irb.employee.title.dr_ sc_ Ivica Vilibić
Institut Ruđer Bošković
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb
- 1994: diplomirao na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, smjer meteorologija
- 1998: magistrirao na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, smjer oceanologija
- 2002: doktorirao na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, smjer geofizika
- 2024-: Adriatic coastal areas science-based solutions for climate adaptation (AdriaClimPlus), Interreg Italija-Hrvatska, koordinator ispred IRB-a
- 2023-: Global science of meteotsunamis: from planetary to mesoscale processes (GLOMETS), Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, voditelj
- 2023-: Centre of Excellence in Solid Earth – Phase 2 (ChEESE-2P), Horizon Europe, istraživač
- 2021-2023: Using stochastic surrogate methods for advancing towards reliable meteotsunami early warning systems, European Centre for Middle-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) special project, voditelj
- 2021-: Numerical modelling of the Adriatic-Ionian decadal and inter-annual oscillations: from realistic simulations to process-oriented experiments, European Centre for Middle-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) special project, suradnik
- 2020-2022: Bivalves: Archives of environmental change in the coastal marine ecosystems (BivACME), Croatian Science Foundation, istraživač
- 2019-2023: Izranjanje i poniranje u području srednjeg Jadrana (MAUD), Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, konzultant
- 2019-2021: Coastal Autopurification Assessment Technology (CAAT), Programme IRI2017 „Investment in Research and Innovation“ – EU Structural Funds, istraživač
- 2019-2021: Integrated hydrographic system for sustainable development of the marine ecosystem (HIDROLAB), Programme IRI2017 „Investment in Research and Innovation“ – EU Structural Funds, koordinator za IOR
- 2019-2021: Adaption booster for climate change (RESPONSe), Interreg Hrvatska-Italija projekt, suradnik
- 2019-2021: Ecological observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity (ECOSS), Interreg Hrvatska-Italija projekt, koordinator ispred IOR-a
- 2019-2021: Climate challenges on coastal and transitional changing environments: Weaving a cross-Adriatic response (CHANGE WE CARE), Interreg Hrvatska-Italija projekt, koordinator ispred IOR-a
- 2017-2021: The Adriatic decadal and interannual oscillations: observations, modelling and consequences (ADIOS), Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, glavni istraživač
- 2016-2021: BLUEMED, Horizon 2020 project, Coordinated and Support Action, koordinator ispred IOR-a
- 2018-2020: The Adriatic decadal and inter-annual oscillations: modelling component, European Centre for Middle-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) special project, suradnik
- 2015-: Sclerochronology as a tool for detecting long-term Adriatic environmental changes (SCOOL), Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, istraživač
- 2015-2017: Meteotsunamis, destructive long ocean waves in the tsunami frequency band: from observations and simulations towards a warning system (MESSI), UKF Fund project, researcher
- 2015-2017: Praćenje potencijalno opasnih oscilacija razine mora i njihov doprinos poplavama obalnih područja u budućoj klimi (POZOR), Fund for Environment and Energetic Efficiency, istraživač
- 2014-2017: Bio-tracing Adriatic water masses (BIOTA), Croatian Science Foundation Installation Grant, consultant 2013-2015: Strengthening common reaction capacity to fight sea pollution of oil, toxic and hazardous substances in Adriatic Sea (HAZADR), IPA CBC Adriatic projekt, istraživač
- 2011-2015: Policy-oriented marine environmental research for the Southern European Seas (PERSEUS), projekt Sedmog istraživačkog okvirnog programa Europske Unije, istraživač
- 2013-2015: Interpreting and forecasting Adriatic surface currents by an artificial brain (NEURAL), UKF Fund projekt, voditelj
- 2011-2013: Towards a meteotsunami warning system along the U.S. coastline (TMEWS), NOAA/NWS USA Department of Commerce projekt NA11NWS4670005, glavni istraživač
- 2007-2013: Istraživanje i sustavi praćenja neuobičajene dinamike Jadrana, znanstvenoistraživački projekt MZOŠ 001-0013077-1122, voditelj
- 2007-2013: Uloga planktonskih zajednica u protoku energije i kruženju tvari u Jadranu, znanstvenoistraživački projekt MZOŠ 001-0013077-0845, istraživač
- 2006-2011: Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes (SESAME) – projekt Šestog istraživačkog okvirnog programa Europske Unije, istraživač
- 2009-2010: Izrada i primjena naprednih algoritama u operativnoj oceanografiji (IP-OCEAN), projekt informacijske tehnologije MZOŠ 2008-012, voditelj
- 2007-2008: North Adriatic Surface Current Mapping (NASCUM); hrvatsko-talijanski projekt prekogranične suradnje Interreg IIIa, istraživač
- 2005-2007: Internal Tidal Hydrodynamics and Ambient Characteristics of the Adriatic (ITHACA) - bilateralni američko-hrvatski projekt, istraživač
- 2003-2006: Sustav atmosfera-Jadran (znanstvenoistraživački projekt MZOŠ 0119330, voditelj: Mirko Orlić), istraživač
- 2004-2006: Strukturne i trofičke promjene u pelagijalu jadranske kontinentalne podine (znanstvenoistraživački projekt MZOŠ 0001001, voditelj: Frano Kršinić), istraživač
- 2005-2006: ADRICOSM EXTension – multilateralni projekt jadranskih zamalja, istraživač
- 2001-2005: European Sea Level Service – Research Infrastructure (ESEAS-RI) – projekt Petog istraživačkog okvira Europske Unije (suradnik, voditelj projekta za Hrvatski hidrografski institut od studenog 2002. do travnja 2004. godine)
- 2001-2004: East Adriatic Circulation Experiment (EACE) – američko-hrvatski projekt istraživanja dinamike Jadrana (istraživač)
- 2004-2005: Vrijeme i klima hrvatskog Jadrana – projekt IT MZOŠ, suradnik
- 2003-2004: Mala Internet škola oceanografije – projekt IT MZOŠ, operativni voditelj
- 1996-2002: Međudjelovanje atmosfere s morem (znanstvenoistraživački projekt MZT 119299, voditelj: Mirko Orlić), istraživač
- 2001-2002: Morske mijene i razina Jadrana on-line - projekt IT MZT, voditelj projekta
- 2000-2001: Razina mora u sjevernom Jadranu – fenomenološki aspekti i modeliranje, hrvatsko-talijanski znanstvenoistraživački projekt (istraživač)
Nagrade i priznanja
- 1999: Državna nagrada RH za znanost, kategorija mladih znanstvenika, područje prirodne znanosti
- 2002: Ferruccio Mosetti Prize, Honorable Mention
- 2012: Državna nagrada za znanost, kategorija godišnjih nagrada, područje prirodne znanosti
Istaknute publikacije
Denamiel, C., Vasylkevych, S., Žagar, N., Zemunik, P., Vilibić, I., 2023. Destructive potential of planetary meteotsunami waves beyond the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcano eruption. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Zemunik, P., Denamiel, C., Williams, J., Vilibić, I., 2022. High-frequency sea-level extremes: Global correlations to synoptic atmospheric patterns. Weather and Climate Extremes, 38, 100516.
Denamiel, C., Tojčić, I., Vilibić, I., 2022. Meteotsunamis in orography-free, flat bathymetry and warming climate conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 127, e2021JC017386.
Zemunik, P., Šepić, J., Pellikka, H., Ćatipović, L., Vilibić, I., 2021. Minute Sea-Level Analysis (MISELA): a high-frequency sea-level analysis global dataset. Earth System Science Data, 13, 4121–4132,
Denamiel, C., Pranić, P., Quentin, F., Mihanović, H., Vilibić, I., 2020. Pseudo-global warming projections of extreme wave storms in complex coastal regions: the case of the Adriatic Sea. Climate Dynamics, 55, 2483-2509.
Denamiel, C., Tojčić, I., Vilibić, I., 2020. Far future climate (2060–2100) of the northern Adriatic air–sea heat transfers associated with extreme bora events. Climate Dynamics, 55, 3043-3066.
Medvedev, I., Vilibić, I., Rabinovich, A.B., 2020. Tidal resonance in the Adriatic Sea: Observational evidence. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 125, e2020JC016168
Ciglenečki, I., Vilibić, I., Dautović, J., Vojvodić, V., Ćosović, B., Zemunik, P., Dunić, N., Mihanović, H., 2020. Dissolved organic carbon and surface active substances in the northern Adriatic Sea: Long-term trends, variability and drivers. Science of the Total Environment, 730, 139104.
Denamiel, C., Šepić, J., Huan, X., Vilibić, I., 2020. Uncertainty propagation using polynomial chaos expansions for extreme sea level hazard assessment: the case of the eastern Adriatic meteotsunamis. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 1005-2021.
Janeković, I., Mihanović, H., Vilibić, I., Grčić, B., Ivatek-Šahdan, S., Tudor, M., Djakovac, T., 2020. Multi-platform 4D-Var data assimilation for improving the Adriatic Sea dynamics. Ocean Modelling, 146, 101538. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2019.101538.
Denamiel, C., Šepić, J., Huan, X., Bolzer, C., Vilibić, I., 2019. Stochastic surrogate model for meteotsunami early warning system in the eastern Adriatic Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 124, 8485-8499.
Vilibić, I., Zemunik, P., Šepić, J., Dunić, N., Marzouk, O., Mihanović, H., Denamiel, C., Precali, R., Djakovac, T., 2019. Present-climate trends and variability in thermohaline properties of the northern Adriatic shelf. Ocean Science, 15, 1351–1362.
Peharda, M., Walliser, E.O., Markulin, K., Purroy, A., Uvanović, H., Janeković, I., Župan, I., Vilibić, I., Schöne, B.R., 2019. Glycymeris pilosa (Bivalvia) – A high-potential geochemical archive of the environmental variability in the Adriatic Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 150, 104759.
Peharda, M., Vilibić, I., Black, B., Uvanović, H., Markulin, K., Mihanović, H., 2019. A network of bivalve chronologies from semienclosed seas. PLoS ONE, 14, e0220520.
Denamiel, C., Šepić, J., Ivanković, D., Vilibić, I., 2019. The Adriatic Sea and coast modelling suite: Evaluation of the meteotsunami forecast component. Ocean Modelling, 135, 71-93.
Biolchi, S., Furlani, S., Devoto, S., Scicchitano, G., Korbar, T., Vilibić, I., Šepić, J. 2019. Origin and dynamics of coastal boulders in a semi-enclosed shallow basin: a Northern Adriatic case study. Marine Geology, 411, 62-77.
Dunić, N., Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., Mihanović, H., Sevault, F., Somot, S., Waldman, R., Nabat, P., Arsouze, T., Pennel, R., Jordà, J., Precali, R. 2019. Performance of multi-decadal ocean simulations in the Adriatic Sea. Ocean Modelling, 134, 84-109.
Vilibić, I., Šepić, J., Dunić, N., Sevault, F., Monserrat, S., Jordà, G., 2018. Proxy-based assessment of strength and frequency of meteotsunamis in future climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 10501-10508.
Peharda, M., Vilibić, I., Black, B.A., Markulin, K., Dunić, N., Džoić, T., Mihanović, H., Gačić, M., Puljas, S., Waldman, R., 2018. Using bivalve chronologies for quantifying environmental drivers in a semi-enclosed temperate sea. Scientific Reports, 8, 5559.
Vilibić, I., Mihanović, H., Janeković, I., Denamiel, C., Poulain, P.-M., Orlić, M., Dunić, N., Dadić, V., Pasarić, M., Muslim, S., Gerin, R., Matić, F., Šepić, J., Mauri, E., Kokkini, Z., Tudor, M., Kovač, Ž., Džoić, T., 2018. Wintertime dynamics in the coastal northeastern Adriatic Sea: the NAdEx 2015 experiment. Ocean Science, 14, 237-258.
Publikacije - autorske knjige
Monografija (znanstvena)
Vilibić, Ivica ; Monserrat, Sebastian ; Rabinovich, Alexander B. | Meteorological Tsunamis: The U.S. East Coast and other Coastal Regions. Heidelberg: Springer, 2015
(European Marine Board) Matijević, Slavica; Beaumont, Nicola; Aminian Biquet, Juliette; Blanco Gonzalez, Enrique; Calderwood, Julia; de Winter, Renske; Fonseca, Tainá; Frias, João; Giannakourou, Antonia; Grant, Fiona et al. | Navigating the Future VI: Placing the Ocean within the wider Earth system. Ostend: Archimer - Archive Institutionnelle de l'Ifremer, Heymans, Sheila J. J. (ur.), 2024. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13329469
Publikacije - prilozi u knjigama
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Dadić, Vlado ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Ivanković, Damir ; Muslim, Stipe | Processing and web presentation of sea surface currents obtained by coastal HF radars // Time, GIS and future ; Scientific monograph. | Zagreb: Hrvatski Informatički Zbor - GIS Forum ; Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, 2009. str. 98-108
Gomis, Damià ; Tsimplis, Mikis ; Marcos, Marta ; Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana ; Pérez, Begoña ; Raicich, Fabio ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Wöppelmann, Guy ; Monserrat ; Sebastià | Mediterranean Sea-Level Variability and Trends // The Climate of the Mediterranean Region. | London : Delhi: Elsevier, 2012. str. 257-299
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Dominović, Iva; Marguš, Marija; Bakran-Petricioli, Tatjana; Petricioli, Donat; Ciglenečki, Irena; Vilibić, Ivica | Observing lake-sea tidally driven water exchange in Lake Zmajevo Oko (Rogoznica, Croatia) // Acta Adriatica, 65 (2024), 2; 179-192. doi: 10.32582/aa.65.2.6 -
Supić, Nastjenjka; Budiša, Andrea; Ciglenečki, Irena; Čanković, Milan; Dautović, Jelena; Djakovac, Tamara; Dunić, Natalija; Dutour-Sikirić, Mathieu; Ivančić, Ingrid; Kalac, Matea et al. | Are winter conditions impacting annual organic production in the northern Adriatic? Verifications and future projections // Progress in oceanography, 224 (2024), June; 103247, 16. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2024.103247 -
Zemunik Selak, Petra; Denamiel, Cléa Lumina; Peharda Uljević, Melita; Schöne, Bernd R.; Thébault, Julien; Uvanović, Hana; Markulin, Krešimir; Vilibić, Ivica | Projecting expected growth period of bivalves in a coastal temperate sea // Limnology and oceanography letters, 9 (2024), 4; 815-826. doi: 10.1002/lol2.10393 -
dunić, natalija; vilibić, ivica; sevault, florence; supić, nastenjka | The northern Adriatic circulation regimes in the future winter climate // Climate dynamics, 60 (2023), 11-12; 3471-3484. doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06516-6
doi -
Tojčić, Iva; Denamiel, Clea; Vilibić, Ivica | Kilometer-scale trends, variability, and extremes of the Adriatic far-future climate (RCP 8.5, 2070−2100) // Frontiers in marine science, 11 (2024), 1329020, 21. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1329020 -
Dunić, Natalija; Supić, Nastenjka; Sevault; Florence; Vilibić, Ivica; | The northern Adriatic circulation regimes in the future winter climate // Climate dynamics, 60 (2022), 3471-3484. doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06516-6 -
Tojčić, Iva ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Vilibić, Ivica | Kilometer-scale trends and variability of the Adriatic present climate (1987–2017) // Climate dynamics, 61 (2023), 2521-2545. doi: 10.1007/s00382-023-06700-2 -
Pranić, Petra ; Denamiel, Cléa Lumina ; Janeković, Ivica ; Vilibić, Ivica | Multi-model analysis of the Adriatic dense water dynamics // Ocean science, 19 (2023), 3; 649-670. doi: 10.5194/os-19-649-2023 -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Pranić, Petra ; Tojčić, Iva ; Vilibić, Ivica | Modes of the BiOS-driven Adriatic Sea thermohaline variability // Climate dynamics, 59 (2022), 1097-1113. doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06178-4 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Međugorac, Iva ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Karlović, Maja ; Mlinar, Marko | Climatology and process-oriented analysis of the Adriatic sea level extremes // Progress in oceanography, 209 (2022), 102908, 26. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102908 -
Pellikka, Havu ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Lehtonen, Ilari ; Vilibić, Ivica | Meteotsunamis in the northern Baltic Sea and their relation to synoptic patterns // Weather and climate extremes, 38 (2022), 100527, 18. doi: 10.1016/j.wace.2022.100527 -
Korbar, Tvrtko ; Navratil, Dražen ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Kordić, Branko ; Biolchi, Sara ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Furlani, Stefano | Coarse-Clast Storm Deposit and Solitary Boulders on the Island of Mana (NP Kornati, Central Adriatic, Croatia) // Geosciences, 12 (2022), 10; 355, 24. doi: 10.3390/geosciences12100355 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Dunić, Natalija ; Peharda, Melita | Near-surface ocean temperature variations across temporal scales in the coastal eastern Adriatic // Continental shelf research, 245 (2022), 104786, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2022.104786 -
Reyes, Emma ; Aguiar, Eva ; Bendoni, Michele ; Berta, Maristella ; Brandini, Carlo ; Cáceres- Euse, Alejandro ; Capodici, Fulvio ; Cardin, Vanessa ; Cianelli, Daniela ; Ciraolo, Giuseppe et al. | Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean – Part 2: Applications in support of science priorities and societal needs // Ocean science, 18 (2022), 3; 797-837. doi: 10.5194/os-18-797-2022 -
Lorente, Pablo ; Aguiar, Eva ; Bendoni, Michele ; Berta, Maristella ; Brandini, Carlo ; Cáceres-Euse, Alejandro ; Capodici, Fulvio ; Cianelli, Daniela ; Ciraolo, Giuseppe ; Corgnati, Lorenzo et al. | Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean – Part 1: Status of operations and a framework for future development // Ocean science, 18 (2022), 3; 761-795. doi: 10.5194/os-18-761-2022 -
Pérez Gómez, Begoña ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Međugorac, Iva ; Ličer, Matjaž ; Testut, Laurent ; Fraboul, Claire ; Marcos, Marta ; Abdellaoui, Hassen ; Álvarez Fanjul, Enrique et al. | Coastal Sea Level Monitoring in the Mediterranean and Black Seas // Ocean science, 18 (2022), 997-1053. doi: 10.5194/os-18-997-2022 -
Zemunik, Petra ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica | High-frequency sea-level analysis: Global distributions // Global and planetary change, 210 (2022), 103775, 18. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103775 -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Tojčić, Iva ; Vilibić, Ivica | Meteotsunamis in Orography‐Free, Flat Bathymetry and Warming Climate Conditions // Journal of geophysical research. Oceans, 127 (2022), 1; e2021JC017386, 18. doi: 10.1029/2021jc017386 -
Pugnetti, Alessandra ; Manea, Elisabetta ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Sarretta, Alessandro ; Capotondi, Lucilla ; Cataletto, Bruno ; De Maio, Elisabeth ; Franzosini, Carlo ; Golec, Ivana ; Gottardi, Marco et al. | The Ecological Observing System of the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS): structure and perspectives within the main European biodiversity and environmental strategies // Research Ideas and Outcomes, 8 (2022), e82597, 13. doi: 10.3897/rio.8.e82597 -
Babeyko, Andrey ; Lorito, Stefano ; Hernandez, Francisco ; Lauterjung, Jörn ; Løvholt, Finn ; Rudloff, Alexander ; Sørensen, Mathilde ; Androsov, Alexey ; Aniel-Quiroga, Inigo ; Armigliato, Alberto et al. | Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure // Annals of geophysics, 65 (2022), 2; DM215, 21. doi: 10.4401/ag-8762 -
Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Pavičić, Mišo ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Janeković, Ivica ; Vrdoljak, Dario ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Stagličić, Nika ; Šegvić-Bubić, Tanja ; Vujević, Ante | Impacts of Sea Bottom Temperature on CPUE of European Lobster Homarus gammarus (Linnaeus, 1758; Decapoda, Nephropidae) in the Eastern Adriatic Sea // Frontiers in marine science, 9 (2022), 891197, 14. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.891197 -
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Matić, Frano ; Ljubešić, Zrinka ; Mauri, Elena ; Gerin, Riccardo ; Notarstefano, Giulio ; Poulain, Pierre-Marie | Observation, Preconditioning and Recurrence of Exceptionally High Salinities in the Adriatic Sea // Frontiers in marine science, 8 (2021), 672210, 22. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.672210 -
Pranić, Petra ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Vilibić, Ivica | Performance of the Adriatic Sea and Coast (AdriSC) climate component – a COAWST V3.3-based one-way coupled atmosphere–ocean modelling suite: ocean results // Geoscientific Model Development, 14 (2021), 10; 5927-5955. doi: 10.5194/gmd-14-5927-2021 -
Tojčić, Iva ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Vilibić, Ivica | Performance of the Adriatic early warning system during the multi-meteotsunami event of 11–19 May 2020: an assessment using energy banners // Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 21 (2021), 8; 2427-2446. doi: 10.5194/nhess-21-2427-2021 -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Pranić, Petra ; Ivanković, Damir ; Tojčić, Iva ; Vilibić, Ivica | Performance of the Adriatic Sea and Coast (AdriSC) climate component – a COAWST V3.3-based coupled atmosphere–ocean modelling suite: atmospheric dataset // Geoscientific Model Development, 14 (2021), 6; 3995-4017. doi: 10.5194/gmd-14-3995-2021 -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Huan, Xun ; Vilibić, Ivica | Conceptual design of extreme sea-level early warning systems based on uncertainty quantification and engineering optimization methods // Frontiers in marine science, 8 (2021), 650279, 9. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.650279 -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Tojčić, Iva ; Vilibić, Ivica | Balancing accuracy and efficiency of atmospheric models in the northern Adriatic during severe bora events // Journal of geophysical research. Atmospheres, 126 (2021), 5; e2020JD033516, 25. doi: 10.1029/2020jd033516 -
Kazeminezhad, Mohammad Hossein ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Ghafarian, Parvin ; Negah, Samaneh | Weather radar and ancillary observations of the convective system causing the northern Persian Gulf meteotsunami on 19 March 2017 // Natural hazards, 106 (2021), 2; 1747-1769. doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-04208-0
doi -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Zemunik, Petra ; Monserrat, Sebastian | The Mediterranean and Black Sea meteotsunamis: an overview // Natural hazards, 106 (2021), 2; 1223-1267. doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-04306-z
doi -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Rabinovich, Alexander ; Tinti, Stefano | Meteotsunami (“Marrobbio”) of 25–26 June 2014 on the Southwestern Coast of Sicily, Italy // Pure and applied geophysics, 175 (2018), 4; 1573-1593. doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-1827-8 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Horvath, Kristian ; Palau, Jose Luis | Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean and Black Seas: Introduction // Pure and applied geophysics, 175 (2018), 11; 3721-3725. doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-2021-8 -
Medvedev, Igor P. ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Rabinovich, Alexander B. | Tidal Resonance in the Adriatic Sea: Observational Evidence // Journal of geophysical research. Oceans, 125 (2020), 8; e2020JC016168, 23. doi: 10.1029/2020jc016168
doi -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Zemunik, Petra ; Dunić, Natalija ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Local and remote drivers of the observed thermohaline variability on the northern Adriatic shelf (Mediterranean Sea) // Continental shelf research, 199 (2020), 104110, 14. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104110
doi -
Zemunik, Petra ; Bonanno, Angelo ; Mazzola, Salvatore ; Giacalone, Giovanni ; Fontana, Ignazio ; Genovese, Simona ; Basilone, Gualtiero ; Candela, Julio ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica et al. | Observing meteotsunamis (“Marrobbio”) on the southwestern coast of Sicily // Natural hazards, 106 (2021), 2; 1337-1363. doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-04303-2
doi -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica | Impact of Geomorphological Changes to Harbor Resonance During Meteotsunamis: The Vela Luka Bay Test Case // Pure and applied geophysics, 175 (2018), 11; 3839-3859. doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-1862-5 -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Huan, Xun ; Bolzer, Célia ; Vilibić, Ivica | Stochastic Surrogate Model for Meteotsunami Early Warning System in the Eastern Adriatic Sea // Journal of geophysical research. Oceans, 124 (2019), 11; 8485-8499. doi: 10.1029/2019jc015574
doi -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Tojčić, Iva ; Vilibić, Ivica | Far future climate (2060–2100) of the northern Adriatic air–sea heat transfers associated with extreme bora events // Climate dynamics, 55 (2020), 11-12; 3043-3066. doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05435-8
doi -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Pranić, Petra ; Quentin, Florent ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica | Pseudo-global warming projections of extreme wave storms in complex coastal regions: the case of the Adriatic Sea // Climate dynamics, 55 (2020), 2483-2509. doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05397-x
doi -
Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Grbec, Branka ; Matić, Frano ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Džoić, Tomislav ; Šantić, Danijela ; Šestanović, Stefanija ; Šolić, Mladen ; Ivatek-Šahdan, Stjepan et al. | Record-breaking salinities in the middle Adriatic during summer 2017 and concurrent changes in the microbial food web // Progress in oceanography, 185 (2020), 102345, 17. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102345
doi -
Ciglenečki, Irena ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dautović, Jelena ; Vojvodić, Vjeročka ; Ćosović, Božena ; Zemunik, Petra ; Dunić, Natalija ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Dissolved organic carbon and surface active substances in the northern Adriatic Sea: long- term trends, variability and drivers // Science of the total environment, 730 (2020), 139104, 14. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139104 -
Denamiel, Cléa ; Huan, Xun ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica | Uncertainty Propagation Using Polynomial Chaos Expansions for Extreme Sea Level Hazard Assessment: The Case of the Eastern Adriatic Meteotsunamis // Journal of physical oceanography, 50 (2020), 4; 1005-1021. doi: 10.1175/jpo-d-19-0147.1
doi -
Radilović, Slavko ; Koračin, Darko ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Belušić, Danijel ; Güttler, Ivan ; Vilibić, Ivica | Simulated and observed air temperature trends in the eastern Adriatic // Atmospheric Science Letters, 21 (2020), 1; e951, 13. doi: 10.1002/asl.951 -
Janeković, Ivica ; Mihanović, H. ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Grčić, B. ; Ivatek-Šahdan, Stjepan ; Tudor, Martina ; Đakovac, Tamara | Using multi-platform 4D-Var data assimilation to improve modelling of Adriatic Sea dynamics // Ocean modelling, 146 (2019), 101538, 15. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2019.101538 -
Biolchi, Sara ; Denamiel, Clea ; Devoto, Stefano ; Korbar, Tvrtko ; Macovaz, Vanja ; Scicchitano, Giovanni ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Furlani, Stefano | Impact of the October 2018 storm Vaia on coastal boulders in the northern Adriatic Sea // Water, 11 (2019), 2229, 23. doi: 10.3390/w11112229 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Zemunik, Petra ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Dunić, Natalija ; Marzouk, Oussama ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Denamiel, Clea ; Precali, Robert ; Djakovac, Tamara | Present climate trends and variability in thermohaline properties of the northern Adriatic shelf // Ocean science, 15 (2019), 5; 1351-1362. doi: 10.5194/os-15-1351-2019 -
Tintoré, Joaquín ; Pinardi, Nadia ; Álvarez-Fanjul, Enrique ; Aguiar, Eva ; Álvarez-Berastegui, Diego ; Bajo, Marco ; Balbin, Rosa ; Bozzano, Roberto ; Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno ; Cardin, Vanessa et al. | Challenges for Sustained Observing and Forecasting Systems in the Mediterranean Sea // Frontiers in marine science, 6 (2019), 568, 30. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00568
doi -
Biolchi, Sara ; Furlani, Stefano ; Devoto, Stefano ; Scicchitano, Giovanni ; Korbar, Tvrtko ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | The origin and dynamics of coastal boulders in a semi-enclosed shallow basin: A northern Adriatic case study // Marine geology, 411 (2019), 62-77. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2019.01.008
doi -
Peharda, Melita ; Walliser, Eric O. ; Markulin, Krešimir ; Purroy, Ariadna ; Uvanović, Hana ; Janeković, Ivica ; Župan, Ivan ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Schone, Bernd R. | Glycymeris pilosa (Bivalvia) – A high-potential geochemical archive of the environmental variability in the Adriatic Sea // Marine environmental research, 150 (2019), 104759, 14. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104759
doi -
Peharda, Melita ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Black, Bryan ; Uvanović, Hana ; Markulin, Krešimir ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | A network of bivalve chronologies from semi- enclosed seas // PLoS One, 14 (2019), 7; e0220520, 16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220520 -
Matić, Frano ; Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Grbec, Branka ; Morožin, Karla | Adriatic-Ionian air temperature and precipitation patterns derived from self-organizing maps: relation to hemispheric indices // Climate research, 78 (2019), 2; 149-163. doi: 10.3354/cr01565 -
Denamiel, Clea ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Ivanković, Damir ; Vilibić, Ivica | The Adriatic Sea and Coast modelling suite: Evaluation of the meteotsunami forecast component // Ocean modelling, 135 (2019), n/a; 71-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2019.02.003 -
Dunić, Natalija ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Sevault, Florence ; Somot, Samuel ; Waldman, Robin ; Nabat, Pierre ; Arsouze, Thomas ; Pennel, Romain et al. | Performance of multi-decadal ocean simulations in the Adriatic Sea // Ocean modelling, 134 (2019), 84-109. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2019.01.006 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Dunić, Natalija ; Monserrat, Sebastian ; Jorda, Gabriel | Proxy-Based Assessment of Strength and Frequency of Meteotsunamis in Future Climate // Geophysical research letters, 45 (2018), 19; 10501-10508. doi: 10.1029/2018GL079566
doi -
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Janeković, Ivica ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Kovačević, Vedrana ; Bensi, Manuel | Modelling interannual changes in dense water formation on the northern Adriatic shelf // Pure and applied geophysics, 175 (2018), 11; 4065-4081. doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-1935-5 -
Matić, Frano ; Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica | Interpreting Self-Organizing Map errors in the classification of ocean patterns // Computers & geosciences, 119 (2018), 9-17. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2018.06.006 -
Babić, Ivana ; Mucko, Maja ; Petrić, Ines ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dupčić Radić, Iris ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Balestra, Cecilia ; Casotti, Raffaella et al. | Multilayer approach for characterization of bacterial diversity in a marginal sea: From surface to seabed // Journal of marine systems, 184 (2018), 15-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.04.002 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Janeković, Ivica ; Denamiel, Cléa ; Poulain, Pierre-Marie ; Orlić, Mirko ; Dunić, Natalija ; Dadić, Vlado ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Muslim, Stipe et al. | Wintertime dynamics in the coastal northeastern Adriatic Sea: the NAdEx 2015 experiment // Ocean science, 14 (2018), 2; 237-258. doi: 10.5194/os-14-237-2018 -
Peharda, Melita ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Black, Bryan A. ; Markulin, Krešimir ; Dunić, Natalija ; Džoić, Tomislav ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Gačić, Miroslav ; Puljas, Sanja ; Waldman, Robin | Using bivalve chronologies for quantifying environmental drivers in a semi-enclosed temperate sea // Scientific reports, 8 (2018), 5559, 9. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23773-w -
Grbec, Branka ; Matić, Frano ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Morović, Mira ; Popović, Ružica ; Vilibić, Ivica | Long-term trends, variability and extremes of in situ sea surface temperature measured along the eastern Adriatic coast and its relationship to hemispheric processes // Pure and applied geophysics, 175 (2018), 11; 4031-4046. doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-1793-1 -
Dunić, Natalija ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Somot, Samuel ; Sevault, Florence | Dense water formation and BiOS-induced variability in the Adriatic Sea simulated using an ocean regional circulation model // Climate dynamics, 51 (2018), 3; 1211-1236. doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3310-5
doi -
Lučić, Davor ; Ljubešić, Zrinka ; Babić, Ivana ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Hure, Marijana ; Njire, Jakica ; Lučić, Petra et al. | Unusual winter zooplankton bloom in the open southern Adriatic Sea // TURKISH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 41 (2017), 6; 1024-1035. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1702-17 -
Kokkini, Zoi ; Gerin, Riccardo ; Poulain, Pierre- Marie ; Mauri, Elena ; Pasarić, Zoran ; Janeković, Ivica ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica | A multiplatform investigation of Istrian Front dynamics (north Adriatic Sea) in winter 2015 // Mediterranean Marine Science, 18 (2017), 2; 344-354. doi: 10.12681/mms.1895 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Monserrat, Sebastian | Quantifying the probability of meteotsunami occurrence from synoptic atmospheric patterns // Geophysical research letters, 43 (2016), 19; 10377-10384. doi: 10.1002/2016GL070754 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | Global mapping of nonseismic sea level oscillations at tsunami timescales // Scientific reports, 7 (2017), 40818-1-40818-6. doi: 10.1038/srep40818 -
Matić, Frano ; Kovač, Žarko ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Morović, Mira ; Grbec, Branka ; Leder, Nenad ; Džoić, Tomislav | Oscillating Adriatic temperature and salinity regimes mapped using the Self-Organizing Maps method // Continental shelf research, 132 (2017), 11-18. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2016.11.006 -
Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Cosoli, Simone ; Tudor, Martina ; Vilibić, Ivica | Predicting ocean surface currents using numerical weather prediction model and Kohonen neural network: a northern Adriatic study // Neural computing and applications, 28 (2017), S1; 611-620. doi: 10.1007/s00521-016-2395-4 Vilibić, Ivica ; Čikeš Keč, Vanja ; Zorica, Barbara ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Matijević, Slavica ; Džoić, Tomislav | Hydrographic conditions driving sardine and anchovy populations in a land-locked sea // Mediterranean Marine Science, 17 (2016), 1; 1-12
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Monserrat, Sebastian ; Rabinovich, Alexander | Modern approaches in meteotsunami research and early warning // Frontiers in marine science, 3 (2016), 5; 57, 7. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00057 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Cosoli, Simone ; Tudor, Martina ; Žagar, Nedjeljka ; Jesenko, Blaž | Sensitivity of HF radar-derived surface current self-organizing maps to various processing procedures and mesoscale wind forcing // Computational geosciences, 20 (2016), 115-131. doi: 10.1007/s10596-015-9550-3 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Janeković, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | Modelling the formation of dense water in the northern Adriatic: Sensitivity studies // Ocean modelling, 101 (2016), 17-29. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.03.001 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Cosoli, Simone ; Janeković, Ivica ; Žagar , Nedjeljka ; Jesenko, Blaž ; Tudor, Martina ; Dadić, Vlado et al. | Self-Organizing Maps-based ocean currents forecasting system // Scientific reports, 6 (2016), 22924, 7. doi: 10.1038/srep22924 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Međugorac, Iva ; Janeković, Ivica ; Dunić, Natalija ; Vilibić, Ivica | Multi-meteotsunami event in the Adriatic Sea generated by atmospheric disturbances of 25–26 June 2014 // Pure and applied geophysics, 173 (2016), 12; 4117-4138. doi: 10.1007/s00024-016-1249-4 Skejić, Sanda ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Matijević, Slavica ; Jozić, Slaven ; Ninčević Gladan, Živana ; Morović, Mira ; Marasović, Ivona ; Prelesnik, Heliodor | Long-term regulating mechanisms of phytoplankton biomass in a traditional shellfish aquaculture area // Fresenius environmental bulletin, 24 (2015), 9; 3001-3013
Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Cosoli, Simone ; Vilibić, Ivica | Sensitivity of Self-Organizing Map surface current patterns to the use of radial versus Cartesian input vectors measured by high-frequency radars // Computers & geosciences, 84 (2015), 29-36. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2015.08.005 -
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dunić, Natalija ; Šepić, Jadranka | Mapping of decadal middle Adriatic oceanographic variability and its relation to the BiOS regime // Journal of geophysical research. Oceans, 120 (2015), 8; 5615-5630. doi: 10.1002/2015JC010725 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Amaury Lafon, Amaury ; Macheboeuf, Loic ; Zvonko Ivanović | High-frequency sea level oscillations in the Mediterranean and their connection to synoptic patterns // Progress in oceanography, 137 (2015), 284-298. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2015.07.005 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Rabinovich, Alexander ; Monserrat, Sebastian | Widespread tsunami-like waves of 23-27 June in the Mediterranean and Black Seas generated by high-altitude atmospheric forcing // Scientific reports, 5 (2015), 11682-1-11682-8. doi: 10.1038/srep11682 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Kušpilić, Grozdan ; Ivčević, Ante ; Milun, Vesna | Mapping of oceanographic properties along a middle Adriatic transect using Self-Organising Maps // Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 163 (2015), Part B; 84-92. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.05.046 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Fine, Isaac | Northern Adriatic meteorological tsunamis : Assessment of their potential through ocean modeling experiments // Journal of geophysical research. Oceans, 120 (2015), 4; 2993-3010. doi: 10.1002/2015JC010795 -
Sikora, Marjan ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica | Paleo-coastline of the Central Eastern Adriatic Sea, and paleo-channels of the Cetina and Neretva rivers during the last glacial maximum // Acta Adriatica, 55 (2014), 1; 3-18 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Pištalo, Damjan ; Šepić, Jadranka | Long-term variability and trends of relative geostrophic currents in the middle Adriatic // Continental shelf research, 93 (2015), 70-80. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2014.12.003 -
Janeković, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Tudor, Martina | Extreme cooling and dense water formation estimates in open and coastal regions of the Adriatic Sea during the winter of 2012 // Journal of geophysical research. Oceans, 119 (2014), 5; 3200-3218. doi: 10.1002/2014JC009865 -
Horvath, Kristian ; Vilibić, Ivica | Atmospheric mesoscale conditions during the Boothbay meteotsunami : a numerical sensitivity study using a high-resolution mesoscale model // Natural hazards, 74 (2014), 1; 55-74. doi: 10.1007/s11069-014-1055-1 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Charrayre, Francois | Assessing meteotsunami potential of high-frequency air pressure oscillations observed in the middle Adriatic // Natural hazards, 74 (2014), 1; 217-232. doi: 10.1007/s11069-013-0865-x -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Horvath, Kristian ; Strelec Mahović, Nataša, Monserrat, Sebastian ; Marcos, Marta ; Amores, Angel ; Fine, Isaac | Atmospheric processes responsible for generation of the 2008 Boothbay meteotsunami // Natural hazards, 74 (2014), 1; 25-53. doi: 10.1007/s11069-013-0811-y -
Bušelić, Ivana ; Peharda, Melita ; Reynolds, David J. ; Butler, Paul G. ; González, Alejandro Román ; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Grbec, Branka ; Hollyman, Phill ; Richardson, Christopher A | Glycymeris bimaculata (Poli, 1795) - a new sclerochronological archive for the Mediterranean? // Journal of sea research, 95 (2015), 139-148. doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2014.07.011 -
Pasquet, Simon ; Vilibić, Ivica | Shelf edge reflection of atmospherically generated long ocean waves along the central U.S. East Coast // Continental shelf research, 66 (2013), 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2013.06.007 -
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Carniel, Sandro ; Tudor, Martina ; Russo, Aniello ; Bergamasco, Andrea ; Bubić, Nikola ; Ljubešić, Zrinka ; Viličić, Damir ; Boldrin, Alfredo et al. | Exceptional dense water formation on the Adriatic shelf in the winter of 2012 // Ocean science, 9 (2013), 561-572. doi: 10.5194/os-9-561-2013 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Observing the bottom density current over a shelf using an Argo profiling float // Geophysical research letters, 40 (2013), 5; 910-915. doi: 10.1002/grl.50215 -
Rako, Nikolina ; Maria Fortuna, Caterina ; Holcer, Draško ; Mackelworth, Peter ; Nimak-Wood, Maja ; Pleslić, Grgur ; Sebastianutto, Linda ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Wiemann, Annika ; Picciulin, Marta | Leisure boating noise as a trigger for the displacement of the bottlenose dolphins of the Cres–Lošinj archipelago (northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia) // Marine pollution bulletin, 68 (2013), 1/2; 77-84. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.12.019
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Rako, Nikolina ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Mapping the underwater sound noise and assessing its sources by using a Self-Organizing Maps method // The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133 (2013), 3; 1368-1376. doi: 10.1121/1.4789003 -
Pasquet, Simon ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | A survey of strong high-frequency sea level oscillations along the U.S. East Coast between 2006 and 2011 // Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 13 (2013), 2; 473-482. doi: 10.5194/nhess-13-473-2013 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Proust, Nicolas | Weakening thermohaline circulation in the Adriatic Sea // Climate research, 55 (2013), 3; 217-225. doi: 10.3354/cr01128 -
Zorica, Barbara ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Čikeš Keč, Vanja ; Šepić, Jadranka | Environmental conditions conducive to anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) spawning in the Adriatic Sea // Fisheries oceanography, 22 (2013), 1; 32-40. doi: 10.1111/fog.12002 -
Rako, Nikolina ; Picciulin, Marta ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Fortuna, Caterina Maria | Spatial and temporal variability of Sea Ambient Noise as an anthropogenic pressure index : the case of the Cres-Lošinj archipelago, Croatia // Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93 (2013), 1; 27-36. doi: 10.1017/S0025315412001233 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Matijević, Slavica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Kušpilić, Grozdan | Changes in the Adriatic oceanographic properties induced by the Eastern Mediterranean Transient // Biogeosciences, 9 (2012), 6; 2085-2097. doi: 10.5194/bg-9-2085-2012 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Adam Gaxotte, Zoran | Coherent patterns in long-term sea-level variability trends derived from long-term tide gauge measurements // International journal of climatology, 33 (2013), 3; 577-584. doi: 10.1002/joc.3449 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Jorda, Gabriel ; Marcos, Marta | Mediterranean Sea level forced by atmospheric pressure and wind: Variability of the present climate and future projections for several period bands // Global and planetary change, 86/87 (2012), 20-30. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.01.008 -
Carić, Marina ; Jasprica, Nenad ; Kršinić, Frano ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Batistić, Mirna | Hydrography, nutrients, and plankton along the longitudinal section of the ombla Estuary (south- eastern Adriatic) // Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92 (2012), 6; 1227-1242. doi: 10.1017/S002531541100213X -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Strelec Mahović, Nataša | Northern Adriatic meteorological tsunamis: observations, link to the atmosphere and predictability // Journal of geophysical research, 117 (2012), C2; C02002, 18. doi: 10.1029/2011JC007608 -
Supić, Nastjenjka ; Kraus, Romina ; Kuzmić, Milivoj ; Paschini, Elio ; Precali, Robert ; Russo, Aniello ; Vilibić, Ivica | Predictability of northern Adriatic winter conditions // Journal of marine systems, 90 (2012), 1; 42-57. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.08.008 -
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Cosoli, Simone ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Ivanković, Damir ; Dadić, Vlado ; Gačić, Miro | Surface current patterns in the northern Adriatic extracted from high‐frequency radar data using self‐organizing map analysis // Journal of geophysical research, 116 (2011), C08033, 14. doi: 10.1029/2011JC007104 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Matijević, Slavica | Using Self-Organising Maps to investigate long-term changes in deep Adriatic water patterns // Continental shelf research, 31 (2011), 6; 695-711. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2011.01.007 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Žuljević, Ante ; Nikolić, Vedran | The dynamics of a saltwater marine lake (Big Lake, Island of Mljet, Adriatic Sea) as revealed by temperature measurements // Acta Adriatica, 51 (2010), 2; 119-130 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica | The development and implementation of a real-time meteotsunami warning network for the Adriatic Sea // Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 11 (2011), 83-91. doi: 10.5194/nhess-11-83-2011 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Ranguelov, Boyko ; Strelec-Mahović, Nataša ; Tinti, Stefano | Possible atmospheric origin of the 7 May 2007 western Black Sea shelf tsunami event // Journal of geophysical research, 115 (2010), C07006, 12. doi: 10.1029/2009JC005904 -
Šolić, Mladen ; Krstulović, Nada ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Bojanić, Natalia ; Kušpilić, Grozdan ; Šestanović, Stefanija ; Šantić, Danijela ; Ordulj, Marin | Variability in the bottom-up and top-down controls of bacteria on trophic and temporal scales in the middle Adriatic Sea // Aquatic microbial ecology, 58 (2009), 1; 15-29. doi: 10.3354/ame01342 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | Long-term variability and trends of sea level storminess and extremes in European Seas // Global and planetary change, 71 (2010), 1/2; 1-12 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Dadić, Vlado ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Fortnightly oscillations observed in the Adriatic Sea // Ocean dynamics, 60 (2010), 57-63. doi: 10.1007/s10236-009-0241-2 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Denis, Lydie ; Vilibić, Ivica | Real-time procedure for detection of a meteotsunami within an early tsunami warning system // Physics and chemistry of the earth, 34 (2009), 17-18; 1023-1031 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Monserrat, Sebastian | Teleconnections between the Adriatic and the Balearic meteotsunamis // Physics and chemistry of the earth, 34 (2009), 17-18; 928-937 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | Destructive meteotsunamis along the eastern Adriatic coast (Overview) // Physics and chemistry of the earth, 34 (2009), 17-18; 904-917 -
Vilibić, Ivica | How much the shared ocean or lake basins connect the researchers in neighbouring countries? // Scientometrics, 83 (2010), 2; 463-470. doi: 10.1007/s11192-009-0010-5 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Book, J.W. ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Orlić, Mirko ; Dadić, Vlado ; Tudor, Martina ; Martin, P.J. ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Grbec, Branka ; Matić, Frano et al. | West Adriatic coastal water excursions into the East Adriatic // Journal of marine systems, 78 (2009), S1; S132-S156 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Belušić, Danijel | Source of the 2007 Ist meteotsunami (Adriatic Sea) // Journal of geophysical research, 114 (2009), C01016, 14. doi: 10.1029/2008JC005092 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Monserrat, Sebastian ; Rabinovich, Alexander ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Numerical Modelling of the Destructive Meteotsunami of 15 June, 2006 on the Coast of the Balearic Islands // Pure and applied geophysics, 165 (2008), 11-12; 2169-2195. doi: 10.1007/s00024-008-0426-5 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Orlić, Mirko ; Vilibić, Ivica | The Bakar Bay seiches and their relationship with the atmospheric processes // Acta Adriatica, 49 (2008), 2; 107-124 -
Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Žagar, Nedjeljka ; Žagar, Mark ; Vellore, Ramesh ; Koračin, Darko ; Poulain, Pierre-Marie ; Orlić, Mirko ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado | Modeling the trajectories of satellite-tracked drifters in the Adriatic Sea during a summertime bora event // Journal of geophysical research, 113 (2008), C11; S1104, 22. doi: 10.1029/2007JC004536 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Žagar, Nedjeljka ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Supić, Nastjenjka ; Žagar, Mark ; Domijan, Nenad ; Pasarić, Miroslava | Summer breakout of trapped bottom dense water from the northern Adriatic // Journal of geophysical research, 113 (2008), C11; S1102, 19. doi: 10.1029/2007JC004535 Peharda, Melita ; Vilibić, Ivica | Modelling the recruitment effect in small marine protected area: the example of saltwater lakes on the Island of Mljet (Adriatic Sea) // Acta Adriatica, 49 (2008), 1; 25-35
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šantić, Danijela | Deep water ventilation traced by Synechococcus cyanobacteria // Ocean dynamics, 58 (2008), 2; 119-125. doi: 10.1007/s10236-008-0135-8 -
Šolić, Mladen ; Krstulović, Nada ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Kušpilić, Grozdan ; Šestanović, Stefanija ; Šantić, Danijela ; Ordulj, Marin | The role of water mass dynamics in controlling bacterial abundance and production in the middle Adriatic Sea // Marine environmental research, 65 (2008), 5; 388-404. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2008.01.004 Vilibić, Ivica | Numerical simulations of the Proudman resonance // Continental shelf research, 28 (2008), 4; 574-581-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Ivanković, Damir ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Čupić, Srđan | Qualitative analysis of old and new sea level measuring techniques and their data consistency // IEEE journal of oceanic engineering, 32 (2007), 2; 428-435-x -
Grbec, Branka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Bajić, Alica ; Morović, Mira ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Matić, Frano ; Dadić, Vlado | Response of the Adriatic Sea to the atmospheric anomaly in 2003 // Annales geophysicae, 25 (2007), 4; 835-846-x -
Orlić, Mirko ; Dadić, Vlado ; Grbec, Branka ; Leder, Nenad ; Marki, Antun ; Matić, Frano ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Pasarić, Zoran et al. | Wintertime buoyancy forcing, changing seawater properties, and two different circulation systems produced in the Adriatic // Journal of geophysical research, 111 (2006), C3; C03S07, 21. doi: 10.1029/2005JC003271 -
Dorman, Clive ; Carniel, Sandro ; Cavaleri, Luigi ; Sclavo, Mauro ; Chiggiato, Jacopo ; Doyle, James ; Haack, T. ; Pullen, Julie ; Grbec, Branka ; Vilibić, Ivica et al. | February 2003 marine atmospheric conditions and the bora over the northern Adriatic // Journal of geophysical research, 112 (2007), C03S03, 21. doi: 10.1029/2005jc003134 -
Vilibić, Ivica | Seasonal sea level variations in the Adriatic // Acta Adriatica, 47 (2006), 2; 141-158 Monserrat, Sebastian ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Alexander Rabinovich | Meteotsunamis: atmospherically induced destructive ocean waves in the tsunami frequency band // Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 6 (2006), 6; 1035-1051-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Beg Paklar, Gordana | High-frequency atmospherically-induced oscillations in the middle Adriatic coastal area // Annales geophysicae, 24 (2006), 11; 2759-2771-x
Vilibić, Ivica | The influence of digitisation and timing errors on the estimation of tidal components at Split (Adriatic Sea) // Annales geophysicae, 24 (2006), 6; 1483-1491-x -
Vilibić, Ivica | The role of the fundamental seiche in the Adriatic coastal floods // Continental shelf research, 26 (2006), 206-216-x -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Resonance in Ploče Harbor (Adriatic Sea) // Acta Adriatica, 46 (2005), 2; 125-136-x Vilibić, Ivica | Numerical study of the Middle Adriatic coastal waters sensitivity to the various air pressure travelling disturbances // Annales geophysicae, 23 (2005), 12; 3569-3578-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Supić, Nastenjka | Dense water generation on a shelf: the case of the Adriatic Sea // Ocean dynamics, 55 (2005), 5-6; 403-415 Supić, Nastjenjka ; Vilibić, Ivica | Dense water characteristics in the northern Adriatic in the 1967-2000 interval with respect to surface fluxes and Po river discharge rates // Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 66 (2006), 3-4; 580-593
Vilibić, Ivica ; Domijan, Nenad ; Čupić, Srđan | Wind versus air pressure seiche triggering in the Middle Adriatic coastal waters // Journal of marine systems, 57 (2005), 1-2; 189-200-x -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Large-amplitude internal Kelvin waves trapped off Split (Middle Adriatic Sea) // Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 61 (2004), 4; 623-630-x -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Domijan, Nenad ; Orlić, Mirko ; Leder, Nenad ; Pasarić, Miroslava | Resonant coupling of a traveling air-pressure disturbance with the east Adriatic coastal waters // Journal of geophysical research, 109 (2004), C100001, 13. doi: 10.1029/2004JC002279 Vilibić, Ivica ; Supić, Nastjenjka | Dense-water generation episodes in the northern Adriatic // Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. C, Geophysics and space physics, 27 (2004), 1; 47-57
Supić, Nastjenjka ; Grbec, Branka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Ivančić, Ingrid | Long-term changes in hydrographic conditions in northern Adriatic and its relationship to hydrological and atmospheric processes // Annales geophysicae, 22 (2004), 733-745-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Grbec, Branka ; Supić, Nastjenjka | Dense water generation in the north Adriatic in 1999 and its recirculation along the Jabuka Pit // Deep-sea research. Part 1. Oceanographic research papers, 51 (2004), 1457-1474-x Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | A study of resonant oscillations in the Split harbour (Adriatic Sea) // Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 56 (2003), 3-4; 861-867-x
Vilibić, Ivica | An analysis of dense water production on the North Adriatic shelf // Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 56 (2003), 3-4; 697-707-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | A study of seiches in the Split harbour (Adriatic Sea) // Acta Adriatica, 43 (2002), 2; 59-68
Vilibić, Ivica ; Orlić, Mirko | Adriatic water masses, their rates of formation and transport through the Otranto Strait // Deep-sea research. Part 1. Oceanographic research papers, 49 (2002), 1321-1340-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Orlić, Mirko | Least-squares tracer analysis of water masses in the South Adriatic (1967-1990) // Deep-sea research. Part 1. Oceanographic research papers, 48 (2001), 10; 2297-2330-x
Leder, Nenad ; Smirčić, Ante ; Vilibić, Ivica | The role of physical oceanography research in the process of marine enviromental assessment example of Cavtat // Periodicum biologorum, 102 (2000), Supplement 1; 107-113-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Orlić, Mirko | Surface seiches and internal Kelvin waves observed off Zadar (east Adriatic) // Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 48 (1999), 1; 125-136-x
Leder, Nenad ; Smirčić, Ante ; Vilibić, Ivica | Extreme values of surface wave heights in the northern Adriatic // Acta Adriatica, 15 (1998), 1-13-x
Raicich, Fabio ; Orlić, Mirko ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Malačič Vlado | A case study of the Adriatic seiches (December 1997) // Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. C, 22 (1999), 5; 715-726-x
Vilibić, Ivica | Variations of the Sa and Ssa tides in the Adriatic Sea // Acta Adriatica, 39 (1998), 1; 53-60
Vilibić, Ivica ; Leder, Nenad ; Smirčić, Ante | Forced and free response of the Adriatic Sea level // Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. C, 21 (1998), 4; 439-451-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Leder, Nenad | Long-term variations in the Mediterranean Sea level calculated by spectral analysis // Oceanologica acta, 19 (1996), 6; 599-607-x
Stručni rad
Vilibić, Ivica | Global sea level rise? New techniques for the absolute sea level measurement // Acta Adriatica, 14 (1997), 1; 119-131
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Orlić, Mirko | The Adriatic Sea: A Long-Standing Laboratory for Sea Level Studies // Pure and applied geophysics, 174 (2017), 10; 3765-3811. doi: 10.1007/s00024-017-1625-8 -
Vučetić, Tamara ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Tinti, Stefano ; Maramai, Alessandra | The Great Adriatic flood of 21 June 1978 revisited: An overview of the reports // Physics and chemistry of the earth, 34 (2009), 17-18; 894-903 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Orlić, Mirko ; Čupić, Srđan ; Domijan, Nenad ; Leder, Nenad ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Pasarić, Zoran ; Srdelić, Mladen ; Strinić, Goran | A new approach to sea level observations in Croatia // Geofizika, 22 (2005), 21-57-x
Kratko priopćenje
Vilibić, Ivica | Bibliometric analysis of the Adriatic-related oceanography and meteorology publications // Geofizika, 26 (2009), 2; 229-243
Data paper
Zemunik, Petra ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Pellikka, Havu ; Ćatipović, Leon ; Vilibić, Ivica | Minute Sea-Level Analysis (MISELA): a high-frequency sea-level analysis global dataset // Earth system science data, 13 (2021), 8; 4121-4132. doi: 10.5194/essd-13-4121-2021
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Vilibić, Ivica ; Poulain, Pierre-Marie ; Orlić, Mirko ; Janeković, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Gerin, Riccardo ; Kokkini, Zoi ; Kovač, Žarko ; Mauri, Elena ; Mihanović, Hrvoje et al. | The 2015 Northern Adriatic Experiment: preliminary results // Rapport du 41e Congres de la CIESM = 41 CIESM Congress Proceedings. | Monte Carlo: The Mediterranean Science Commission, 2016. str. 144-144 -
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Janeković, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Tudor, Martina | Modelling studies of dense water formation in the Adriatic Sea during the winter of 2012 // Rapport du 41e Congres de la CIESM = 41 CIESM Congress Proceeding. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2016. str. 101-101 Skejić, Sanda, Vilibić, Ivica, Ninčević Gladan Živana, Jozić, Slaven | Phytoplankton interactions: from selective shellfish feeding to long term observation data sets // Challenge for good environmental status in coastal waters. | Gelendzhik, 2014. str. 164-167
Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Matić, Frano ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Žagar, Nedjeljka ; Jasenko, Blaž ; Tudor, Martina | Comparison of two meteorological models using self-organizing maps // MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 : proceedings. | Genova: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015. str. 15473535-1-15473535-6 -
Supić, Nastjenjka ; Kraus, Romina ; Kuzmić, Milivoj ; Paschini, Elio ; Precali, Robert ; Russo, Anniello ; Vilibić, Ivica | TOWARDS LONG-TERM FORECAST OF THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC WINTER CONDITIONS // Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit.. | 2010. str. 188-188 -
Book, Jeffrey, W. ; Burrage, D.M. ; Carniel, S. ; Hobbs, R. ; Martin, P.J. ; Midgely, E.A. ; Rixen, M. ; Schroeder, K. ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Wood, W. | Eddy processes of the Western Adriatic Current near Cape Gargano // Rapport du 39 Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2010. str. 96-96 -
Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Janeković, Ivica ; Dutour Sikirić, Mathieu ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Grbec, Branka | Circulation variability in the Adriatic Sea and in small domains along the eastern Adriatic coast during 2007 and 2008 // Rapport du 39 Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2010. str. 90-90 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Dadić, Vlado ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Strong fortnightly oscillations observed in the Adriatic Sea // Rapport du 38e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2010. str. 198-198 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Matijević, Slavica | Long term changes in deep Adriatic water masses obtained by Self-Organising Maps analysis // Rapport du 39e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2010. str. 197-197 Morović, Mira ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Grbec, Branka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Lučić, Davor ; Matić, Frano | Strong internal oscillations found in the central south Adriatic pit // Rapport du 39 Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2010. str. 146-146
Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Ivanković, Damir ; Muslim, Stipe ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Real-time procedures implemented within coastal HF radar system in the northern Adriatic // Oceans09 IEEE Bremen - Balancing Technology with Future Needs. | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2009. str. 1-6
Dadić, Vlado ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Ivanković, Damir ; Muslim, Stipe | Mjerenje površinskih struja VF radarima u sjevernom Jadranu // Hidrološka mjerenja i obarda podataka. | Rijeka: Građevinki fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Hrvatsko hidrološko društva, 2008. str. 363-371
Dadić, Vlado ; Ivanković, Damir ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Grbec, Branka ; Morović, Mira ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Muslim, Stipe | Automatic measuring system on buoys and with real-time data acquisition (AMOS) // Hidrološka mjerenja i obrada podataka. | Rijeka: Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2008. str. 329-338
Leder, Nenad ; Smirčić, Ante ; Gržetić, Zvonko ; Grbec, Branka ; Vilibić, Ivica | Dinamička svojstva akvatorija Palagruškog praga // Zbornik Palagruža - Jadranski dragulj. | 1995. str. 339-343
Vilibić, Ivica ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Domijan, Nenad ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Supić, Nastjenjka ; Žagar, Mark ; Žagar, Nedjeljka | Summer breakout of trapped bottom dense water from the northern Adriatic // Rapport du 38e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2007. str. 210-x
Orlić, Mirko ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Bencetić Klaić ; Dadić, Vlado ; Domijan, Nenad ; Grbec, Branka ; Leder, Nenad ; Matić, Frano ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Morović, Mira et al. | A fresh look at dynamics of the Adriatic shelf-break area // Rapport du 38e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2007. str. 178-x
Vilibić, Ivica | Dense water generation on the North Adriatic shelf (Mediterranean Sea) // Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics in Estuaries and Coastal Seas. | Mérida: UNAM, 2004
Orlić, Mirko ; Dadić, Vlado ; Grbec, Branka ; Leder, Nenad ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Ivanković, Damir ; Marki, Antun ; Matić, Frano ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Pasarić, Mira et al. | East Adriatic Current in Winter and Spring 2003 // Rapport du 37e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2004. str. 130-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Domijan, Nenad ; Orlić, Mirko ; Leder, Nenad | Pressure-generated waves in the Middle Adriatic Sea // Rapports et proces-verbaux des reunions CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2004. str. 151-x
Vilibić, Ivica | Syntethically generated errors in tidal constituents // Rapports et proces-verbaux des reunions CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2004. str. 152-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Olujić, Goran ; Leder, Nenad ; Smirčić, Ante | Estuarij rijeke Zrmanje: termohalina svojstva i izmjena vodenih masa // 3. hrvatska konferencija o vodama - hrvatske vode u 21. stoljeću. | Zagreb: Hrvatske vode, 2003. str. 497-502-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Rezonantne oscilacije malih akvatorija - primjer splitske luke // 3. hrvatska konferencija o vodama - hrvatske vode u 21. stoljeću. | Zagreb: Hrvatske vode, 2003. str. 491-495-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Srdelić, Mladen ; Vidović, Bruna ; Strinić, Goran | Adriatic sea level: scientific basis and managing the data // Proceedings on GIS Odyssey 2002. | Zagreb: GIS Forum, 2002. str. 133-145-x
Smirčić, Ante ; Leder, Nenad ; Vilibić, Ivica | An analysis of diffusion characteristics in the harbour area (Split harbour, Adriatic Sea) // Rapports et proces-verbaux des réunions CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2001. str. 81-81
Vilibić, Ivica ; Leder, Nenad ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Smirčić, Ante ; Gržetić, Zvonko | MedGLOSS pressure gauge in the Split harbour: installation and preliminary analysis of the data // Rapports et proces-verbaux des réunions CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2001. str. 97-97
Vilibić, Ivica ; Orlić, Mirko | An estimation of water mass fractions in the Middle and South Adriatic // Rapports et proces-verbaux des réunions CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2001. str. 87-87
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | High-frequency sea level oscillations observed and modelled in the Split harbour (Adriatic Sea) // Rapports et proces-verbaux des réunions CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2001. str. 88-88
Vilibić, Ivica | Adriatic extreme sea levels: the role of the seiches // Book of Abstracts. | Split: Hrvatski hidrografski institut (HHI), 2001. str. 83-86-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Smirčić, Ante ; Leder, Nenad ; Gržetić, Zvonko | Sewage outfalls in the channel area: the Zadar and Pašman Channels (east Adriatic) // Water Pollution V: Modelling, Measuring and Prediction. | Wessex Institute of Technology Press, 1999. str. 85-94-x
Leder, Nenad ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Gržetić, Zvonko ; Smirčić, Ante ; Vilibić, Ivica | Wind-driven currents in the channel area; an example of the Zadar and Pašman Channels (east Adriatic coast) // Rapport du 35e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 1998. str. 166-167
Vilibić, Ivica ; Orlić, Mirko ; Smirčić, Ante ; Leder, Nenad | Surface seiches and internal Kelvin waves observed off Zadar (east Adriatic) // Rapport du 35e Congres de la CIESM. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 1998. str. 206-207
Vilibić, Ivica ; Leder, Nenad ; Smirčić, Ante ; Gržetić, Zvonko | Dugoročne promjene razine mora na hrvatskoj obali Jadrana // Tisuću godina prvoga spomena ribarstva u Hrvata. | Zagreb: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU), 1997. str. 437-445-x
Smirčić, Ante ; Leder, Nenad ; Vilibić, Ivica | Surface waves in the southern Adriatic area // Proceedings on International Symposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering. | Zagreb: Faculty of Civil Engineering - Zagreb, 1998. str. 461-471-x
Smirčić, Ante ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Leder, Nenad ; Gržetić, Zvonko | Diffusion experiment in the Split harbour (middle Adriatic Sea) // : Oil and Hydrocarbon Spills, Modelling, Analysis and Control. | Southampton: Springer, 1998. str. 267-275-x
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Dominović, Iva; Marguš, Marija; Bakran-Petricioli, Tatjana; Petricioli, Donat; Ciglenečki, Irena; Vilibić, Ivica | Izmjena vode u jezeru Zmajevo oko (Rogoznica, Hrvatska) uzrokovana plimnim oscilacijama // Knjiga sažetaka V. znanstveno-stručnog skupa Prilagodbe na klimatske promjene i očuvanje morskih ekosustava Jadranskog mora s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zadar, 2024. / Čolak, Slavica; Šarić, Tomislav; Milošević, Rina (ur.). | Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru, 2024. str. 20-21
Ciglenečki, Irena; Đakovac, Tamara;Tojčić, Iva; Simonović, Niki; Dominović, Iva; Terzić, Elena; Dautović, Jelena; Vilibić, Ivica | Fenomen cvjetanja mora, „mucillagini” u sjevernom Jadranu 2024. godine // Knjiga sažetaka V. znanstveno-stručnog skupa Prilagodbe na klimatske promjene i očuvanje morskih ekosustava Jadranskog mora s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zadar, 2024. / Čolak, Slavica; Šarić, Tomislav; Milošević, Rina (ur.). | Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru, 2024. str. 28-28
Vilibić, Ivica; Pranić, Petra; Zemunik Selak, Petra; Bubalo, Maja; Mihanović, Hrvoje; Dominović Novković, Iva | Visokofrekventne oscilacije razine Vranskog jezera (Biograd, Hrvatska) // Knjiga sažetaka V. znanstveno-stručnog skupa Prilagodbe na klimatske promjene i očuvanje morskih ekosustava Jadranskog mora s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zadar, 2024. / Čolak, Slavica; Šarić, Tomislav; Milošević, Rina (ur.). | Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru, 2024. str. 16-17 Pavičić, Mišo ; Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Janeković Ivica ; Vrdoljak, Dario ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Stagličić, Nika ; Šegvić-Bubić, Tanja ; Vujević, Ante | European lobster Homarus gammarus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the eastern Adriatic Sea: Effects of sea bottom temperature on CPUE // ECSA 59 Book of Abstracts. | 2022, 47, 1
Balić, Marijana ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Ćatipović, Leon ; Čupić, Srđan ; Kim, Jihwan ; Međugorac, Iva ; Omira, Rachid ; Pellikka, Havu ; Ruić, Krešimir ; Vilibić, Ivica et al. | Sub-hourly sea level quality-controlled dataset to quantify extreme sea levels along the European coasts. | Copernicus Publications, 2022. str. 1-1. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12063
doi -
Ciglenečki, Irena ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dautović, Jelena ; Simonović, Niki ; Vojvodić, Vjeročka ; Ćosović, Božena ; Zemunik, Petra ; Dunić, Natalija ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Long-term (30 years) study of dissolved organic matter in the northern Adriatic sea; an indication of global changes and the bios variations // 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 5th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 353-354 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Pasarić, Mira ; Međugorac, Iva ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Karlović, Maja ; Mlinar, Marko | Climatology and process-oriented analysis of the Adriatic sea-level extremes // EGU General Assembly 2021. | Copernicus Publications, 2021, EGU21-4090, 1. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4090 -
Supić, Nastjenjka ; Budiša, Andrea ; Ciglenečki, Irena ; Čanković, Milan ; Dautović, Jelena ; Djakovac, Tamara ; Dunić, Natalija ; Dutour- Sikirić, Mathieu ; Ivančić, Ingrid ; Kalac, Matea et al. | Hypothesis on impact of winter conditions on annual organic production in the northern Adriatic. | 2021. str. 1-1 Koračin, Darko ; Radilović, Slavko ; Belušić, Danijel ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Penović, Karlo ; Denamiel, Clea ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Bralić, Ante | Observed and simulated characteristics of climate trends in the air and sea temperatures over the coastal eastern Adriatic. | 2018. str. 18117-18117
Peharda, Melita ; Markulin, Krešimir ; Mert- Kraus, Regina ; Schone, Bernd ; Janeković, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria ; Uvanović, Hana ; Župan, Ivan ; Vilibić, Ivica | Bivalve shells - Geochemistry archives of environmental variability // ECSA 57 Changing estuaries, coasts and shelf systems - Diverse threats and opportunities. | Perth, 2018. str. 49-49
Pavičić, Mišo ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Vrdoljak, Dario ; Stagličić, Nika ; Šegvić Bubić, Tanja ; Vujević, Ante ; Matić- Skoko, Sanja | TEMPERATURE-DRIVEN ABUNDANCE CHANGE OF THE EUROPEAN LOBSTER (Homarus gammarus) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA // 13. HRVATSKI BIOLOŠKI KONGRES s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Zbornik sažetaka. | Zagreb, 2018. str. 308-309 Dunić, Natalija ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Sevault, Florence ; Somot, Samuel ; Waldman, Robin ; Arsouze, T. ; Pennel, R. ; Nabat, P. ; Jorda, Gabriel | Multi-model analysis of the Adriatic-Ionian thermohaline circulation using an ensemble of multi-decadal regional ocean simulations. | 2017
Bojanić-Varezić, Dubravka ; Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Tutman, Pero ; Vilibić, Ivica | Congridae leptocephali in the open waters of middle and south Adriatic Sea // 1st SouthEast European Ichthyological Conference, Book of Abstracts. | Sarajevo: INGEB Sarajevo, 2017. str. 22-22 Uvanović, Hana ; Peharda, Melita ; Markulin, Krešimir ; Džoić, Tomislav ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica | Bivalve Glycymeris pilosa – an archive of environmental change in the Adriatic Sea – case study of the Neretva channel // Abstract Book 52nd European Marine Biology Symposium. | Piran: National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station (NIB), 2017. str. 190-190
Pavin, Nicole ; Uvanović, Hana ; Markulin, Krešimir ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Džoić, Tomislav ; Župan, Ivan ; Peharda, Melita | Potential for developing multispecies chronologies in the Mediterranean Sea - case study of Pag bay, Adriatic Sea // Abstract Book 52nd European Marine Biology Symposium. | Piran: National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station (NIB), 2017. str. 173-173
Lučić, Davor ; Ljubešić, Zrinka ; Babić, Ivana ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Hure, Marijana ; Njire, Jakica ; Lučić, Petra et al. | Unusual zooplankton bloom in the open southern Adriatic Sea // 52 European Marine Biology Symposium. | Piran, 2017. str. 160-160
Ljubešić, Zrinka ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Babić, Ivana ; Barešić, Ana ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Petrić, Ines ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Hure, Marijana et al. | Suggesting bio-indicators of Adriatic Water masses and methods of their detection // Abstracts of 15th Panhellenic Scientific Conference, Hellenic Botanical Society. | Chania, 2017. str. 64-64
http Babić, Ivana ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dupčić Radić, Iris ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | Uncovering marine bacterial diversity in the southern Adriatic Sea: from surface to seabed // Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology Abstract Book / SAME15. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2017. str. 155-155
Mejdandžić, Maja ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | Picoeukaryotic plankton composition revealed by high-throughput sequencing: first data for the Adriatic Sea // Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology Abstract Book / SAME15. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2017. str. 102-102
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Lafon, Amaury ; Macheboeuf, Loic ; Ivanović, Zvonko | High-frequency sea-level oscillations in the Mediterranean Sea: analysis and synoptic preconditioning. | 2015 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | Meteotsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea: rare but destructive extreme sea level events occurring under specific synoptic conditions. | 2015 -
Tinti, Stefano ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Rabinovich, Alexander ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Bonanno, A. | "Marrobbio" (tsunami-like event) of 25 June 2014 at the southwestern coast of Sicily. | 2015 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Rabinovich Alexander ; Monserrat, Sebastian | A widespread Mediterranean/Black Sea meteotsunami of 23-27 June 2014: Observations and assessment of atmospheric processes. | 2015 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Lafon, Amaury ; Macheboeuf, Loic ; Ivanović, Zvonko | High-frequency sea-level oscillations in the Mediterranean Sea: analysis and synoptic preconditioning. | 2015 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Rabinovich, Alexander B. ; Monserrat, Sebastian | A chain of destructive meteotsunamis occurred in the Mediterranean region on 23-27 June, 2014. | 2014 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Žagar, Nedjeljka ; Cosoli, Simone ; Dadić, Vlado ; Ivanković, Damir ; Jesenko, Blaž ; Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Tudor, Martina | Using Self-Organizing Maps in creation of an ocean forecasting system. | 2014 -
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica | An application of Self-Organizing Maps method in recent Adriatic environmental studies and its perspectives. | 2014 Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Rabinovich, Alexander B. ; Monserrat, Sebastian | A silent hazard: Widespread occurrence of tsunami-like waves in the Mediterranean and Black Seas generated by high-altitude atmospheric forcing. | 2014
Vilibić, Ivica ; Žagar, Nedjeljka ; Cosoli, Simone ; Dadić, Vlado ; Ivanković. Damir ; Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Tudor, Martina | Using Self-Organizing Maps in Creation of an Ocean Forecasting System // Non-Gaussian and Nonlinear Techniques for Data Assimilation/Fusion, Predictability, and Uncertainty Quantification and Neural Networks I. | San Francisco (CA): American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2014 -
Vilibic, Ivica ; Zagar, Nedjeljka ; Cosoli, Simone ; Dadic, Vlado ; Horvath, Kristian ; Ivankovic, Damir ; Jesenko, Blaz ; Mihanovic, Hrvoje ; Sepic, Jadranka ; Tudor, Martina | Investigating and forecasting coastal Adriatic surface currents by using neural networks (NEURAL) // European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. | Beč: Copernicus Publications, 2014 -
Mihanovic, Hrvoje ; Janekovic, Ivica ; Vilibic, Ivica ; Tudor, MArtina | Dense water formation in the eastern coastal Adriatic during an extreme cooling event // European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. | Beč: Copernicus Publications, 2014 -
Peharda, Melita ; Bušelić, Ivana ; Reynolds, David ; Butler, Paul ; Roman Gonzales, Alessandro ; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Grbec, Branka ; Bukša, Filip ; Hollyman, Phill et al. | Glycymeris bimaculata (Poli, 1795) - a new sclerochronological archive for the Mediterranean? // 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference. | Bangor: Bangor University, 2013. str. 66-66 -
Jurić, Ivana ; Bušelić, Ivana ; Bukša, Filip ; Čalić, Antonela ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria ; Peharda ; Melita | Sclerochronological study of bivalve Glycymeris bimaculata (Poli, 1795) // 11. Hrvatski biološki kongres : zbornik sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2012. str. 241-242 Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Tutman, Pero ; Pallaoro, Armin | Retention and dispersion of Mediterranean moray eel, Muraena helena leptocephali from deep open waters to coastal area // XIV European Congress of Ichthyology: Program and Abstracts. | Liege: University of Liege, 2012. str. 138-138
Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Tutman, Pero ; Pallaoro, Armin | Importance of the South Adriatic Pit as the spawning area. Retention and dispersion of Mediterranean moray eel, Muraena helena leptocephali from deep open waters to coastal area // Program and Abstracts: 14th European Congress of Ichthyology (ECI-14). | Liege: Univeriste de Liege, 2012. str. 138-138
Vilibić, Ivica | Ocean-atmosphere resonant coupling in the tsunami frequency band. | 2011 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Jorda, Gabriel ; Marcos, Marta | Mediterranean sea level variability changes and projections at high frequencies (1-100 days). | 2011 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | An application of Self-Organising Maps method in recent Adriatic environmental studies and its perspectives. | 2011 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Jorda, Gabriel ; Marcos, Marta | Mediterranean sea level variability changes and projections at high frequencies (1-100 days). | 2011 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | An application of Self-Organising Maps method in recent Adriatic environmental studies and its perspectives. | 2011 Vilibić, Ivica | Is it possible to built an efficient meteotsunami warning system. | 2009
Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Janeković, Ivica ; Dutour Sikirić, Mathieu ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Grbec, Branka | Circulation variability in the Adriatic Sea and in small domains along the eastern Adriatic Coast during 2007 and 2008 // Rapport du 39e Congres de la CIESM / Briand, Frederic (ur.). | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2010. str. 90-90 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Adam Gaxotte, Zoran | Coherent patterns in sea level storminess trends as derived from long-term tide gauge measurements // Geophysical Research Abstracts. | Beč: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2010 -
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Ivanković, Damir ; Marasović, Siniša ; Muslim, Stipe | The Adriatic meteotsunami research and warning network // Geophysical Research Abstracts. | Beč: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2010 -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Ranguelov, Boyko ; Strelec Mahović, Nataša ; Tinti, Stefano | Atmospheric origin and ocean modelling of the 7 May 2007 western Black Sea shelf meteotsunami // Geophysical Research Abstracts. | Beč: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2010 Šantić, Danijela ; Vilibić , Ivica | The existence of Synechococcus in deep water of Adriatic Sea // Abstracts of the ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. | 2009. str. 235-235
Supić, Nastenjka ; Janeković, Ivica ; Kraus, Romina ; Kuzmić, Milivoj ; Paschini, Elio ; Precali, Robert ; Russo, Aniello ; Vilibić, Ivica | Two aspects of winter hydrographic conditions in the northern Adriatic // Recent Advances in Adriatic Oceanography and Marine Meteorology : abstracts. | Zagreb: Geofizički odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 52-52
Vilibić, Ivica | Adriatic meteotsunamis: a review and future research directions. | 2009
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Cosoli, Simone ; Ivanković, Damir ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Gačić, Miroslav | Preliminary analysis of surface current patterns in the northern Adriatic using Self-Organizing Map Analysis of HF Radar Data. | 2009
Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Ivanković, Damir ; Muslim, Stipe ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | Real-time procedures implemented within coastal HF radar system in the northern Adriatic. | 2009
Vilibić, Ivica ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Žagar, Nedjeljka ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Supić, Nastjenjka ; Žagar, Mark ; Domijan, Nenad ; Pasarić, Miroslava | Summer breakout of trapped bottom dense water from the northern Adriatic // Recent Advances in Adriatic Oceanography and Marine Meteorology. | Zagreb: Geofizički odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 59-59
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šantić, Danijela | Deep water ventilation traced by Synechococcus cyanobacteria // Workshop Recent advances in Adriatic oceanography and marine meteorology : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Geofizički odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 58-58
Vilibić, Ivica | Recent advances in Adriatic meteotsunamis research // Recent advances in Adriatic oceanography and marine meteorology. | Zagreb: Geofizički odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 57-57
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Belušić, Danijel | The source of the 2007 Ist meteotsunami (Adriatic Sea) // Recent advances in Adriatic oceanography and marine meteorology. | Zagreb: Geofizički odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 53-53
Gačić, Miroslav ; Mazzoldi, Andrea ; Dadić, Vlado ; Cosoli, Simone ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Mancero-Mosquera, I. | Surface circulation in the Northeastern Adriatic – results of the project NASCUM // Recent advances in Adriatic oceanography and marine meteorology. | Zagreb: Geofizički odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 34-34
Vilibić, Ivica ; Book, J. ; Beg-Paklar, Gordana ; Orlić, Mirko ; Dadić, Vlado ; Tudor, Martina ; Martin, P. J. ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Grbec, Branka ; Matić, Frano et al. | West Adriatic coastal water excursions into the East Adriatic // Workshop Recent Advances in Adriatic Oceanography and Marine Meteorology : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Geofizički odsjek Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 60-60
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Belušić, Danijel | The nature of extraordinary tsunami-like oscillations observed on island of Ist (Adriatic Sea) // Geophysical Research Abstracts. | 2008
Dadić, Vlado ; Vilibić, Ivica | Real-time and delayed monitoring of a meteotsunami: Is it possible to build an efficient meteotsunami warning system?. | 2008
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Belušić, Danijel | Tracing the source of the 2007 Ist meteotsunami. | 2008
Vilibić, Ivica | Adriatic meteotsunamis: a review and future research directions. | 2008
Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Bajić, Alica ; Belušić, Danijel ; Kraljević, Lukša ; Dadić, Vlado ; Grbec, Branka ; Orlić, Mirko ; Vilibić, Ivica | Numerical simulation of the bora-driven currents during different synoptic conditions above the Adriatic // Geophysical Research Abstract. | Beč: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2008. str. 7647-7647
Supić, Nastjenjka ; Paschini, Elio ; Precali, Robert ; Russo, Aniello ; Vilibić, Ivica | Two aspects of winter hydrographic conditions in the northern Adriatic // European Geosciences Union General Assembly ; u: Geophysical Reasearch Abstracts. | Beč, 2008. str. A-08204-A-08204
Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Dadić, Vlado ; Koračin, Darko ; Orlić, Mirko ; Poulain, Pierre-Marie ; Vellore, Ramesh ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Žagar, Mark ; Žagar, Nedjeljka | Modelling the trajectories of satellite – tracked drifters in the Adriatic during summertime bora event // EARTH: OUR CHANGING PLANET, Proceedings of IUGG XXIV General Assembly, IAMAS. | Perugia, 2007. str. 44-x -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Orlić, Mirko ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Book, J. ; Dadić, Vlado ; Grbec, Branka ; Martin, P. ; Matić, Frano ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Morović, Mira et al. | West Adriatic coastal water summertime excursion into the East Adriatic // Rapid environmental assesment (REA07) Confetrence "Coastal Processes : Challenges for Monitoring and Prediction" : Abstracts. | NURC, 2007. str. 97-97 -
Tsimplis, Mikis ; Woodworth, Phillip ; Perez, Begona ; Rosen, Dov ; Wopplemann, Guy ; Vilibic, Ivica ; Lilja Bye, Bente | Climate related sea level data availability in the Mediterranean Sea. | 2007 Vilibić, Ivica ; Monserrat, Sebastian ; Rabinovich, Alexander | Meteotsunamis: Atmospherically induced destructive ocean waves in the tsunami frequency band // Geophysical Research Abstracts. | Beč: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2006
Vilibić, Ivica ; Monserrat, Sebastian ; Rabinovich, Alexander | Meteotsunamis: Atmospherically induced destructive ocean waves in the tsunami frequency band // Geophysical Research Letters. | Beč: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2006 Vilibić, Ivica | Recent findings on meteotsunamis in the Middle Adriatic // Book of Abstracts. | Split: Hrvatski hidrografski institut (HHI), 2005. str. 88-x
Monserrat, Sebastian ; Drago, Aldo ; Orlić, Mirko ; Papadopoulos, Gerassimos ; Rabinovich, Alexander B. ; Vilibić, Ivica | Tsunamis of meteorological origin in the Mediterranean Sea // Book of Abstracts. | Split: Hrvatski hidrografski institut (HHI), 2005. str. 86-x
Domijan, Nenad ; Leder, Nenad ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Čupić, Srđan ; Srdelić, Mladen ; Strinić, Goran ; Gržetić, Zvonko ; Vilibić, Ivica | Contribution to ESEAS-RI project 2002-2005 by Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia // Book of Abstracts. | Split: Hrvatski hidrografski institut (HHI), 2005. str. 37-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Čupić, Srđan ; Dadić, Vlado ; Domijan, Nenad ; Gržetić, Zvonko ; Ivanković, Damir ; Leder, Nenad ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Orlić, Mirko et al. | Recent sea level activities in Croatia // Book of Abstracts. | Split: Hrvatski hidrografski institut (HHI), 2005. str. 36-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Dadić, Vlado ; Ivanković, Damir ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Čupić, Srđan | Data consistency of various sea level measuring systems operating in Split // Book of Abstracts. | Split: Hrvatski hidrografski institut (HHI), 2005. str. 25-x
Monserrat, Sebastian ; Drago, Aldo ; Orlić, Mirko ; Gerassimos, Papadopoulos ; Rabinovich, Alexandar ; Vilibić, Ivica | Tsunamis of meteorological origin in the Mediterranean Sea. | Chania, 2005
Orlić, Mirko ; Dadić, Vlado ; Grbec, Branka ; Leder, Nenad ; Matić, Frano ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Pasarić, Zoran ; Vilibić, Ivica | Two Different Circulation Systems Produced By Wintertime Buoyancy Forcing Of The Adriatic // The Oceanography Society's 2005 International Ocean Research Conference, Program and Abstracts. | Pariz, 2005. str. 124-124-x
Orlić, Mirko ; Dadić, Vlado ; Grbec, Branka ; Leder, Nenad ; Matić, Frano ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Pasarić, Zoran ; Vilibić, Ivica | Wintertime buoyancy forcing produces two different circulation systems in the Adriatic // Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 7. | Beč: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2005. str. 1029-7006-x -
Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Leder, Nenad ; Domijan, Nenad ; Čupić, Srđan ; Strinić, Goran ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Kierulf, Halfdan-Pascal | CGPS Station collocated at Split tide gauge (Croatia) // Book of Abstracts of the Workshop on Observing and understanding sea level variations. | IOI - University of Malta, 2004. str. 25.-x -
Vilibić, Ivica ; Domijan, Nenad ; Leder, Nenad ; Strinić, Goran ; Orlić, Mirko ; Pasarić, Miroslava | ESEAS-RI in Croatia: a step towards sea level service // Book of Abstracts of the Workshop on Observing and understanding sea level variations. | IOI - University of Malta, 2004. str. 17-18-x Grbec, Branka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Matić, Frano ; Dadić, Vlado | Anomalous air-sea fluxes observed in winter/spring 2003 over the Adriatic Sea // EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1. | Nica: European Meteorological Society, 2004
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje | The appearance of Proudman resonance and surface seiches in the area of Split (Adriatic Sea) // Book of Abstracts B. | 2003. str. B.55-x
Vilibić, Ivica ; Grbec, Branka ; Supić, Nastjenjka | Dense water generation in the North Adriatic Sea: the spreading towards the Middle and South Adriatic // XXIII General Assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics, Book of Abstracts A. | 2003. str. 423-423-x
Vilibić, Ivica | Klimatski trendovi i fluktuacije termohalinih svojstava te vodene mase Jadranskog mora // 3. hrvatska konferencija o vodama - hrvatske vode u 21. stoljeću. | Zagreb: Hrvatske vode, 2003. str. 143-149-x
Vilibić, Ivica | Long term changes in Adriatic thermohaline properties // CIESM Workshop Series 16. | Monte Carlo: CIESM, 2002. str. 57-59-x
Leder, Nenad ; Beg Paklar, Gordana ; Gržetić, Zvonko ; Smirčić, Ante ; Vilibić, Ivica | Wind-driven currents in the channel area : An example of the channels Zadarski and Pašmanski kanal (East Adriatic coast) // Rapport du 35e congres de la CIESM = 35th CIESM congress proceedings. | 1998. str. 166-167
Raicich, Fabio ; Crisciani, Fulvio ; Malačič, Vlado ; Orlić, Mirko ; Vilibić, Ivica | On the seiche event in the Adriatic Sea on 20 December 1997 // Coastal and Marginal Seas. | Pariz: The Oceanographycal Society, 1998. str. 61-62-x
Stručni rad
Vilibić, Ivica | Porast razine mora u Jadranu - dosadašnja saznanja, predviđanja i moguće posljedice // 3. hrvatska konferencija o vodama - hrvatske vode u 21. stoljeću. | Zagreb: Hrvatske vode, 2003. str. 485-489-x
Leder, Nenad ; Gržetić, Zvonko ; Smirčić, Ante ; Vilibić, Ivica | Neki rezultati fizikalno-oceanografskih mjerenja u istočnom dijelu Kaštelanskog zaljeva (bazen Vranjic) // Zbornik Kaštela kolijevka Hrvatske : radovi sa simpozija u Kaštel Starom = Proceedings Kaštela the cradle of Croatia : symposium papers Kaštel Stari. | Kaštela: Matica hrvatska, 1999. str. 359-366
Prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Korbar, Tvrtko ; Furlani, Stefano ; Biolchi, Sara ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Denamiel, Clea | Late Holocene storm deposit and boulders on the island of Mana (NP Kornati, central Adriatic, Croatia) // 6. hrvatski geološki kongres - Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatski geološki institut, 2019. str. 102-103 -
Pasarić, Miroslava ; Janeković, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Orić, Mirko ; Vilibić, Ivica | High-Frequency Variability Of Current Field In The Northern Adriatic // Rapport du 41e Congres de la CIESM = 41 CIESM Congress Proceedings. | Kiehl: The Mediterranean Science Commission – Monaco, 2016. str. 102-102
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Ljubešić, Zrinka ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Babić, Ivana ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Cetinić Ivona | Phytoplankton community responding to a changing environment ; case study: southern Adriatic // Phycologia, 2017. str. 120-120
Vilibić, Ivica; Žagar, Nedjeljka; Cosoli, Simone; Dadić, Vlado; Horvath, Kristian; Ivanković, Damir; Blaz, Jesenko; Mihanović, Hrvoje; Šepić, Jadranka; Tudor, Martina | Investigating and forecasting coastal Adriatic surface currents by using neural networks (NEURAL) // Geophysical research abstracts, 16, 2014. str. 1724-1724 -
Mihanović, Hrvoje; Janeković, Ivica; Vilibić, Ivica; Tudor, Martina | Dense water formation in the eastern coastal Adriatic during an extreme cooling event // Geophysical research abstracts, 16, 2014. str. 4992-4992 -
Supić, Nastenjka ; Vilibić, Ivica | The Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) pathways in the northern Adriatic and their relation to bora events // Geophysical research abstracts, 2005, 01870, 2 Vilibić, Ivica ; Supić, Nastenjka ; Grbec, Branka | North Adriatic Dense Water generation and pathways in 1999 // Geophysical research abstracts, 2005. str. ---
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Vilibić, Ivica ; Leder, Nenad ; Smirčić, Ante | Storm surges in the Adriatic Sea: an impact on the coastal infrastructure // Periodicum biologorum, 2000. str. 483-489-x
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Vilibić, Ivica; Pranić, Petra; Zemunik, Petra; Bubalo, Maja; Mihanović, Hrvoje.; Dominović Novković, Iva; Lewis, Clare | High-frequency water level oscillations in a coastal shallow lake (Vrana Lake, Croatia) // 3rd World Conference on Meteotsunamis | Turska, 13.10.2024-17.10.2024
Dominović, Iva; Marguš, Marija; Kirillin, G; Ciglenečki, I; Vilibić, I | Mixing regime of Zmajevo oko (Rogoznica, Croatia), a heliothermal lake threatened by rapid deoxygenation // 26th Annual International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters | Girona, Španjolska, 01.07.2024-05.07.2024
Šepić, Jadranka ; Balić, Marijana ; Čupić, Srđan ; Didenkulova, Ira ; Heidarzadeh, Mohammad ; Karlović, Maja ; Kim, Jihwan ; Matić, Frano ; Međugorac, Iva ; Mihanović, Hrvoje et al. | Contribution of the short-period sea level oscillations (T < 2 h) to the flooding events along the European coasts // Ocean Science Meeting (OSM 2022) | online, 28.02.2022-04.03.2022 -
Matić, Frano ; Kalinić, Hrvoje ; Grbec, Branka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Morožin, Karla | Self-organizing-maps-derived air temperature and precipitation patterns over the Adriatic-Ionian region and their relation to hemispheric indices // 12th HyMeX Workshop | Split, Hrvatska, 20.05.2019-23.05.2019 Čižmek, Hrvoje ; Čolić, Barbara ; Mucko, Maja ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Babić, Ivana ; Barešić, Ana ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Petrić, Ines ; Cetinić, Ivona et al. | The base of the food web and its key players: case study of the oligotrophic southern Adriatic Sea // 24th conference Ocean Optics | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 07.10.2018-12.10.2018
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Dunić, Natalija | Modes of the Adriatic long-term variability as seen on half-centurial Palagruža Sill series // Workshop THEMES-Teleconnections and Hemispheric-scale Impacts on the Mediterranean Sea | Venecija, Italija, 25.11.2015-26.11.2015
Dunić, Natalija ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | NEMOMED8 performance in the Adriatic Sea: the first results // Workshop THEMES-Teleconnections and Hemispheric-scale Impacts on the Mediterranean Sea | Venecija, Italija, 25.11.2015-26.11.2015
Dunić, Natalija ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Sevault, Florence ; Somot, Samuel ; Waldman, Robin ; Jorda, Gabriel | Long-term climate variability of the Adriatic Sea thermohaline properties using an ensemble of regional ocean hindcast simulations // EGU General Assembly | Beč, Austrija, 17.04.2016-22.04.2016
Medvedev, Igor ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Rabinovich, Alexander | On resonant properties of tides in the Adriatic Sea // EGU General Assembly | Beč, Austrija, 23.04.2017-28.04.2017
Denamiel, Clea ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica | Towards the Adriatic meteotsunami early warning system: modelling strategy and validation // EGU General Assembly | Beč, Austrija, 23.04.2017-28.04.2017
Rabinovich, Alexander ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | Destructive meteorological tsunamis in the world oceans: 2012-2016 // IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assembly | Cape Town, Južnoafrička Republika, 27.08.2017-01.09.2017
Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka | Nonseismic sea level oscillations at tsunami timescales: measurability, relevance and origin // IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assembly | Cape Town, Južnoafrička Republika, 27.08.2017-01.09.2017
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Denamiel, Clea ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Muslim, Stipe ; Tudor, Martina ; Ivanković, Damir ; Jelavić, Dalibor ; Kovačević, Vedrana ; Mašće, Toni et al. | Towards understanding and operational early warning of the Adriatic meteotsunamis: Project MESSI // 1st Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards | Liverpool, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 10.09.2017-15.09.2017
Denamiel, Clea ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica | Towards the Adriatic meteotsunami early warning system: deterministic and stochastic modelling strategy // 1st Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards | Liverpool, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 10.09.2017-15.09.2017
Vilibić, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Janeković, Ivica ; Denamiel, Clea ; Poulain, Pierre-Marie ; Orlić, Mirko ; Dunić, Natalija ; Dadić, Vlado ; Pasarić, Miroslava ; Muslim, Stipe et al. | Dense water formation in the coastal northeastern Adriatic Sea: the NAdEx 2015 experiment // 10th HyMeX Workshop | Barcelona, Španjolska, 04.07.2017-07.07.2017
Dunić, Natalija ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Šepić, Jadranka ; Sevault, Florence ; Somot, Samuel ; Waldman, Robin ; Arsouze, T. ; Pennel, R. ; Nabat, P. ; Jorda, Gabriel et al. | Multi-model analysis of the Adriatic-Ionian thermohaline circulation using multi-decadal regional ocean simulations // Workshop THEMES 2017 - Physics and Biogeochemistry of Marine Environments: Multiscale Analysis of Past and Present Variability | Venecija, Italija, 15.11.2017-17.11.2017
Šepić, Jadranka ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Međugorac, Iva ; Telišman-Prtenjak, Maja ; Janeković, Ivica ; Dunić, Natalija | Adriatic meteotsunami events of 25-26 June 2014: observations, numerical modelling and assessment of atmospheric processes // IUGG 26th General Assembly | Prag, Češka Republika, 22.06.2015-02.07.2015
Vilibić, Ivica ; Janeković, Ivica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Šepić, Jadranka | Dense water formation sensitivity studies in the Northern Adriatic (Mediterranean Sea) // IUGG 26th General Assembly | Prag, Češka Republika, 22.06.2015-02.07.2015
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Magistarski rad (znanstveni)
Vilibić, Ivica | Površinski seši i unutarnji Kelvinovi valovi Zadarskog i Pašmanskog kanala / Orlić, Mirko (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1998
Doktorski rad
Vilibić, Ivica | Objektivna analiza vodenih masa u Jadranu / Orlić, Mirko (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2002
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Ivčević, Ante | Istraživanje odnosa biogeokemijskih parametara u obalnom području srednjeg Jadrana pomoću metode samoorganizirajućih mapa / Pasarić, Zoran (mentor); Vilibić, Ivica (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2014
Publikacije - druge vrste radova
Gojko Berlengi, Milovan Kević, Jure Margeta, Ivica Trumbić, Ivica Vilibić | Plan integralnog upravljanja obalnim područjem Šibensko-kninske županije // UNEP-MAP/PAP, 2016
Smirčić, Ante ; Vilibić, Ivica | Report of wind and wave extreme values during spring and summer seasons (Middle and South Adriatic) // Elaborat, 2000
Popularni rad
Vilibić, Ivica ; Domijan, Nenad | Plimni val u našoj vali // Nautica, II/13, 194-198., 2004
Vilibić, Ivica; Dogan, Gozde Guney; Dominović Novković, Iva; Huan, Xun; Jordà, Gabriel; Pranić, Petra; Tojčić, Iva; Villalonga, Joan; Yalciner, Ahmet Cevdet; Zemunik Selak, Petra | Global Science of Meteorological Tsunamis: From Planetary to Mesoscale Processes (GLOMETS): Copernicus GmbH, 2024. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4024
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée (CIESM)
- International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO)
- European Geosciences Union (EGU)
- Petra Pranić, studentica doktorskog studija, 2019-
- Petra Zemunik, studentica doktorskog studija, 2018-
- Cyril Diamantopoulos, specijalizacija, 2017
- Mehdi Guebba, specijalizacija, 2017
- Celia Bolzer, specijalizacija, 2017
- Sebastien Delort, student diplomskog studija – specijalizacija, 2016
- Khady Mbow, student diplomskog studija – specijalizacija, 2016
- Natalija Dunić, student doktorskog studija, 2015-2019
- Nicolas Buisson, student diplomskog studija – specijalizacija, 2015
- Romain Leppe, student diplomskog studija – specijalizacija, 2015
- Amaury Lafon, student diplomskog studija – specijalizacija, 2014
- Loïc Macheboeuf, student diplomskog studija – specijalizacija, 2014
- Hrvoje Kalinić, poslijedoktorski istraživač, 2014-2015
- Hrvoje Mihanović, poslijedoktorski istraživač, 2013-2015
- Ante Ivčević, student diplomskog studija, 2013-2014
- Jadranka Šepić, student doktorskog studija, 2007-2015
- Natalija Dunić, student diplomskog studija, 2012-2013
- Simon Pasquet, poslijedoktorski istraživač, 2012
- Jeremie Rotier, student diplomskog studija - specijalizacija, 2012
- Remi Marchand, student diplomskog studija - specijalizacija, 2012
- Nikolina Rako, student doktorskog studija, 2008-2012
- Nicolas Proust, student diplomskog studija - specijalizacija, 2011
- Francois Charrayre, student diplomskog studija - specijalizacija, 2011
- Zoran Adam Gaxotte, student diplomskog studija - specijalizacija, 2009
- Lydie Denis, student diplomskog studija - specijalizacija, 2008
- The 12th HyMeX Workshop, 20-24 May 2019, Split, Croatia, predsjednik Organizacijskog odbora
- The First World Conference on Meteotsunamis, 8.-11. svibanj 2019., Split, predsjednik Organizacijskog odbora
- Meteotsunamis and High-Frequency Sea-Level Phenomena of Meteorological Origin, AGU Fall Meeting Session, San Francisco, USA, 3-7 December 2012, glavni voditelj sekcije
- International Symposium on 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries: Towards the Excellence in Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, 21-22. listopad 2010.
- International Symposium on Meteotsunamis: 30th Anniversary of the Great Flood of Vela Luka on 21 June 1978, Vela Luka, 19-21. lipanj 2008, predsjednik organizacijskog odbora
- Sea Level Variations: Towards an Operational European Sea Level Service, Final Workshop of ESEAS-RI project, Split, 5-6. listopad 2005, predsjednik organizacijskog odbora
- Sea Level in Europe: Observation, Interpretation and Exploitation, Final Workshop of COST40 Action, Dubrovnik, 19-21. rujan 2001, član organizacijskog odbora
- WoSCC časopisi Frontiers in Marine Science, Natural Hazards, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Geofizika, Acta Adriatica
- 2023-: EGU EDI Award Committee
- 2021-: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee of the European Geoscience Union (EGU)
- 2020-: EuroGOOS Tide Gauge Task Team, član
- 2020-: European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) Operations Committee, član
- 2020-: JPI Oceans Science for Good Environmental Status (S4GES) Group of Experts, član
- 2018-2020: Strateški odbor za istraživačku infrastrukturu, Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja, član
- 2016-2018: Odbor za etiku u znanosti i visokom obrazovanju, predsjednik
- 2015-: JPI-Oceans, nacionalni predstavnik
- 2015-2019: BLUEMED inicijativa, nacionalni prestavnik
- 2015-2018: European Network of Research Integrity Offices, član
- 2014-2016: Odbor za etiku u znanosti i visokom obrazovanju, član
- 2013-2020: EU istraživački program Obzor 2020, Društveni izazov 2, član Programskog odbora
- 2013-2015: Povjerenstvo za praćenje Okvirnih istraživačkih programa EU MZOŠ-a, predsjednik
- 2013-: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Znanstveno vijeće za prirodoznanstvena istraživanja Jadrana, član
- 2012-2016: Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, predsjednik Upravnog vijeća
- 2011-: European Marine Board, predstavnik Instituta za oceanografiju i ribarstvo
- 2009-2016: Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo, predsjednik Znanstvenog vijeća
- 2005-: UNESCO IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS), nacionalni predstavnik
- 2006-2013: Povjerenstvo za praćenje Okvirnih istraživačkih programa EU MZOŠ-a, član
- 2011-2013: Znanstveni odbor za prirodne znanosti Hrvatske zaklade za znanost, član
- 2011-2013: Programski odbor Sedmog okvirnog istraživačkog programa EU za okoliš i klimatske promjene, član
- 2011-2013: Izvršni savjet UNESCO-ove Međuvladine oceanografske komisije (IOC), nacionalni predstavnik
- 2008-2012: Vijeće za Nacionalni inovacijski sustav (VNIS), član