dr. sc. Petra Mikolčević
Institut Ruđer Bošković
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Palazzo, Luca ; Mikolčević, Petra ; Mikoč, Andreja ; Ahel, Ivan | ADP-ribosylation signalling and human disease // Open Biology, 9 (2019), 4; 190041, 18. doi: 10.1098/rsob.190041
doiroyalsocietypublishing.org -
Mikolčević, Petra ; Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea ; Ahel, Ivan ; Mikoč, Andreja | ADP-ribosylation systems in bacteria and viruses // Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 19 (2021), 2366-2383. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.04.023
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Gonzalez, Laura; Domingo-Muelas, Ana; Duart-Abadia, Pere; Nuñez, Marc; Mikolčević, Petra; Llonch, Elisabet; Cubillos-Rojas, Monica; Cánovas, Begoña; Forrow, Stephen M.A.; Morante-Redolat, Jose Manuel et al. | The atypical CDK activator RingoA/Spy1 regulates exit from quiescence in neural stem cells // iScience (Cambridge), 26 (2023), 3; 106202, 18. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106202
doiwww.cell.com -
Schuller, Marion; Raggiaschi, Roberto; Mikolčević, Petra; Rack, Johannes G.M.; Ariza, Antonio; Zhang, YuGeng; Ledermann, Raphael; Tang, Christoph; Mikoč, Andreja; Ahel, Ivan | Molecular basis for the reversible ADP-ribosylation of guanosine bases // Molecular cell, 83 (2023), 13; 2303-2315. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.06.013
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea ; Mikolčević, Petra ; Matthias Rack, Johannes Gregor ; Tromans-Coia, Callum ; Schuller, Marion ; Jankevicius, Gytis ; Matković, Marija ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Ahel, Ivan ; Mikoč, Andreja | Streptomyces coelicolor macrodomain hydrolase SCO6735 cleaves thymidine-linked ADP-ribosylation of DNA // Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 20 (2022), 4337-4350. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2022.08.002
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Isoda, Michitaka ; Mikolcevic, Petra ; Nebreda, Angel R. | New insights into Cdk2 regulation during meiosis // Cell cycle, 15 (2016), 20; 2681-2682. doi: 10.1080/15384101.2016.1204856
doiwww.tandfonline.com -
Mikolcevic, Petra ; Isoda, Michitaka ; Shibuya, Hiroki ; del Barco Barrantes, Ivan ; Igea, Ana ; Suja, José A. ; Shackleton, Sue ; Watanabe, Yoshinori ; Nebreda, Angel R. | Essential role of the Cdk2 activator RingoA in meiotic telomere tethering to the nuclear envelope // Nature communications, 7 (2016), 1; 11084-11097. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11084
doiwww.nature.com -
Munnur, Deeksha ; Bartlett, Edward ; Mikolčević, Petra ; Kirby, Ilsa T ; Rack, Johannes Gregor Matthias ; Mikoč, Andreja ; Cohen, Michael S ; Ahel, Ivan | Reversible ADP-ribosylation of RNA // Nucleic acids research, 47 (2019), 11; 5658-5669. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz305
doiacademic.oup.com -
Barisic, Marin ; Sohm, Bénédicte ; Mikolcevic, Petra ; Wandke, Cornelia ; Rauch, Veronika ; Ringer, Thomas ; Hess, Michael ; Bonn, Günther ; Geley, Stephan | Spindly/CCDC99 Is Required for Efficient Chromosome Congression and Mitotic Checkpoint Regulation // Molecular biology of the cell, 21 (2010), 12; 1968-1981. doi: 10.1091/mbc.e09-04-0356
doiwww.molbiolcell.org -
Mikolcevic, Petra ; Rainer, Johannes ; Geley, Stephan | Orphan kinases turn eccentric // Cell cycle, 11 (2012), 20; 3758-3768. doi: 10.4161/cc.21592
doiwww.tandfonline.com -
Mikolcevic, Petra ; Sigl, Reinhard ; Rauch, Veronika ; Hess, Michael W. ; Kristian, Pfaller ; Barisic, Marin ; Pelliniemi, Lauri J. ; Boesl, Michael ; Geley, Stephan | Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 16/PCTAIRE Kinase 1 Is Activated by Cyclin Y and Is Essential for Spermatogenesis // Molecular and cellular biology, 32 (2012), 868-879. doi: 10.1128/MCB.06261-11
Isoda, Michitaka ; Mikolcevic, Petra ; Nebreda, Angel R. | New insights into Cdk2 regulation during meiosis // Cell cycle, 15 (2016), 20; 2681-2682. doi: 10.1080/15384101.2016.1204856
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Mikolčević, Petra ; Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea ; Mikoč, Andreja | Ins and Outs of ADP-ribosylation in Streptomyces coelicolor // 3rd International Conference on PTMs in Bacteria 2018 Abstract Book. | Tübingen, 2018. str. 10-10
Mikolčević, Petra ; Hloušek-Kasun Andrea ; Andreja Mikoč | Bacterial PARP/PARG enzymes – filogenetic and structural comparisson // PARP2021. | Barcelona, 2021. str. 23-23
Mikolčević, Petra ; Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea ; Deeksha Munnur, Edward Bartlett, Ilsa T. Kirby, Johannes Rack, Michael S. Cohen, Ivan Ahel ; Mikoč, Andreja | RNA – a novel substrate of bacterial ADP- ribosyltransferases // PARP2019. | Budimpešta, 2019. str. 30-30
Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea ; Mikolčević, Petra ; Tromans-Coia, Callum ; Jankevicius, Gytis ; Matković, Marija ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Ahel, Ivan ; Mikoč, Andreja | Macrodomain hydrolase SCO6735 from Streptomyces coelicolor reverses genotoxic stress induced by T- linked DNA ADP-ribosylation // FEBS Advances Lectures Course PARP2021:PARP Research on the family of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases : Book of abstracts. | Barcelona, 2021. str. 60-60
Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea ; Mikolčević, Petra ; Sabljić, Igor ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Ahel, Ivan ; Mikoč, Andreja | The structure of ADP-ribosyltransferase SCO3734 from bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor // Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 4. | Zagreb, 2019, 14, 1
Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea ; Mikolčević, Petra ; Jankevicius, Gytis ; Tromans-Coia, Callum ; Sabljić, Igor ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Ahel, Ivan ; Mikoč, Andreja | Macrodomain protein from Streptomyces coelicolor - SCO6735 reverses T-linked DNA ADP-ribosylation // PARP 2019. | Budimpešta, 2019, 28, 1
Silvestar Beljan, Mirna Halasz, Martina Radić, Maja Herak Bosnar, Petra Mikolčević, Kristian Vlahoviček, Helena Ćetković | Characterization of sponge homologs of human metastasis suppressors CSTA and DRG1 // HDBMB2019, Crossroads in Life Sciences. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2019. str. 69-69
Beljan, Silvestar ; Halasz, Mirna ; Zonjić, Iva ; Radić, Martina ; Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Mikolčević, Petra ; Vlahoviček, Kristian ; Ćetković, Helena | Evolutionary background of human cancer-associated genes explained by sponges // HDBMB2019, Crossroads in Life Sciences. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2019. str. 87-87
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Mikolčević, Petra | Učinci kadmija, žive i cisplatine na ekspresiju prijenosnika organskih kationa OCT1 u bubregu štakora / Sabolić, Ivan (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2006