Laboratory for physical oceanography and chemistry of aquatic systems

Our research is intended to improve understanding and generally involves laboratory or field investigations and data analysis designed to answer specific questions and test hypotheses.There search undertaken by LFKVS is based on the research contract with the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and on time-limited projects that are required to meet an agreed schedule of milestones and targets consistent with LFKVS aims. Therefore, our research goals are:
- Understanding the functioning of aquatic ecosystems involving the role of organic matter and its interaction with metal ions in physical and biogeochemical processes in natural waters, atmosphere and at natural interfaces related to natural and eutrophication processes at different seasides (mucilage phenomena in the Adriatic Sea) and inland locations (watershed, lakes, national parks).
- Determination, distribution and speciation of inorganic and organic reduced sulphur compounds and their role in oxic-anoxic conditions, with special emphasysis on the special role in the dissolved, coloidal and the particulate phases.
- The application of knowledge in development of new methods and techniques for water and air research and monitoring.