BODIPY fluorescentne boje za naprednu dijagnostiku i inovativnu fototerapiju (MikroFotoBodi) NPOO.C3.2.R3-I1.02.0016.
Projekt Podrška transferu tehnologije, financiran iz Mehanizma za oporavak i otpornost. Referentni broj NPOO.C3.2.R3-I1.02.0016.
12.2020-12.2023 Razvoj inovativnih formulacija kliničke prehrane (Europski fond za regionalni razvoj, IRI projekt)
Istraživačko-razvojni projekt čija sredstva su osigurana u sklopu poziva 'Jačanje kapaciteta za istraživanje, razvoj i inovacije' (IRI) iz Europskoga fonda za regionalni razvoj.
A multidisciplinary approach to discover selective drugs targeting cancer stem cells: The role of potassium transport - MultiCaST
The main goal of the proposed research is to understand cancer stem cell (CSC) biology and to develop novel CSC-directed compounds. We will strive to elucidate the molecular basis of potassium ion transport involvement in CSC-phenotype acquisition, modulation and targeting and identify key mechanisms of these processes as novel biomarkers for improved diagnostic options and innovative mechanism-based therapeutic approaches.