Varijacije u broju kopija uzrokovane okolišem u mišjim spermijima
Cilj projekta je ispitati utjecaj nekoliko okolišnih čimbenika na frekvenciju CNVs u pojedinačnim spermijima na modelu miša.
Alpha satellite DNA in evolution of gene modulatory networks (AlphaSatGenNet)
Satellite DNAs are tandemly repeated sequences preferentially clustered within constitutive heterochromatin. However, in some cases, they are found partially dispersed in the vicinity of genes within euchromatin.
Satellite DNA in gene regulation and environmental adaptation (SatGenReg)
Repetitive elements can be a source of regulatory sequences and could act to distribute regulatory elements throughout the genome. In particular, mobile transposable elements are known to be a source of noncoding material that influences evolution of gene regulatory networks.
HRZZ Istraživački projekti: Filostratigrafija nastanka i gubitka gena
Broj projekta: IP-2016-06-5924
Znanstveno područje: Prirodne znanosti
Znanstveno polje: Biologija
Trajanje projekta (u mjesecima): 48