dr. sc. Dušica Vujaklija
Institut Ruđer Bošković
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb
1992. Dr.sc. titula u području molekularne mikrobiologije stečena na Sveučilištu u Tokiju, Japan
1982. Dipl. inž. titula u području biokemijskog inženjerstva stečena na PBF-u, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
- 2019- HrZZ projekt "Projekt razvoja karijera mladih istraživača - izobrazba novih doktora znanosti"
- 2018-2022 HrZZ projekt ”Identifikacija interaktoma paralognih proteina SSB višestaničnom prokariotu, Streptomyces coelicolor” (IP-2018-01-1754), (D. Vujaklija voditeljica projekta), www.irb.hr/idrobust
- 2017-2022 “Bioprospecting Jadranskog mora” (KK., Fond za regionalni razvoj EU), D. Vujaklija voditeljica Aktivnosti 1: Istraživanje biološke raznolikosti i genetičkih resursa morskih staništa. http://bioproadriatic.hr/
- 2015-2020 Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za bioprospecting mora – BioProCro. D Vujaklija, voditeljica Aktivnosti 1, ”Istraživanje biološke raznolikosti“ http://bioprocro.zci.hr/
Bilateralni projekti:
- 2020-2022 DAAD-RH bilaterarni projekt „Novi pristup za evaluaciju vezanja ssDNA i paralognih proteina SSB iz bakterije Streptomyces coelicolor“
- 2019-2020 Bilateralni projekt /Hrvatsko–Francuski Program "Cogito" - Partnerstvo Hubert Curien: „Genetička raznolikost mikrobne populacije ibakteriofaga u odabranim nišama Jarandkog mora“.
Nagrade i priznanja
2020 Plaketa Hrvatskog mikrobiološkog društva
2013 Godišnja nagrada Instituta Ruđer Bošković za najbolji rad znanstvenika s doktoratom
2007 Nagradu „Josip Juraj Strossmayer” dobio je IRB za knjigu “Metode u molekularnoj biologiji” u području znanosti u RH (D. Vujaklija – jedna od urednica)
- 2009 - Molekularni principi genetičkog inženjerstva (D. Vujaklija, sunositeljica kolegija), Veterinarski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Istaknute publikacije
- Bermanec, V., Paradžik, T., Kazazić, S.P.; Venter, C., Hrenović., Vujaklija, D*., Duran, R., Boev, I., B. Boev, Novel arsenic hyper-resistant bacteria from an extreme environment, Crven Dol mine, Allchar, North Macedonia, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 402, 123902, 10 doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123437 (D. Vujaklija, dopisni autor)
- Biđin, S., I. Vujaklija, T. Paradžik, A. Bielen, D. Vujaklija* Leitmotif: protein motif scanning 2.0., Bioinformatics, 2020; 36(11): 3566-2020. (D. Vujaklija, dopisni autor)
- Vujaklija I*, A Bielen*,T Paradžik, S Biđin, P Goldstein and D Vujaklija*, An effective approach for annotation of protein families with low sequence similarity and conserved motifs: identifying GDSL hydrolases across the plant kingdom, BMC Bioinformatics, 2016, 18;17:91 (D. Vujaklija, dopisni autor)
- Paradzik T, N. Ivic, Z Filic, Babu A. Manjasetty, P Herron, M Luic and D Vujaklija*, Structure-function relationships of two paralogous single-stranded DNA binding proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor: implication of SSB-B in chromosome segregation during sporulation, Nucleic Acids Res., 2013, 1;41(6):3659-72 (D. Vujaklija, dopisni autor)
- Stefanic Z, D. Vujaklija and M. Luic, Structure of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Streptomyces coelicolor, Acta Cryst. 2009, D65, 974-979.
- Mijaković, I., Petranović, D., Maček, B., Čepo, T., Mann, M., Davies, J., Jensen, P. R., Vujaklija, D*. Bacterial single-stranded DNA-binding proteins are phosphorylated on tyrosine. Nucleic Acids Research 2006, 34(5) 1588-1596 (D. Vujaklija, dopisni autor)
- Petkovič, H., Cullum, J. Hranueli, D., Hunter, I.S., Perić-Concha, N., Pigac, J., Thamchaipenet, A., Vujaklija, D. Long, P.F. Genetics of Streptomyces rimosus, the oxytetracycline producer. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 2006,70(3), 704-728
Publikacije - Uredničke knjige
Metode u molekularnoj biologiji / Ambriović Ristov, Andreja (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007
Zbornik radova s konferencije
Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2007: Programme and abstracts (19-22 September 2007) / Kosalec, Ivan ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2007
4th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation: Programme and Abstracts / Vujaklija, D ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Hađina, Suzana et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2008
Publikacije - prilozi u knjigama
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Mikoč, Andreja | Izdvajanje RNA iz bakterija // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 235-237
Stručni rad
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Bielen, Ana | Transformacija protoplasta // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 926-928
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Bielen, Ana | Streptomiceti - priprema i transformacija protoplasta // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 923-925
Vujaklija, Dušica | Prijenos proteina na membranu // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 584-586
Vujaklija, Dušica | Western analiza // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 583-583
Vujaklija, Dušica | Detekcija proteina // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 579-580
Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Streptomiceti // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 10-13
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Maček, Boris | Detecting Posttranslational Modifications of Bacterial SSB Proteins // Single-Stranded DNA Binding Proteins. | New York (NY): Humana Press ; Springer, 2012. str. 205-218 . doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-032-8_16
doilink.springer.comdoi.org Vujaklija, Dušica | Prijenos plazmidne DNA između raznorodnih bakterija metodom elektrodukcije // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 931-933
Vujaklija, Dušica | Izdvajanje genomske DNA iz streptomiceta // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 144-146
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Pipalović, Goran; Filić, Želimira; Ćehić, Mirsada; Paradžik, Tina; Zahradka, Ksenija; Crnolatac, Ivo; Vujaklija, Dušica | Impact of C-terminal domains of paralogous single-stranded DNA binding proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor on their biophysical properties and biological functions // International journal of biological macromolecules, 268 (2024), Part 1; 131544, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131544
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Šišić, Marcela; Jurin, Mladenka; Šimatović, Ana; Vujaklija, Dušica; Jakas, Andreja; Roje, Marin | Application of Biotechnology and Chiral Technology Methods in the Production of Ectoine Enantiomers // Applied sciences (Basel), 14 (2024), 18; 8353, 17. doi: 10.3390/app14188353
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Pipalović, Goran; Filić, Želimira; Ćehić, Mirsada; Paradžik, Tina; Zahradka, Ksenija; Crnolatac, Ivo; Vujaklija, Dušica | Impact of C-terminal domains of paralogous single-stranded DNA binding proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor on their biophysical properties and biological functions // International journal of biological macromolecules, 268 (2024), Part 1; 131544, 1. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131544
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Filić, Želimira; Bielen, Ana; Šarić, Ela; Ćehić, Mirsada; Crnolatac, Ivo; Tomić, Sanja; Vujaklija, Dušica; Abramić, Marija | Evaluation of the Structure–Function Relationship of SGNH Lipase from Streptomyces rimosus by Site-Directed Mutagenesis and Computational Approach // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 1; 595, 17. doi: 10.3390/ijms25010595
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Ćehić, Mirsada ; Brkljača, Zlatko ; Filić, Želimira ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Bakarić, Danijela | (Un)coupling the factors contributing to the interfacial activation of Streptomyces rimosus lipase: computational and spectrophotometric study // Journal of dispersion science and technology, 45 (2023), 2; 296-306. doi: 10.1080/01932691.2022.2145304
doiwww.tandfonline.com -
Hađina, Suzana ; Bruvo Mađarić, Branka ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Paradžik, Tina ; Reljić, Slaven ; Pinter, Ljiljana ; Huber, Đuro ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Malassezia pachydermatis from brown bear: A comprehensive analysis reveals novel genotypes and distribution of all detected variants in domestic and wild animals // Frontiers in microbiology, 14 (2023), 1151107, 12. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1151107
doiwww.frontiersin.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Šarić, Ela ; Quinn, Gerry ; Nalpas, Nicolas ; Paradžik, Tina ; Kazazić, Sasa ; Filić, Želimira ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Herron, Paul ; Hunter, Iain ; Maček, Boris et al. | Phosphoproteome Dynamics of Streptomyces rimosus during Submerged Growth and Antibiotic Production // mSystems, 7 (2022), 5; 1-20. doi: 10.1128/msystems.00199-22
doijournals.asm.orgfulir.irb.hrwww.ebi.ac.uk -
Biđin, Siniša ; Vujaklija, Ivan ; Paradžik, Tina ; Bielen, Ana ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Leitmotif: protein motif scanning 2.0 // Bioinformatics, 36 (2020), 11; 3566-3567. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa133
doiacademic.oup.comdoi.org -
Bermanec, Vladimir ; Paradžik, Tina ; Kazazić, Snježana P. ; Venter, Chantelle ; Hrenović, Jasna ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Duran, Robert ; Boev, Ivan ; Boev, Blažo | Novel arsenic hyper-resistant bacteria from an extreme environment, Crven Dol mine, Allchar, North Macedonia // Journal of hazardous materials, 402 (2021), 123902, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123437
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Terra, Luciana ; Dyson, Paul J. ; Hitchings, Matthew D. ; Thomas, Liam ; Abdelhameed, Alyaa ; Banat, Ibrahim M. ; Gazze, Salvatore A. ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Facey, Paul D. ; Francis, Lewis W. et al. | A Novel Alkaliphilic Streptomyces Inhibits ESKAPE Pathogens // Frontiers in microbiology, 9 (2018), OCT; 2458, 13. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02458
doiwww.frontiersin.org -
Đermić, Edyta ; Zahradka, Davor ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Đermić, Damir | 3'-terminated Overhangs Regulate DNA Double-Strand Break Processing in Escherichia coli // G3-Genes genomes genetics, 7 (2017), 9; 3091-3102. doi: 10.1534/g3.117.043521
doiwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.govwww.g3journal.org -
Ivanković, Siniša ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Đermić, Damir | Nucleolytic degradation of 3′-ending overhangs is essential for DNA-end resection in RecA-loading deficient recB mutants of Escherichia coli // DNA repair, 57 (2017), 56-65. doi: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2017.06.024
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Toman, Zora ; Gamulin, Vera ; Schrempf, Hildgund | Structural instability of a bifunctional plasmid pZG1 and single-stranded DNA formation in Streptomyces // Plasmid, 19 (1988), 3; 222-230. doi: 10.1016/0147-619X(88)90040-6
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Ueda, Kenji ; Hong, SK ; Beppu, Teruhiko ; Horinouchi, Sueharu | Identification of an A-factor-dependent promoter in the streptomycin biosynthetic gene cluster of Streptomyces griseus. // MGG. Molecular & general genetics, 229 (1991), 1; 119-128. doi: 10.1007/BF00264220
doilink.springer.com -
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Horinouchi, Sueharu ; Beppu, Teruhiko | Detection of an A-factor-responsive protein that binds to the upstream activation sequence of strR, a regulatory gene for streptomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces griseus // Journal of bacteriology, 175 (1993), 9; 2652-2661. doi: 10.1128/jb.175.9.2652-2661.1993
doijb.asm.org -
Waters, Barbara ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Gold, Michael R. ; Davies, Julian | Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in Streptomycetes // FEMS microbiology letters, 120 (1994), 1/2; 187-190. doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6968.1994.tb07028.x
doiacademic.oup.com -
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Davies, Julian | Direct transfer of plasmid DNA between Streptomyces spp. and Echerichia coli by electroduction // Journal of Antibiotics, 48 (1995), 7; 635-637. doi: 10.7164/antibiotics.48.635
doiwww.jstage.jst.go.jp -
Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Variations in amino acid composition in bacterial single stranded DNA–binding proteins correlate with GC content // Periodicum biologorum, 118 (2016), 4; 385-397. doi: 10.18054/pb.v118i4.4847
doihrcak.srce.hr -
Vujaklija, Ivan ; Bielen, Ana ; Paradžik, Tina ; Biđin, Siniša ; Goldstein, Pavle ; Vujaklija, Dušica | An effective approach for annotation of protein families with low sequence similarity and conserved motifs : identifying GDSL hydrolases across the plant kingdom // BMC bioinformatics, 17 (2016), 91-1-91-18. doi: 10.1186/s12859-016-0919-7
doibmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com -
Abella, Justine ; Bielen, Ana ; Huang, Lionel ; Delmont, Tom O ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Duran, Robert ; Cagnon, Christine | Integron diversity in marine environments // Environmental science and pollution research, 22 (2015), 20; 15360-15369. doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-5085-3
doilink.springer.comlink.springer.com -
Duran, Robert ; Bielen, Ana ; Paradžik, Tina ; Gassie, Claire ; Pustijanac, Emina ; Cagnon, Christine ; Hamer, Bojan ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Exploring Actinobacteria assemblages in coastal marine sediments under contrasted human influences in the West Istria Sea, Croatia // Environmental science and pollution research, 22 (2015), 20; 15215-15229. doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-4240-1
doi -
Paradžik, Tina ; Ivić, Nives ; Filić, Želimira ; Manjasetty, Babbu A. ; Herron, Paul ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Structure–function relationships of two paralogous single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor : implication of SsbB in chromosome segregation during sporulation // Nucleic acids research, 41 (2013), 6; 3659-3672. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt050
doinar.oxfordjournals.orgnar.oxfordjournals.org -
Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Luić, Marija ; Štefanić, Zoran | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a complex of extracellular lipase from Streptomyces rimosus with the inhibitor 3, 4- dichloroisocoumarin // Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications, 67 (2011), 11; 1378-1381. doi: 10.1107/S1744309111032222
doijournals.iucr.orgonlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Goldstein, Pavle ; Žučko, Jurica ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Kriško, Anita ; Hranueli, Daslav ; Long, Paul F. ; Etchebest, Catherine ; Basrak, Bojan ; Cullum, John | Clustering of protein domains for functional and evolutionary studies // BMC bioinformatics, 10 (2009), 335, 11. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-10-335
doibmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.comdoi.orgbmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com -
Štefanić, Zoran ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Luić, Marija | Structure of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Streptomyces coelicolor // Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography, 65 (2009), 9; 974-979. doi: 10.1107/S0907444909023634
doiscripts.iucr.org Bielen, Ana ; Ćetković, Helena ; Long, Paul F. ; Schwab, Helmuth ; Abramić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | The SGNH-hydrolase of Streptomyces coelicolor has (aryl)esterase and a true lipase activity. // Biochimie, 91 (2009), 3; 390-400
Castaldo, Gaetano ; Žučko, Jurica ; Heidelberger, Sibylle ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Hranueli, Daslav ; Wattana-Amorn, Pakorn ; Crump, P. Matthew ; Crosby, John ; Long, F. Paul | Proposed arrangement of proteins forming a bacterial type II polyketide synthase // Chemistry & biology, 15 (2008), 11; 1156-1165. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2008.09.010
doiwww.sciencedirect.comwww.sciencedirect.comwww.cell.com -
Salopek-Sondi, Branka ; Vukelić, Bojana ; Špoljarić, Jasminka ; Šimaga, Šumski ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Makarević, Janja ; Jajčanin, Nina ; Abramić, Marija | Functional tyrosine residue in the active center of human dipeptidyl peptidase III // Biological chemistry, 389 (2008), 2; 163-167. doi: 10.1515/BC.2008.021
doiwww.degruyter.comdoi.org -
Štefanić, Zoran ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Andrišić, Luka ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Andrejašič, Miha ; Turk, Dušan ; Luić, Marija | Preliminary crystallographic study of Streptomyces coelicolor single-stranded DNA-binding protein // Croatica chemica acta, 80 (2007), 1; 35-39
hrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr Mijaković, Ivan ; Petranović, Dina ; Maček, Boris ; Čepo, Tina ; Mann, Matthias ; Davies, Julian ; Jensen, Peter Ruhdal ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Bacterial single-stranded DNA-binding proteins are phosphorylated on tyrosine // Nucleic acids research, 34 (2006), 5; 1588-1596-x
Orhanović, Stjepan ; Bučević-Popović, Viljemka ; Pavela-Vrančič, Maja ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Gamulin, Vera | Effect of a Thr81→ Ala Mutation at the Subunit Effect of a T81A mutation at the subunit interface on catalytic properties of alkaline phosphatase from Escherichia coli // International journal of biological macromolecules, 40 (2006), 1; 54-58. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2006.06.008
doiwww.sciencedirect.com Ishiyama, Daisuke ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Davies, Julian | Novel Pathway of Salycilate Degradation by Streptomyces sp. Strain WA46 // Applied and environmental microbiology, 70 (2004), 3; 1297-1306-x
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Abramić, Marija ; Leščić, Ivana ; Maršić, Tereza ; Pigac, Jasenka. | Streptomyces rimosus GDS(L) lipase: production, heterologous overexpression and structure-stability relationship // Food technology and biotechnology, 41 (2003), 1; 89-94-x
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Schroeder, Werner ; Abramić, Marija ; Zou, Peijian ; Leščić, Ivana ; Franke, Peter ; Pigac, Jasenka | A novel streptomycete lipase: cloning, sequencing and high-level expression of the Streptomyces rimosus GDS(L)-lipase gene // Archives of microbiology, 178 (2002), 2; 124-130-x
Ahel, Ivan ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Mikoč, Andreja ; Gamulin, Vera | Transcriptional analysis of the recA gene in Streptomyces rimosus: identification of a new type of promoter // FEMS microbiology letters, 209 (2002), 1; 129-133. doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6968.2002.tb11121.x
doiacademic.oup.comdoi.org Bakal, Christopher J. ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Davies, Julian | Immunochemical Identification of a Stat3 Analogue in Streptomycetes // Food technology and biotechnology, 39 (2001), 4; 313-317-x
Gregorović, Goran ; Vujaklija, Dušica | High Efficiency of Direct Plasmid Transfer between two Streptomyces spp., and between Streptomyces spp. and E. coli // Food technology and biotechnology, 39 (2001), 1; 49-53-x
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Žafran, Jelena ; Mikoč, Andreja ; Gamulin, Vera | Direct detection of extracellular deoxyribonuclease in different strains of Streptomyces rimosus // Food technology and biotechnology, 34 (1996), 2-3; 71-76
www.ftb.com.hr -
Mikoč, Andreja ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Gamulin, Vera | The recA gene from Streptomyces rimosus R6: sequence and expression in Escherichia coli // Research in microbiology, 148 (1997), 5; 397-403. doi: 10.1016/S0923-2508(97)83870-3
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Bielen, Ana ; Teparić, Renata ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Mrša, Vladimir | Microbial anchoring systems for cell-surface display of lipolytic enzymes // Food technology and biotechnology, 52 (2014), 1; 16-34
hrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Petković, Hrvoje ; Cullum, John ; Hranueli, Daslav ; Hunter, S. Iain ; Perić-Concha, Nataša ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Thamchaipenet, Arinthip ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Long, F. Paul | Genetics of Streptomyces rimosus, the Oxytetracycline Producer // Microbiology and molecular biology reviews, 70 (2006), 3; 704-728. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00004-06
Stručni rad
Sedlić, Filip; Sertić, Jadranka; Markotić, Alemka; Primorac, Dragan; Slavica, Anita; Zibar, Lada; Vlahoviček, Kristian; Kušec, Vesna; Barić, Ivo; Paar, Vladimir et al. | The Applied genomics development strategy by the Croatian academy of sciences and arts paves the way for the future development of applied genomics in Croatia // Croatian medical journal, 65 (2024), 3; 297-302. doi: 10.3325/cmj.2024.65.297
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Perković, Lucija ; Paradžik, Tina ; Čižmek, Lara ; Martić, Ana ; Vujović, Tamara ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Čož-Rakovac, Rozelindra | Chlorella vulgaris and Streptomyces rimosus co- cultivation: Determination of metabolic shifts and desirable bioactivities // Aquaculture Europe 2022 : Abstracts. | 2022. str. 1014-1015
eposters.blob.core.windows.net Paradžik, Tina ; Vujović, Tamara ; Bojanić, Krunoslav ; Šimatović, Ana ; Čož-Rakovac, Rozelindra ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Identification and Biotechnological Potential of New Alcanivorax Species from Eutrophic Sea Pit in the Adriatic Sea // Book of abstracts of 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2022. str. 127-127
Ćehić, Mirasda ; Paradžik, Tina ; Pipalović, Goran ; Filić, Želimira ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Thermodynamic insight into binding properties of paralogous SSB proteins of Streptomyces coelicolor with ssDNA // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Recedo digital, 2022, 001138564, 129
Pipalović, Goran ; Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Ćehić, Mirsada ; Šimatović, Ana ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Regulation of Chromosome Segregation in Streptomyces coelicolor // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Recedo digital, 2022, 001138564, 129
Djedović, Elvis ; Paradžik, Tina ; Čižmek, Lara ; Martić, Ana ; Rezić, Tonči ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Čož-Rakovac, Rozelindra | Optimization and Biotechnological Potential of Microalgae and Probiotic Strains in a Co-Cultivating System // Book of abstracts of 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2022. str. 110-110
Perković, Lucija ; Paradžik, Tina ; Čižmek, Lara ; Martić, Ana ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Čož-Rakovac, Rozelindra | Metabolic shift during Chlorella vulgaris and Streptomyces rimosus co- cultivation // Book of abstracts of 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2022. str. 119-119
Paradžik, Tina ; Bojanić, Kruno ; Šimatović, Ana ; Klepac Ceraj, Vanja ; Čož-Rakovac, Rozelindra ; Vujaklija Dušica | Biotechnological potential of marine bacteria isolated from eutrophic sea pit in the Adriatic sea // World Aquaculture 2021 : abstracts. | 2021. str. 174-174
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Pipalović, Goran ; Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Regulatory mechanisms that control chromosome segregation in Streptomyces coelicolor // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = PhD student symposium 2021 : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 233-234
www.pmf.unizg.hr Šarić, Ela ; Quinn, Gerry ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Paradžik, Tina ; Jurin, Mladenka ; Hunter, Iain ; Herron, Paul ; Maček, Boris ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Phosphoproteome analyses of oxytetracycline- producing Streptomyces rimosus strains // 3rd International Conference on Post-translational Modification in Bacteria. | Tübingen: University of Tübingen, 2018. str. 28-28
Filić, Želimira ; Paradžik, Tina ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Bielen, Ana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Herron, Paul ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Single-stranded DNA binding protein has a key role in chromosome segregation during morphological differentiation of Streptomyces coelicolor // Book of Abstracts of the FEBS3+ Meeting “Molecules of Life” / Kos, Janko; Poklar Ulrih, Nataša (ur.). | Ljubljana: Slovenian Biochemical Society, 2015. str. 56-56
www.febs3.sbd.si Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Paradzik, Mladen ; Gazze, Andrea ; Bielen, Ana ; Francis, Lewis ; Dyson, Paul ; Jakimowicz, Dagmara ; Vujaklija, Dušica | A division of labor between two paralogous SSB proteins in Streptomyces coelicolor // Power of micorbes in industry and environment : Book of Abstract. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2016. str. 30-30
Vujaklija, Dušica | Streptomyces: Twisted bacteria in nature and biotechnology // Zbornik abstraktov: 28 Kongres ČSSM. | 2019. str. 23-23
Šarić, Ela ; Quinn, Gerre ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Paradžik, Tina ; Jurin, Mladenka ; Hunter, Iain ; Herron, Paul ; Maček, Boris ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Mass spectrometry approach for analysing protein phosphorylation in antibiotic producing bacteria // Book of abstracts of Molecular Biophysics: ABC of the puzzle of life. | 2019. str. 133-134
Šarić, Ela ; Quinn, Gerre ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Paradžik, Tina ; Jurin, Mladenka ; Hunter, Iain ; Herron, Paul ; Maček, Boris ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Dynamics of protein phosphorylation in S. rimosus - oxytetracycline producer strains // Ljetnja škola. | 2018. str. no-no
Paradžik, Tina ; Godinić Mikulčić, Vlatka ; Kosalec, Anja ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Binding properties and localization of paralogous SSB proteins in hyphae of Streptomyces coelicolor // Book of abstracts of Power of microbes in industry and environment 2019. | 2019. str. 60-60
Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Sequence conservation of the IDL regions and the acidic TIPs within eubacterial SSB proteins // Book of abstracts of Power of microbes in industry and environment 2019. | 2019. str. 61-61
Tina Paradžik ; Vlatka Godinić Mikulčić ; Anja Kostelac ; Dušica Vujaklija | DNA binding properties and localization of paralogous SSB proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor // FEMS2019 : abstract book. | 2019. str. 1059-1059
fems2019.org -
Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Bioinformatics analyses of IDL regions of eubacterial SSB proteins // FEMS2019 : abstract book. | 2019. str. 797-797
fems2019.org Hađina, Suzana ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Reljić, Slaven ; Huber, Đuro ; Stevanović, Vladimir ; Pinter Ljiljana | Malassezia yeasts in domestic and wild animals // Power of Fungi and Mycotoxins in Health and Disease: Programme and Abstracts / Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Jelić, Dubravko (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2015. str. 32-32
Kostelac, Anja ; Godinić-Mikulčić, Vlatka ; Vujaklija, Dušica | A biophysical view on the interaction of SSB proteins with single-stranded DNA // Molecular Biophysics: ABC of the puzzle of life. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko biofizičko društvo, 2019. str. 102-103
Đermić, Edyta ; Zahradka, Davor ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Đermić, Damir | A new role of RecA protein in Escherichia coli? // 4th Congress of Croatian Geneticists with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko genetičko društvo, 2018. str. 44-44
pubweb.carnet.hr -
Šarić, Ela ; Quinn, Gerre ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Paradžik, Tina ; Jurin, Mladenka ; Hunter, Iain ; Herron, Paul ; Maček, Boris ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Growth and phosphorylation profiles in S. rimosus, oxytetracycline producer strains // Internal programme book of 1st School of Proteomics. | 2017. str. 24-24
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Paradžik, Tina ; Šarić, Ela ; Quinn, Gerre ; Roje, Marin ; Jurin, Mladenka ; Hunter, Iain ; Herron, Paul ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Comparative analysis of growth, development and OTC production of various S. rimosus producers // FEMS 2017, 7th Congress of European Microbiologists : Book of abstracts. | 2017, FEMS7-2146, 1
fems-microbiology.org -
Đermić, Edyta ; Zahradka, Davor ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Đermić, Damir | 3'-terminal Overhangs Regulate DNA Double-Strand Break Processing in Escherichia coli // EMBO Conference on Meiosis 2017 : Book of Abstracts. | 2017. str. 93-93
embo16-meiosis.irb.hr Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Toman, Zora ; Durajlija, Sonja ; Gamulin, Vera | Construction of New pZG-Bifunctional Plasmids and their Structural Stability in Streptomyces // International Symposium on Genetics and Product Formation in Streptomyces, May 1-6, 1990, Erfurt / German Democratic Republic. | Erfurt: The Academy of Sciences of the GDR, 1990. str. 25-25
Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Paradzik, Mladen ; Bielen, Ana ; Vujaklija, Dušica | What will they do if there are two? // 6th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with international participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2016. str. 23-23
Hamer, Bojan ; Duran, Robert ; Gassie, Claire ; Cagnon, Christine ; Bielen, Ana ; Paradžik, Tina ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Pustijanac, Emina | Exploring Actinobacteria assemblages in coastal marine sediments under contrasted human influences in the northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia // Conservation biology. | Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, 2015. str. 35-35
Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Ivić, Nives ; Bielen, Ana ; Manjasetty, Babu ; Herron, Paul ; Jakimowicz, Dagmara ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | SsbB plays an important role in chromosome segregation during reproductive growth of Streptomyces coelicolor // ISBA '17 Book of Abstact. | Izmir, 2014. str. 102-102
Paradžik, Tina ; Filić, Želimira ; Ivić, Nives ; Bielen, Ana ; Manjasetty, Babu ; Herron, Paul ; Jakimowicz, Dagmara ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Single-stranded DNA binding protein has a key role in chromosome segregation during sporulation of Streptomyces coelicolor // PROCEEDINGS of 3rd CROATIAN MICROSCOPY CONGRESS with International Participation. | Zadar: Institut Ruđer Bošković ; Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2015. str. 94-94
microscopy2015.irb.hr Bielen, Ana; Bruvo-Mađarić, Branka; Vujaklija, Ivan; Paradžik, Tina; Biđin, Siniša; Pezer Sakač, Željka; Goldstein, Pavle; Vujaklija, Dušica | Deep scanning for GDSL motifs across ecologically diverse Actinobacteria // XVII. International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes (ISBA'17) Book of Abstracts. | 2014. str. 1-1
Filić, Želimira; Paradžik, Tina; Ivić, Nives; Bielen, Ana; Manjasetty, Babu A.; Herron, Paul; Jakimowicz, Dagmara; Luić, Marija; Vujaklija, Dušica | Functional characterisation of paralogous SSBs in Streptomyces coelicolor // Knjiga sažetaka Kongresa Hrvatskog društva za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju, "Međuigra biomolekula", HDBMB 2014 / Katalinić, Maja ; Kovarik, Zrinka (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2014. str. 90-90
Parađik, Tina ; Ivić, Nives ; Filić, Želimira ; Manjasetty, Babu A ; Heron, Paul ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Implication of Single Stranded DNA Binding Protein in Chromosome Segregation during Reproductive Growth of Streptomyces coelicolor // Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica (Volume 60, Supplement). | Budimpešta: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2013. str. 212-212
Parađik, Tina ; Ivić, Nives ; Filić, Želimira ; Heron, Paul ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | How SSB protein ensures sporulation in dominant soil bacteria // Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2013. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2013. str. 20-20
Parađik, Tina ; Ivić, Nives ; Filić, Želimira ; Manjasetty, B.A ; Heron, Paul ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Distinct properties of two paralogous SSB proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor // 5th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2012. str. 23-23
Parađik, Tina ; Ivić, Nives ; Filić, Želimira ; Heron, Paul ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Structure-function relationship of two paralogous SSB proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor // Croatian Genetic Society ; 3rd Congress of Croatian Geneticists with international participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko genetičko društvo, 2012. str. 26-26
Vujaklija, Dušica | Molecular study of dominant soil bacteria: Streptomycetes in nature and application to biotechnology // The second international symposium "Vera Johanides": Biotechnology in Croatia by 2020. | Zagreb: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (HATZ), 2013. str. 52-53
Paradžik, Tina ; Ivić, Nives ; Filić, Želimira ; Herron, Paul ; Manjasetty, Babu A. ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | A new look at SSB proteins // Actinobacteria within soils, Capacities for mutualism symbiosis pathogenesis. | Osnabrück: Sveučilište Osnabrueck, 2012. str. 49-49
Bielen, Ana ; Bruvo-Mađarić, Branka ; Vujaklija, Ivan ; Paradžik, Tina ; Pezer, Željka ; Goldstein, Pavle ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Scanning for genes encoding GDS(L) hydrolases in Actinobacteria from wide diversity of ecological niches // Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium "VERA JOHANIDES". | Zagreb: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (HATZ), 2013. str. 97-98
Bielen, Ana ; Vujaklija, Ivan ; Pezer, Željka ; Goldstein, Pavle ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Phylogenetic relationship of GDS(L) enzymes from Streptomycetes // Book of Abstracts of 3rd Congress of Croatian Geneticists with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko genetičko društvo, 2012. str. 25-23
Bielen, Ana ; Marija, Abramić ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Purification and characterization of the GDS(L) lipases from streptomycetes // IUMS 2011, The Unlimited World of Microbes. | Sapporo: Federation of Microbiological Societies of Japan, 2011. str. 117-117
Majhen, Dragomira ; Richardson, Jennifer ; Vukelić, Bojana ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Dodig, Ivana ; Cindrić, Mario ; Ambriović-Ristov, Andreja | DISULFIDE BOND FORMED BY CYSTEINES WITHIN RGD4C MOTIF INSERTED IN THE HI LOOP OF ADENOVIRUS TYPE 5 FIBER PROTEIN INFLUENCES ITS RETARGETING POTENTIAL // Book od Abstract HDIR-1 From Bench to Clinic. | 2010
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Bielen, Ana ; Abramić, Marija ; Pigac, Jasenka | The power of SGNH-lipases from Streptomyces // Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2010. str. 22-22
Šimunov, Tina ; Razdorov, Genadij ; Castaldo, Gaetano ; Vujaklija, Dušica | New interacting partners and possible roles of SSB protein from Streptomyces coelicolor. | 2010
Vujaklija, Dušica | Tyrosine phosphorylation in Bacteria - puzzle of Streptomyces signalling // Programme for Summer School on “Microbial Secondary Metabolites: Genomes, Signals and Communities”. | 2008
www.jic.ac.ukwww.jic.ac.uk Šimunov, Tina ; Razdorov, Genadij ; Castaldo, Gaetano ; Vujaklija, Dušica | SSB protein from Streptomyces coelicolor and its interacting proteins // Tenth international summer school on biophysics Supramolecular structure and function. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2009. str. 151-151
Šimunov, Tina ; Razdorov, Genadij ; Castaldo, Gaetano ; Vujaklija, Dušica | SSB protein from Streptomyces coelicolor and its interactions with other proteins // EMBO Young Scientist Forum. | Zagreb University, Croatia, 2009. str. 49-49
bioinfo.hr Šimunov, Tina ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Razdorov, Genadij ; Castaldo, Gaetano ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | SSB protein from antibiotic-producing bacteria // CESAR 2009 Central European Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2009. str. 68-68
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Bielen, Ana ; Abramić, Marija ; Pigac, Jasenka | The SGNH-hydrolases from streptomycetes // Proceedings of Abstracts of 10th Croatian Biological Congress. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2009. str. 46-47
Mijaković, Ivan ; Petranović, Mirjana ; Maček, Boris ; Čepo, Tina ; Mann, Matthias ; Davies, Julian ; Jensen, Peter, R. ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Tyrosine phosphorylation of bacterial SSBs from taxonomically distant bacterial species // 4th Congress of the Slovenian Microbiological Society with International Participation „Microbiology for today“. | Ljubljana: Slovenian Microbiological Society, 2008. str. 54-54
Bielen, Ana ; Abramić, Marija ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica | The SGNH-lipolytic enzymes in Streptomyces species // Biology of Streptomycetes. | Osnabrück: Universitaet Osnabrueck, 2009. str. 44-44
Šimunov, Tina ; Razdorov, Genadij ; Castaldo, Gaetano ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Interacting partners of Streptomyces coelicolor SSB protein // Biology of Streptomycetes. | Osnabrück: Universitaet Osnabrueck, 2009. str. 94-94
Bielen, Ana ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Specific activities of mutated forms of Streptomyces rimosus lipase // TENTH INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON BIOPHYSICS SUPRAMOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2009. str. 84-84
Bielen, Ana ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Amino acid residues important for catalytic activity of Streptomyces rimosus lipase // Book of Abstracts of EMBO Young Scientist Forum. | 2009
Špoljarić, Jasminka ; Salopek-Sondi, Branka ; Vukelić, Bojana ; Jajčanin Jozić, Nina ; Makarević, Janja ; Agić, Dejan ; Šimaga, Šumski ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Abramić, Marija | Analysis of conserved residues of the human dipeptidyl peptidase III // VIII European Symposium of The Protein Society. | Zürich: The Protein Society ; University of Zurich, 2009. str. 172-172
Šimunov, Tina ; Kuzmanić, Antonija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | TYROSINE PHOSPHORYLATION IN Streptomyces AND SINGLE STRANDED DNA BINDING PROTEIN // Book of Abstracts of Microbiological Congress "Power of microbes in industry and environment". | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2007. str. 31-x
Šimunov, Tina ; Vlašić, Ignacija ; Ivančić-Baće, Ivana ; Brčić-Kostić, Kruno ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Tyrosine kinases in prokaryotic organisms and SSB proteins // Book of Abstracts of the Fourth Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2008. str. 48-48
Šimunov, Tina ; Vlašić, Ignacija ; Ivančić-Baće, Ivan ; Brčić-Kostić, Kruno ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Tyrosine kinases in prokaryotic organisms and SSB proteins // Zbornik sažetaka znanstvenog simpozija 50 godina molekularne biologije u Hrvatskoj. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2008. str. 40-40
Marić, Marija ; Bielen, Ana ; Abramić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | GDS(L) lipases from streptomycetes // Zbornik sažetaka znanstvenog simpozija 50 godina molekularne biologije u Hrvatskoj. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2008. str. 41-x
Marić, Marija ; Bielen, Ana ; Abramić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | GDS(L) lipases from streptomycetes // Book of Abstracts of Fourth Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2008. str. 66-66
Bielen, Ana ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Production and Overexpression of Streptomyces rimosus GDS(L) Lipase in a Heterologous Host // Book of Abstracts of the Second Congress of Croatian Geneticists. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko genetičko društvo, 2005. str. 63-63
Špoljarić, Jasminka ; Salopek-Sondi Branka ; Vukelić, Bojana ; Šimaga, Šumski ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Makarević, Janja ; Jajčanin Jozić, Nina ; Abramić Marija | The role of absolutely conserved tyrosine residue in the catalytic mechanism of metallopeptidase family M49 // 50 godina molekularne biologije u Hrvatskoj ; 50 Years of Molecular Biology in Croatia. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2008. str. 49-49
Salopek-Sondi, Branka ; Vukelić, Bojana ; Špoljarić, Jasminka ; Šimaga, Šumski ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Makarević, Janja ; Jajčanin-Jozić, Nina ; Abramić, Marija | Functional tyrosine residue in the active center of human dipeptidyl peptidase III // Book of abstracts - 4th Central European Conference Chemistry towards Biology. | Budimpešta: Hungarian Chemical Society, 2008. str. 60-60
Mijaković, Ivan ; Petranović, Mirjana ; Macek, Boris ; Cepo, Tina ; Mann, Mathias ; Davies, Julian ; Jensen, Peter ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Bacterial single strandend DNA binding protein - a novel target of tyrosine kinase // Microbes:then, now and here after. IUMS, Istanbul XII International Congres of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology. | Istanbul: Turkish Microbiological Society, 2008. str. 72-73
Marija Luić ; Zoran Štefanić ; Dušica Vujaklija | STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE STREPTOMYCES COELICOLOR SINGLE-STRANDED DNA-BINDING PROTEIN // Sixteenth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: -, 2007. str. 55-x
Štefanić, Zoran ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Luić, Marija | Crystal structure of single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Streptomyces coelicolor // 9th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation, 12. 16. August 2007, Delegate Book. | Manchester, 2007. str. 94-x
Mijaković, Ivan, Petranović, Dina ; Čepo, Tina ; Davies, Julian ; Jensen, Peter R ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Tyrosine phosphorylation of bacterial single-stranded DNA-binding proteins. // Streptomyces functional genomics Dissemination meeting John Innes Centre, 10-11th 01.2006. | Norwich: John Innes Centre, 2006. str. 17-17
Mijaković, Ivan ; Petranović, Dina ; Maček, Boris ; Čepo, Tina ; Mann, Matthias ; Davies, Julian ; Jensen, Peter R. ; Vujaklija, Dušica | A novel supstrate of bacterial tyrosine kinase // Kongres hrvatskog društva za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju prigodom 30. obljetnice osnutka, uz međunarodno sudjelovanje. | Zagreb, 2006. str. 79-79
Mikoč, Andreja ; Ahel, Ivan ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Gamulin, Vera | Structure, expression and function of the recA gene from Streptomyces rimosus // Knjiga sažetaka s 25 kongresa hrvatskih biokemičara i molekularnih biologa. | Zagreb, 2000
Vujaklija, Dusica ; Leščić, Ivana ; Abramic, Marija ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Pigac, Jasenka | STREPTOMYCETES AS PRODUCERS OF LIPOLYTIC ENZYMES. | 2005. str. 173-174-x
Bielen, Ana ; Pigac Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica | CLONING, EXTRACELLULAR EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION OF Streptomyces rimosus LIPASE // Book of Abstracts of the Second Congress of Croatian Geneticists. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko genetičko društvo, 2005. str. 63-x
Mijaković, Ivan ; Petranović, Dina ; Čepo, Tina ; Davies, Julian ; Jensen, Peter R ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Bacterial single-stranded dna-binding proteins are phosphorylated on tyrosine // Book of Abstracts of the Second Congress of Croatian Geneticists. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko genetičko društvo, 2005. str. 21-21
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Abramić, Marija ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Leščić, Ivana ; Jasenka, Pigac | A novel family of bacterial lipases // Third Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2004. str. 147-147
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Shippam-Brett, Cynthia ; Druce, Jeffrey ; Davies, Julian | Eukaryotic phosphoprotein motifs in streptomycetes // Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with international participation, HDBMB 2004. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2004. str. 131-131
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Druce Jeffry ; Shippam-Brett, Cynthia ; Davies, Julian | Phosphoproteome analysis in Streptomyces // EMBO Conference on Molecular Microbiology: Exploring Prokaryotic Diversity. | Heidelberg: Meradruck GmbH, Sandhausen, 2004. str. 121-x
Pigac, Jasenka ; Abramić, Marija ; Leščić, Ivana ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Vujaklija, Dušica | The gene encoding for GDS(L) lipase was found in Streptomyces rimosus // 45 GODINA MOLEKULARNE BIOLOGIJE U HRVATSKOJ 50 GODINA DVOSTRUKE UZVOJNICE. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2003. str. 39-39-x
Čepo, Tina ; Gamulin, Vera ; Davies, Julian ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Cloning the gene of single-stranded DNA-binding from Streptomyces griseus // Biology of streptomycetes and related actinomycetes. | Münster: Universitat Osnabrueck, 2003. str. 39-39-x
Ahel, Ivan ; Mikoč, Andreja ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Gamulin, Vera | The recA gene from Streptomyces rimosus: expression and functional analysis of recA mutants // Proceedings of the 8th Croatian biological congress. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2003. str. 19-20-x
Bučević-Popović, Viljemka ; Orhanović, Stjepan ; Vlah, Ivana ; Širković, Simona ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Gamulin, Vera ; Pavela-Vrančič, Maja | Cloning and site-directed mutagenesis of alkaline phosphatase from E. coli // 1. hrvatski kongres za molekularne bioznanosti uz međunarodno sudjelovanje : knjiga sažetaka = 1st Croatian Congress on Molecular Life Sciences with international participation : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002. str. 127-127
Gamulin, Vera ; Mikoč, Andreja ; Ahel, Ivan ; Vujaklija, Dušica | recA gene and RecA protein from Streptomyces rimosus // Biology of streptomycetes and related actinomycetes. | Osnabrück: Universitat Osnabruck, 2003. str. 29-x
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Abramić, Marija ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Pigac, Jasenka | A novel member of bacterial lipases in Streptomyces // Biology of streptomycetes and related actinomycetes. | Osnabrück: Universitat Osnabrueck, 2003. str. 44-44
Abramić, Marija ; Leščić, Ivana ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Pigac, Jasenka | Extracellular lipase from streptomyces rimosus: an unusual bacterial lipolytic enzyme // 1st Central European Conference "Chemistry towards Biology" - Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Slovenian Chemical Society, 2002. str. 38-38-x
Leščić, Ivana ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Abramić, Marija | Extracellular lipase from bacterium Streptomyces rimosus: cloning, expression and purification for crystallization // 9th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules - Book of Abstracts. | Jena, 2002
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Abramić, Marija ; Leščić, Ivana ; Pigac, Jasenka | The third lipolytic-family in Streptomyces, represented by the novel GDS(L) lipase from S. rimosus // Power of microbes in industry and environment. | Zagreb: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002. str. 16-16-x
Čepo, Tina ; Gamulin, Vera ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Cloning the gene of the single stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) from Streptomyces rimosus // 1 Croatian Congress on Molecular Life Sciences. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002. str. 133-x
Leščić, Ivana ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Abramić, Marija | Protein sequence analysis of Streptomyces rimosus extracellular lipase // 1st Croatian Congress on Molecular Life Sciences with International Participation, Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002
Bačun-Družina, Višnja ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Prosen, Paula ; Perić, Nataša ; Franekić, Jasna | Aerobical citrate utilization by Escherichia coli // Zbornik sažetaka priopćenja sedmog hrvatskog biološkog kongresa. | Zagreb: MD tiskara, 2000. str. 88-89-x
Abramić, Marija ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Leščić, Ivana ; Luić, Marija ; Ljubović, Edina ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Saenger, Wolfram ; Schroeder, Werner ; Šunjić, Vitomir ; Tomić, Sanja et al. | A contribution to understanding of enzymatic activity of bacterial lipases. // Workshop of Challenges in Crystallography of Macromolecular Assemblies. | Trst: Synchrotron Trieste, 2000. str. 24-24-x
Abramić, Marija ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Leščić, Ivana ; Luić, Marija ; Ljubović, Edina ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Saenger, Wolfram ; Schröder, Werner ; Šunjić, Vitomir ; Tomić, Sanja et al. | "Structure is function": A contribution to understanding enzymatic activity of bacterial lipases. // Kongres hrvatskih biokemičara i molekularnih biologa, HB 2000. Knjiga sažetaka.. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2000. str. 46-46-x
Gregorović, Goran ; Gamulin, Vera ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Direct transfer of plasmid DNA between distantly related bacteria by electroduction // HB 2000, SILVER JUBILEE MEETING OF THE CROATIAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2000. str. 63-x
Gregorović, Goran ; Gamulin, Vera ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Direct transfer of plasmid DNA between distantly related bacteria by electroduction // Zbornik sažetaka priopćenja sedmog Hrvatskog biološkog kongresa. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2000. str. 77-x
Ahel, Ivan ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Mikoč, Andreja ; Gamulin, Vera | Expression of the recA gene from Streptomyces rimosus in homologous and heterologous cells // Zbornik sažetaka priopćenja sedmog Hrvatskog biološkog kongresa. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2000. str. 67-x
Mikoč, Andreja ; Ahel, Ivan ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Gamulin, Vera | STRUCTURE,EXPRESSION AND FUNCTION OF THE recA GENE FROM Streptomyces rimosus // HB2000,SILVER JUBILEE MEETING OF THE CROATIAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2000. str. 30-x
Vujaklija Dušica | Horizontalni prijenos gena između udaljenih bakterijskih vrsta // Horizontalno širenje gena i ljudsko zdravlje. | Zagreb: Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske, 2000. str. 17-23-x
Vujaklija, Dušica ; Bakal, Christopher ; Betts, Joanne ; Davies, Julian | Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in Streptomycetes // Society for General Microbiology- Abstract Booklet. | Norwich: University of East Anglia, 1998. str. 100-x
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Durmiši, Emina ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Bielen, Ana ; Duran, Robert ; Hamer, Bojan | Physicochemical and ecotoxicological evaluation of the Rovinj costal area sediments, northern Adriatic, Croatia // Rapport Commission International pour l'exploration scientifique de la Mer Mediterranee. | Marseille: CIESM, 2013. str. 330-330
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Pavičić-Hamer, Dijana ; Hamer, Bojan ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Durmiši, Emina ; Maurić, Maja ; Traven, Luka | Physicochemical and ecotoxicological evaluation of Rovinj coastal area sediments, Northern Adriatic, Croatia // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 67, S1, 2016. str. 55-55
hrcak.srce.hr Bielen, Ana ; Bruvo-Mađarić, Branka ; Vujaklija, Ivan ; Paradžik, Tina ; Pezer, Željka ; Goldstein, Pavle ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Scanning for GDS(L) hydrolases in ecologically diverse Actinobacteria // Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica, 2013. str. ---
Fulgosi, Hrvoje ; Vujaklija, Dušica | GMO in Croatia, Legislation and testing facilities // Toxicology letters, 2006. str. S317-S318. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2006.07.326
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Vujaklija, Dušica | An Introduction to GMO // Toxicology letters, 2006. str. 317-317
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Matić, Zrinka; Šantak, Maja; Vujaklija, Dušica; Kovačević, Borislav; Kazazić, Saša | RAČUNALNA EVALUACIJA NOVIH KANDIDATA ZA CJEPIVO PROTIV GRIPE // 6. Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a. | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 23.04.2022-24.04.2022
Matić, Zrinka; Šantak, Maja; Vujaklija, Dušica; Kazazić, Saša | Expression , Solubilization and Purification of HPIV2 NP Ring Like Structures in Escherichia coli // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation | Sveti Martin na Muri, Hrvatska, 24.05.2022-27.05.2022
Matić, Zrinka; Vujaklija, Dušica; Šantak, Maja; Kazazić, Saša | Synthesis of human parainfluenza virus type 2 nucleoprotein ring-like structures in Escherichia coli // 16th Vaccine Congress | Riva del Garda, Italija, 12.09.2022-14.09.2022
Matić, Zrinka; Šantak, Maja; Vujaklija, Dušica; Kovačević, Borislav; Kazazić, Saša | DESIGN, STRUCTURE PREDICTION AND MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS OF THE NEW VACCINE CANDIDATES AGAINST INFLUENZA INFECTION // HDBMB22: From Science to Knowledge | Brela, Hrvatska, 01.01.2022-01.01.2022
Pipalović, Goran ; Filić, Želimira ; Ćehić, Mirsada ; Paradžik, Tina ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Zahradka, Ksenija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Possible role of SSB protein in the regulation of antibiotic production // Summer school in applied molecular microbiology on microbial specialised metabolites | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 10.09.2022-17.09.2022
Vujaklija, Dušica | New insights into bacterial phosphoproteome analysis // Summer Schools in Applied Molecular Microbiology: Microbial Metabolites in Nature and Medicine | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 25.08.2012-02.09.2012
Vujaklija, Dušica | Post-Translational Modifications: focus on global studies of the protein phosphorylation in bacteria // Summer Schools in Applied Molecular Microbiology: „Microbial Specialised Metabolites: Originis and Applications | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 13.09.2014-21.09.2014
Vujaklija, Dušica | Reversible protein phosphorylation is regulatory mechanism for diverse cellular processes. // Summer Schools in Applied Molecular Microbiology: Microbial Diversity and Specialised Metabolites | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 10.09.2016-18.09.2016
Vujaklija, Dušica | What is the difference between SsbA and SsbB? // Central European Genome Stability and Dynamics Meeting 2016 | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 15.10.2016-16.10.2016
Vujaklija, Dušica | Twisted bacteria in Nature, Medicine and Biotechnology // 1st French-Croatian Blue Biotechnology Day, IRB | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 21.12.2017-21.12.2017
Vujaklija, Dušica | Streptomyces: twisted bacteria with a great potential // European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology- Austrian-Croatian Science Day within (ESIB2017) 15.11. 2017. Graz, AU | Graz, Austrija, 15.11.2017-15.11.2017
Vujaklija, Dušica | γ-butyrolactone signalling systems and post- translational modifications // Summer Schools in Applied Molecular Microbiology: Microbial Specialised Metabolites - From Genome to Molecule | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 08.09.2018-16.09.2018
Vujaklija, Dušica | Streptomyces: the mycelial life-style, spore formation and antibiotic production // The 1st FEMS-MedILS Summer School | Split, Hrvatska, 28.08.2019-07.09.2019
Vujaklija, Dušica | γ-butyrolactone signalling systems and post- translational modifications // Summer Schools in Applied Molecular Microbiology | online, 01.09.2020-29.09.2020
Šarić, Ela ; Quinn, Gerre ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Paradžik, Tina ; Jurin, Mladenka ; Roje, Marin ; Herron, Paul ; Hunter, Iain ; Maček, Boris ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Analysing the switch to oxytetracycline production through phosphoproteomics in Streptomyces rimosus // ESIB 2017 - European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology | Graz, Austrija, 14.11.2017-16.11.2017
Paradžik Tina ; Hlevnjak Ana ; Kazazić Saša ; Filić Želimira ; Zahradka Davor ; Vujaklija Dušica | Tyrosine phosphorylation of the proteins essential for the bacterial growth: the case of SSB protein // Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2016 | Krk, Hrvatska, 28.09.2016-01.10.2016
Paradžik Tina ; Šarić Ela ; Mikoč Andreja ; Maček Boris ; Herron Paul ; Hunter Ian ; Vujaklija Dušica | The pattern of protein phosphorylation in various Streptomyces rimosus oxytetracycline producers’ strains // The 2nd International Conference on Post- Translational Modifications in Bacteria | Lyon, Francuska, 18.10.2016-21.10.2016
Hlevnjak, Ana; Paradžik, Tina; Kazazić, Saša; Filić, Želimira; Zahradka, Davor; Vujaklija, Dušica | Phosphorylation of the SSB protein from E. coli // John Innes/Rudjer Bošković Summer School in Applied Molecular Microbiology: Microbial Diversity and Specialised Metabolites | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 10.09.2016-18.09.2016
Vujaklija, Dušica | Streptomycetes are a source of hydrolytic enzymes with potential in lipid biotransformation // CIPKEBIP Annual Conference "Biosynthetic and metabolic Engineering in Industrial drug and process development" | Ljubljana, Slovenija, 15.09.2011-16.09.2011
Vujaklija, Dušica | What is the biological role of paralogous SSBs in Streptomyces coelicolor? // Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Equipe Environnement et Microbiologie, UMR CNRS 5254, IBEAS - UFR Sciences et Techniques | Pau, Francuska, 21.12.2012-21.12.2012
Vujaklija, Dušica | Old concepts - new insights in bacterial phosphorylation // Summer Schools in Applied Molecular Microbiology:"Microbial Metabolites: Signals to Drugs" | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 21.08.2010-29.08.2010
Marija, Marić ; Bielen, Ana ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Streptomyces metabolites – an unlimited source of useful bioactive products // Third John Innes-Rudjer Bošković summer school in Applied Molecular Microbiology | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 21.08.2010-29.08.2010
Bielen, A, Abramić, M, Pigac, J, Franekić, J, Vujaklija, D | GDS(L) lipase from Streptomyces coelicolor: cloning, purification and biochemical characterization // Applied Molecular Microbiology“ MedILS, Split, Hrvatska, 2007 | Split, Hrvatska, 23.06.2007-01.07.2007
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Kostelac, Anja | Karakterizacija proteinskih kompleksa proteina SSB / Vujaklija, Dušica ; Ivančić-Baće, Ivana (mentor); Godinić Mikulčić, Vlatka (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2019
urn.nsk.hr Kovačević, Lucija | Cloning and expression of the gene encoding putative DEAD box helicase from Streptomyces coelicolor in homologous and heterologous host / Dušica Vujaklija (mentor); Paradžik, Tina (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2013
Mrak, Miroslav | Rekloniranje i ekspresija različito obilježenog gena ssb-s iz bakterije Streptomyces coelicolor / Vujaklija, Dušica (mentor); Šimunov, Tina (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet, 2010
Marić, Marija | Kloniranje i ekspresija gena za SGNH-hidrolazu iz bakterije Streptomyces coelicolor u heterolognom sustavu / Vujaklija, Dušica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2009
Krstevska, Elena | Ekspression of Streptomyces rimosus gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Vujaklija, Dušica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
Andrišić, Luka | Proteini iz bakterije Streptomyces coelicolor koji se vežu za jednolančanu DNA / Vujaklija, Dušica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2006
Čepo, Tina | Kloniranje gena za protein koji veže jednolančanu DNA iz bakterije Streptomyces griseus / Vujaklija,Dušica (mentor); Vujaklija, Dušica (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2002
Gregorović, Goran | Prijenos plazmidne DNA između raznorodnih bakterija metodom elektrodukcije / Gamulin, Vera (mentor); Vujaklija, Dušica (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1999
Doktorski rad
Filić, Želimira | Istraživanje biološke uloge proteina SsbB u segregaciji kromosoma tijekom reproduktivne faze bakterije Streptomyces coelicolor / Vujaklija, Dušica (mentor). | Osijek, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2019
Paradžik, Tina | Molecular characterization, functional and phylogenetic analysis of paralogous SSB proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor / Vujaklija, Dušica (mentor). | Osijek, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2013
Bielen, Ana | Molekularna i funkcionalna karakterizacija GDS(L) lipaza iz bakterija Streptomyces rimosus i Streptomyces coelicolor / Vujaklija, Dušica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011
Publikacije - druge vrste radova
Radovi sa studija
Tanuwidjaja, Irina | Analiza promotorske regije ekspresijskog vektora za biosintezu lipaze u bakteriji Streptomyces coelicolor // Agronomski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu (studentski rad za Rektorovu nagradu), 2012
Zrnec, Dario (voditeljica Vujaklija, Dušica) | Heterologna ekspresija gena koji kodira za protein SSB-L iz bakterije Streptomyces coelicolor // Sveučilište u Zagrebu, studentski radovi za Rektorovu nagradu, 2010
Marić, Marija ; voditelj Vujaklija Dušica | Kloniranje gena koji kodira za lipolitički enzim iz bakterije Streptomyces coelicolor // Kloniranje gena koji kodira za lipolitički enzim iz bakterije Streptomyces coelicolor ; Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet-Biološki odsjek ; Sveučilište u Zagrebu ;, 2007
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
- Hrvatsko genetičko društvo - HGD (2009 - član Upravnog odbora, 2015-2019 dopredsjednica)
- Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju - HDBMB
- Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo - HMD (2012-2020. Predsjednica Bakteriološke sekcije, 2012.- član Povjerenstva za godišnje nagrade, 2019 - član Povjerenstva za skupove, 2015 - član Izdavačkog savjeta)
- Hrvatsko društvo za matematičku i teorijsku biologiju - HDMTB
- European Environmental Mutagen Society - EEMS