; Romoli, M. ; Rosato, E. et al. | Toward a reassessment of the 19 F(p, α0) 16 O reaction rate at astrophysical temperatures // Physics letters. B, 748 (2015), 178-182. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.06.073
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Salomon, F. ; Edelbruck, P. ; Brulin, G. ; Borderie, B. ; Richard, A. ; Rivet, M.F. ; Verde, G. ; Wanlin, E. ; Boiano, A. ; Tortone, G. et al. | Front-end electronics for the FAZIA experiment // Journal of Instrumentation, 11 (2016), 1; C01064, 11. doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/11/01/c01064
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Conte, F. ; Francalanza, L. ; Cognata, M. La ; Lamia, L . ; Torre, R. La ; Spadaccini, .G ; Spitaleri, C. ; Vigilante, M. | New investigations of the 10B(p, ${;;\alpha };;_{;;0};;$)7Be reaction at bombarding energies between 0.6 and 1 MeV // Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics, 43 (2016), 4; 045109, 16. doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/43/4/045109
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I. ; Acosta, L. ; Andolina, R. ; Auditore, L. ; Cardella, G. ; Chatterjiee, M. B. ; De Filippo, E. ; Francalanza, L. ; Gnoffo, B. et al. | New experimental investigation of the structure ofBe10andC16by means of intermediate-energy sequential breakup // Physical review. C, 93 (2016), 2; 024611, 0. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.93.024611
doijournals.aps.orgdoi.org -
Spitaleri, C. ; Puglia, S. M. R. ; La Cognata, M. ; Lamia, L. ; Cherubini, S. ; Cvetinović, A. ; D'Agata, G. ; Gulino, M. ; Guardo, G. L. ; Indelicato, I. et al. | Measurement of the B10(p, α0)Be7 cross section from 5 keV to 1.5 MeV in a single experiment using the Trojan horse method // Physical review. C, 95 (2017), 3; 035801, 16. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.95.035801
doijournals.aps.orgdoi.org -
Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Acosta, L. ; Auditore, L. ; Cardella, G. ; De Filippo, E. ; De Luca, S. ; Francalanza, L. ; Gnoffo, B. ; Lanzalone, G. ; Lombardo, I. et al. | Experimental Studies of the Structure of ^{;;; ; 16};;; ; C with Reactions at Intermediate Energy // Acta physica Polonica. B, 48 (2017), 3; 499-505. doi: 10.5506/aphyspolb.48.499
doiwww.actaphys.uj.edu.pl -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Francalanza, L. ; Spadaccini, G. ; Vigilante, M. | Structure of 13C Excited States with Low-energy Reactions of α Particles on 9Be Nuclei // Acta physica Polonica. B, 48 (2017), 3; 467-472. doi: 10.5506/aphyspolb.48.467
doiwww.actaphys.uj.edu.pl -
Pastore, G. ; Gruyer, D. ; Ottanelli, P. ; Le Neindre, N. ; Pasquali, G. ; Alba, R. ; Barlini, S. ; Bini, M. ; Bonnet, E. ; Borderie, B. et al. | Isotopic identification using Pulse Shape Analysis of current signals from silicon detectors: Recent results from the FAZIA collaboration // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 860 (2017), 42-50. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2017.01.048
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I. ; Verde, G. ; Vigilante, M. ; Acosta, L. ; Agodi, C. ; Cappuzzello, F. ; Carbone, D. ; Cavallaro, M. ; Cherubini, S. et al. | High-Precision Probe of the Fully Sequential Decay Width of the Hoyle State in C12 // Physical review letters, 119 (2017), 13; 132501, 5. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.119.132501
doijournals.aps.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I. ; Verde, G. ; Vigilante, M. ; Ausanio, G. ; Ordine, A. ; Miranda, M. ; De Luca, M. ; Alba, R. ; Augey, L. et al. | OSCAR: A new modular device for the identification and correlation of low energy particles // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 877 (2018), 227-237. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2017.09.046
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
He, Jian-Jun ; Lombardo, Ivano ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Xu, Yi ; Zhang, Li-Yong ; Liu, Wei-Ping | Thermonuclear F-19(p, alpha(0))O-16 reaction rate // Chinese Physics C, 42 (2018), 1; 015001, 11. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/42/1/015001
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
(INDRA Collaboration) Bougault, R. ; Bonnet, E. ; Borderie, B. ; Chbihi, A. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Fable, Q. ; Francalanza, L. ; Frankland, J. D. ; Galichet, E. ; Gruyer, D. et al. | Light charged clusters emitted in 32 MeV/nucleon Xe136, 124+Sn124, 112 reactions: Chemical equilibrium and production of He3 and He6 // Physical review. C, 97 (2018), 2; 024612, 10. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.97.024612
doijournals.aps.orgdoi.org -
Martorana, N.S. ; Cardella, G. ; Lanza, E.G. ; Acosta, L. ; Andrés, M.V. ; Auditore, L. ; Catara, F. ; De Filippo, E. ; De Luca, S. ; Dell' Aquila, Daniele et al. | Experimental Study of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in the 68Ni Nucleus // Acta physica Polonica. B, 49 (2018), 3; 475-482. doi: 10.5506/aphyspolb.49.475
doiwww.actaphys.uj.edu.pl -
Trzcińska, A. ; Piasecki, E. ; Kowalczyk, M. ; Cardella, G. ; De Filippo, E. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; De Luca, S. ; Gnoffo, B. ; Lanzalone, G. ; Lombardo, I. et al. | Influence of Single Particle Excitations on Barrier Distributions: ^{;; ; 24};; ; Mg+^{;; ; 90, 92};; ; Zr // Acta physica Polonica. B, 49 (2018), 3; 393-397. doi: 10.5506/aphyspolb.49.393
doiwww.actaphys.uj.edu.pl -
Lopez, O. ; Pârlog, M. ; Borderie, B. ; Rivet, M.F. ; Lehaut, G. ; Tabacaru, G. ; Tassan-got, L. ; Pawłowski, P. ; Bonnet, E. ; Bougault, R. et al. | Improving isotopic identification with INDRA Silicon–CsI(Tl) telescopes // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 884 (2018), 140-149. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2017.12.041
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Spadaccini, G. ; Verde, G. ; Vigilante, M. | Spectroscopy of C13 above the α threshold with α+Be9 reactions at low energies // Physical review. C, 97 (2018), 3; 034320, 34320. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.97.034320
doijournals.aps.orgdoi.org -
(INDRA Collaboration) Vient, E. ; Augey, L. ; Borderie, B. ; Chbihi, A. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Fable, Q. ; Francalanza, L. ; Frankland, J. D. ; Galichet, E. ; Gruyer, D. et al. | Understanding the thermometry of hot nuclei from the energy spectra of light charged particles // European physical journal A : hadrons and nuclei, 54 (2018), 6; 96-96. doi: 10.1140/epja/i2018-12531-5
doilink.springer.comdoi.org -
Martorana, N.S. ; Cardella, G. ; Lanza, E.G. ; Acosta, L. ; Andrés, M.V. ; Auditore, L. ; Catara, F. ; De Filippo, E. ; De Luca, S. ; Dell' Aquila, Daniele et al. | First measurement of the isoscalar excitation above the neutron emission threshold of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 68Ni // Physics letters. B, 782 (2018), 112-116. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.05.019
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
(INDRA Collaboration) Borderie, B. ; Le Neindre, N. ; Rivet, M.F. ; Désesquelles, P. ; Bonnet, E. ; Bougault, R. ; Chbihi, A. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Fable, Q. ; Frankland, J.D. et al. | Phase transition dynamics for hot nuclei // Physics letters. B, 782 (2018), 291-296. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.05.040
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
(INDRA Collaboration) Vient, E. ; Manduci, L. ; Legouée, E. ; Augey, L. ; Bonnet, E. ; Borderie, B. ; Bougault, R. ; Chbihi, A. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Fable, Q. et al. | New “3D calorimetry” of hot nuclei // Physical review. C, 98 (2018), 4; 044611, 13. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.98.044611
doijournals.aps.orgdoi.org -
Vient, E. ; Manduci, L. ; Legouée, E. ; Augey, L. ; Bonnet, E. ; Borderie, B. ; Bougault, R. ; Chbihi, A. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Fable, Q. et al. | Validation of a new “3D calorimetry” of hot nuclei with the HIPSE event generator // Physical review. C, 98 (2018), 4; 044612, 15. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.98.044612
doijournals.aps.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Sweany, S. ; Brown, K.W. ; Chajecki, Z. ; Lynch, W.G. ; Teh, F.C.E. ; Tsang, C.-Y. ; Tsang, M.B. ; Zhu, K. ; Anderson, C. et al. | Non-linearity effects on the light-output calibration of light charged particles in CsI(Tl) scintillator crystals // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 929 (2019), 162-172. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.03.065
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Valdré, S. ; Casini, G. ; Le Neindre, N. ; Bini, M. ; Boiano, A. ; Borderie, B. ; Edelbruck, P. ; Poggi, G. ; Salomon, F. ; Tortone, G. et al. | The FAZIA setup: A review on the electronics and the mechanical mounting // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 930 (2019), 27-36. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.03.082
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Bishop, J. ; Kokalova, Tz. ; Freer, M. ; Acosta, L. ; Assié, M. ; Bailey, S. ; Cardella, G. ; Curtis, N. ; De Filippo, E. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele et al. | Experimental investigation of α condensation in light nuclei // Physical review. C, 100 (2019), 3; 034320, 20. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.100.034320
doidoi.orgjournals.aps.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele | Experimental studies of clustering in light nuclei: 11, 12, 13, 16C // European physical journal plus, 135 (2020), 165, 25. doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-020-00155-8
doidoi.orglink.springer.com -
Spitaleri, C. ; Lattuada, M. ; Cvetinović, A. ; Soić, Neven ; Milin, Matko ; Čolović, Petra ; D’Agata, G. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Guardo, G. L. ; Gulino, M. et al. | Study of the quasi-free 3He+9Be→3α reaction for the Trojan Horse Method // European physical journal A : hadrons and nuclei, 56 (2020), 1; 18, 14. doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-020-00026-x
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Russo, Marco | Automatic classification of nuclear physics data via a Constrained Evolutionary Clustering approach // Computer physics communications, 259 (2021), 107667-107667. doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107667
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Zhang, L. Y. ; He, J. J. ; Wanajo, S. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Kubono, S. ; Zhao, G. | New Thermonuclear 10B(α, p)13C Rate and Its Astrophysical Implication in the νp-process // The Astrophysical journal, 868 (2018), 1; 24, 11. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/aae479
doiiopscience.iop.org -
Lombardo, Ivano ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; He, Jian- Jun ; Spadaccini, Giulio ; Vigilante, Mariano | New analysis of p+F19 reactions at low energies and the spectroscopy of natural-parity states in Ne20 // Physical review. C, 100 (2019), 4; 044307, 13. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.100.044307
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Dell’Aquila, D.; Lombardo, I.; Redigolo, L.; Vigilante, M.; Angelini, F.; Baldesi, L.; Barlini, S.; Best, A.; Camaiani, A.; Casini, G. et al. | Radiative Decay Branching Ratio of the Hoyle State in <sup>12</sup>C via Charged Particle Coincidence Techniques // The Fifth International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics : proceedings / Milin, Matko; Mijatović, Tea ; Gašparić, Igor (ur.). | London: EPJ Web of Conferences, 2024. str. 00010-00014. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202431100010
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgwww.epj-conferences.org -
Sigmund, Margareta; Soić, Neven; Alcorta Moreno, Martin; Bishop, Jack; Brooks, Alexander D.; Davinson, Thomas; Dell’Aquila, Daniele; Di Pietro, Alessia; Falezza, Fillippo; Freer, Martin et al. | Investigating nuclei produced in <sup>9</sup>Li +<sup>11</sup>B reaction // The Fifth International Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics : proceedings / Milin, Matko; Mijatović, Tea ; Gašparić, Igor (ur.). | London: EPJ Web of Conferences, 2024. str. 00026-00031. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202431100026
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgwww.epj-conferences.org -
Oliva, A. A.; Tumino, A.; Soić, Neven; Prajapati, P. M.; Acosta, L.; Alba, R.; Cherubini, F. Barba S.; D'Agata, G.; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Pietro, A. et al. | Study of the C-12+O-16 fusion reaction in carbon burning via the Trojan Horse Method // Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics – X (NPA-X 2022) / Freeman, S. ; Lederer-Woods, C. ; Manna, A. et al. (ur.). | Pariz: EDP Sciences, 2023, 11015, 4. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202327911015
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Conte, F. ; Francalanza, L. ; La Cognata, M. ; Lamia, L. ; La Torre, R. ; Spadaccini, G. ; Spitaleri, C. ; Vigilante, M. | New measurement of the10B(p, α0)7Be reaction cross section at low energies and the structure of11C // EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 117. | 2016, 09009, 6. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201611709009
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Vigilante, M. | Spectroscopy of Light Nuclei with Low Energy Nuclear Reactions // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2016, 012016, 7. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/730/1/012016
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Quattrocchi, L ; Acosta, L ; Amorini, F ; Anzalone, A ; Auditore, L ; Berceanu, I ; Cardella, G ; Chbihi, A ; De Filippo, E ; De Luca, S et al. | Study of resonances produced in light nuclei through two and multi particle correlations // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012071, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012071
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Bishop, J. ; Kokalova, Tz. ; Freer, M. ; Assie, M. ; Acosta, L. ; Bailey, S. ; Cardella, G. ; Curtis, N. ; De Filippo, E. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele et al. | High multiplicity α-particle breakup measurements to study α-condensate states // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012070, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012070
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Gramegna, Fabiana ; Cicerchia, Magda ; Fabris, Daniela ; Marchi, Tommaso ; Cinausero, Marco ; Degerlier, Meltem ; Mabiala, Justin ; Mantovani, Giorgia ; Morelli, Luca ; D’Agostino, Michela et al. | Clustering in light nuclei and their effects on fusion and pre – equilibrium processes. // E3S Web of Conferences 163, FUSION17. | 2017, 00020, 6. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201716300020
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Puglia, Sebastiana Maria Regina ; Spitaleri, Claudio ; La Cognata, Marco ; Lamia, Livio ; Broggini, Carlo ; Caciolli, Antonio ; Carlin, Nelson ; Cherubini, Silvio ; Cvetinovic, Alexandra ; D’Agata, Giuseppe et al. | The 10B(p, α)7Be S(E)-factor from 5 keV to 1.5 MeV using the Trojan Horse Method // EPJ Web of Conferences 165, Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VIII (NPA8 2017). | 2017, 01042, 4. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201716501042
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Lombardo, Ivano ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Vigilante, Mariano | The role of 13C excited states in α+9Be reaction and scattering cross sections // EPJ Web of Conferences 165, Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VIII (NPA8 2017). | 2017, 01036, 4. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201716501036
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Di Leva, A. ; Indelicato, I. ; La Cognata, M. ; La Commara, M. ; Ordine, A. ; Rigato, V. ; Romoli, M. ; Rosato, E. et al. | New direct investigation of the19F(p, α0)16O down to 0.2 MeV // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2018, 012011, 5. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/940/1/012011
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Cicerchia, M. ; Marchi, T. ; Gramegna, F. ; Cinausero, M. ; Fabris, D. ; Mantovani, G. ; Degerlier, M. ; Morelli, L. ; Bruno, M. ; DAgostino, M. et al. | A study on 4 reactions forming 46Ti* // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2018, 012062, 7. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/966/1/012062
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Perrotta, S. S. ; Spitaleri, C. ; Cherubini, S. ; Cvetinović, A. ; D’Agata, G. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Di Pietro, A. ; Figuera, P. ; Guardo, L. ; Gulino, M. et al. | The Treiman-Yang Criterion: validating the Trojan Horse Method by experimentally probing the reaction mechanism // EPJ web of conferences, 184. | 2018, 02012, 4. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201818402012
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I. ; Verde, G. ; Vigilante, M. ; Acosta, L. ; Agodi, C. ; Cappuzzello, F. ; Carbone, D. ; Cavallaro, M. ; Cherubini, S. et al. | A new measurement of the direct alpha-decay width of the Hoyle state in 12C // Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on “state of the art in nuclear cluster physics” (SOTANCP4), in AIP Conference Proceedings 2038. | 2018, 020015, 7. doi: 10.1063/1.5078834
doiaip.scitation.orgdoi.org -
Cinausero, M ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I ; Vigilante, M ; Barlini, S ; Bolzonella, R ; Bruno, M ; Buccola, A ; Cartuan, S ; Casini, G et al. | Study of the 32S(3He, d)33Cl one-proton transfer reaction with a new generation hodoscope // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2019, 012007, 8. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1308/1/012007
Pirrie, S. ; Kokalova, Tz. ; Wheldon, C. ; Bailey, S. ; Bishop, J. ; Curtis, N. ; Smith, R. ; Torresi, D. ; Turner, A. ; Hertenberger, R. et al. | A method to determine γ branching ratios using charged particle detectors for states in 18O // Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on “State of the art in nuclear cluster physics” (SOTANCP4). | 2018, 020037, 7. doi: 10.1063/1.5078856
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Lombardo, I. ; Campajola, L. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Commara, M. La. ; Ordine, A. ; Rosato, E. ; Spadaccini, G. ; Vigilante, M. | Study of Nuclear Structure of13C and20Ne by Low Energy Nuclear Reactions // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2014, 012068, 6. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/569/1/012068
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Campajola, L. ; Rosato, E. ; Spadaccini, G. ; Vigilante, M. | The 19F(p, α0) reaction at low bombarding energy // Proceedings of the International Conference “Nuclei-2013: Fundamental Problems and Applications of Nuclei Physics” (LXIII International Meeting on Nuclear Spectroscopy and the Structure of Atomic Nuclei), Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physic 78, 11. | Springer, 2014. str. 1093-1096. doi: 10.3103/s1062873814110161
doilink.springer.comdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I. | An overview of the19F(p, α0)16O reaction with direct methods // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2016, 012015, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/703/1/012015
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Pagano, E.V. ; Acosta, L. ; Auditore, L. ; Boiano, C. ; Cardella, G. ; Castoldi, A. ; D’Andrea, M. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; De Filippo, E. ; De Luca, S. et al. | Status and perspective of FARCOS: A new correlator array for nuclear reaction studies // EPJ Web of Conferences 117, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. | 2016, 10008, 6. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201611710008
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Quattrocchi, L. ; Acosta, L. ; Amorini, F. ; Anzalone, A. ; Auditore, L. ; Berceanu, I. ; Cardella, G. ; Chbihi, A. ; De Filippo, E. ; Dell’ Aquila, Daniele et al. | Study of two- and multi-particle correlations in12C+24Mg and12C+208Pb reactions at E=35 AMeV // EPJ Web of Conferences 117, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. | 2016, 07020, 7. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201611707020
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Acosta, L. ; Amorini, F. ; Andolina, R. ; Auditore, L. ; Berceanu, I. ; Cardella, G. ; Chatterjiee, M.B. ; De Filippo, E. ; Francalanza, L. et al. | Study of cluster structures in10Be and16C neutron- rich nuclei via break-up reactions // EPJ Web of Conferences 117, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. | 2016, 06011, 7. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201611706011
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Cardella, G. ; Acosta, L. ; Auditore, L. ; Chatterjiee, M.B. ; Castoldi, A. ; De Filippo, E. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; De Luca, S. ; Gnoffo, B. ; Guazzoni, C. et al. | Using CHIMERA detector at LNS for gamma-particle coincidences // EPJ Web of Conferences 117, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. | 2016, 06008, 6. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201611706008
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Acosta, L. ; Andolina, R. ; Auditore, L. ; Boiano, C. ; Cardella, G. ; Castoldi, A. ; D'Andrea, M. ; De Filippo, E. ; De Luca, S. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele et al. | Campaign of measurements to probe the good performance of the new array FARCOS for spectroscopy and correlations. // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2016, 012001, 8. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/730/1/012001
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Gnoffo, B. ; Pirrone, S. ; Politi, G. ; La Commara, M. ; Wieleczko, J. P. ; De Filippo, E. ; Russotto, P. ; Trimarchi, M. ; Vigilante, M. ; Ademard, G. et al. | N/Z effect on reaction mechanisms cross sections in the78Kr+40Caand86Kr+48Cacollisions at 10 AMeV // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012062, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012062
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Cicerchia, M ; Marchi, T ; Gramegna, F ; Cinausero, M ; Mabiala, J ; Fabris, D ; Caciolli, A ; Collazzuol, G ; Mengoni, D ; Degerlier, M et al. | Pre-equilibrium emission and clustering in medium- mass nuclei:46Ti from16O +30Si, 18O +28Si, 19F +27Al // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012057, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012057
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Acosta, L ; Auditore, L ; Cardella, G ; De Filippo, E ; De Luca, S ; Francalanza, L ; Gnoffo, B ; Lanzalone, G ; Lombardo, I et al. | Study of the cluster structure of10Be and16C neutron-rich isotopes by means of intermediate energies breakup reactions // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012029, 5. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012029
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I ; Vigilante, M ; De Luca, M ; Acosta, L ; Agodi, C ; Cappuzzello, F ; Carbone, D ; Cavallaro, M ; Cherubini, S et al. | Investigation of the Hoyle state in12C with a new hodoscope detector // XL Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2017 / Acosta, Luis; Bijker, Roelof; Gomez-Camacho, Arturo et al. (ur.). | Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2017, 012006, 7. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/876/1/012006
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I. ; Verde, G. ; Vigilante, M. ; Acosta, L. ; Agodi, C. ; Cappuzzello, F. ; Carbone, D. ; Cavallaro, M. ; Cherubini, S. et al. | A new high-precision upper limit of direct α-decays from the Hoyle state in 12C // EPJ Web of Conferences 165, Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VIII (NPA8 2017). | 2017, 01020, 6. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201716501020
doiwww.epj-conferences.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Acosta, L. ; Amorini, F. ; Andolina, R. ; Auditore, L. ; Berceanu, I. ; Cardella, G. ; Chatterjiee, M.B. ; De Filippo, E. ; Francalanza, L. et al. | Structure of10Be and16C nuclei via break-up reactions studied with the 4πChimera array // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2018, 012037, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/940/1/012037
doidoi.orgiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Dell‘Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I. ; Verde, G. ; Vigilante, M. ; Acosta, L. ; Agodi, C. ; Cappuzzello, F. ; Carbone, D. ; Cavallaro, M. ; Cherubini, S. et al. | The α-decay of the Hoyle state in 12C: a new high- precision investigation // EPJ Web of Conferences, 184. | 2018, 01005, 8. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201818401005
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Lombardo, I. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Vigilante, M. | Spectroscopy of Light Nuclei with Low Energy Nuclear Reactions // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2016, 012016, 7. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/730/1/012016
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Quattrocchi, L ; Acosta, L ; Amorini, F ; Anzalone, A ; Auditore, L ; Berceanu, I ; Cardella, G ; Chbihi, A ; De Filippo, E ; De Luca, S et al. | Study of resonances produced in light nuclei through two and multi particle correlations // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012071, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012071
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Bishop, J. ; Kokalova, Tz. ; Freer, M. ; Assie, M. ; Acosta, L. ; Bailey, S. ; Cardella, G. ; Curtis, N. ; De Filippo, E. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele et al. | High multiplicity α-particle breakup measurements to study α-condensate states // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012070, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012070
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Lombardo, I. ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Di Leva, A. ; Indelicato, I. ; La Cognata, M. ; La Commara, M. ; Ordine, A. ; Rigato, V. ; Romoli, M. ; Rosato, E. et al. | New direct investigation of the19F(p, α0)16O down to 0.2 MeV // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2018, 012011, 5. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/940/1/012011
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Cicerchia, M. ; Marchi, T. ; Gramegna, F. ; Cinausero, M. ; Fabris, D. ; Mantovani, G. ; Degerlier, M. ; Morelli, L. ; Bruno, M. ; DAgostino, M. et al. | A study on 4 reactions forming 46Ti* // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2018, 012062, 7. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/966/1/012062
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Cinausero, M ; Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I ; Vigilante, M ; Barlini, S ; Bolzonella, R ; Bruno, M ; Buccola, A ; Cartuan, S ; Casini, G et al. | Study of the 32S(3He, d)33Cl one-proton transfer reaction with a new generation hodoscope // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2019, 012007, 8. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1308/1/012007
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Lombardo, I. ; Campajola, L. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele ; Commara, M. La. ; Ordine, A. ; Rosato, E. ; Spadaccini, G. ; Vigilante, M. | Study of Nuclear Structure of13C and20Ne by Low Energy Nuclear Reactions // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2014, 012068, 6. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/569/1/012068
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Lombardo, I. | An overview of the19F(p, α0)16O reaction with direct methods // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2016, 012015, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/703/1/012015
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Acosta, L. ; Andolina, R. ; Auditore, L. ; Boiano, C. ; Cardella, G. ; Castoldi, A. ; D'Andrea, M. ; De Filippo, E. ; De Luca, S. ; Dell'Aquila, Daniele et al. | Campaign of measurements to probe the good performance of the new array FARCOS for spectroscopy and correlations. // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2016, 012001, 8. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/730/1/012001
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Gnoffo, B. ; Pirrone, S. ; Politi, G. ; La Commara, M. ; Wieleczko, J. P. ; De Filippo, E. ; Russotto, P. ; Trimarchi, M. ; Vigilante, M. ; Ademard, G. et al. | N/Z effect on reaction mechanisms cross sections in the78Kr+40Caand86Kr+48Cacollisions at 10 AMeV // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012062, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012062
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Cicerchia, M ; Marchi, T ; Gramegna, F ; Cinausero, M ; Mabiala, J ; Fabris, D ; Caciolli, A ; Collazzuol, G ; Mengoni, D ; Degerlier, M et al. | Pre-equilibrium emission and clustering in medium- mass nuclei:46Ti from16O +30Si, 18O +28Si, 19F +27Al // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012057, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012057
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Acosta, L ; Auditore, L ; Cardella, G ; De Filippo, E ; De Luca, S ; Francalanza, L ; Gnoffo, B ; Lanzalone, G ; Lombardo, I et al. | Study of the cluster structure of10Be and16C neutron-rich isotopes by means of intermediate energies breakup reactions // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2017, 012029, 5. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/863/1/012029
doiiopscience.iop.orgdoi.org -
Dell’Aquila, Daniele ; Acosta, L. ; Amorini, F. ; Andolina, R. ; Auditore, L. ; Berceanu, I. ; Cardella, G. ; Chatterjiee, M.B. ; De Filippo, E. ; Francalanza, L. et al. | Structure of10Be and16C nuclei via break-up reactions studied with the 4πChimera array // Journal of physics. Conference series, 2018, 012037, 4. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/940/1/012037
Professional Experience
- 01/04/2019 – present: Post-Doctoral fellow at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia.
- 01/11/2017 – 31/03/2019: Research Associate at the Michigan State University – National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.
Invited talk at international conferences
- Fourth International Workshop on “State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics” (SOTANCP4), Galveston, Texas (USA), May 13-18 2018.
- The 9th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, Santa Tecla (CT), Italy, September 17-24 2017.
- XIIth Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy (WPCF 2017), Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 12-16 2017.
- 40th Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Cocoyoc (Mexico), 04 – 07 January 2017.
- Zimányi School 2016, Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Budapest (Hungary), 05 – 09 December 2016.
- Zimányi School 2015, Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Budapest (Hungary), December 07-11 2015.
Contributed talks at international conferences
- XXth Colloques GANIL 2017, Amboise (France), October 15-20 2017.
- Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VIII, Catania (Italy), June 18-23 2017.
- EPS Divisional Conference: Towards EURISOL Distributed Facility 2016, Leuven (Belgium), October 18-21 2016.
- Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics, Zakopane (Poland), August 28 – September 4 2016.
- The 2016 R-Matrix Workshop on Methods and Applications, Santa Fe (NM, USA), June 27 – July 1 2016.
- Cluster'16 - 11th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Napoli (Italy), May 23-27 2016.
- International Workshop on Multi facets of Eos and Clustering 2016, Caen (France), May 9-12 2016.
- The 8th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, Santa Tecla (Italia), September 13-20 2015.
- Nucleus Nucleus 2015, Catania, June 21-26 2015.
- 14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna (Italia), June 15-19, 2015.
- EURORIB '15, Hohenroda (Germany), June 9-13 2015.
- Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VII, York (UK), May 18-22 2015 (poster presentation).