Posjet suradnika iz Poljske - Karolina Chrabaszcz

Sredstvima Programskog ugovora IRB-a s Ministarstvom znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske osiguran je jednomjesečni boravak dr. sc. Karoline Chrabaszcz s Institute of Nuclear Physics u Krakovu (Poljska). Tijekom boravka Karolina je učila pripravu i karakterizaciju modelnih membrana zdravih i tumorskih stanica u prisustvu kanabidiola, što joj je pomoglo u boljem razumijevanju podataka s matične institucije na zdravim i tumorskim stanicama. Svoje domaćine podučila je primjeni kemometrijskih alata u obradi FTIR spektara. Također je održala kolokvij pod naslovom: "Cannabidiol's double role in tumor targeting and neuroprotection through spectroscopic eyes".
Sažetak predavanja:
Cannabidiol (CBD) has emerged as a promising adjunct in cancer therapy due to its potent anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and antioxidant properties. While CBD’s efficacy in central nervous system tumors has been explored, its role in radiotherapy of peripheral nervous system (PNS) tumors remains unknown. Given the risks of stereotactic radiosurgery (STR), which targets tumors in challenging areas but can damage surrounding normal tissues and cause side effects, there is a critical need for supportive compounds that enhance tumor targeting while protecting adjacent healthy cells. In this study, we investigate CBD as a potential modulator in PNS radiotherapy, evaluating its influence on cancer and normal cell susceptibility to ionizing radiation. Through a comprehensive spectroscopic approach, including Raman, FT-IR, and AFM-IR imaging, we analyze CBD’s effects on biomolecular composition in both normal and cancerous PNS cell lines. These techniques provide valuable insights into biochemical changes associated with the proposed therapy. Using FT-IR and Raman hyperspectral imaging, we capture general biochemical shifts, notably in protein secondary structures (α-helices vs. β-sheets), DNA and lipid content. AFM-IR nanoscale spatial resolution enable a more precise examination of localized alterations, uncovering specific modifications in phosphate bands, and cholesteryl ester distributions within cells. These nanoscale findings underscore the molecular dynamics modulated by CBD and ionizing radiation, highlighting CBD’s potential role in altering cell morphology and enhancing selective radioprotection. Our results suggests that label-free spectroscopic imaging offers a rapid and effective approach to assess cellular response to radiotherapy, facilitating targeted treatment strategies for PNS tumors.