dr. sc. Tatjana Šumanovac
10000 Zagreb
2011. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, kemija, organska kemija, dr.sc. kemije
2001. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, kemija, organska kemija, mr.sc. kemije
1995. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, kemija, dipl. ing. kemije
Nagrade i priznanja
2002. Godišnja nagrada Društva sveučilišnih nastavnika i drugih znanstvenika u Zagrebu mladim znanstvenicima i umjetnicima
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Pinacho, Pablo; Loru, Donatella; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana; Šekutor, Marina; Schnell, Melanie | Increasing Complexity in Adamantyl Thioethers Characterized by Rotational Spectroscopy // ChemPhysChem, 24 (2023), 23; e202300561, 8. doi: 10.1002/cphc.202300561
doichemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
King, David ; Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Murkli, Steven ; Schreiner, R. Peter ; Šekutor, Marina ; Isaacs, Lyle | Cucurbit[8]uril Forms Tight Complexes with Cationic Triamantanes // New journal of chemistry, 47 (2023), 5338-5346. doi: 10.1039/d3nj00156c
doipubs.rsc.org -
Mioč, Marija ; Telbisz, Ágnes ; Radman, Katarina ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Sarkadi, Balázs ; Kralj, Marijeta | Interaction of crown ethers with the ABCG2 transporter and their implication for multidrug resistance reversal // Histochemistry and cell biology, 158 (2022), 261-277. doi: 10.1007/s00418-022-02106-z
doilink.springer.comdoi.org -
Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Alešković, Marija ; Šekutor, Marina ; Matković, Marija ; Baron, Thibaut ; Mlinarić-Majerski ; Bohne, Cornelia ; Basarić, Nikola | Photoelimination of Nitrogen from Adamantane and Pentacycloundecane (PCU) Diazirines: Spectroscopic Study and Supramolecular Control // Photochemical & photobiological sciences, 18 (2019), 1806-1822. doi: 10.1039/C9PP00124G
doiwww.doi.orgpubs.rsc.org -
Guberović, Iva ; Marjanović, Marko ; Mioč, Marija ; Ester, Katja ; Martin-Kleiner, Irena ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kralj, Marijeta | Crown ethers reverse P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance in cancer cells // Scientific reports, 8 (2018), 1; 14467, 14. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32770-y
doiwww.nature.comfulir.irb.hr -
Husak, Antonija ; Noichl, Benjamin P. ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Sohora, Margareta ; Škalamera, Đani ; Budiša, Nediljko ; Basarić, Nikola | Photochemical formation of quinone methides from peptides containing modified tyrosine // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 14 (2016), 10894-10905. doi: 10.1039/C6OB02191C
doipubs.rsc.org -
Škalamera, Đani ; Husak, Antonija ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana | Kinon-metidi (II. dio): Fotokemijsko generiranje i razvoj primjene u fotokemoterapiji // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 66 (2017), 9-10; 481-504. doi: 10.15255/KUI.2016.030
doihrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Sohora, Margareta ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Basarić, Nikola | Photodecarboxylation of N-Adamantyl- and N-Phenylphthalimide Dipeptide Derivatives // Croatica chemica acta, 87 (2014), 4; 431-446. doi: 10.5562/cca2482
doihrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Sohora, Margareta ; Antol, Ivana ; Kontrec, Darko ; Basarić, Nikola ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Memory of chirality in the phthalimide photocyclization of adamantane dipeptides // Tetrahedron letters, 55 (2014), 30; 4078-4081. doi: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.05.118
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Despotović, Ines ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Synthesis and alkali metal complexation studies of novel cage-functionalized cryptands // Tetrahedron, 69 (2013), 49; 10610-10620. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2013.10.039
doiac.els-cdn.comwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Bertoša, Branimir | Alkali metal ion complexation of adamantane functionalized diaza-bibracchial lariat ethers // Croatica chemica acta, 85 (2012), 4; 559-568. doi: 10.5562/cca2100
doihrcak.srce.hr -
Supek, Fran ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Marjanović, Marko ; Buljubašić, Maja ; Kragol, Goran ; Ilić, Nataša ; Šmuc, Tomislav ; Zahradka, Davor ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kralj, Marijeta | Could LogP be a principal determinant of biological activity in 18-crown-6 ethers? Synthesis of biologically active adamantane-substituted diaza-crowns // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 46 (2011), 8; 3444-3454. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2011.05.009
doiwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.govwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kragol, Goran ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana | Transannular Cyclization with Grignard Reagents: Facile Synthetic Routes to Oxaadamantane and Protoadamantane Derivatives // Synlett, 2008 (2008), 3; 405-409. doi: 10.1055/s-2008-1032054
doiwww.thieme-connect.de Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana | Synthesis and alkali metal binding properties of novel N-adamantylaza-crown ethers // Tetrahedron, 58 (2002), -; 4893-4898-x
Marchand, A.P. ; Kumar, K.A. ; McKim, A.S. ; Alihodžić, Sulejman ; Chong, H-S. ; Krishnudu, K. ; Takhi, M. ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kragol, Goran ; Šumanovac, Tatjana | Novel cage-annulated crown ethers, cryptands and molecular boxes : a new class of ionophores for selective ion complexation // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 50 (2001), 3; 129-138
Hayashita, T. ; Higuchi, T. ; Sawano, H. ; Marchand, A.P. ; Kumar, K.A. ; Bott, S.G. ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Elkarim, N.S.A. ; Hwang, H-S. et al. | Molecular design of lipophilic disalicylic acid compounds with varying spacers for selective lead(II) extraction // Talanta, 52 (2000), 3; 385-396-x
Marchand, Alan P. ; Alihodžić, Sulejman ; McKim, Artie S. ; Kumar, Kaipenchery A. ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Bott, Simon G. | Synthesis and alkali metal picrate extraction compatibilities of a 4-oxahexacyclo[, 6).0(3, 1)0.0)5, 9).0(8, 11)]dodecane-derived Cryptand : a new ionophore for selective ion comlexation // Tetrahedron letters, 39 (1998), 14; 1861-1864-x
Stručni rad
Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana | Fanska nomenklatura II dio: Promjena stupnja hidrogenacije i supstitucije derivata osnovnih fanskih hidrida // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 59 (2010), 6; 295-310
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Škalamera, Đani ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Husak, Antonija | Kinon-metidi (I. dio): Reaktivni međuprodukti u kemiji fenola i njihova primjena u organskoj sintezi // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 66 (2017), 7-8; 353-372. doi: 10.15255/KUI.2016.029
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Ester, Katja ; Spurny, Pavel ; Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Majerski, Kata ; Ludwig, Jost ; Kralj, Marijeta | Narušavanje integriteta plazmatske membrane u stanicama raka dojke i staničnom modelu epitelno- mezenhimske tranzicije posredstvom adamantanskog krunastog etera // Zbornik sažetaka 14. hrvatskog biološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem = Book of abstracts of the 14th Croatian biological congress with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2022. str. 112-113
Jurić, Zrinko ; Mandić, Aleksandar ; Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Šekutor, Marina ; Škalamera, Đani | Preparation and Conformational Analysis of 1,1'- Biadamantane and its Derivatives // 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 5th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 175-175
27hskiki.hkd.hr Alešković, Marija ; Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Matković, Marija ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Šekutor, Marina ; Basarić, Nikola | From polycyclic diazirines to carbenes: supramolecular control of photoreactivity // 691. WE-Heraeus-seminar / Physical organic chemistry: Recent development in istrumentation, structure, theory and mechanisms. | 2019. str. 1-1
Ester, Katja ; Mioč, Marija ; Gabrilo, Jelena ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Marjanović, Marko ; Spurny, Pavel ; Bonhenry, Daniel ; Šumanovac-Ramljak, Tatjana ; Jost, Ludwig ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata et al. | Crown ether compound 613 as a small molecule with good antitumor potential: investigation of membrane perturbation and changes in ion homeostasis // COST BM 1406 Eight Meeting : Abstract Book. | 2018. str. 24-24
Basarić, Nikola ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Alešković, Marija ; Šekutor, Marina ; Matković, Marija ; Bohne, Cornelia ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Photoelimination of Nitrogen from Polycyclic Diazirines: Spectroscopic Study and Supramolecular Control of Photoreactivity // Central European Conference on Photochemistry (CECP 2018) : Book of Abstracts. | Bad Hofgastein, 2018. str. O12-O12
Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Alešković, Marija ; Matković, Marija ; Basarić, Nikola ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Photoelimination of nitrogen from polycyclic diazirines in inclusion complexes // 20th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry Book of Abstracts. | Köln: University of Cologne, 2017. str. 102-102
Ester, Katja ; Spurny, Pavel ; Šumanovac-Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Ludwig, Jost ; Kralj, Marijeta | Measurements of ion fluxes in breast cell lines using Microelectrode flux estimation // COST BM1406 Fourth Meeting Abstract book. | 2017. str. 20-20
Ester, Katja; Marjanović, Marko; Guberović, Iva; Uzelac, Lidija; Mikecin Dražić, Ana-Matea; Martin Kleiner, Irena; Šumanovac-Ramljak, Tatjana; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata; Schreibmayer, Wolfgang; Kralj, Marijeta | Manipulation of bioelectrical properties in breast cancer stem cell model // 4th Meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with International Participation "From Bench to Clinic" : Book of Abstracts, Libri Oncologici : Croatian Journal of Oncology, Vol. 44 No. 1 / Ozretić, Petar ; Levanat, Sonja (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2016. str. 31.-31
Ester, Katja ; Schreibmayer, Wolfgang ; Šumanovac-Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kralj, Marijeta | Resting potential of cancer stem cells // COST BM1406 Second Meeting Abstract Book. | 2016. str. 22-22
Husak, Antonija ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Basarić, Nikola | Sinteza tripeptida s ugrađenim modificiranim tirozinom // XI. Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = XI Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2016. str. ---
Husak, Antonija ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Basarić, Nikola | Synthesis of photo-activable oligopeptides for targeting biomolecules // E-Wispoc 2016 / Functional Surfaces in Chemistry and Biology. | Brixen, 2016. str. 51-x
Ester, Katja ; Guberović, Iva ; Marjanović, Marko ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Mikecin, Ana-Matea ; Martin- Kleiner, Irena ; Šumanovac-Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kralj, Marijeta | Modulation of Multiple Drug Resistance by Proprietary Potassium Ionophores in Breast Cancer Stem Cell Model // Molecules of Life, FEBS3+ Meeting. | Ljubljana: Slovenian Biochemical Society, 2015. str. 249-249
Sohora, Margareta ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Basarić, Nikola | Synthesis and photochemistry of novel n-phthalimido dipeptides // 23. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = 23. Croatian meeting of chemists and chemical engineers : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2013. str. 157-157
www.hdki.hr Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Marjanović, Marko ; Kralj, Marijeta | Adamantane derivatives of aza-crown ethers and their use in treatment of tumor // XXII. HRVATSKI SKUP KEMIČARA I KEMIJSKIH INŽENJERA. | Zagreb, 2011. str. 127-x
Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | SYNTHESIS AND BINDING PROPERTIES OF NOVEL ADAMANTANE FUNCTIONALIZED DIAZA-BIBRACCHIAL LARIAT ETHERS // Chemistry - the Creative Force. | Nürnberg, 2010
Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana | Synthesis and alkali metal picrate extraction capabilities of adamantane-derived cryptands // Eleventh Tetrahedron Symposium, Peking, Kina (2010). | 2010
Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kragol, Goran ; Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana | Transannular cyclization with Grignard reagents: an efficient synthesis of oxaadamantane and protoadamantane derivatives // 15th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry ; ESOC 15. | Dublin, 2007. str. 272-x
Šumanovac-Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Novi adamantano-kriptandi // knjiga sažetaka, XVIII. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb: -, 2003. str. 57-57-x
Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Synthesis and alkali metal binding properties of novel adamantyl-aza-crown ethers // 8th European Symposium on Organic Reactivity (ESOR-8) : book of abstracts. | 2001. str. 238-238
Marchand, A.P. ; Kumar, K.A. ; McKim, A.S. ; Alihodžić, S. ; Chong, H-S. ; Krishnudu, K. ; Takhi, M. ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kragol, Goran ; Šumanovac, Tatjana | Crown ethers, cryptands and molecular boxes derived from functionalized pentacyclo-[, 6.03, 10.05, 9]undecane-4, 11-diones. A new class of ionophores for selective ion complexation // Lodz 2000. , Program zjazdu. | Łódź: Wydawnictwo Univerytetu Lodzkiego, 2000. str. 8-8-x
Marchand, A.P. ; Kumar, K.A. ; McKim, A.S. ; Alihodžić, Sulejman ; Chong, H.-S. ; Krishnudu, K. ; Takhi, M. ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kragol, Goran ; Šumanovac, Tatjana | Novel cage-annulated crown ethers, cryptands, and molecular boxes: A new class of ionophores for selective ion complexation // CECM-1 , Book of Abstracts. | Varaždin: -, 2000. str. 32-32-x
Marchand, Alan P. ; Kumar, Kaipenchery A. ; McKim, Artie S. ; Alihodžić, Sulejman ; Chong H.S. ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kragol, Goran ; Šumanovac, Tatjana | Novel cage-annulated crown ethers, cryptands, and molecular boxes: A new class of lonophores for selective ion complexation // VIIIeme Colloque Franco-Polonais. | Łódź: Universite de Lodz, 1999. str. 40-40-x
Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Sinteza i karakterizacija novih adamantil-aza-krunastih etera / Synthesis and characterization of novel adamantyl-aza-crown ethers // XV. Meeting of Croatian Chemists and Chemical Engineers : abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 1997. str. 91-91-x
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Guberović, Iva; Marjanović, Marko; Ester, Katja; Martin-Kleiner, Irena; Šumanovac-Ramljak, Tatjana; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata; Kralj, Marijeta | Proprietary crown ethers significantly inhibit P-glycoprotein activity // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 44, 1, 2016. str. 34-34
hrcak.srce.hr -
Guberović, Iva ; Marjanović, Marko ; Ester, Katja ; Mikecin, Ana- Matea ; Martin-Kleiner, Irena ; Šumanovac-Ramljak, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kralj, Marijeta | The effects and molecular mechanisms of crown ethers on drug efflux pumps // European journal of cancer (1990), 2016. str. S112-S113. doi: 10.1016/S0959-8049(16)61398-9
Prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Ester, Katja; Mioč, Marija; Spurny, Pavel; Bonhenry, Daniel; Uzelac, Lidija; Šumanovac, Tatjana; Majerski, Kata; Minofar, Babak; Ludwig, Jost; Kralj, Marijeta | Small hydrophobic molecules in multi-targeted cancer therapy: disruption of plasma membrane and mitochondrial functions // Oncology insights, 1, 2023. str. 30-31
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Magistarski rad (znanstveni)
Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana | Sinteza i svojstva novih aza-krunastih etera s adamantanskim jedinicama / Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata (mentor); Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2001
Doktorski rad
Šumanovac Ramljak, Tatjana | Cryptands with incorporated cage molecules : synthesis and properties / Majerski, Kata (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Mandić, Aleksandar | Razvoj sintetskog puta za pripravu konjugata D-glukoze i dietilentriaminpentaoctene kiseline (DTPA) / Škalamera, Đani; Šekutor, Marina (mentor); Šumanovac, Tatjana (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2023
Publikacije - druge vrste radova
Jurić, Zrinko ; Mandić, Aleksandar | Priprava i konformacijska analiza 1,1'-biadamantana i njegovih derivata, 2021
Šumanovac, Tatjana ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata | Synthesis and properties of novel adamantane functionalized cryptands // WISOR VIII, Bressanone 1999., 1999
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
Član Hrvatskog kemijskog društva