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Dr. Ivica Vilibić

Senior scientist with tenure (in the permanent title)

Ruđer Bošković Institute
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb

Curriculum vitae


- 1994: B.Sc. in Meteorology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia

- 1998: M.Sc. in Physical Oceanography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia

- 2002: Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Research Areas

Specific research interests



- 2024-: Adriatic coastal areas science-based solutions for climate adaptation (AdriaClimPlus), Interreg Italy-Croatia, RBI coordinator

- 2023-: Global science of meteotsunamis: from planetary to mesoscale processes (GLOMETS), Croatian Science Foundation, principal investigator

- 2023-: Centre of Excellence in Solid Earth – Phase 2 (ChEESE-2P), Horizon Europe, researcher


2021-2023: Using stochastic surrogate methods for advancing towards reliable meteotsunami early warning systems, ECMWF Special Project, project leader

- 2021-2023: Numerical modelling of the Adriatic-Ionian decadal and inter-annual oscillations: from realistic simulations to process-oriented studies, ECMWF Special Project, researcher

- 2020-2022: Bivalves: Archives of environmental change in the coastal marine ecosystems (BivACME), Croatian Science Foundation, researcher

- 2019-2023: Middle Adriatic upwelling and downwelling (MAUD), Croatian Science Foundation project, consultant

- 2019-2021: Coastal Autopurification Assessment Technology (CAAT), Programme IRI2017 „Investment in Research and Innovation“ – EU Structural Funds, researcher

2019-2021: Integrated hydrographic system for sustainable development of the marine ecosystem (HIDROLAB), Programme IRI2017 „Investment in Research and Innovation“ – EU Structural Funds, IOF coordinator

- 2019-2021: Adaption booster for climate change (RESPONSe), Interreg Croatia-Italy programme, researcher

2019-2021: Ecological observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity (ECOSS), Interreg Croatia-Italy programme, IOF coordinator

2019-2021: Climate challenges on coastal and transitional changing environments: Weaving a cross-Adriatic response (CHANGE WE CARE), Interreg Croatia-Italy programme, IOF coordinator

2017-2021: The Adriatic decadal and interannual oscillations: observations, modelling and consequences (ADIOS), Croatian Science Foundation, Principal Investigator

2016-2021: BLUEMED, Horizon 2020 project, Coordinated and Support Action, IOF coordinator

- 2015-2019: Sclerochronology as a tool for detecting long-term Adriatic environmental changes (SCOOL), Croatian Science Foundation, researcher

- 2015-2017: Meteotsunamis, destructive long ocean waves in the tsunami frequency band: from observations and simulations towards a warning system (MESSI), UKF Fund project, researcher

- 2015-2017: Praćenje potencijalno opasnih oscilacija razine mora i njihov doprinos poplavama obalnih područja u budućoj klimi (POZOR), Fund for Environment and Energetic Efficiency, researcher

- 2014-2017: Bio-tracing Adriatic water masses (BIOTA), Croatian Science Foundation Installation Grant, consultant

- 2013-2017: Towards an alliance of European research fleets (EUROFLEET-II), FP7 project, researcher

- 2013-2015: Strengthening common reaction capacity to fight sea pollution of oil, toxic and hazardous substances in Adriatic Sea (HAZADR), IPA CBC Adriatic project, researcher

- 2011-2015: Policy-oriented marine environmental research for the Southern European Seas (PERSEUS), FP7 project, researcher

2013-2015: Interpreting and forecasting Adriatic surface currents by an artificial brain (NEURAL), UKF Fund project, Principal Investigator

2007-2013: Investigations and monitoring systems for the unusual Adriatic dynamics, national research grant 001-0013077-1122, project leader

- 2007-2013: The role of the planktonic communities in the energy and substance cycles in the Adriatic Sea, national research grant 001-0013077-0845, researcher

2011-2013: Towards a meteotsunami warning system along the U.S. coastline (TMEWS), NOAA/NWS USA Department of Commerce grant NA11NWS4670005, Principal Investigator

- 2006-2011: Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes (SESAME), EU FP6 project, researcher

2009-2010: Application of advanced algorithms in operational oceanography (IP-OCEAN), national IT project, project manager

- 2007-2008: North Adriatic Surface Current Mapping (NASCUM), Croatian-Italian project Interreg IIIa, researcher

- 1998-2008: Project ADRIATIC, national monitoring programme, researcher

- 2005-2007: Internal Tidal Hydrodynamics and Ambient Characteristics of the Adriatic (ITHACA) - bilateral USA-Croatian project, researcher

- 2003-2006: Atmosphere-Adriatic system, national research grant 0119330, researcher

- 2004-2006: Structural and trophic changes in the Adriatic shelf pelagial, national research grant 0001001, researcher

- 2005-2006: ADRICOSM EXTension, multilateral project of the Adriatic countries, researcher

2001-2005: European Sea Level Service – Research Infrastructure (ESEAS-RI), EU FP5 funded project, researcher and coordinator for Hydrographic Institute

- 2004-2005: Weather and climate of the Adriatic Sea, national IT project, project manager

- 2003-2004: A course in oceanography, national IT project, project manager

- 2001-2004: East Adriatic Circulation Experiment (EACE) – bilateral American-Croatian project, researcher

2001-2002: Adriatic sea level and tides on-line, national IT project, project leader

- 2000-2001: Sea level in the northern Adriatic - phenomenological aspects and modelling, bilateral Italian-Croatian project, researcher

Awards and Achievements

- 1999: National Young Scientist Award in the field of Natural Sciences

- 2002: Ferruccio Mosetti Prize, Honorable Mention

- 2012: National Scientist Award in the field of Natural Sciences

Publications - authored books

Monografija (znanstvena)


  • (European Marine Board) Matijević, Slavica; Beaumont, Nicola; Aminian Biquet, Juliette; Blanco Gonzalez, Enrique; Calderwood, Julia; de Winter, Renske; Fonseca, Tainá; Frias, João; Giannakourou, Antonia; Grant, Fiona et al. | Navigating the Future VI: Placing the Ocean within the wider Earth system. Ostend: Archimer - Archive Institutionnelle de l'Ifremer, Heymans, Sheila J. J. (ur.), 2024. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13329469


Publications - editorial books

Zbornik sažetaka s konferencije

Publications - book chapters

Izvorni znanstveni rad

Publications - journal articles

Izvorni znanstveni rad

Stručni rad

Pregledni rad (znanstveni)

Kratko priopćenje

Data paper

Publications - conference proceedings

Izvorni znanstveni rad

Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Stručni rad


Prošireni sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Publications - Conference journals

Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Izvorni znanstveni rad

Publications - Conference unpublished

Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Publications - Graded papers

Magistarski rad (znanstveni)

Doktorski rad

Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)

Other Publications


Popularni rad


Membership in professional associations / societies

- American Geophysical Union (AGU)

- European Geosciences Union (EGU)

- Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée (CIESM)

- International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO)


- Sara Medak, undergraduate student training, 2020-

- Iva Tojčić, PhD student, 2020-

- Petra Pranić, PhD student, 2019-

- Petra Zemunik, PhD student, 2018-

- Clea Denamiel, postdoctoral researcher, 2017-2020

- Cyril Diamantopoulos, undergraduate student training, 2017

- Mehdi Guebba, undergraduate student training, 2017

- Celia Bolzer, undergraduate student training, 2017

- Oussama Marzouk, undergraduate student training, 2017

- Sebastien Delort, undergraduate student training, 2016

- Khady Mbow, undergraduate student training, 2016

- Natalija Dunić, PhD student, 2015-2019, postdoctoral researcher, 2020-

- Nicolas Buisson, undergraduate student training, 2015

- Romain Leppe, undergraduate student training, 2015

- Amaury Lafon, undergraduate student training, 2014

- Loïc Macheboeuf, undergraduate student training, 2014

- Hrvoje Kalinić, postdoctoral researcher, 2014-2016

- Hrvoje Mihanović, postdoctoral researcher, 2014-2016

- Natalija Dunić, undergraduate student, 2012-

- Simon Pasquet, postdoctoral researcher, 2012

- Jeremie Rotier, undergraduate student training, 2012

- Remi Marchand, undergraduate student training, 2012

- Nikolina Rako, PhD student, 2011-

- Jadranka Šepić, PhD student, 2007-2015, postdoctoral researcher, 2015

- Nicolas Proust, undergraduate student training, 2011

- Francois Charrayre, undergraduate student training, 2011

- Zoran Adam Gaxotte, undergraduate student training, 2009

- Lydie Denis, undergraduate student training, 2008



The 12th HyMeX Workshop, 20-24 May 2019, Split, Croatia, Chair of the Organising Committee

The First World Conference on Meteotsunamis, 8-11 May 2019, Split, Croatia, Chair of Science and Organising Committee

Meteotsunamis and High-Frequency Sea-Level Phenomena of Meteorological Origin, AGU Fall Meeting Session, San Francisco, USA, 3-7 December 2012, Lead Convener

International Symposium on 80th Anniversary of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries: Towards the Excellence in Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, 21-22 October 2010, Organisation Committee member

International Symposium on Meteotsunamis: 30th Anniversary of the Great Flood of Vela Luka on 21 June 1978, Vela Luka, Croatia, 19-21 June 2008, Chair of the Organising Committee

Sea Level Variations: Towards an Operational European Sea Level Service, Final Workshop of ESEAS-RI project, Split, 5-6 October 2005, Chair of the Organising Committee

- Sea Level in Europe: Observation, Interpretation and Exploitation, Final Workshop of COST40 Action, Dubrovnik, 19-21 September 2001, Organisation Committee member 



- Associate Editor/Editor in journals Frontiers in Marine Sciences, Natural Hazards, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Geofizika, Acta Adriatica



- 2005-: UNESCO IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS), national representative

- 2006-2013: National Commission for the Framework Programme, member

- 2008-2013: National Council for Innovation System, member

- 2011-2013: FP7 Programme Committee for Environment and Climate Change, national expert delegate

- 2011-2013: Scientific Committee for Natural Sciences of the Croatian Science Foundation, member

- 2011-2013: Executive Council of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), national representative

- 2011-: European Marine Board, representative of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries

- 2012-2016: Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karstic Reclamation, chair of Governing Board

- 2013-2020: Horizon 2020 Programme Committee member for Societal Challenge 2

- 2013-2016: National Commission for the Framework Programme, chair

- 2013-: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Council for the Adriatic Sea research, member

- 2014-2016: Croatian Committee on Ethics in Science and Higher Education, member

- 2015-2018: European Network of Research Integrity Offices, delegate

- 2015-2019: BLUEMED Initiative, national delegate

- 2016-2018: Croatian Committee on Ethics in Science and Higher Education, chair

- 2016-: Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Oceans, national delegate

- 2016-2017: UNESCO Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG) for the Declaration on the Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change, member

- 2020-: EuroGOOS Tide Gauge Task Team, member

- 2020-: European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) Operations Committee, member

- 2020-: JPI Oceans Science for Good Environmental Status (S4GES) Group of Experts, member

- 2021-: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee of the European Geoscience Union (EGU)

- 2023-: EGU EDI Award Committee

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