Laboratory for inorganic environmental geochemistry and chemodynamics of nanoparticles
The Laboratory for Inorganic Environmental Geochemistry and Chemodynamics of Nanoparticles focuses on research in the field of inorganic geochemistry and biogeochemistry of aquatic environments, with special attention to sedimentary systems.

The Laboratory for Inorganic Environmental Geochemistry and Chemodynamics of Nanoparticles focuses on research in the field of inorganic geochemistry and biogeochemistry of aquatic environments, with special attention to sedimentary systems. The research group uses state-of-art equipment to address fundamental issues on how marine and freshwater systems work, linking the distribution, speciation, and behavior of trace metals and inorganic species in aquatic environments with the aim to expand our knowledge about their biogeochemical cycles and anthropogenic pressures on the environment. Extensive analytical capabilities allow for the sensitive and detailed characterization of a large suite of inorganic and organometallic species.