33rd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 5 to 10, 2025.
Laboratorij za radijacijsku kemiju i dozimetriju organizira 33 Miller konferenciju iz radijacijske kemije u Dubrovniku od 5-10.10.2025.
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to join us at the 33rd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry which will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from October 5 to 10, 2025.
A Workshop for Early Career Scientists will precede the conference on October 5, running from morning to evening.
The Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry is an international conference with very long tradition. It has been held at two-year intervals since 1959.
The Conference will gather leading scientists from all fields of radiation chemistry to exchange information on recent progress, ranging from fundamental to applied topics (materials synthesis, energy and environmental applications, medicine) and new experimental and computational tools and techniques.
The conference will continue in the style of previous Miller conferences, encouraging the exchange of ideas and more informal discussions, with a special emphasis on connecting young scientists with renowned researchers. The participation of young scientists and students will be strongly encouraged.
For further information regarding conference topics, important dates, venue and program please visit the Conference website which will be regularly updated.
We look forward to seeing old friends and colleagues and meeting new ones in the historic city of Dubrovnik, one of the most beautiful cities and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committee,
Tanja Jurkin, Ivana Tartaro Bujak and Sophie Le Caër
Chairs of the 33rd Miller Conferenc Contact e-mail: miller@irb.hr