dr. sc. Luka Pavić
Bijenička cesta 54
10000 Zagreb
2014. Dr.sc. (Doktorski studij Kemija)
Kemijski odsjek, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska
2008. Dipl. ing. kemije (Diplomski studij Kemija)
Kemijski odsjek, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska
2011.-2014. Asistent na preddiplomskom studiju „Biotehnologija i istraživanje lijekova“, Odjel za biotehnologiju, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Kolegiji: „Uvod u bioanorgansku kemiju“ i „Bioanorganska kemija“.
2013.–2014. Asistent na preddiplomskom studiju kemije, Kemijski odsjek, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Praktikumska nastava: „Praktikum opće kemije 1“.
2010.–2011. Asistent na integriranom preddiplomskom i diplomskom studiju kemije i fizike, Kemijski odsjek, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Praktikumska nastava: „Praktikum Opće kemije 1“ i „Praktikum Opće kemije 2“.
Istaknute publikacije
1. L. Pavić, A. Šantić, N. Juraj, P. Mošner, L. Koudelka, D. Pajić, A. Moguš-Milanković,Nature of mixed electrical transport in Ag2O-ZnO-P2O5 glasses containing WO3 and MoO3,Electrochimica Acta, 276 (2018) 434-445.
2. L. Pavić, Ž. Skoko, A. Gajović, D. Su, A. Moguš-Milanković,Electrical transport in iron phosphate glass-ceramics, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, (2018) DOI:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.02.012.
3. Ana Šantić, Radha D. Banhatti, Luka Pavić, Hüseyin Ertap, Mustafa Yüksek, Mevlut Karabulut, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, Polaronic transport in iron phosphate glasses containing HfO2 and CeO2, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017) 3999-4009.(IF:4.123; Q2(38/145))
4. L. Pavić, M. P. F. Graca, Ž. Skoko, A. Moguš-Milanković, M. A. Valente, Magnetic Properties of Iron Phosphate Glass and Glass-Ceramics, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 97 (2014) 2517-2524.
5. L. Pavić, A. Moguš-Milanković, P. Raghava Rao, A. Šantić, V. Ravi Kumar, N. Veeraiah,Effect of alkali-earth modifier ion on electrical, dielectric and spectroscopic properties of Fe2O3 doped Na2SO4-MO-P2O5 glass system, J. Alloys Comp., 604 (2014) 352-362.
6. A. Moguš-Milanković, L. Pavić, H. Ertap, M. Karabulut,Polaronic mobility in boron doped iron phosphate glasses: influence of structural disorder on Summerfield scaling, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 95 (2012) 2007-2014.
7. A. Moguš-Milanković, L. Pavić, S. T. Reis, D. E. Day, M. Ivanda, Structural and electrical properties of Li2O-ZnO-P2O5 glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 356 (2010) 715-719.
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Marijan, Sara; Mosner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Skoko, Željko; Pavić, Luka; Pisk, Jana | Innovative approach to the catalytic effects of oxide glasses and glass-ceramics on the thermal decomposition of fatty acids // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 651 (2025), 123386, 16. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2025.123386
doiwww.sciencedirect.compapers.ssrn.com -
Marijan, Sara; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Skoko, Željko; Pavić, Luka; Pisk, Jana | Innovative approach to the catalytic effects of oxide glasses and glass-ceramics on the thermal decomposition of fatty acids // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 651 (2025), 123386, 6. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2025.123386
doiwww.sciencedirect.compapers.ssrn.comfulir.irb.hr -
Grgurić, Toni; Razum, Marta; Martinez, Valentina; Zgrablić, Goran; Senkić, Ana; Karadeniz, Bahar; Etter, Martin; Brekalo, Ivana; Arhangelskis, Mihails; Pavić, Luka et al. | Green and Scalable Preparation of Highly Conductive Alkali Metal-dhta Coordination Polymers // Inorganic chemistry, 63 (2024), 52; 24587-24600. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c03714
doipubs.acs.orgpubs.acs.org -
Grgurić, Toni; Razum, Marta; Martinez, Valentina; Zgrablić, Goran; Senkić, Ana; Karadeniz, Bahar; Etter, Martin; Brekalo, Ivana; Arhangelskis, Mihails; Pavić, Luka et al. | Green and Scalable Preparation of Highly Conductive Alkali Metal-dhta Coordination Polymers // Inorganic chemistry, 63 (2024), 52; 24587-24600. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c03714
doipubs.acs.orgpubs.acs.org -
Pisk, Jana; Dunatov, Marko; Stojić, Martina; Judaš, Nenad; Đilović, Ivica; Razum, Marta; Pavić, Luka | Electrical Properties of Cu-Based Coordination Complexes: Insights from In Situ Impedance Spectroscopy // Molecules, 30 (2024), 1; 82-100. doi: 10.3390/molecules30010082
doiwww.mdpi.comwww.mdpi.com -
Marciel, Alice; Bastos, Alexandre; Pereira, Luiz; Jakka, Suresh Kumar; Borges, Joel; Vaz, Filipe; Peres, Marco; Lorenz, Katharina; Bafti, Arijeta; Pavić, Luka et al. | Niobium oxide thin films grown on flexible ITO-coated PET substrates // Coatings, 14 (2024), 9; 1127, 27. doi: 10.3390/coatings14091127
doiwww.mdpi.comdx.doi.org -
Ibrahim, A.; Razum, Marta; Pavić, Luka; Homonnay, Z.; Kuzmann, E.; Šantić, Ana; Hassaan, M.Y.; Akiyama, K.; Kubuki, S. | Enhancing cyclability of Fe2O3–V2O5–P2O5 ceramic cathode for high-performance sodium-ion batteries through heat treatment // Materials chemistry and physics, 332 (2025), 130231, 14. doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2024.130231
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Ibrahim, Ahmed; Tani, Kaoru; Hashi, Kanae; Zhang, Bofan; Homonnay, Zoltán; Kuzmann, Ernő; Bafti, Arijeta; Pavić, Luka; Krehula, Stjepko; Marciuš, Marijan et al. | Debye Temperature Evaluation for Secondary Battery Cathode of α-SnxFe1−xOOH Nanoparticles Derived from the 57Fe- and 119Sn-Mössbauer Spectra // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 5; 2488, 26. doi: 10.3390/ijms25052488
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Sarjanović, Josipa; Cader, Mateja; Topić, Edi; Razum, Marta; Agustin, Dominique; Rubčić, Mirta; Pavić, Luka; Pisk, Jana | Bifunctional molybdenum and vanadium materials: semiconductor properties for advanced electronics and catalytic efficiency in linalool oxidation // Materials advances, - (2024), -; d4ma00790e, 12. doi: 10.1039/d4ma00790e
doixlink.rsc.orgpubs.rsc.org -
Hostinský, Tomáš; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Razum, Marta; Pavić, Luka; Buryi, Maksym; Montagne, Lionel; Rankin, Andrew | Correlation of thermal and electrical properties of silver germanophosphate glasses with their structural analysis by Raman and NMR spectroscopy // Materials chemistry and physics, 319 (2024), 129357, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2024.129357
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Vijaya Krishna, Seetepalli; Pavić, Luka; Bafti, Arijeta; Pisk, Jana; Bhadrarao, Dhanisetti; Rao, Yeti Dana; Sekhar, Ayyagari Venkata; Babu, Vandana Chitti; Kumar, Vandana Ravi; Veeraiah, Nalluri | Impact of Cr3+/Mo6+/W6+ doping on dipolar relaxation and AC conductivity in Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses // Physica status solidi. A, Applications and materials science, 221 (2024), 16; 2400243, 15. doi: 10.1002/pssa.202400243
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdx.doi.org -
Vijaya Krishna, Seetepalli; Pavić, Luka; Bafti, Arijeta; Pisk, Jana; Bhadrarao, Dhanisetti; Rao, Yeti Dana; Sekhar, Ayyagari Venkata; Kumar, Vandana Ravi; Veeraiah, Nalluri | Studies on dielectric features of Li2O-Ga2O3-SiO2: Cr2O3/MoO3/WO3 glass systems // Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, 130 (2024), 6; 380, 16. doi: 10.1007/s00339-024-07518-3
doilink.springer.comdx.doi.org -
Ibrahim, Ahmed; Akiyama, Kazuhiko; Khan, Irfan; Zhang, Bofan; Ali, Ahmed Salah; Sinkó, Katalin; Rohonczy, Janos; Homonnay, Zoltán; Kuzmann, Ernő; Razum, Marta et al. | Novel sol-gel route for expanding the glass forming region of tin phosphate glass for secondary battery electrode applications // Journal of alloys and compounds, 997 (2024), 174930, 20. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.174930
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Razum, Marta; Pavić, Luka; Pajić, Damir; Pisk, Jana; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Šantić, Ana | Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses // Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 107 (2024), 9; 5866-5880. doi: 10.1111/jace.19911
doiceramics.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Pisk, Jana; Šušković, Mia; Topić, Edi; Agustin, Dominique; Judaš, Nenad; Pavić, Luka | Molybdenum Complexes Derived from 2-Hydroxy-5-nitrobenzaldehyde and Benzhydrazide as Potential Oxidation Catalysts and Semiconductors // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 9; 4859, 16. doi: 10.3390/ijms25094859
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Hostinsky, Tomaš; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Razum, Marta; Pavić, Luka; Buryi, Maksym; Montagne, Lionel; Rankin, Andrew | Correlation of thermal and electrical properties of silver germanophosphate glasses with their structural analysis by Raman and NMR spectroscopy // Materials chemistry and physics, 319 (2024), 129357, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2024.129357
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Marijan, Sara; Klaser, Teodoro; Mirosavljević, Marija; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Exploring the Effect of V2O5 and Nb2O5 Content on the Structural, Thermal, and Electrical Characteristics of Sodium Phosphate Glasses and Glass–Ceramics // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 5; 3005, 22. doi: 10.3390/ijms25053005
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Marijan, Sara; Razum, Marta; Sklepić Kerhač, Kristina; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Pisk, Jana; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea; Skoko, Željko; Pavić, Luka | The Crystallization Behavior of a Na2O-GeO2-P2O5 Glass System: A (Micro)Structural, Electrical, and Dielectric Study // Materials, 17 (2024), 2; 306, 16. doi: 10.3390/ma17020306
doi -
Pisk, Jana; Marijan, Sara; Klaser, Teodoro; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Agustin, Dominique; Skoko, Željko; Pavić, Luka | Peculiar catalytic properties of oxide glass-(ceramics) in epoxidation reactions // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 626 (2024), 122780, 5. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2023.122780
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Ibrahim, Ahmed; Watanabe, Satoshi; Razum, Marta; Pavić, Luka; Homonnay, Zoltán; Kuzmann, Erno; Hassaan, Mohamed Yousry; Kubuki, Shiro | Structural, Electrical, and Electrochemical Properties of a Na2O-V2O5 Ceramic Nanocomposite as an Active Cathode Material for a Na-Ion Battery // Crystals, 13 (2023), 10; 1521, 20. doi: 10.3390/cryst13101521
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Sarjanović, Josipa; Topić, Edi; Rubčić, Mirta; Androš Dubraja, Lidija; Pavić, Luka; Pisk, Jana | Evaluation of vanadium coordination compounds derived from simple acetic acid hydrazide as non-conventional semiconductors // Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12 (2024), 11; 4013-4025. doi: 10.1039/D4TC00433G
doipubs.rsc.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Marijan, Sara; Pavić, Luka | Solid-state impedance spectroscopy studies of dielectric properties and relaxation processes in Na2O-V2O5-Nb2O5-P2O5 glass system // International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 31 (2024), 1; 186-196. doi: 10.1007/s12613-023-2744-0
doi -
Marijan, Sara; Razum, Marta; Klaser, Teodoro; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Tailoring structure for improved sodium mobility and electrical properties in V2O5–Nb2O5–P2O5 Glass(es)-(Ceramics) // Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 181 (2023), 111461, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2023.111461
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Suryanarayana, V.; Venkata Sekhar, A.; Bafti, Arijeta; Pavić, Luka; Siva Sesha Reddy, A.; Naga Koti Reddy, G.; Venkatramaiah, N.; Ravi Kumar, V.; Veeraiah, N. | Dynamical behavior of Ag ions on structural and dielectric features of As2O3 glass ceramics containing chalcogenide oxides // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 610 (2023), 122299, 17. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2023.122299
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Satyaraju, J.; Naga Koti Reddy, G.; Bafti, Arijeta; Pavić, Luka; Venkata Sekhar, A.; Siva Sesha Reddy, A.; Ravi Kumar, V.; Veeraiah, N. | Influence of HgO on dielectric features and a.c. conductivity of lithium phosphate glasses- potential material for applications in energy storage devices as electrolyte // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 619 (2023), 122575, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2023.122575
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Bhadrarao, D.; Pavić, Luka; Bafti, Arijeta; Pisk, Jana; Venkata Sekhar, A.; Naga Koti Reddy, G.; Ravi Kumar, V.; Sahaya Baskaran, G.; Naga Raju, G.; Veeraiah, N. | Dielectric characteristics and A.C. conductivity of Pb3O4-Bi2O3-B2O3:CuO glass ceramics with CuBi2O4 crystal phase: a possible electrode material for ionic batteries // ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 12 (2023), 10; 103003, 15. doi: 10.1149/2162-8777/acfd5e
doiiopscience.iop.orgdx.doi.orgiopscience.iop.org -
Ibrahim, Ahmed; Shiraishi, Mikan; Homonnay, Zoltán; Krehula, Stjepko; Marciuš, Marijan; Bafti, Arijeta; Pavić, Luka; Kubuki, Shiro | Photocatalytic and cathode active abilities of Ni-substituted α-FeOOH nanoparticles // International journal of molecular sciences, 24 (2023), 18; 14300, 27. doi: 10.3390/ijms241814300
doidoi.orgdx.doi.orgwww.mdpi.com -
Ibrahim, A.; Ali, A.S.; Khan, I.; Zhang, B.; Sinkό, K.; Homonnay, Z.; Kuzmann, E.; Krehula, Stjepko; Ristić, Mira; Musić, Svetozar et al. | New photo‑Fenton type catalyst of soda‑lime aluminosilicate glass prepared by recycling waste slag–a review // Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, 332 (2023), 1; 3859-3878. doi: 10.1007/s10967-023-09127-5
doilink.springer.com -
Stanić, Petra; Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Pavić, Luka; Molčanov, Krešimir | Two Electron Multicenter Bonding (Pancake Bonding) between Electron Donors and Acceptors in Charge-Transfer Compounds of N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine and (Semi)quinoid Electron Acceptors // Crystal growth & design, 23 (2023), 6; 4460-4471. doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00205
doipubs.acs.org -
Renka, Sanja; Dilip Banhatti, Radha; Tricot, Grégory; Kalenda, Petr; Pavić, Luka; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Šantić, Ana | Glass structure as a driver of polaronic conductivity in phosphate glasses containing MoO3 and WO3 // Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11 (2023), 28; 9628-9639. doi: 10.1039/D3TC00954H
doidoi.org -
Naga Koti Reddy, G.; Venkata Sekhar, A.; Pavić, Luka; Bafti, Arijeta; Pisk, Jana; Siva Sesha Reddy, A.; Venkatramaiah, N.; Naga Raju, G.; Ravi Kumar, V.; Veeraiah, N. | The influence of Au2O3 on insulating character of ZnO–P2O5–SeO2 glass system: investigation by means of dielectric studies // Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, 129 (2023), 3; 208, 16. doi: 10.1007/s00339-023-06422-6
doilink.springer.comdx.doi.org -
Ibrahim, A. ; Arita, Y. ; Ali, A.S. ; Khan, I. ; Zhang, B. ; Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Homonnay, Z. ; Kuzmann, E. et al. | Impact of adding Fe ions on the local structure and electrochemical performance of P2O5–V2O5 glass and glass ceramics used as a cathode in LIBs // Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 179 (2023), 111391, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2023.111391
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Keerti Kut, T.V.N.; Bafti, Arijeta; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka; Venkata Sekhar, A.; Naresh, P.; Siva Sesha Reddy, A.; Naga Raju, G.; Ravi Kumar, V.; Veeraiah, N. | Dielectric features of Au2O3 doped Li2O-SiO2 glass system-influence of Pb3O4 // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 599 (2023), 121954, 16. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2022.121954
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Razum, Marta ; Marijan, Sara ; Filho, Jose C. ; Andrade, Acacio A. ; Almeida Silva, Anielle C. ; Dantas, Noelio O. ; Pisk, Jana ; Šantić, Ana ; Pavić, Luka | Mixed-Alkali Effect and Correlation to Glass Structure in Ionically Conductive P2O5-Al2O3-Na2O-K2O Glass System // Coatings, 13 (2023), 1; 185, 14. doi: 10.3390/coatings13010185
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Bafti, Arijeta; Rukavina, Marko; Mandić, Vilko; Panžić, Ivana; Pavić, Luka; Krajnc, Andraž; Volavšek, Janez | Monitoring of the conductivity properties with respect to the development of geopolymer network // Ceramics international, 49 (2023), 14 B; 24598-24610. doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.01.090
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Mošner, Petr ; Hostinsky, Tomaš ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Montagne, Lionel ; Revel, Bertrand | Structure-Property Correlation in Sodium Borophosphate Glasses Modified with Niobium Oxide // Coatings, 12 (2022), 11; 1626, 15. doi: 10.3390/coatings12111626
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Mustapić, Mislav; Bafti, Arijeta; Glumac, Zvonko; Pavić, Luka; Skoko, Željko; Šegota, Suzana; Klaser, Teodoro; Nedeljković, Robert; Kamal Masud, Mostafa; Alothman, Asma A. et al. | Magnetic nanocellulose: influence of structural features on conductivity and magnetic properties // Cellulose, 30 (2023), 2; 1149-1169. doi: 10.1007/s10570-022-04956-1
doilink.springer.comdx.doi.org -
Bafti, Arijeta; Mandić, Vilko; Panžić, Ivana; Pavić, Luka; Špada, Vedrana | CdSe QDs modified cellulose microfibrils for enhanced humidity sensing properties // Applied surface science, 612 (2023), 155894, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155894
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Žužić, Andreja; Pavić, Luka; Bafti, Arijeta; Marijan, Sara; Macan, Jelena; Gajović, Andreja | The role of the A-site cation and crystal structure on the electrical conductivity of strontium-doped calcium and barium manganites // Journal of alloys and compounds, 935 1 (2023), 167949, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.167949
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Ibrahim, A. ; Kubo, K. ; Watanabe, S. ; Shiba, S. ; Khan, I. ; Zhang, B. ; Homonnay, Z. ; Kuzmann, E. ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana et al. | Enhancement of electrical conductivity and thermal stability of Iron- or Tin- substituted vanadate glass and glass-ceramics nanocomposite to be applied as a high-performance cathode active material in sodium-ion batteries // Journal of alloys and compounds, 930 (2023), 167366, 15. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.167366
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Klaser, Teodoro ; Balen, Luka ; Skoko, Željko ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana | Polylactic Acid–Glass Fiber Composites: Structural, Thermal, and Electrical Properties // Polymers, 14 (2022), 19; 4012, 11. doi: 10.3390/polym14194012
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Jakovac, Marko ; Žic, Mark ; Pavić, Luka ; Klaser, Teodoro | Electrical Properties of Two Types of Lithium-Based Glass Ceramics // Acta stomatologica Croatica, 56 (2022), 3; 281-287. doi: 10.15644/asc56/3/6
doiascro.hrhrcak.srce.hrdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Panžić, Ivana ; Mandić, Vilko ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Pavić, Luka ; Mičetić, Maja ; Peretin, Ivan ; Bernstorff, Sigrid | Structural and electrical point of view on addressing the organisation of the constituting domains in DC magnetron sputtered AZO films // Journal of materials science, 57 (2022), 30; 14246-14264. doi: 10.1007/s10853-022-07443-x
doilink.springer.comdx.doi.org -
Keerti Kut, T.V.N.; Marijan, Sara; Pisk, Jana; Venkata Sekhar, A.; Siva Sesha Reddy, A.; Venkatramaiah, N.; Naga Raju, G.; Pavić, Luka; Veeraiah, N. | Impact of silver ions on dielectric properties and conductivity of lithium silicate glass system mixed with red lead // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 588 (2022), 121641, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2022.121641
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Dunatov, Marko ; Puškarić, Andreas ; Pavić, Luka ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Androš Dubraja, Lidija | Electrically responsive structural transformations triggered by vapour and temperature in a series of pleochroic bis(oxalato)chromium(iii) complex salts // Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10 (2022), 8024-8033. doi: 10.1039/D2TC01103D
doifulir.irb.hrpubs.rsc.org -
Bafti, Arijeta ; Kubuki, Shiro ; Ertap, Hüseyin ; Yüksek, Mustafa ; Karabulut, Mevlüt ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka | Electrical transport in iron phosphate-based glass-(ceramics): Insights into the role of B2O3 and HfO2 from model-free scaling procedures // Nanomaterials, 12 (2022), 4; 639, 18. doi: 10.3390/nano12040639
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hrdx.doi.org -
Jakovac, Marko ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Skoko, Željko ; Pavić, Luka ; Žic, Mark | The effect of Y3+ addition on morphology, structure, and electrical properties of yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia dental materials // Materials, 15 (2022), 5; 1800, 13. doi: 10.3390/ma15051800
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hrdx.doi.org -
Mandić, Vilko ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Pavić, Luka ; Panžić, Ivana ; Kurajica, Stanislav ; Pavelić, Jakov-Stjepan ; Shi, Zhen ; Mužina, Katarina ; Ivković, Ivana Katarina | Humidity sensing ceria thin-films // Nanomaterials, 12 (2022), 3; 521, 21. doi: 10.3390/nano12030521
doiwww.mdpi.comdx.doi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Šantić, Ana ; Nikolić, Juraj ; Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Tricot, Grégory ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | A versatile role of WO3 and MoO3 in electrical transport in phosphate glasses // Solid state ionics, 375 (2022), 115849, 9. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2021.115849
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Čižmar, Tihana ; Grčić, Ivana ; Bohač, Mario ; Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Gajović, Andreja | Dual Use of Copper-Modified TiO2 Nanotube Arrays as Material for Photocatalytic NH3 Degradation and Relative Humidity Sensing // Coatings, 11 (2021), 12; 1500, 15. doi: 10.3390/coatings11121500
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Kojić, Vedran ; Bohač, Mario ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Pavić, Luka ; Salamon, Krešimir ; Čižmar, Tihana ; Gracin, Davor ; Juraić, Krunoslav ; Leskovac, Mirela ; Capan, Ivana et al. | Formamidinium lead iodide perovskite films with polyvinylpyrrolidone additive for active layer in perovskite solar cells, enhanced stability and electrical conductivity // Materials, 14 (2021), 16; 4594, 18. doi: 10.3390/ma14164594
doiwww.mdpi.comdx.doi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Kubuki, S. ; Osouda, K. ; Ali, A.S. ; Khan, I. ; Zhang, B. ; Kitajou, A. ; Okada, S. ; Okabayashi, J. ; Homonnay, Z. ; Kuzmann, E. et al. | 57Fe-Mössbauer and XAFS Studies of Conductive Sodium Phospho-Vanadate Glass as a Cathode Active Material for Na-ion Batteries with Large Capacity // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 570 (2021), 120998, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.120998
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Khan, I. ; Morishita, S. ; Higashinaka, R. ; Matsuda, T.D. ; Aoki, Y. ; Kuzmann, E. ; Homonnay, Z. ; Sinkó, K. ; Pavić, Luka ; Kubuki, S. | Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetic Properties of ε-Fe2O3 nanoparticles prepared by Sol-Gel Method // Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 538 (2021), 168264, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168264
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Khan, Irfan ; Kuzmann, Erno ; Nomura, Kiyoshi ; Ali, Ahmad S. ; Akiyama, Kazuhiko ; Homonnay, Zoltan ; Sinko, Katalin ; Pavić, Luka ; Kubuki, Shiro | Structural characterization, electrical and photocatalytic properties of α−and γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles dispersed in iron aluminosilicate glass // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 561 (2021), 120756, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.120756
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Ghussn, Luciana ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Transport of potassium ions in niobium phosphate glasses // Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 104 (2021), 9; 4669-4678. doi: 10.1111/jace.17882
doiceramics.onlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Jakovac, Marko ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Radatović, Borna ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Skoko, Željko ; Pavić, Luka ; Žic, Mark | Impact of sandblasting on morphology, structure and conductivity of zirconia dental ceramics material // Materials, 14 (2021), 11; 2834, 12. doi: 10.3390/ma14112834
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Androš Dubraja, Lidija ; Žilić, Dijana ; Olujić, Kristina ; Pavić, Luka ; Molčanov, Krešimir ; Pajić, Damir | Targeted synthesis of a CrIII–O–VV core oxo- bridged complex: spectroscopic, magnetic and electrical properties // New journal of chemistry, 45 (2021), 14; 6336-6343. doi: 10.1039/D1NJ00430A
doipubs.rsc.org -
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Tricot, Grégory ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | A significant enhancement of sodium ion conductivity in phosphate glasses by addition of WO3 and MoO3: the effect of mixed conventional–conditional glass-forming oxides // PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics, 23 (2021), 16; 9761-9772. doi: 10.1039/D1CP00498K
doipubs.rsc.orgdoi.org -
Kanižaj, Lidija ; Šenjug, Pavla ; Pajić, Damir ; Pavić, Luka ; Molčanov, Krešimir ; Jurić, Marijana | Magnetic and Electrical Behaviors of the Homo- and Heterometallic 1D and 3D Coordination Polymers Based on the Partial Decomposition of the [Cr(C2O4)3]3− Building Block // Materials, 13 (2020), 23; 5341, 20. doi: 10.3390/ma13235341
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Jakovac, Marko ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Radatović, Borna ; Skoko, Željko ; Pavić, Luka ; Žic, Mark | Surface characterization and conductivity of two types of lithium-based glass ceramics after accelerating ageing // Materials, 13 (2020), 24; 5632, 11. doi: 10.3390/ma13245632
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Juraić, Krunoslav ; Gracin, Davor ; Čulo, Matija ; Rapljenović, Željko ; Plaisier, Jasper Rikkert ; Hodzic, Aden ; Siketić, Zdravko ; Pavić, Luka ; Bohač, Mario | Origin of Mangetotransport Properties in APCVD Deposited Tin Oxide Thin Films // Materials, 13 (2020), 22; 5182, 15. doi: 10.3390/ma13225182
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Ali, Ahmed S. ; Khan, Irfan ; Zhang, Bofan ; Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Bingham, Paul A. ; Nomura, Kiyoshi ; Kubuki, Shiro | Structural, electrical and photocatalytic properties of iron-containing soda-lime aluminosilicate glass and glass-ceramics // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 553 (2021), 120510, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2020.120510
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Pavić, Luka ; Fazinić, Stjepko ; Ertap, Hüseyin ; Karabulut, Mevlüt ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Polaronic Conductivity in Iron Phosphate Glasses Containing B2O3 // Materials, 13 (2020), 11; 2505, 15. doi: 10.3390/ma13112505
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Venkata Sekhar, A. ; Pavić, Luka ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea ; Purnachand, N. ; Siva Sesha Reddy, A. ; Naga Raju, G. ; Veeraiah, Nalluri | Dielectric characteristics, dipolar relaxation dynamics and ac conductivity of CuO added lithium sulpho-phosphate glass system // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 543 (2020), 120157, 13. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2020.120157
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Venkata Sekhar, A. ; Pavić, Luka ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea ; Kumar, Valluri Ravi ; Siva Sesha Reddy, A. ; Naga Raju, G. ; Veeraiah, Nalluri | Dielectric dispersion and impedance spectroscopy of NiO doped Li2SO4–MgO–P2O5 glass system // Journal of alloys and compounds, 824 (2020), 153907, 6. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.153907
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Pavić, Luka ; Krivačić, Sara ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Low potassium mobility in iron pyrophosphate glasses // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 535 (2020), 119969, 6. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2020.119969
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Pavić, Luka ; Sklepić, Kristina ; Skoko, Željko ; Tricot, Gregory ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Ionic Conductivity of Lithium Germanium Phosphate Glass-Ceramics // Journal of physical chemistry. C, 123 (2019), 38; 23312-23322. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03666
doidoi.orgpubs.acs.org -
Pavić, Luka ; Nikolić, Juraj ; Graça, Manuel P. F. ; Costa, Benilde F. O. ; Valente, Manuel A. ; Skoko, Željko ; Šantić, Ana ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Effect of controlled crystallization on polaronic transport in phosphate-based glass-ceramics // International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 11 (2020), 1; 97-111. doi: 10.1111/ijag.13618
doiceramics.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Šantić, Ana ; Nikolić, Juraj ; Pavić, Luka ; Banhatti, Radha D. ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Scaling features of conductivity spectra reveal complexities in ionic, polaronic and mixed ionic-polaronic conduction in phosphate glasses // Acta materialia, 175 (2019), 46-54. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2019.05.067
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Bodelot, Laurence ; Pavić, Luka ; Hallais, Simon ; Charliac, Jérôme ; Lebental, Bérengère | Aggregate-driven reconfigurations of carbon nanotubes in thin networks under strain: in- situ characterization // Scientific reports, 9 (2019), 1; 5513, 11. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41989-2
doidoi.orgwww.nature.comfulir.irb.hr -
Reis, Signo T. ; Koenigstein, Mike ; Fan, Liang ; Chen, Genda ; Pavić, Luka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | The Effects of Silica on the Properties of Vitreous Enamels // Materials, 12 (2019), 2; 248, 9. doi: 10.3390/ma12020248
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Pavić, Luka ; Skoko, Željko ; Gajović, Andreja ; Su, Dangsheng ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Electrical transport in iron phosphate glass-ceramics // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 502 (2018), 44-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.02.012
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Prasad, V. ; Pavić, Luka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Siva Sesha Reddy, Annapureddy ; Gandhi, Y. ; Ravi Kumar, V. ; Naga Raju, Goli ; Nalluri, Veeraiah | Influence of silver ion concentration on dielectric characteristics of Li2O-Nb2O5-P2O5 glasses // Journal of alloys and compounds, 773 (2019), 654-665. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.09.161
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Nikolić, Juraj ; Šantić, Ana ; Pavić, Luka ; Pajić, Damir ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Mixed Ion-Polaron Glasses as New Cathode Materials // Croatica chemica acta, 90 (2017), 4; 657-665. doi: 10.5562/cca3330
doihrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Nikolić, Juraj ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Pajić, Damir ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Nature of mixed electrical transport in Ag2O–ZnO–P2O5 glasses containing WO3 and MoO3 // Electrochimica acta, 276 (2018), 434-445. doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2018.04.029
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Nikolić, Juraj ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Pajić, Damir ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Novel insights into electrical transport mechanism in ionic-polaronic glasses // Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101 (2018), 3; 1221-1235. doi: 10.1111/jace.15271
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Vijay, R. ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Ramesh Babu, P. ; Krishna Rao, D. ; Veeraiah, N. | Influence of tungsten ions valence states on electrical characteristics of quaternary lithium-antimony-lead-germanate glasses // Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 107 (2017), 108-117. doi: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.04.001
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Šantić, Ana ; Banhatti, Radha D. ; Pavić, Luka ; Ertap, Husseyin ; Yuksek, Mustafa ; Karabulut, Mevlut ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Polaronic transport in iron phosphate glasses containing HfO2 and CeO2 // PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics, 19 (2017), 5; 3999-4009. doi: 10.1039/c6cp04226k
doipubs.rsc.org -
Šantić, Ana ; Čalogović, Marina ; Pavić, Luka ; Gladić, Jadranko ; Vučić, Zlatko ; Lovrić, Davorin ; Prskalo, Katica ; Janković, Bernard ; Tarle, Zrinka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | New Insights into the Setting Processes of Glass Ionomer Cements from Analysis of Dielectric Properties // Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98 (2015), 12; 3869-3876. doi: 10.1111/jace.13830
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comonlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Pavić, Luka ; Graca, M.P.F. ; Skoko, Željko ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Valente, M.A. | Magnetic properties of iron phosphate glass and glass-ceramics // Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97 (2014), 8; 2517-2524. doi: 10.1111/jace.12951
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Pavić, Luka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Raghava Rao, P. ; Šantić, Ana ; Ravi Kumar, V. ; Veeraiah, N. | Effect of alkali-earth modifier ion on electrical, dielectric and spectroscopic properties of Fe2O3 doped Na2SO4-MO-P2O5 glass system // Journal of alloys and compounds, 604 (2014), 352-362. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.03.061
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Pavić, Luka ; Narasimha Rao, N. ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana ; Ravi Kumar, V. ; Piasecki, M. ; Kityk, I.V. ; Veeraiah, Nalluri | Physical properties of ZnF2–PbO–TeO2:TiO2 glass ceramics–Part III dielectric dispersion and ac conduction phenomena // Ceramics international, 40 (2014), 4; 5989-5996. doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.11.047
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Raghava Rao, P. ; Pavić, Luka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Ravi Kumar, V. ; Kityk, I.V. ; Veeraiah, N. | Electrical and spectroscopic properties of Fe2O3 doped Na2SO4–BaO–P2O5 glass system // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 358 (2012), 23; 3255-3267. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2012.08.032
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Filipič, Cene ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Srilatha, K. ; Veeraiah, N. ; Levstik, Adrijan | Polaronic behavior of MnO doped LiI-AgI-B2O3 glass // Journal of applied physics, 112 (2012), 7; 073705, 3. doi: 10.1063/1.4757028
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Filipič, Cene ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Karabulut, Mevlüt ; Levstik, Adrijan | Polarons in boron doped iron phosphate glasses // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 358 (2012), 20; 2793-2795. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2012.07.011
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Ertap, Hüseyin ; Karabulut, Mevlüt | Polaronic Mobility in Boron Doped Iron Phosphate Glasses : Influence of Structural Disorder on Summerfield Scaling // Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95 (2012), 6; 2007-2014. doi: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05149.x
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Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Srilatha, K. ; Srinivasa Rao, Ch. ; Srikumar, T. ; Gandhi, Y. ; Veeraiah, N. | Electrical, dielectric and spectroscopic studies on MnO doped LiI–AgI–B2O3 glasses // Journal of applied physics, 111 (2012), 1; 013714, 11. doi: 10.1063/1.3676254
doiaip.scitation.org -
Srilatha, K. ; Pavić, Luka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Rao, C.S. ; Flower, G.L. ; Kumar, V.R. ; Veeraiah, N. | The role of vanadium valence states and coordination on electrical conduction in lithium iodide borate glasses mixed with small concentration of silver iodide.silver iodide // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 357 (2011), 19-20; 3538-3547. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncryol.2011.07.001
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Reis, Signo T. ; Day, Delbert E. ; Ivanda, Mile | Structural and electrical properties of Li2O-ZnO-P2O5 glasses // Journal of non-crystalline solids, 356 (2010), 11-17; 715-719. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2009.04.077
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Sarjanović, Josipa ; Stojić, Martina ; Rubčić, Mirta ; Pavić, Luka ; Pisk, Jana | Impedance Spectroscopy as a Powerful Tool for Researching Molybdenum-Based Materials with Schiff Base Hydrazones // Materials, 16 (2023), 1064, 14. doi: 10.3390/ma16031064
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana ; Pavić, Luka ; Sklepić, Kristina | Iron phosphate glass-ceramics // Croatica chemica acta, 88 (2015), 4; 553-560. doi: 10.5562/cca2759
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Pavić, Luka; Fazinić, Stjepko; Karabulut, Mevlüt; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea; Šantić, Ana | Effect of Boron Oxide Addition on Electrical Properties of Iron Phosphate Glasses // Book of Abstracts -14th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport (ISSFIT-14) / Petek, Urša ; Gaberšček, Miran (ur.). | Ljubljana: Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry Ljubljana, 2021. str. 42-42
Šantić, Ana; Renka, Sanja; Razum, Marta; Pavić, Luka; Tricot, Grégory; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav | Electrical conductivity in phosphate glasses // PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS - 15th European Society of Glass Conference - 15th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials - Annual Conference of the Society of Glass Technology / Hannon, Alex; Mountjoy, Gavin (ur.). | Sheffield: Society of Glass Technology, 2024. str. 137-137
cdn.ymaws.com Marijan, Sara; Klaser, Teodoro; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Exploring the Influence of V2O5 Content on the Mechanism of Electrical Transport in the Na2O-V2O5-Nb2O5-P2O5 Glass System: A Perspective through Model-Free Scaling Procedures // Proceedings of the 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences. | Basel: MDPI, 2023. str. 1-1
Marijan, Sara; Mirosavljević, Marija; Klaser, Teodoro; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Enhancing Electrical Conductivity and Catalytic Activity Through Controlled Crystallization of V2O5-Nb2O5-P2O5 Glass // Proceedings of the 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences. | Basel: MDPI, 2023. str. 1-1
Marijan, Sara; Klaser, Teodoro; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Agustin, Dominique; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Examining the interplay of electrical conductivity and catalytic activity in glass-(ceramics) from the Na2O–V2O5–P2O5–Nb2O5-based system // PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS - 15th European Society of Glass Conference - 15th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials - Annual Conference of the Society of Glass Technology / Hannon, Alex; Mountjoy, Gavin (ur.). | Sheffield: Society of Glass Technology, 2024. str. 143-143
cdn.ymaws.com Marijan, Sara; Klaser, Teodoro; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Investigating the glass-forming region in sodium phosphate-niobate-based glass systems // The Thirtieth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting / Matković Čalogović, Dubravka; Đilović, Ivica; Čobić, Andreja et al. (ur.). | Zagreb: Croatian Crystallographic Association, 2024. str. 17-17
Marijan, Sara; Klaser, Teodoro; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Exploring the Impacts of Al2O3/ZnO Addition on the Mixed-Glass Former Effect in Na2O-P2O5-Nb2O5 Glass System // 8th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium: Book of Abstracts / Posarić, Laura; Gmižić, Daria; Ostojić, Tea et al. (ur.). | Zagreb: Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2024. str. 32-32
drive.google.com Mandić, Vilko; Bafti, Arijeta; Panžić, Ivana; Pavić, Luka | Introducing photovoltaic functionality into humidity sensing composite thin films // Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) "Biotechnology and human enhancement: present research and future perspectives" : Book of abstracts. | San Felice Circeo, Latina, Italija: NATO, 2023. str. 40-41
Sarjanović, Josipa; Topić, Edi; Rubčić, Mirta; Pavić, Luka; Pisk, Jana | Electric Investigation Of Vanadium Coordination Complexes Obtained From Simple Acyl-hydrazones // 8. Simpozij studenata kemičara: Knjiga sažetaka / Lukac, Hrvojka; Klemen, Luka; Stantić, Vedrana (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2023. str. 41-42
Pisk, Jana; Sarjanović, Josipa; Topić, Edi; Rubčić, Mirta; Pavić, Luka | Vanadium coordination compounds derived from simple acetic acid hydrazide as non-conventional semiconductors // 13th International Vanadium Symposium Book of Abstracts. | Lisabon: 13th International Vanadium Symposium, 2023. str. 67-68
vanadium13.events.chemistry.pt Bafti, Arijeta ; Panžić, Ivana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mandić, Vilko | Preparation of nanostructured SnO2 thin-films as efficient electron transport layers for perovskite solar cells // 8th ECERS Book of Abstracts. | Lyon: ECERS, 2023. str. 1-1
Bafti, Arijeta; Panžić, Ivana; Pavić, Luka; Mandić, Vilko | Development of tin(IV) oxide nanorods as potential layer in solar cells // 7th International Conference "Development of Functional Materials for a Better World" : Program Book. | Kyushu: Kyushu University, 2023. str. 83-83
Bafti, Arijeta; Panžić, Ivana; Pavić, Luka; Mandić, Vilko | Preparing an efficient photocatalyst from SnO2 modified cellulose II highly porous template // Book of abstracts of the 7th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC7) / Kučerík, Jiří; Šiler, Pavel; Rotaru, Andrei (ur.). | Brno: SITECH, Rumunjska, 2023. str. 249-249
www.ceec-tac.com Pavić, Luka; Bafti, Arijeta; Kubuki, Shiro; Fazinić, Stjepko; Ertap, Hüseyin; Yüksek, Mustafa; Karabulut, Mevlut; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea; Šantić, Ana | Exploring the Electrical Transport in Oxide Glasses through Model-Free Scaling Procedures of Conductivity and Permittivity Spectra // 1st International Conference On Spectroscopy In Materials Science (ICOSIMS): Book of Abstracts / Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication (I3N) (ur.). | Aveiro: Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication (I3N), 2023, 1, 1
Pavić, Luka | More than meets the eye: Impact of (micro)structure on electrical and catalytic properties of oxide glass-(ceramics) // The 7th International Conference on New Photocatalytic Materials for Environment, Energy and Sustainability (NPM-7): Book of Abstracts / Redox Technologies Inc. (RTI) (ur.). | Varaždin: Redox Technologies Inc. (RTI), 2023, 1, 1
Šantić, Ana; Renka, Sanja; Pavić, Luka; Tricot, Grégory; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | A versatile role of transition metal oxides in electrical transport in phosphate glasses // BorateX-PhosphateIII Conference: Book of Abstracts / Organizing Committee, BorateX-PhosphateIII Conference (ur.). | Corning (NY): BorateX-PhosphateIII Conference, 2023, 1, 1
Marijan, Sara; Razum, Marta; Klaser, Teodoro; Mošner, Petr; Koudelka, Ladislav; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Innovative approaches in tuning cation mobility in sodium niobate-phosphate glasses: effects on structure and electrical properties // Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport (ISSFIT-15). | Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga kristalografa, 2023. str. 70-70
Pavić, Luka | Investigation of Oxide Glass-(Ceramics) Employing Impedance Spectroscopy // Solid-State Science & Research 2023 : book of abstracts / Biliškov, Nikola; Karadeniz, Bahar; Juraj Pantalon, Natalija (ur.). | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023. str. 31-31
Marijan, Sara; Mirosavljević, Marija; Klaser, Teodoro; Skoko, Željko; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | The Mixed Glass Former Effect: A Pathway to Enhanced Conductivity in Na2O-ZnO-P2O5-Nb2O5 glass-(ceramics) // Solid-State Science & Research 2023 : book of abstracts / Biliškov, Nikola; Karadeniz, Bahar; Juraj Pantalon, Natalija (ur.). | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023. str. 105-105
www.scires2023.irb.hr Teodoro, Klaser ; Nikola, Baran ; Sanja, Renka ; Željko, Skoko ; Luka, Pavić ; Ana, Šantić | Ionic transport in poly(lactic acid) - ionic liquid composites. | 2023. str. 1-1
Teodoro, Klaser ; Nikola, Baran ; Sanja, Renka ; Željko, Skoko ; Luka, Pavić ; Ana, Šantić | PLA-ionic liquid composite - novel “green” functional material. | 2023. str. 1-1
Bafti, Arijeta ; Panžić, Ivana ; Mandić, Vilko ; Pavić, Luka ; Mičetić, Maja | Influence of the titanium pretreatment on the yield titania nanotube properties // CRF-ChemCYS 2022 : book of abstracts. | 2022. str. 323-323
www.bib.irb.hr -
Panžić, Ivana ; Mandić, Vilko ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Pavić, Luka ; Capan, Ivana ; Rath, Thomas ; Deluca, Marco | Aspects and challenges of nanostructured metal oxide thin films // 1st ACDC 2023 : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2023. str. 26-26
www.fkit.unizg.hr -
Pavić, Luka | From glass to glass-ceramics: The pivotal role of (micro)structure in enhancing electrical and catalytic properties // 1st ACDC 2023, 1st Croatian Ceramic Society (CroCerS) Conference : Book of abstracts. | 2023. str. 29-29
www.fkit.unizg.hr Pavić, Luka | Solid state impedance spectroscopy: powerful analytical tool in material science // Book of Abstract of TMU International Symposium on the Materials Science and the Characterization of Radiochemical Methods. | Lahti, 2023. str. 4-4
Mirosavljević, Marija ; Marijan, Sara ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Skoko, Željko ; Pavić, Luka | The one with crystallization. Microstructure of oxide glass-ceramics. // Book of abstracts of the 15th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport (ISSFIT-15). | Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga kristalografa, 2023. str. 71-71
www.issfit15.org Marijan, Sara ; Mirosavljević, Marija ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Skoko, Željko ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Mošner, Petr ; Pisk, Jana ; Pavić, Luka | Enhancement of Electrical Conductivity in Sodium Phosphate-based Glasses through Modifications with Nb2O5 and Al2O3 // 15th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga kristalografa, 2023. str. 67-67
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Pajić, Damir ; Pisk, Jana ; Mošner, Petr ; Loudelka, Ladislav ; Šantić, Ana | The Curious Case of Polaronic Transport in Vanadium Phosphate Glasses Containing Transition Metal Oxides // 15th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport ISSFIT-15 : Book of Abstract. | Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga kristalografa, 2023. str. 69-69
Marijan, Sara ; Pavic, Luka ; Pisk, Jana | Application of porous and nonporous materials based on transition metal oxides in oxidation reactions // TMU International Symposium on the Materials Science and the Characterization by Radiochemical Methods. | 2023. str. 24-25
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Pajić, Damir ; Pisk, Jana ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Šantić, Ana | Enhancement of polaronic conductivity in phosphate glasses containing iron (III) oxide by spontaneous crystallization // The European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC 17: Book of Abstracts / Popović, Jasminka; Štefanić, Zoran (ur.). | Zagreb: Croatian Association of Crystallographers, 2022. str. 158-158
hukcac.wixsite.com Pavić, Luka ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Panžić, Ivana ; Mandić, Vilko | Tin(IV) oxide nanostructured thin-films development as a potential layer in solar cells // 11th International Colloids Conference: Book of Abstracts. | Lisabon: Elsevier, 2022. str. 1-1
Pavić, Luka ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Kubuki, Shiro ; Ertap, Huseyin ; Yuksek, Mustafa ; Karabulut, Mevlut ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Fundamental Insights Gained on Polaron Conduction using Impedance Spectroscopy: Case of Iron phosphate Glass-(Ceramics) Containing B2O3 and HfO2 // SECV Book of abstracts. | 2022, IO17173, 1
Pavić, Luka ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Kubuki, Shiro ; Ertap, Huseyin ; Yuksek, Mustafa ; Karabulut, Mevlut ; Moguš-Milankković, Andrea | Electrical Conductivity in Iron Phosphate Glasses: Insights into the Role of B2O3 and HfO2 from Model- Free Scaling Analysis of Conductivity Spectra // 23rd International Conference on Solid State Ionics : Abstract book. | 2022. str. 17-18
www.mrs.org -
Bohač, Mario ; Kojić, Vedran ; Juraić, Krunoslav ; Čižmar, Tihana ; Pavić, Luka ; Bafti, Arijeta | Study of barium titanate on transparent titania nanotubes arrays // 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 16MCM: Book of Abstracts. | Brno: Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2022. str. 472-473
www.16mcm.cz -
Teodoro, Klaser ; Jasminka, Popović ; Ana, Šantić ; Luka, Pavić ; Željko, Skoko | Some relevant results from electrical analysis of thermosalient crystals of 1,2,4,5- tetrabromobenzene and 1,2,4,5-tetraclorobenzene. | 2022. str. 14-14
cscm28.hazu.hr Kurajica, Stanislav ; Mužina, Katarina ; Dražić, Goran ; Ivković, Ivana Katarina ; Duplančić, Marina ; Matijašić, Gordana ; Mandić, Vilko ; Guggenberger, Patrick ; Župančić, Martina ; Brleković, Filip et al. | Doped ceria nano catalysts // 19th Ružička days "Today science – tomorrow industry" : book of abstracts = 19. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup Ružičkini dani "Danas znanost - sutra industrija" : knjiga sažetaka. | Osijek : Zagreb: Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku ; Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2022. str. 15-15
Teodoro Klaser ; Luka, Pavić ; Željko, Skoko ; Ana, Šantić ; | Glass fiber and powder filled polylactic acid composites - physical and structural properties // Book of abstracts of the EPF European Polymer Congress 2022. | Prag: AMCA, spol. s r.o., 2022. str. 613-613
webadmin.epf2022.org Teodoro, Klaser; Luka, Pavić; Željko, Skoko; Ana, Šantić | Structure and physical properties of biopolymer glass composites prepared with ionic liquids // Polymers 2022 : program and abstract book / Trotta, Francesco; Bracco, Pierangiola; Zanetti, Marco (ur.). | Basel: MDPI, 2022. str. 155-155
Marijan, Sara ; Razum, Marta ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Skoko, Željko ; Pisk, Jana ; Pavić, Luka | Insights on the relationship between structural and electrical properties in sodium vanadium niobium phosphate glasses // 16th International Conference on the Physics of Non- Crystalline Solids : Programme and Abstracts. | Society of Glass Technology, 2022. str. 88-88
sgt.org -
Bafti, Arijeta ; Brleković, Filip ; Mandić, Vilko ; Pavić, Luka ; Panžić, Ivana ; Mali, Gregor | Development of geopolymer network and following influence on conductivity properties // Ceramics in Europe 2022: Abstract book. | 2022. str. 396-396
www.ceramicsineurope2022.org Bafti, Arijeta ; Brleković, Filip ; Pavić, Luka Pavić ; Mandić, Vilko ; Panžić, Ivana ; Krajnc, Andraž | Mullite based geopolymer materials developed in a thin-film configuration suitable for the application in vertically mounted solar cells // 26th International Congress on Glass : Book of abstracts. | 2022. str. 442-442
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Pajić, Damir ; Pisk, Jana ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Mošner, Petr ; Šantić, Ana | Polaronic transport in vanadium phosphate glasses containing transition metal oxides // 16th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids : Programme and Abstracts. | 2022. str. 144-144
cdn.ymaws.com -
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Pajić, Damir ; Pisk, Jana ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Mošner, Petr ; Šantić, Ana | The effect of mixed transition metal oxides on the polaronic conductivity in vanadium phosphate glasses // 6th International Congress on Glass : Book of abstracts. | 2022. str. 32-32
dgghvg.inventum.de -
Mandić, Vilko ; Panžić, Ivana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mičetić, Maja | Potentiostatic vs. galvanostatic approach for growth of the titania nanostructured arrays via electrochemical etching of titanium films deposited by magnetron sputtering // Book of abstracts of the 1st Central and Eastern European Conference on Physical Chemistry and Materials Science (CEEC-PCMS1). | 2022. str. 89-89
www.ceec-physchem.org -
Mandić, Vilko ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Pavić, Luka ; Panžić, Ivana | Utilisation of ceramic thin-films for sensing humidity at room temperature // Ceramics in Europe 2022 : Abstract Book. | Krakov: Agencja Reklamowa EURO GRAPHIC, 2022. str. 368-368
www.ceramicsineurope2022.org -
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Tricot, Grégory ; Hostinský, Tomáš ; Kalenda, Petr ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Enhanced mobility of lithium and sodium ions in phosphate glasses obtained by WO3 and MoO3 addition // 23rd International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI-23) : Abstract Book. | 2022. str. 14-14
www.mrs.org -
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Tricot, Grégory ; Hostinský, Tomáš ; Kalenda, Petr ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Enhanced mobility of lithium and sodium ions in phosphate glasses obtained by WO3 and MoO3 addition // 16th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids (PNCS16) : Programme and Abstracts. | 2022. str. 43-43
cdn.ymaws.com Radovanović-Perić, Floren ; Mandić, Vilko ; Panžić, Ivana ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Pavić, Luka ; Gaboardi, Mattia | Optical and electrical study of amorphous titanium oxide thin films derived by reactive spark ablation // 5th ICASS Book of abstracts. | 2022. str. 1-1
Bafti, Arijeta ; Brleković, Filip ; Mandić, Vilko ; Pavić, Luka ; Panžić, Ivana ; Krajnc, Andraž | Understanding configuration of geopolymer materials for application in solar-cells // 2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC) : Book of abstracts. | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. str. 1196-1196. doi: 10.1109/PVSC48317.2022.9938833
doiieeexplore.ieee.org Bafti, Arijeta ; Panžić, Ivana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mandić, Vilko | SnO2-Cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) composites – influence of the structure on the applicability // EPDiC17 : Book of abstracts. | 2022. str. 148-148
Bafti, Arijeta; Panžić, Ivana; Mandić, Vilko; Pavić, Luka | Influence of the additives on geopolymer thin-films and their electrical performance // SECV Book of abstracts. | 2022, IO05090, 1
Bafti, Arijeta; Panžić, Ivana; Pavić, Luka; Mandić, Vilko | Hybrid cellulose-QDs composites – from synthesis to characterisation and possible application // 5th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS2022) : Abstract Book. | 2022. str. 1-1
Marijan, Sara ; Razum, Marta ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Marciuš, Marijan ; Skoko, Željko ; Pisk, Jana ; Pavić, Luka | Structural and electrical studies of sodium vanadium niobium phosphate glasses and glass-ceramics // 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress with International Participation: Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo ; Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2022. str. 39-40
Marijan, Sara ; Razum, Marta ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Skoko, Željko ; Pisk, Jana ; Pavić, Luka | Structural and electrical study of sodium phosphate glass-(ceramics) containing niobium(V) and vanadium(V) oxides // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 168-169
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Pajić, Damir ; Pisk, Jana ; Čižmar, Tihana ; Šantić, Ana | Utjecaj molibdenovog(VI) oksida na strukturu i polaronsku provodnost vanadatno-fosfatnih stakala // XIV. susret mladih kemijskih inženjera: knjiga sažetaka = XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers: Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2022. str. 27-27
www.hdki.hr -
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Pajić, Damir ; Pisk, Jana ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Šantić, Ana | Effects of MoO3 and WO3 on the structure and electronic transport in vanadium phosphate glasses // 6. Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = 6th Faculty of Science PhD student symposium : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2022. str. 296-297
www.pmf.unizg.hr Pavić, Luka ; Fazinić, Stjepko ; Ertap, Hüseyin ; Karabulut, Mevlüt ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Model-Free Scaling of Conductivity Spectra: Insight Into Electrical Transport in Iron Phopshate-Based Glasees // 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 5th Symposium Vladimir Prelog (27HSKIKI). | Zagreb, 2021. str. 92-92
Marijan, Sara ; Razum, Marta ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Marciuš, Marijan ; Skoko, Željko ; Pisk, Jana ; Pavić, Luka | Electrical and structural properties of Na2O-V2O5-P2O5-Nb2O5 glasses // XIV. susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2022. str. 23-23
www.hdki.hr -
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Tricot, Grégory ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Povećanje ionske vodljivosti natrijevog fosfatnog stakla dodatkom WO3 i MoO3 // XIV. susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2022. str. 28-28
www.hdki.hr -
Mandić, Vilko ; Panžić, Ivana ; Bafti, Arijeta ; Pavić, Luka ; Capan, Ivana ; Rath, Thomas ; Gaboardi, Mattia | Development of nanostructured transparent electrodes for solar cells based on aluiminium doped zincite // Book of abstracts of the 6th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC6) and 15th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (Medicta2021).. | 2021. str. 101-101
www.ceec-tac.com -
Dunatov, Marko ; Puškarić, Andreas ; Pavić, Luka ; Androš Dubraja, Lidija | Structural and dielectric studies of bis(oxalato)chromium(III) complexes with azabicyclic cations // 27HSKIKI : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 370-370
27hskiki.hkd.hr Dunatov, Marko ; Puškarić, Andreas ; Pavić, Luka ; Androš Dubraja, Lidija | Bis(oxalato)chromium(III) salts with azabicyclic cations: structural and dielectric studies // Solid-State Science & Research 2021 : Book of Abstracts and Programme. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2021. str. 61-61
Bafti, Arijeta ; Brleković, Filip ; Panžić, Ivana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mandić, Vilko | The development of geopolymer materials into thin- films for the application in vertically mounted solar cells // 14th ECerS Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics : Book of abstracts. | 2021. str. 55-55
Bafti, Arijeta ; Višić, Lucija ; Panžić, Ivana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mandić, Vilko | Temperature resolved impedance spectroscopy: a powerful tool for investigating electrical transport in nanostructured electrodes for solar cells // CMD2020GEFES : Scientific Program. | 2020. str. 89-89
www.cmd2020gefes.eu Bafti, Arijeta ; Višić, Lucija ; Panžić, Ivana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mičetić, Maja ; Mandić, Vilko | Impedance spectroscopy for Solar Cells: Electrical Properties of Nanostructured Electrodes Based on Aluminium Doped Zincite // International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy : Abstract book. | Chemnitz: Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2020. str. 16-17
Bafti, Arijeta ; Panžić, Ivana ; Jambriško, Donata ; Pavić, Luka ; Mandić, Vilko | Nanostructured SnO2 thin-films for solar cells // 27HSKIKI : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 38-387
Bafti, Arijeta ; Višić, Lucija ; Panžić, Ivana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mandić, Vilko | Nanocellulose-QDs composites: Future in a foam // Book of abstracts : 7th International Polysaccharide Conference. | Nantes, 2021. str. 170-170
symposium.inrae.fr -
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Čižmar, Tihana ; Gajović, Andreja ; Pajić, Damir ; Šantić, Ana | Polaronic conductivity in vanadium phosphate glasses and the effect of molybdenum oxide addition // 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 5th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 257-258
27hskiki.hkd.hr -
Kanižaj, Lidija ; Šenjug, Pavla ; Pajić, Damir ; Pavić, Luka ; Molčanov, Krešimir ; Jurić, Marijana | Magnetic and electrical features of 1D and 3D oxalate-bridged coordination polymers // 27HSKIKI : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 82-82
27hskiki.hkd.hr27hskiki.hkd.hr Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Čižmar, Tihana ; Gajović, Andreja ; Pajić, Damir ; Šantić, Ana | Vanadium phosphate glasses as potential energy materials // 15th International conference on materials chemistry (MC15) : Book of poster Abstracts. | The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021. str. 211-211
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Ghussn, Luciana ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Electrical and structural properties of K2O-Nb2O5-P2O5 glasses // Book of Abstracts presented at the 14th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport (ISSFIT-14). | Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry Ljubljana, 2021. str. 41-41
issfit14.si -
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Čižmar, Tihana ; Šantić, Ana | Electronic conductivity in vanadium phosphate glasses // 10th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2021. str. 7-7
www.hdki.hr -
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Ghussn, Luciana ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Influenece of structure on the transport of potassium ions in niobium phosphate glasses // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = PhD student symposium 2021 : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 374-375
www.pmf.unizg.hr Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Gavinho, S.R. ; Teixeira, S. Soreto ; Kumar Jakka, Sureh ; Valente, M. A. ; Graca, M. P. F. ; Šantić, Ana | Solid State Impedance Spectroscopy Study Bioglass 45S5 Doped with Fe // International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy : Abstract book. | Chemnitz: Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2020. str. 34-35
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Tricot, Grégory ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | The improvement of ionic conductivity of sodium phosphate glasses by addition of WO3 and MoO3 // 15th International conference on materials chemistry (MC15) - Book of poster Abstracts. | 2021. str. P205-P205
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Tricot, Grégory ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | How to improve the ionic conductivity in sodium phosphate glasses? // 10th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry : Book of Abstracts. | Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2021. str. 8-9
www.hdki.hr -
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Ghussn, Luciana ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Potassium mobility/transport in niobium phosphate glasses - the influence of structure // CMD2020GEFES. | 2020. str. 89-89
www.cmd2020gefes.eu -
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Kalenda, Petr ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Šantić, Ana | Structure-electrical properties relationship in polaronic WO3-P2O5 and MoO3-P2O5 glasses // CMD2020GEFES, Scientific Program. | 2020. str. 89-89
www.cmd2020gefes.eu Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Kalenda, Petr ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Šantić, Ana | Utjecaj strukture na električni transport molibdensko-fosfatnih i volframsko-fosfatnih stakala // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a, Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2020. str. 111-111
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Kalenda, Petr ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Šantić, Ana | Polaronska vodljivost u WO3-P2O5 i MoO3-P2O5 staklima // Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2020. str. 53-53
Nikolić, Juraj ; Šantić, Ana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | The effect of replacement of Li2O andAg2O with WO3 and MoO3 on the electrical transport mechanism and structure of zinc phosphate glasses // Workshop on Solar Energy Materials : Program and Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2019. str. 23-23
Nikolić, Juraj ; Šantić, Ana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Structural and electrical studies of tungsten based glass-ceramics // Solid State Science & Research Meeting. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2019. str. 106-106
Nikolić, Juraj ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Impedance spectroscopy: a powerful method for analysis of electrical processes in lithium tungsten phosphate glass-ceramics // 9th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry : book of abstracts. | International Society of Electrochemistry, 2019. str. 11-12
www.irb.hr Šantić, Ana ; Pavić, Luka ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Mošner, Petr ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Electrical transport in sodium phosphate glasses containing tungsten and molybdenum oxides // Abstract book of the XVI European Ceramic Society Conference. | Torino: AIM Group International Florence Office, 2019. str. 448-448
Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Nikolić, Juraj ; Banhatti, Radha D. ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Insights on ion and polaron dynamics in phosphate glasses from model-free conductivity scaling // Book of Abstract:25th International Congress on Glass (ICG 2019). | Boston (MA): The American Ceramic Society, 2019. str. 171-171
ceramics.org -
Renka, Sanja ; Pavić, Luka ; Kalenda, Petr ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Šantić, Ana ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Ionic conductivity in mixed-alkali aluminophosphate glasses // 9th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry : book of sbstracts. | 2019. str. 24-25
www.irb.hr -
Sklepić Kerhač, Kristina ; Pavić, Luka ; Tricot, Gregory ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | The role of structural changes in sodium ion transport mechanism in phosphate glasses // Knjiga sažetaka - 26. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, 26HSKIKI. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2019. str. 206-206
www.hdki.hr -
Nikolić, Juraj ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Utjecaj zamjene Li2O i Ag2O s WO3 i MoO3 na mehanizam električnog transporta i strukturu cink fosfatnih stakala // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2018. str. 32-32
www.pmf.unizg.hr Nikolić, Juraj ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Promjene mehanizma prijenosa naboja u srebro cink fosfatnim staklima uz dodatak WO3 i MoO3 // XII Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = XII Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2018. str. 42-42
Pavić, Luka ; Skoko, Željko ; Musić, Svetozar ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Impedance spectroscopy as a powerful tool for studying electrical transport in transition metal oxide (TMO)- phosphate glass-ceramics // 12th International Symposium on Crystallization in Glasses and Liquids : Programme and Book of abstracts. | Segovia: Ceramics and Glass Institute (ICV-CSIC), 2017. str. 166-166
Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Skoko, Željko ; Graca, M. P. F. ; Costa, B. F. O. ; Valente, M. A. | Effect of induced crystallization on electrical transport in polaronic phosphate glass-ceramics // 12th International Symposium on Crystallization in Glasses and Liquids : Programme and Book of abstracts. | Segovia: Ceramics and Glass Institute (ICV-CSIC), 2017. str. 62-62
Pavić, Luka ; Banhatti, Radha D. ; Šantić, Ana ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Fundamental Insights Gained on Polaronic Conduction in Pure Iron Phosphate Glasses with varying Fe2+ content from a Comprehensive Analysis of Conductivity and Permittivity Spectra using MIGRATION Concept // Borate 9 – Phosphate 2: Abstracts from the Ninth International Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals & Melts and Second International Conference on Phosphate Materials. | Sheffield: Society of Glass Technology, 2017. str. 89-89
Šantić, Ana ; Banhatti, Radha D. ; Pavić, Luka ; Karabulut, Mevlüt ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Electrical properties of iron phosphate glasses containing HfO2 and CeO2 // Borate 9 – Phosphate 2: Abstracts from the Ninth International Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals & Melts and Second International Conference on Phosphate Materials. | Sheffield: Society of Glass Technology, 2017. str. 87-87
Pavić, Luka ; Sklepić, Kristina ; Skoko, Željko ; Tricot, Gregory ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Ionic Transport in Mixed Network Former Li2O-P2O5-GeO2 Glass-Ceramics // Proceedings of 2017 ICG Annual Meeting & 32nd Şişecam Glass Symposium. | Istanbul, 2017. str. 158-158
www.camsempozyumu.com -
Nikolić, Juraj ; Pavić, Luka ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Mixed Ion-Polaron Charge Transport in Silver Zinc Phosphate Glasses Containing WO3 and MoO3 // Proceedings of 2017 ICG Annual Meeting & 32nd Şişecam Glass Symposium. | Istanbul, 2017. str. 164-165
www.camsempozyumu.com Nikolić, Juraj ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Pajić, Damir ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Insights in the structure-electrical conductivity properties of Li2O-ZnO-P2O5 glasses with addition of WO3 and MoO3 // Solid State Science and Research 2017 : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2017. str. 55-55
Pavić, Luka ; Nikolić, Juraj ; Šantić, Ana ; Pajić, Damir ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Nature of mixed electrical transport in Ag2O– ZnO–P2O5 glasses containing WO3 and MoO3 studied by impedance spectroscopy // Borates & Phosphates 2017 : Book of abstracts. | Sheffield: Society of Glass Technology, 2017. str. 82-82
Nikolić, Juraj ; Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Mošner, Petr ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Pajić, Damir ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Ion-polaron charge transport in alkali zinc phosphate glasses containing WO3 and MoO3 // 25. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem ; 3. simpozij Vladimir Prelog : knjiga sažetaka = 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemist and Chemical Engineers with international participation. 3rd symposium “Vladimir Prelog” : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2017. str. 224-224
www.hdki.hr -
Pavić, Luka ; Šantić, Ana ; Banhatti, Radha D. ; Karabulut, Melvut ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Electrical Transport in Iron (Boro)Phosphate Glasses Containing HfO2 and CeO2 // 25. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem ; 3. simpozij Vladimir Prelog : knjiga sažetaka = 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemist and Chemical Engineers with international participation. 3rd symposium “Vladimir Prelog” : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2017. str. 224-224
drive.google.comwww.hdki.hr L. Pavić, H. Ertap, M. Karabulut, A. Moguš-Milanković | ELEKTRIČNA I DIELEKTRIČNA SVOJSTVA B2O3–Fe2O3–P2O5 STAKALA // Knjiga sažetaka XXIV. hrvatskog skupa kemičara i kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2015. str. 230-230
Šantić, Ana ; Čalogović, Marina ; Pavić, Luka ; Gladić, Jadranko ; Vučić, Zlatko ; Lovrić, Davorin ; Prskalo, Katica ; Janković, Bernard ; Tarle, Zrinka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Dielektrična svojstva staklenih ionomera // XXIV. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera] : knjiga sažetaka = book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2015. str. 229-229
Pavić, Luka ; Skoko, Željko ; Graca M.P.F. ; Valente, M.A ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Kristalizacija stakala − odnos strukture i svojstava pripravljene staklo-keramike // ZNANSTVENO-STRUČNI SKUP O INDUSTRIJSKOJ KRISTALIZACIJI ; Knjiga sažetaka ;. | Zagreb, 2015. str. 25-25
Moguš-Milanković, Andrea; Pavić, Luka; Skoko, Željko; Graca, M.P.F. ; Costa, B.F.O. ; Valente, M.A | Correlation between structural changes and electrical properties of crystallized iron phosphate glass // Book of Abstract, Borate Phosphate 2014. | Prag: ICARIS Ltd., 2014. str. 116-116
Čalogović, Marina ; Pavić, Luka ; Janković, Bernard ; Prskalo, Katica ; Tarle, Zrinka ; Moguš- Milanković, Andrea | Electrical conductivity and Mass of GIC Immersed in Deionized Water // Pan European Region Meeting. U: Journal of dental research. 2014 ; 93(Special issue C). | 2014. str. x-x
iadr.abstractarchives.com Pavić, Luka ; Graca M.P.F. ; Skoko, Željko ; Valente, M.A ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Effect of Crystallization on the Magnetic Properties of 40Fe2O3-60P2O5 Glass // Book of Abstract, Borate Phosphate 2014. | Prag: ICARIS Ltd., 2014. str. 117-117
Pavić, Luka ; Graca, M. P. F. ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Valente, M. A. | Structural and magnetic study of iron phosphate glass and glass-ceramics // IV Annual meeting, I3N. | 2012. str. 74-74
Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić Ana ; Pavić Luka | Investigations of electrical properties of iron phosphate glasses in Croatia // Book of Abstracts, 2012 Glass&Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting. | St. Louis (MO): The American Ceramic Society, 2012. str. 29-29
Pavić, Luka ; Graca, M.P.F. ; Costa, B.F.O. ; Valente, M.A. ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Effect of heat treatment on structural changes and magnetic properties of Fe2O3-P2O5 glass // Book of abstracts of the International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect-ICAME 2013. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2013. str. 52-52
Sklepić, Kristina ; Pavić, Luka ; Skoko, Željko ; Musić, Svetozar ; Mikac, Lara ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Korelacija između električne vodljivosti i mikrostrukture ZnO-Fe2O3-P2O5 stakla // Knjiga sažetaka XXII. Hrvatskog skupa kemičara i kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2011. str. 37-37
Pavić, Luka ; Skoko, Željko ; Day E., Delbert ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea | Utjecaj inducirane kristalizacije na mehanizam prijenosa naboja u željeznim fosfatnim staklima // Knjiga sažetaka XXII. Hrvatskog skupa kemičara i kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2011. str. 48-48
Zorić, Nedeljko ; Gajović, Andreja ; Gracin, Davor ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Tomašić, Nenad | Analysis of defects in solar glass using DTA, IS, Raman and XRD spectroscopy // Knjiga sažetaka 6. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, 2009. str. 131-131
Pavić, Luka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Reis, Signo T. ; Day, Delbert E. | Dielectrical behaviour of Li2O-ZnO-P2O5 glasses. | Rim, 2009. str. 81-81
denali.phys.uniroma1.it Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Reis, Signo T. ; Day, Delbert E. ; Ivanda, Mile | Structure and dielectric properties of Li2O-ZnO-P2O5 glasses // Book of Abstracts of the XII International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids (PNCS XII). | São Carlos: Federal University of Sao Carlos, 2009. str. 51-51
Pavić, Luka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Reis, S.T. ; Day, D.E. | Utjecaj strukture na dielektrična svojstva LiZnPO4 stakala // XXI hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera : Knjiga sažetaka = Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera, 2009. str. 282-282
Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Pavić, Luka ; Reis, T., Signo ; Day, E., Delbert | Electrical properties of Li2O-ZnO-P2O5 glasses // Charge transport P89, 5th Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications. | Lyon, 2008
Pavić, Luka ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Reis, Signo T. ; Day, Delbert E. | Električna svojstva Li2O-ZnO-P2O5 stakala // VII. susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 42-42
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Mirosavljević, Marija; Marijan, Sara; Klaser, Teodoro; Skoko, Željko; Pavić, Luka | The one with crystallization. Microstructure of oxide glass-ceramics // 15th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport - ISSFIT15 | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 18.04.2023-22.04.2023
Marijan, Sara; Klaser, Teodoro; Skoko, Željko; Koudelka, Ladislav; Mošner, Petr; Pisk, Jana; Pavić, Luka | Structure-Property Relationship in Sodium Phosphate-Based Glasses with TMOs/IOs: Insights from Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques // 2nd International Conference On Spectroscopy In Materials Science | , 05.06.2024-07.06.2024
Pisk, Jana; Sarjanović, Josipa; Topić, Edi; Rubčić, Mirta; Pavić, Luka | Catalytic potential and electrical properties of molybdenum and vanadium coordination complexes derived from acetic acid hydrazide // The 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences | , 27.10.2023-10.11.2023
Razum, Marta ; Pavić, Luka ; Pajić, Damir ; Pisk, Jana ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Mošner, Petr ; Šantić, Ana | Impedance spectroscopy Insights: Navigating the Conduction Labyrinth of Mixed Transition Metal Oxide Glasses // 2nd International Conference On Spectroscopy In Materials Science | , 05.06.2024-07.06.2024
Pisk, Jana; Sarjanović, Josipa; Topić, Edi; Rubčić, Mirta; Pavić, Luka | Catalytic potential and electrical properties of molybdenum and vanadium coordination complexes derived from acetic acid hydrazide // The 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences | , 27.10.2023-10.11.2023
Marijan, Sara ; Klaser, Teodoro ; Skoko, Željko ; Koudelka, Ladislav ; Mošner, Petr ; Pisk, Jana ; Pavić, Luka | Electrifying Advancements: Investigating the Enhanced Electrical Properties of Na-(Al)-P-Nb Glasses // #RSCPoster Twitter conference 2023 | online, 28.02.2023-28.02.2023
Pavić, Luka ; Razum, Marta ; Ghussn, Luciana ; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Šantić, Ana | Transport properties of potassium cations in Nb2O5- P2O5-based glasses // 26th International Congress on Glass (ICG2022) | Berlin, Njemačka, 01.01.2022-01.01.2022
dgghvg.inventum.de Kojić, Vedran ; Bohač, Mario ; Pavić, Luka ; Salamon, Krešimir ; Juraić, Krunoslav ; Gajović, Andreja | Perovskite solar cells; perovskite material stabilization by additives and influence on photovoltaic performance // MIPRO 2022 | Opatija, Hrvatska, 23.05.2022-27.05.2022
Bafti, Arijeta ; Panžić, Ivana ; Pavić, Luka ; Mičetić, Maja ; Mandić, Vilko | Influence of the electron transport layer pre- treatment on the efficiency of perovskite solar cells // 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion | Milano, Italija, 26.09.2022-30.09.2022
Bafti, Arijeta ; Brleković, Filip ; Pavić, Luka ; Mandić, Vilko ; Panžić, Ivana ; Mali, Gregor | Geopolymer materials developed in a configuration suitable for photovoltaic application // CIMTEC 2022 15th Ceramics Congress | Perugia, Italija, 20.06.2022-24.06.2022
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Stojić, Martina | Priprava, strukturna i električna karakterizacija kompleksnih spojeva molibdena i bakra sa Schiffovim bazama / Pisk, Jana ; Pavić, Luka (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2021
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hr Pavić, Luka | Additive technology in dental medicine / Milardović Ortolan, Slađana (mentor). | Zagreb, Stomatološki fakultet, 2017
Pavić, Luka | Električna svojstva cinkovog fosfatnog stakla dopiranog litijem / Moguš-Milanković, Andrea ; Cindrić, Marina (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
Doktorski rad
Pavić, Luka | Utjecaj kristalizacije na električne procese i magnetske interakcije u željeznom fosfatnom staklu / Moguš-Milanković, Andrea (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2014
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
Član Hrvatskog kemijskog društva
Član Hrvatske kristalografske zajednice
Član Hrvatskog mikroskopijskog društva