dr. sc. Ivica Rubelj
Zavod za molekularnu biologiju
Institut Ruđer Bošković
Bijenička 54
Zagreb, 10 000
1985: Diplomirao iz područja Biologije, smjer Eksperimentalna biologija, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
1989. Magistrirao iz područja Biologije, smjer Molekularna biologija, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
1991. Doktorirao iz područja Biologije, smjer Molekularna biologija, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
1991-1995: Postdoktorat na “Baylor College of Medicine”, Houston, Texas, USA.
1995-1996: Postdoktorat na “Louisiana State University Medical Center”, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
1996-2001: Viši asistent na Institutu Ruđer Bošković, Zavod za molekularnu genetiku.
2001-2011: Znanstveni suradnik na Institutu Ruđer Bošković, Zavod za molekularnu biologiju.
2011- : Viši znanstveni suradnik na Institutu Ruđer Bošković, Zavod za molekularnu biologiju
2002-do sada: Voditelj Laboratorija za molekularnu i staničnu biologiju.
2003. Znanstveno usavršavanje na "Sam and Ann Barshop Center for Longevity and Aging Studies, uthscsa" San Antonio, Texas, USA.
2006. Znanstveno usavršavanje na "Sam and Ann Barshop Center for Longevity and Aging Studies, uthscsa" San Antonio, Texas, USA
2009. Znanstvena suradnja uz dva kraća boravka na Vejle Hospital, Vejle, Danska.
Voditelj znanstveno-istraživačkih projekata:
1998-2001: Projekt 0098436: “Skraćivanje telomera kao mehanizam staničnog starenja”, Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa.
2002-2006: Projekt 0098077: "Molekularni mehanizmi imortalizacije i staničnog starenja", Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa.
2002-2006: Kolaborativni projekt 0098904: "Upotreba telomeraze u revitalizaciji stanica i tkiva in vitro i in vivo ", Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa.
2007- Projekt 098-0982913-2768: “Struktura i funkcija telomera u kontroli staničnog rasta”, Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa.
Voditelj znanstveno-razvojnih projekta:
2004-2006: Projekt PLR-19: "Influence of selected compounds on the cell growth", Pliva - Istraživački institut doo.
2009-2011: Projekt 13MHT700: “Konstrukcija, razvoj i primjena ciljnih vektora”, Hrvatski institut za tehnologiju
Nagrade i priznanja
2010. Nagrada Instituta Ruđer Bošković
Predavanja na Poslijediplomskom studiju bioloških znanosti PMF-a u Zagrebu: 2003- Molekularna biologija starenja
Predavanja na Poslijediplomskom studiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu: 2003- Molekularna genetika starenja i karcinogeneze
Predavanja na Diplomskom studiju bioloških znanosti PMF-a u Zagrebu: 2011- Biologija starenja
Istaknute publikacije
Ferenac, M., Polančec, D., Huzak, M., Pereira-Smith, O. M., Rubelj, I.: Early-senescing human skin fibroblasts do not demonstrate accelerated telomere shortening. J. Gerontol. Biol. Sci. 60A (2005), (7):820-829.
Bendix L, Horn P.B., Jensen U.B., Rubelj I., Kolvraa S..: The load of short telomeres, estimated by a new method, Universal STELA, correlates with number of senescent cells. Aging Cell. 2010; 9(3):383-97.
Škrobot Vidacek N, Ćukušić A, Ivanković M, Fulgosi H, Huzak M, Smith JR, Rubelj I. Abrupt telomere shortening in normal human fibroblasts. Exp. Gerontol. 45(3) (2010), 235-42.
Rubelj, I. and Vondraček, Z.: Stochastic mechanism of cellular aging – Abrupt telomere shortening as a model for stochastic nature of cellular aging, J. theor. Biol. 1999; 197: 425-438
Dimri, G. P., Lee, X., Basile, G., Acosta, M., Scott, G., Roskelley, C., Medrano, E. E., Linskens, M., Rubelj, I., Pereira-Smith, O. M., Peacocke, M. and Campisi, J.: A Biomarker that Identifies Senescent Human Cells in Culture and in Aging Skin In Vivo, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1995; 92: 9363-9367.
Publikacije - prilozi u knjigama
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Kim, S. ; Jiang, J.C. ; Kirchman, P.A. ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Helm, E.G. ; Jazwinski, S.M. | Cellular and Molecular Aging. // Comprehensive Geriatric Oncology, second | edition | . | Amsterdam: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU), 1998. str. 123-155-x
Stručni rad
Rubelj, Ivica ; Ferenac Kiš, Marina | Restrikcijske endonukleaze // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 420-422
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Nanić, Lucia; Cedilak, Andrea; Vidaček, Nikolina Škrobot; Gruber, Florian; Huzak, Miljenko; Bader, Michael; Rubelj, Ivica | In Vivo Skin Regeneration and Wound Healing Using Cell Micro-Transplantation // Pharmaceutics, 14 (2022), 1955; 1-15. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14091955
doiwww.mdpi.comwww.mdpi.com -
Lučić, Dario ; Pavlović, Iva ; Brkljačić, Lidija ; Bogdanović, Sandro ; Farkaš, Vladimir ; Cedilak, Andrea ; Nanić, Lucia ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Salopek-Sondi, Branka | Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Kale (Brassica oleracea L. Var. acephala DC.) and Wild Cabbage (Brassica incana Ten.) Polyphenolic Extracts // Molecules, 28 (2023), 4; 1840, 13. doi: 10.3390/ molecules28041840
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Narzt, Marie-Sophie ; Pils, Vera ; Kremslehner, Christopher ; Nagelreiter, Ionela-Mariana ; Schosserer, Markus ; Bessonova, Emilia ; Bayer, Alina ; Reifschneider, Raffaela ; Terlecki- Zaniewicz, Lucia ; Waidhofer-Söllner, Petra et al. | Epilipidomics of Senescent Dermal Fibroblasts Identify Lysophosphatidylcholines as Pleiotropic Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP) Factors // Journal of investigative dermatology, 141 (2021), 4; 993-1006e15. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2020.11.020
doi -
Breljak, Davorka ; Micek, Vedran ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Kralik Oguić Saša ; Rašić, Dubravka ; Karaica, Dean ; Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Orct, Tatjana et al. | Long-term effects of melatonin and resveratrol on aging rats: A multi-biomarker approach // Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis, 876–877 (2022), 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2022.503443
doi -
Martinčić Špoljarić, Ana ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Huzak, Miljenko | Mathematical model and computer simulations of telomere loss // Journal of theoretical biology, 465 (2019), 78-89. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2019.01.007
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Marija, Ljubojević ; Tatjana, Orct ; Vedran, Micek ; Dean, Karaica ; Jasna, Jurasović ; Davorka, Breljak ; Ivana, Vrhovac Madunić ; Dubravka, Rašić ; Ivana, Novak Jovanović ; Maja, Peraica et al. | Sex-dependent expression of metallothioneins MT1 and MT2 and concentrations of trace elements in rat liver and kidney tissues: effect of gonadectomy // Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 53 (2019), 98-108. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2019.02.010
doi -
Gajski, Goran ; Gerić, Marko ; Vučić Lovrenčić, Marijana ; Božičević, Sandra ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Nanić, Lucija ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Bendix, Laila ; Peraica, Maja ; Rašić, Dubravka et al. | Analysis of health-related biomarkers between vegetarians and non-vegetarians: A multi-biomarker approach // Journal of functional foods, 48 (2018), 643-653. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2018.07.054
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Huđek, Ana ; Škara, Lucija ; Smolković, Barbara ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Ravlić, Sandra ; Nanić, Lucia ; Matovinović Osvatić, Martina ; Jelčić, Jozo ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Bačun-Družina, Višnja | Higher prevalence of FTO gene risk genotypes AA rs9939609, CC rs1421085 and GG rs17817449 and saliva containing.S. aureusin obese women in Croatia // Nutrition research, 50 (2018), 94-103. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2017.12.005
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Nanić, Lucia ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ravlić, Sanda ; Šatović, Eva ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Rubelj, Ivica | Mutual interactions between telomere heterogeneity and cell culture growth dynamics shape stochasticity of cell aging // Biogerontology (Dordrecht), 19 (2018), 1; 23-31. doi: 10.1007/s10522-017-9736-2
doilink.springer.com -
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Nanić, Lucia ; Ravlić, Sanda ; Sopta, Mary ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Garaj-Vrhovac, Vera ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomeres, Nutrition and Longevity – Can we really navigate our aging // The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 73 (2017), 1; 39-47. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glx082
doiacademic.oup.com -
Nanić, Lucia ; Ravlić, Sanda ; Rubelj, Ivica | Extrachromosomal DNA in Genome (in)Stability – Role of Telomeres // Croatica chemica acta, 89 (2016), 2; 175-181. doi: 10.5562/cca2841
doifulir.irb.hrhrcak.srce.hrdoi.org -
Laganović, Mario ; Bendix, Laila ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Vrkić Kirhmajer, Majda ; Slade, Neda ; Vuković Lela, Ivana ; Premužić, Vedran ; Nilssonf, Peter M. ; Jelaković, Bojan | Reduced telomere length is not associated with early signs of vascular aging in youngmen born after intrauterine growth restriction : a paradox? // Journal of hypertension, 32 (2014), 8; 1613-1620. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000217
doijournals.lww.com -
Ćukušić Kalajzić, Andrea ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Ivanković, Milena ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomere Q-PNA-FISH - Reliable Results from Stochastic Signals // PLoS One, 9 (2014), e92559-x. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092559
doihttpwww.plosone.org -
Rubelj, Ivica ; Stepanić, Višnja ; Jelić, Dubravko ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ćukušić Kalajžić, Andrea ; Ivanković, Milena ; Nujić, Krunoslav ; Matijašić, Mario ; Verbanac, Donatella | Tebrophen—An Old Polyphenol Drug with Anticancer Potential // Molecules, 17 (2012), 7; 7864-7886. doi: 10.3390/molecules17077864
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Ivanković, Milena ; Ćukušić Kalajžić, Andrea ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Franić Šimić, Ivana ; Davidović Mrsić, Sanja ; Rubelj, Ivica | Human Xp/Yp telomere analysis by Southern-STELA // Biogerontology (Dordrecht), 13 (2012), 2; 203-213. doi: 10.1007/s10522-011-9368-x
doilink.springer.com -
Bendix, Laila ; Bendix Horn, Peer ; Birk Jensen, Uffe ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Kolvraa, Steen | The load of short telomeres, estimated by a new method, Universal STELA, correlates with number of senescent cells // Aging cell, 8 (2010), 3; 383-397. doi: 10.1111/j.1474-9726.2010.00568.x
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ćukušić, Andrea ; Ivanković, Milena ; Fulgosi, Hrvoje ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Smith, James R. ; Rubelj, Ivica | Abrupt Telomere Shortening in normal human fibroblasts // Experimental gerontology, 45 (2010), 3; 235-242. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2010.01.009
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Ivanković, Milena ; Ćukušić, Andrea ; Gotić, Ivana ; Škrobot, Nikolina ; Matijašić, Mario ; Polančec, Denis ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomerase activity in HeLa cervical carcinoma cell line proliferation // Biogerontology (Dordrecht), 8 (2007), 2; 163-172. doi: 10.1007/s10522-006-9043-9
doilink.springer.comdx.doi.org -
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ćukušić, Andrea ; Ferenac Kiš, Marina ; Ivanković, Milena ; Jevtov, Irena ; Mrsić, Sanja ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomere dynamics and genome stability in human pancreatic tumor cell line MIAPaCa-2 // Cytogenetic and genome research, 119 (2007), 1-2; 60-67. doi: 10.1159/000109620
doiwww.karger.comdoi.org -
Ćukušić, Andrea ; Ivanković, Milena ; Škrobot, Nikolina ; Ferenac, Marina ; Gotić, Ivana ; Matijašić, Mario ; Polančec, Denis ; Rubelj, Ivica | Spontaneous senescence in MDA-MB-231 cell line // Cell Proliferation, 39 (2006), 3; 205-216. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2184.2006.00383.x
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Ivanković, Milena ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Matulić, Maja ; Reich, Edward ; Brdar, Branko | Site-specific mutagenesis of the histidine precursor of diphthamide in the human elongation factor-2 gene confers resistance to diphtheria toxin // Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis, 609 (2006), 1; 34-42. doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2006.06.027
doiwww.sciencedirect.comwww.sciencedirect.com Rubelj, Ivica ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Brdar, Branko ; Pereira-Smith, Olivia | A single-stage mechanism controls replicative senescence through Sudden Senescence Syndrome // Biogerontology (Dordrecht), 3 (2002), 4; 213-222-x
Matulić, Maja ; Jevtov, Irena ; Ferenac, Marina ; Škrobot, Nikolina ; Tominaga, Kaoru ; Rubelj, Ivica | Human chromosome 1 in mouse immortal cell background // Croatica chemica acta, 78 (2005), 3; 413-418
hrcak.srce.hr -
Rubelj, Ivica ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana ; Kucan, Željko | Evidence for two types of complexes formed by yeast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase with cognate and non-cognate tRNA. Effect of ribonucleoside triphosphates // European journal of biochemistry, 193 (1990), 3; 783-788. doi: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1990.tb19400.x
doifebs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Dimri, G. P. ; Lee, X. ; Basile, G. ; Acosta, M. ; Scott, G. ; Roskelley, C. ; Medrano, E. E. ; Linskens, M. ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Pereira-Smith, Olivia M. et al. | A biomarker that identifies senescent human cells in culture and in aging skin in vivo // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92 (1995), 20; 9363-9367. doi: 10.1073/pnas.92.20.9363
doiwww.pnas.org -
Ferenac, Marina ; Polančec, Denis ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Pereira-Smith, Olivia M. ; Rubelj, Ivica | Early-senescing human skin fibroblasts do not demonstrate accelerated telomere shortening // The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 60 (2005), 7; 820-829. doi: 10.1093/gerona/60.7.820
doibiomedgerontology.oxfordjournals.org Rubelj, Ivica ; Venable, Susan F. ; Lednicky, John ; Butel, Janet S. ; Bilyeu, Timothy ; Darlington, Gretchen ; Surmacz, Ewa ; Campisi, Judith ; Pereira-Smith, Olivia M. | Loss of T-Antigen Sequences Allows SV40-Transformed Human Cells in Crisis To Acquire a Senescent-like Phenotype // The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 52A (1997), 5; B229-B234-x
Rubelj, Ivica ; Pereira-Smith, Olivia M. | SV40-transformed human cells in crisis exhibit changes that occur in normal cellular senescence // Experimental cell research, 211 (1994), 82-89. doi: 10.1006/excr.1994.1062
doiwww.sciencedirect.com Brdar, Branko ; Matulić, Maja ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Ivanković, Milena ; Reich, Edward | Human immunodeficiency virus-1 tat- and tat/nef-defective genomes containing HIV-regulated diphtheria toxin A chain gene inhibit HIV replication. // Croatian medical journal, 43 (2002), 5; 591-597-x
Rubelj, Ivica ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Brdar, Branko | Sudden senescence syndrome plays a major role in cell culture proliferation // Mechanisms of ageing and development, 112 (2000), 3; 233-241. doi: 10.1016/s0047-6374(99)00090-1
doiwww.sciencedirect.com Brdar, Branko ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Čović, Marcela ; Reich, Edward | Construction, cloning and expression of cystein enriched human microurokinase. // Periodicum biologorum, 101 (1999), 4; 311-318-x
Brdar, Branko ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Reich, Edward | Differential effects of ribonucleoside analogues on virus-directed RNA synthesis // Periodicum biologorum, 101 (1999), 2; 131-136-x
Rubelj, Ivica ; Vondraček, Zoran | Stochastic mechanism of cellular aging - Abrupt telomere shortening as a model for stochastic nature of cellular aging // Journal of theoretical biology, 197 (1999), 4; 425-438. doi: 10.1006/jtbi.1998.0886
doiwww.sciencedirect.com Rubelj, Ivica ; Brdar, Branko ; Pereira-Smith, Olivia | Replicative Senescence In Vitro and In Vivo // Croatian medical journal, 38 (1997), 3; 190-198
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Popović, Ana-Marija ; Huđek Turković, Ana ; Žuna, Kristina ; Bačun-Družina, Višnja ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Matovinović, Martina | FTO Gene Polymorphisms at the Crossroads of Metabolic Pathways of Obesity and Epigenetic Influences // Food technology and biotechnology, 61 (2022), 1; 14-26. doi: 10.17113/ftb.
doiftb.com.hr -
Ravlić, Sanda ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Nanić, Lucija ; Laganović, Mario ; Slade, Neda ; Jelaković, Bojan ; Rubelj, Ivica | Mechanisms of fetal epigenetics that determine telomere dynamics and health span in adulthood // Mechanisms of ageing and development, 174 (2018), 55-62. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2017.08.014
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Pavlić, Darko ; Perić, Maja ; Rubelj, Ivica | Lifestyle, telomeres and aging - what is the connection? // Periodicum biologorum, 115 (2013), 4; 465-468
hrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Nemet, Josipa ; Jeličić, Branka ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Sopta, Marija-Mary | The two faces of Cdk8, a positive/negative regulator of transcription // Biochimie, 97 (2013), 22-27. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2013.10.004
doiwww.sciencedirect.comac.els-cdn.comdx.doi.org -
Rubelj, Ivica | Telomeres control cell aging // Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Medicinske znanosti, 35 (2010), 508; 69-75
hrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Ćukušić, Andrea ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Sopta, Mary ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomerase regulation at the crossroads of cell fate // Cytogenetic and genome research, 122 (2008), 3-4; 263-272. doi: 10.1159/000167812
doiwww.karger.comdoi.org -
Matulić, Maja ; Sopta, Mary ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomere dynamics : the means to an end // Cell Proliferation, 40 (2007), 4; 462-474. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2184.2007.00452.x
Popularni rad
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina; Perić, Maja; Rubelj, Ivica | Mehanizmi starenja i kako na njih utjecati : priroda uživo // Priroda (Zagreb), 104 (2014), 36-39
Pregledni rad (stručni)
Škarić-Jurić, Tatjana; Tomek-Roksandić, Spomenka; Kolarić, Branko; Ćorić, Tanja; Zeljko, Hrvojka Marija; Despot Lučanin, Jasminka; Smolić, Šime; Perinić Lewis, Ana; Smolej Narančić, Nina; Rubelj, Ivica et al. | Odrednice uspješnog starenja i dugovječnosti: holističko antropološko istraživanje u zagrebačkim domovima za starije i nemoćne // Medix (Zagreb), 29 (2023), 156/157; 131-136
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Ljubojević, Marija ; Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana ; Karaica, Dean ; Micek, Vedran ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Rašić, Dubravka ; Peraica, Maja ; Orct, Tatjana ; Jurasović, Jasna et al. | Sex and age-related changes in kidney and liver expression of inducible metallothioneins in correlation with essential and toxic trace elements accumulation: influence of antioxidants // HDIR-6 Meeting “Targeting Cancer”, The 6th Meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with International Participation : Book of Abstract. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2022, ST11, 1
stari.hdir.hr -
Popović, Ana-Marija ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Matovinović, Martina ; Huđek Turković, Ana ; Bačun-Družina, Višnja ; Mustač, Filip ; Rubelj, Ivica | FTO gene polymorphisms rs9939609, rs1421085, and rs17817449 causeobesity through impact on serum lipids? // STEVO JULIUS ZAGREB CONFERENCE Book of Apstracts. | 2022. str. 67-67
hdh.emed.hr -
Popović, Ana-Marija ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Matovinović, Martina ; Huđek Turković, Ana ; Bačun-Družina, Višnja ; Rubelj, Ivica | Association between FTO gene polymorphisms rs9939609, rs1421085 and rs17817449 and prediabetes or diabetes // STEVO JULIUS ZAGREB CONFERENCE Book of Apstracts. | 2022. str. 66-66
hdh.emed.hr -
Popović, Ana-Marija ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Matovinović, Martina ; Huđek Turković, Ana ; Bačun-Družina, Višnja ; Rubelj, Ivica | Influence of FTO Polymorphisms rs9939609, rs1421085 and rs17817449 on Metabolically (un)Healthy Obesity // STEVO JULIUS ZAGREB CONFERENCE Book of Apstracts. | 2022. str. 64-64
hdh.emed.hr -
Popović, Ana Marija ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Matovinović, Martina | Važnost komunikacije između laboratorija, znanstvenih institucija i kliničara kako bi se postigla što bolja suradnja za dobrobit čovjeka // Međunarodna konferencija o komunikaciji u medicini Čovjek je čovjeku lijek. | Zagreb: Zagrebački institut za kulturu zdravlja - ZIKZ, 2022. str. 42-42
komunikacijaumedicini.com Popović, Ana-Marija ; Nanić, Lucia ; Mustač, Filip ; Turković Huđek, Ana ; Škara, Lucija ; Bačun-Družina, Višnja ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Matovinović, Martina ; Rubelj, Ivica | Utjecaj polimorfizama FTO gena rs99369609, rs1421085 i rs17817449 na inzulinsku rezistenciju u pretilih žena // Zbornik sažetaka 8. hrvatski kongres o debljini s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. | Rijeka: Hrvatsko društvo za debljinu, 2022. str. 22-23
Popović, Ana- Marija ; Matovinović, Martina ; Mustač, Filip ; Huđek Turković, Ana ; Škara, Lucija ; Nanić, Lucia ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Bačun- Družina, Višnja | Povezanost genetskih varijanti FTO gena: rs9939609, rs1421085 i rs17817449 u pretilih žena s hipertenzijom. | 2021
hdh.emed.hr Sabolić, Ivan ; Micek, Vedran ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Kralik Oguić, Saša ; Rašić, Dubravka ; Karaica, Dean ; Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Orct, Tatjana et al. | In a rat model of ageing, long term treatment with wine antioxidant, resveratrol, upregulates plasma levels of testosterone in males and downregulates plasma levels of progesterone in females // Abstract Book -1st Science & Wine World Congress. | 2019. str. 28-28
Nanić, Lucia ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Jurasović, Jasna ; Karaica, Dean ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Micek, Vedran ; Novak Jovanović, Ivana ; Orct, Tatjana ; Peraica, Maja et al. | Effects of melatonin and resveratrol on telomere dynamics in liver and kidneys in 1- and 2-year-old Wistar rats // 4th Congress of Croatian Geneticists with International Participation : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko genetičko društvo, 2018. str. 56-56
pubweb.carnet.hr -
Huđek, Ana ; Škara, Lucija ; Smolkovič, Barbara ; Ravlić, Sanda ; Nanić, Lucia ; Matovinović, Martina ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Bačun-Družina, Višnja | Evolution of single nucleotide polymorphisms in fat mass and obesity associated gene // 4th Congress of Croatian Geneticists with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko genetičko društvo, 2018. str. 48-48
pubweb.carnet.hr -
Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana ; Karaica, Dean ; Micek, Vedran ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Rašić, Dubravka ; Peraica, Maja ; Orct, Tatjana ; Jurasović, Jasna et al. | Effects of melatonin and resveratrol on renal expression of sodium-glucose cotransporters SGLT1 and SGLT2 in rat model of aging // FEBS Open Bio. | 2018. str. 285-285. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.12453
doi Karaica, Dean ; Breljak, Davorka ; Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana ; Micek, Vedran ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Rašić, Dubravka ; Peraica, Maja ; Orct, Tatjana et al. | Effect of melatonin and resveratrol on the expression of aquaporin 1 and 2 in scenecent male and female rats // The 18th FEBS Young Scientists' Forum : Abstract book. | Prag: Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2018. str. 85-85
Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Jurasović, Jasna ; Karaica, Dean ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Micek, Vedran ; Nanić, Lucia ; Novak Jovanović, Ivana ; Orct, Tatjana ; Peraica, Maja et al. | Baseline DNA damage levels in blood, liver and kidneys of adult sham-operated and gonadectomized rats // Abstract book: IUBMB Focused Meeting on "Molecular aspects of aging and longevity". | Atena, 2017, PP11, 1
www.iubmb2017aging.org Ivanković, Milena ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ćukušić Kalajžić, Andrea ; Rubelj, Ivica | Abrupt Telomere Shortening and the stochastic nature of cellular aging // Telomeres and Telomerase. | Lahti: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), 2011. str. 204-204
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ćukušić, Andrea ; Ferenac Kiš, Marina ; Ivanković, Milena ; Jevtov, Irena ; Mrsić, Sanja ; Rubelj, Ivica | Održavanje telomera i stabilnost genoma u staničnoj liniji ljudskog tumora pankreasa MIAPaCa-2. | 2007
Rubelj, Ivica | Dynamics of telomere shortening in cell senescence. | 2009
Rubelj, Ivica | Evolucija, telomere i stabilnost genoma. | 2009
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ćukušić, Andrea ; Ivanković, Milena ; Šatović, Eva ; Rubelj, Ivica | Abrupt telomere shortening and cell culture growth dynamics // 4th European workshop on Role of Telomeres and Telomerase in Cancer and Aging. | 2008
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ćukušić, Andrea ; Ferenac Kiš, Marina ; Ivanković, Milena ; Jevtov, Irena ; Mrsić, Sanja ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomere dynamics and genome stability in human pancreatic tumor cell line MIAPaCa-2. | 2007
Škrobot, Nikolina ; Jevtov, Irena ; Ferenac, Marina ; Mršić, Sanja ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomere length dynamics and genome stbility in MiaPaca-2 cell line // Second congress of croatian geneticists : abstracts. | 2005
Ivanković, Milena ; Gotić, Ivana ; Ćukušić, Andrea ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomerase activity during growth of HeLa cells. | 2005
Ćukušić, Andrea ; Ivanković, Milena ; Gotić, Ivana ; Rubelj, Ivica | Isolation and characterisation of senescent cells from immortal human cell line MDA-MB-231. | 2005
Rubelj, Ivica | Uloga telomera u staničnom starenju // 8. Hrvatski biološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem / 8th Croatian Biological Congress with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2003. str. 65-66
Ferenac, Marina ; Polančec, Denis ; Rubelj, Ivica | Sudden Senescence Syndrome and Telomere Shortening // 45 years of Molecular biology in Croatia & 50 years of double helix : abstracts. | Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2003. str. 33-33
Jevtov, Irena ; Ferenac, Marina ; Matulić, Maja ; Škrobot, Nikolina ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomeres in genomicaly unstable cell line Mia Paca-2 // 2nd Scientific symposium with international participation 45 years of Molecular biology in Croatia & 50 years of double helix : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2003. str. 37-37
Jevtov, Irena ; Matulić, Maja ; Ferenac, Marina ; Škrobot, Nikolina ; Rubelj, Ivica | Human chromosome 1 telomere behaviour in Mouse A9 cell line // 2nd Scientific symposium with international participation 45 years of Molecular biology in Croatia & 50 years of double helix : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2003. str. 37-37
Brdar, Branko ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Čović, Marcela ; Reich, Edward | Construction, cloning and expression of cystein enriched human microurokinase // Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Jarža d.o.o., 2000. str. 76-76-x
Hranilović, Dubravka ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Jernej, Branimir | Antidepressant-induced changes of gene expression in the rat brain detected by differential display PCR // Abstracts book, Sixth World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics. | Danver (MA): Wiley-Liss, 1998. str. 484-x
Hranilović, Dubravka ; Rubelj, Ivica ; Jernej, Branimir | Differential display PCR : study on antidepressant-induced changes of gene expression in the rat brain // Knjiga sažetaka / Prvi kongres hrvatskih genetičara. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo, 1998. str. 25-x
Brdar, Branko ; Matulić, Maja ; Bušić, Milena ; Rubelj, Ivica | Intracellular Immunization of Human Immunodeficiency Virus // Periodicum Biologorum. | Zagreb: IGP Štefanović, 1998. str. 24-x
Brdar, Branko ; Reich, Edward ; Matulić, Maja ; Rubelj, Ivica | Intracellular Immunization of HIV // Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Biografika BORI d.o.o., Ljubljana, 1997. str. 53-53-x
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Salopek-Sondi, Branka; Orehovec, Iva; Lučić, Dario; Brkljačić, Lidija; Majsec, Kristina; Bogdanović, Sandro; Jasprica, Nenad; Major, Nikola; Goreta Ban, Smiljana; Farkaš, Vladimir et al. | WHAT ARE HEALTHY PHYTOCHEMICALS IN TRADITIONAL LEAFY KALE (BRASSICA OLERACEA L. VAR. ACEPHALA DC.) AND WILD CABBAGE (BRASSICA INCANA TEN.)? // Genetics & applications, special, issue, 2024. str. 57-57
Laganović, M ; Bendix, L ; Rubelj, I ; Slade, N ; Vrkić Kirhmajer, M ; Premužić, V ; Vuković Lela, I ; Jelaković, B | Duljina telomera leukocita nije povezana s ranim vaskularnim starenjem u mladih odraslih muškaraca rođenih nakon intrauterinog zastoja u rastu // Liječnički vjesnik : glasilo Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora. Suplement, 2013. str. 58-58
Karaica, Dean ; Breljak, Davorka ; Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana ; Micek, Vedran ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Rašić, Dubravka ; Peraica, Maja ; Orct, Tatjana et al. | Effect of melatonin and resveratrol on the expression of aquaporin 1 and 2 in scenecent male and female rats // FEBS Open Bio, 2018. str. 126-126
febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.comfebs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com Orct, Tatjana ; Ljubojević, Marija ; Jurasović, Jasna ; Breljak, Davorka ; Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana ; Karaica, Dean ; Micek, Vedran ; Rašić, Dubravka ; Novak Jovanović, Ivana ; Peraica, Maja et al. | Metallothionein (MT) expression and trace elements (TE) concentration in rat liver and kidney tissues ; sex differences and effect of gonadectomy // Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology, 2017. str. 51-51
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Nanić, Lucia ; Ravlić, Sanda ; Rubelj, Ivica | Telomere Q-PNA fish: insight into senescence and aging // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 44, 2016. str. 56-56
hrcak.srce.hr Rubelj, Ivica ; Nanić, Lucia ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ravlić, Sanda | Modulation of skin homeostasis and regeneration - a novel aproach // Liječnički vjesnik : glasilo Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora. Suplement, 2016. str. 28-28
Rašić, Dubravka ; Micek, Vedran ; Breljak, Davorka ; Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana ; Karaica, Dean ; Novak Jovanović, Ivana ; Gerić, Marko ; Gajski, Goran ; Jurasović, Jasna ; Ljubojević, Marija et al. | Parameters of oxidative stress in the organs of adult sham-operated and gonadectomised male and female rats // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2016. str. 36-36
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Vrhovac Madunić, Ivana; Karaica, Dean; Micek, Vedran: Ljubojević, Marija; Gerić, Marko; Gajski, Goran; Rašić, Dubravka; Peraica, Maja; Orct, Tatjana; Jurasović, Jasna; Novak Jovanović, Ivana et al. | RESVERATROL, BUT NOT MELATONIN, UPREGULATES RENAL EXPRESSION OF SODIUM-GLUCOSE COTRANSPORTER 2 (SGLT2) IN OLD MALE RATS // Biomolecular Horizons 2024: Discover, Create, Innovate | Melbourne, Australija, 22.09.2024-26.09.2024
www.bmh2024.com Rubelj, Ivica | Telomeres as main mechanism of aging // Novi dometi u dijagnostici i terapiji – era globalnih analitičkih metoda” Simpozij u povodu 40.obljetnice Kabineta za istraživanje i standardizaciju imunoloških supstancija | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 04.02.2010-04.02.2010
Rubelj, Ivica | Abrupt Telomere Shortening as a Model for Stochastic cell aging // Cell Biology and Mathematical Modelling | Hvar, Hrvatska, 07.06.2004-18.06.2004
Ferenac, Marina ; Polančec, Denis ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Pereira-Smith, Olivia M. ; Rubelj, Ivica | Early-senescing human fibroblasts do not demonstrate accelerated telomere shortening // European Workshop on Telomerase and Telomeres in cancer and aging (3 ; 2004) | Ladenburg, Njemačka, 21.11.2004-23.11.2004
Rubelj, Ivica | Can Abrupt Telomere Shortening Explain Stochastic Nature of Cellular Aging? // 3rd European Workshop on Telomerase and Telomeres in cancer and aging | Ladenburg, Njemačka, 21.11.2004-23.11.2004
Rubelj, Ivica | Abrupt telomere shortening in cell aging and cancer // Telomeres and telomerase | Cold Spring Harbor (NY), Sjedinjene Američke Države, 04.05.2005-08.05.2005
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Lučić, Dario | Analiza fenolnih spojeva i biološke aktivnosti ekstrakata raštike i divljeg kupusa / Radojčić Redovniković, Ivana ; Salopek Sondi, Branka (mentor); Rubelj, Ivica ; Pavlović, Iva (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet, 2021
Cedilak, Matea | Utjecaj ekstrakata biljaka Moltkia petraea i Micromeria croatica na zaštitu telomera, stanično starenje i proliferaciju stanica MJ90 / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2015
Stančić, Vedran | A quantitative analysis of the dynamic of telomeres in human MJ-90 hTERT cells / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2017
urn.nsk.hr Božo, Jasmin | Effects of mitochondrial complex I inhibition on the viability of normal human fibroblasts / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2016
Kralj Ines | Autotransplantacija stanica kože štakora / Rubelj Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2014
Božić Tanja | Utjecaj ljudskih proteina α-enolaze i MBP-1 na stabilizaciju telomera u mišjim fibroblastima A9 / Rubelj Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2014
Šatović, Eva | Skraćivanje telomera u kontroli rasta ljudskih fibroblasta u uvjetima in vitro / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2006
Šegota, Ivo | Analiza izvankromosomske DNA ljudskih stanica MDA-MB-231 u kulturi / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2006
Ćukušić, Andrea | IZOLACIJA I KARAKTERIZACIJA STARIH STANICA IZ BESMRTNE LINIJE MDA-MB-231 LJUDSKIH STANICA / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2004
Gotić, Ivana | Aktivnost telomeraze tijekom rasta stanica HeLa / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor); Ban, Jasna (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2004
Jevtov, Irena | Kvantitativna analiza telomerne DNA u besmrtnim stanicama sisavaca / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor); Ban, Jasna (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2003
Magistarski rad (znanstveni)
Ferenac, Marina | Dinamika skraćivanja telomera u kontroli staničnog starenja / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2005
Doktorski rad
Ćukušić Kalajžić, Andrea | STRUKTURNA KARAKTERIZACIJA TELOMERA NORMALNIH LJUDSKIH FIBROBLASTA / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011
Ferenac Kiš, Marina | Strukturne i funkcionalne promjene telomera tijekom rasta normalnih i besmrtnih stanica u kulturi / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011
Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina | Rakombinacijsko skraćivanje telomera u kontroli rasta normalnih ljudskih fibroblasta / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2010
Ivanković, Milena | Dinamika pojedinačnih telomera u kontroli rasta normalnih ljudskih stanica / Rubelj, Ivica (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2009
Publikacije - druge vrste radova
Popularni rad
Škrobot Vidaček Nikolina, Perić Maja, Rubelj Ivica | Mehanizmi starenja i kako na njih utjecati? // Priroda, 2014
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
Jedan od osnivača i prvi predsjednik Hrvatskog društva za teorijsku i matematičku biologiju osnovanog 2000. g.
Član Hrvatskog genetičkog društva, član upravnog odbora.
Član Hrvatskog društva za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju.